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Physiotherapy Theory and Practice

An International Journal of Physiotherapy
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An eye for movement quality: A phenomenological study
of movement quality reflecting a group of
physiotherapists' understanding of the phenomenon
Liv H. Skjaerven a; Kjell Kristoffersen b; Gunvor Gard c
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Bergen
University College, Bergen, Norway
Section of Nursing Science, Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Lund,

Online Publication Date: 01 January 2008

To cite this Article: Skjaerven, Liv H., Kristoffersen, Kjell and Gard, Gunvor (2008) 'An eye for movement quality: A
phenomenological study of movement quality reflecting a group of physiotherapists' understanding of the phenomenon ',
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 24:1, 13 - 27
To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/01460860701378042


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Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 24(1):13–27, 2008

ISSN: 0959-3985 print/1532-5040 online
DOI: 10.1080/01460860701378042

An eye for movement quality: A phenomenological

study of movement quality reflecting a group of
physiotherapists’ understanding of the phenomenon
Liv H Skjaerven,1 Kjell Kristoffersen,2 and Gunvor Gard3
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway
Section of Nursing Science, Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Movement quality is a phenomenon frequently used by physiotherapists in oral language, written

text, and clinical practice, with little clarification. The purpose was to investigate the lived experiences
of a group of expert physiotherapists, searching for essential features and characteristics of the
phenomenon. A phenomenological study, using in-depth interviews was chosen. Ten copies of Fine Art
were used to stimulate the description of the phenomenon. The informants were 15 peer-designated
physiotherapists, five from each field of neurology, psychosomatic/psychiatry and primary health care.
They were nominated by physical therapist leaders in the region. The interviews were audiotaped and
transcribed. Giorgis’ recommendation concerning analysis of the interview data was followed. Four
main themes were developed, seeing movement quality as biomechanical, physiological, psycho-socio-
cultural, and existential, all interacting processes. Each theme includes preconditions to movement
quality and movement characteristics. Movement quality in general was seen as a unifying phenomenon,
representing a synthesis of the four themes. The outcome of the study is the Movement Quality Model
(MQM) illuminating essential features and characteristics of the phenomenon. Further research is
needed for clarification and application in clinical practice.

information that always has been available in

Introduction clinical practice. Examining what kinds of
Movement quality is a phenomenon frequently knowledge experts in human movement use and
used by physiotherapists in oral language, their view on human movement is important for
written text, and clinical practice, with little understanding how expert clinicians work and
clarification. The purpose of this study was to reflect on their practice (Jensen, Gwyer, Hack,
explore the understanding of movement quality and Shepard, 1999; Jensen, Gwyer, Shepard,
based on clinical descriptions of a group of and Hack, 2000).
expert physiotherapists. The physiotherapist’s primary role is dealing
Expertise can be defined as having the ability with human movement. The assessment of
to do the right thing at the right time (Jensen, movement dysfunction through observation or
Gwyer, Shepard, and Hack, 2000; Resnik and guiding the patients’ movement is a core aspect.
Jensen, 2003), acknowledging the deep well of Physiotherapists have long debated the role of

Accepted for publication 15 March 2007.

This article is not subject to United States copyright laws.
Address correspondence to Liv H Skjaerven, Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Bergen
University College, Møllendalsvei 6 5009 Bergen, Norway. E-mail:

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14 Skjaerven et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 13–27

movement dysfunction as the unique aspect of Gross Motor Performance Measure (GMPM) was
the discipline of physiotherapy. This article aims developed to evaluate quality of movement,
at developing the concept of human movement including five attributes of quality: alignment,
from a health perspective focusing on features coordination, dissociated movements, stability,
and characteristics of movement quality. and weight shift (Boyce et al, 1995; Gowland
et al, 1995). Control, speed, and smoothness are
Background presented as vital aspects in relation to quality
(Hickey and Ziviani, 1998). Although assessing
Movement quality has been described as an movement quality is difficult and is arguable,
important diagnostic aspect of psychopathological it is documented that the development of the
disorders both in German expression psychology GMPM has facilitated the process (Thomas
and in psychiatric literature (Wallbott, 1985; et al, 2001).
Wallbott, 1989). This is demonstrated in a historic Influential literature concerning preterm
overview on movement quality aspects as indica- infants’ quality of general movement has shown
tors of psychopathological state as well as on to have considerable power in predicting neuro-
measurement for describing movements (Wallbott, logical outcomes in preterm infants with brain
1989). Movement quality is described as the way in damage (Geerdink and Hopkins, 1993a; Geerdink
which human movements are executed with respect and Hopkins, 1993b; Geerdink, Hopkins, and
to the dimensions of time and space. In a study of Hoeksma, 1994). The term ‘‘general movements’’
hand movement quality, the phenomenon includes means observing the whole body: arms, legs,
circumference, velocity, and acceleration (Wallbott, trunk, and head in one. The assessment of
1985). Psychiatric literature, dance studies, and movement quality was based on a global impres-
expression psychology reveal a large number sion of the child. Optimal quality was assigned
of descriptions of movement quality, including when an integrated (organized) appearance of
poetic and impressionistic aspects of movement complexity, fluency, variability in speed, ampli-
(Wallbott, 1985). tude, and elegancy was observed (Geerdink and
According to Prohl (1986), movement quality Hopkins, 1993a; Geerdink, Hopkins, and
includes both bodily and mental characteristics. Hoeksma, 1994). Attainment of a midline posi-
Its description includes objective-physical char- tion in supine was found to be indicative of a
acteristics as well as subjective-psychological marked improvement in postural stabilization and
(aesthetical) characteristics of motor (internal) movement quality (Geerdink, Hopkins, and
and movement (external) perception (Prohl, Hoeksma, 1994). The neurological investigation
1986, s 532). This work underlines that the was based on the Precthls’ Method (Kakebeeke,
nature of a person is expressed in the quality of von Siebenthal, and Largo, 1997; Kakebeeke,
the movement (Prohl, 1986). von Siebenthal, and Largo, 1998). Assessing the
In the treatment of children with cerebral palsy, quality of spontaneous general movement in
several studies have searched for appropriate newborn infants has been a focus of attention in
evaluation instruments in the area of quality of research and in clinical practice (van Kranen-
movement (Boyce, Gowland, Hardy, Rosenbaum, Mastenbroek et al, 1994; Bos, 1998; Bos, Martijn,
Lane, Plews, Goldsmith, and Russel, 1991; Okkne, and Prechtl, 1998; Bos et al, 1998;
Beauregard, Thomas, and Nelson, 1998; Hickey Hadders-Algra and Groothius, 1999; Hadders-
and Ziviani, 1998). Ten measurements of quality Algra, 2004; Einspieler and Prechtl, 2005).
of movement, or gross motor performance, The phenomenon of movement quality has
were published between 1965 and 1990, including been frequently referred to by the French psycho-
description of quality of movement components therapist and movement educator Dropsy
(Boyce, Gowland, Rosenbaum, Lane, Plews, (Dropsy, 1987; Dropsy, 1988; Dropsy, 1998;
Goldsmith, Russel, Wright, and Zdrobov, 1991). Skjærven, 1999). He emphasizes the mind’s
Investigations of upper-limb motor function, influence on movement quality, stating: ‘‘It is the
including items of movement quality, such as tar- mind that gives the quality to movement’’
get accuracy, grasp, release, and fluency have been (Skjærven, 1999, p 88). Within the psychiatric
made (Boyce, Gowland, Hardy, and Rosenbaum, and psychosomatic physiotherapy, movement
1991; Bach et al, 1994; Johnson et al, 1994). The quality is used in Basic Body Awareness Therapy.
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Skjaerven et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 13–27 15

The descriptions refer to grounding, stability in aim of using phenomenology was to transform
the central line, centering, breathing, flexibility, lived experiences into textual expression of its
and flow (Roxendal and Nordwall, 1997; essence (van Manen, 1997).
Lundvik-Gyllensten, 2001). Movement quality
has been further described on that background Informants
(Skjærven, Gard, and Kristoffersen, 2003).
The literature review illustrates attempts to A selection process for gathering a group of
isolate features and characteristics influencing the physiotherapists as informants was designed. This
understanding of the phenomenon of movement was done by making a nominee committee of
quality. The literature shows two levels in the local chief physiotherapists, covering the three
phenomenon. The first level represents a general professional fields within physiotherapy of neuro-
term referring to movement quality as a global logical physiotherapy, primary health care, and
impression of the whole movement coordination psychiatric/psychosomatic physiotherapy. Two
in the body: how arms, legs, trunk, and head physiotherapists from each field were included, all
moves as one unity. The second level represents a women. The fields were based on the researchers’
differentiation of elements and aspects. We see knowledge of the span of clinical competence in
elements such as alignment, midline position, and the region. The mandate of the committee was to
postural stabilization and a variability of char- nominate a group of expert clinicians based
acteristics such as fluency, target accuracy, and on three main criteria: 1) that the physiotherapist
elegancy. Although physiotherapists appear to had practiced more than 3 years in the field;
have an internal sense for movement quality, 2) was known to be expert, treating patients with
explicit description and grasping the nature of it complicated diagnoses; and 3) was known to have
appears to be difficult. Because movement quality a special movement awareness. The nomination
is an important aim in physiotherapy, the purpose committee was asked to include both sexes and
of this study is to investigate content and com- also therapists working with children.
plexity of the phenomenon. A sample size of 15 informants, 5 in each field,
The aim of the study was to generate was chosen to ensure information from each.
descriptions of the phenomenon based on clinical They ensured their willingness to participate by
experiences from a group of expert physio- giving a written informed consent. The infor-
therapists. The focus was directed toward essen- mants who agreed to be included in the study
tial features and movement characteristics, to were 13 women and 2 men; 7 worked at the uni-
search for a pattern of interaction, of parts and versity hospital and 8 in the primary health care.
the whole of the phenomenon, and to fill the Twelve of the informants worked with patients in
phenomenon with meaning. The research ques- all ages and a variety of medical diagnosis. Three
tion was: What are the essential features and of the informants, one from each of the three
characteristics of movement quality reflecting a fields, worked with children: one with premature
group of expert physiotherapists’ understanding children, one at a psychiatric unit for children,
of the phenomenon? and one at a school/preschool unit. The infor-
mants had different postgraduate education, in
the Bobath system, the Feldenkrais and Laban
Methods system, Norwegian Psychomotor Physiotherapy,
Basic Body Awareness Therapy, a variety of
A phenomenological approach was chosen to courses for chronic pain patients, training ath-
investigate lived experiences to come in contact letes at a high level, and in the Pikler concept.
with as many features and characteristics of the
phenomenon as possible (van Manen, 1997). The interviews
Phenomenology is useful when searching for a
development of knowledge to broaden the A semistructured interview guide with open
understanding of clinical processes (Malterud, questions was made in advance of the research.
2001). In this project, the physiotherapists’ The main part of the interview was directed
descriptions of experiences of movement quality toward searching for essential features and char-
within treatment processes were searched for. The acteristics of the phenomenon. In the one-to-one
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16 Skjaerven et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 13–27

interview situation the informants were first comments to the text. All comments were added
invited to associate freely to describe the intuitive to the material before the data analysis.
understanding of the phenomenon, in general.
The informants were further invited to deepen Data analysis
their first description staying in contact with their
own experiences and view. The interviewer The data reduction and analysis were based
encouraged them to describe clinical situations on Giorgis’ model (Giorgi, 1985). The first
concerning how they acted when promoting and analytic stage was the initial reading and examina-
observing movement changes in the person. The tion of each interview as a whole to gain an
descriptions were discussed in relation to what overall sense of the interviews. The second stage
they associated to movement quality. was dividing the interview data into parts,
The last 10 minutes of the main part of the involving meaning discrimination. The data text
interview the informants were exposed to Fine was organized into meaning units. The content
Art. It was chosen to be integrated because in of the meaning units was transformed to themes.
phenomenology it is possible to borrow experi- The third stage was to express the structure of
ential material from other artistic media to the phenomenon by combining meanings of
increase understanding and validity of the pheno- data. During the organization of meaning units
menon (Sævi, 2005). A collection of 10 copies transforming them to themes, a fourth analytic
of Fine Art had been chosen in advance of the step was made to extract, analyze, and list words
study. It consisted of five pictures of Greek that were used to describe movement quality
sculpture: The Lacoon group (Laisnè, 1995), from the main part of the interview. Descriptive
Venus de Milo (Laisnè, 1995), The Discus thrower words from the Fine Art observation were
(Charbonneaux, Martin, and Villard, 1972), The also extracted, analyzed, and listed. The fifth
Nike (un)tying her sandal (Charbonneaux, step made it possible to have an overview of
Martin, and Villard, 1970) and The Charioteer the descriptions. The two sets of descriptions
(Laisnè, 1995), all selected on the basis on an were brought together and became a basis to the
earlier study (Skjærven, Gard, and Kristoffersen, presentation of the essence of the phenomenon.
2004). Four pictures of Rodin were chosen, two Stage six produced the final summary, including
sculptures, The Awakening and Danaid (Jarrassè, quotes.
1995) and two drawings: Cambodian dancer The whole analytic process included multiple
(Jarrassè, 1995) and Six studies of Cambodian levels of interpretations, going back and forth
dancers (Lampert, 1986). One picture of van between parts and the whole to eliminate
Gogh, The Reaper (Walther and Metzger, 2006), inconsistencies. The first author, who was the
was included. The Fine Art was used to stimulate most experienced within the field of movement
the informants’ description of the phenomenon. quality, bracketed the knowledge by taking
Informants were invited to select two or three a conscious distance to former research (Giorgi,
pictures and associate and describe what they saw. 1985). By bracketing we refer to the process of
All but one informant used the pictures for the setting aside or suspending presuppositions
description. surrounding the phenomenon of movement
Finally, the informants were asked to reflect quality. The analytic process was done by the
on the idea that movement quality was a pheno- three researchers, first individual and then to-
menon for use in physiotherapy. gether, searching for clarification and consensus,
Two-thirds of the interviews were conducted constantly returning to the original text. The
at the informants work, the rest at the first first author made the movement quality model
author’s work, all in a quiet room. The inter- as a final summary.
views were held during 8 months by the
first author of the study. Each interview lasted
about 1½ hour. They were audiotaped and Results
transcribed. A reliability check was carried
out by letting the informants read the trans- Four main themes were developed from the
cribed interviews. All confirmed the content, data, seeing movement quality as biomecha-
and five of the informants returned clarifying nical, physiological, psycho-socio-cultural, and
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Skjaerven et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 13–27 17

existential, all seen as interacting processes. The experience – to come in contact with the
themes are presented one by one, by quotes in ground, the relation to the floor – how to orient
boxes (Box 1–4). Each theme consists of essen- oneself in space – how is the extremities in
tial features and characteristics, presented as contact with the center in the body; this is to
precondition to movement quality and move- strengthen the experience of the body orienta-
ment characteristics. The preconditions repre- tion. It is difficult to separate the two; on the
sent elements that were found to be fundamental one side to search for the core stability, that
to integrate in any physiotherapeutic treatment gives the necessary background possibility for
process. The characteristics represent aspects movement and the perceptual – the experience
expressed in movement. The phenomenon was of being in equilibrium; then you can find the
further seen as a general phenomenon, repre- qualitative aspects in the movement.
senting a unifying synthesis of the four inter-
acting themes. This is presented in Box 5.1–5.4. Seeing the path and form in movement
The data material led toward a model of
movement quality, summarizing the data in From a biomechanical point of view the infor-
Figure 1. The presentation includes quotations mants described movement quality as how the path
from all 15 informants; the three fields are and form were expressed in movement, Box 1.2.
equally represented.
Box 1.2 Movement characteristic: Seeing the
path and form in movement
Movement quality as biomechanical, We have all these natural movements in the body;
physiological, psycho-socio-cultural, we are born with the joints and muscles, that
makes it possible for us to flex, to stretch, to
and existential
rotate, to move in the axis and the diagonals; you
Theme 1: Seeing movement quality as can observe the lines through the body; to be high
biomechanical and low, to crawl, to flex and extend, there are an
Theme 1 is related to a biomechanical pers- endless richness of movements; there are move-
pective and represents a spatial aspect to human ments that are round and others that are straight;
movement. The theme consists of two cate- there are movements that are close to the body
gories: 1) postural stability and 2) the movement and others that are distant from the body, there
characteristic of path and form in movement. are movements that opens and closes the body.
We always move in relation to space and we
relate to the surroundings. Much in physiotherapy
Postural stability as a precondition to is to make sure that the bodily framework is
movement quality attuned in a harmonic way in relation to axes.
Postural stability was described as a pre-
condition to movement quality, Box 1.1. Theme 2: Seeing movement quality as
Box 1.1 Precondition to movement quality: Theme 2 is related to a physiological perspec-
Postural stability
tive, representing a time aspect to human move-
The stability in the vertical axis is a pre- ment. The theme consists of two categories: 1) free
condition to movement quality. The balance breathing and centering and 2) the movement
gives a back-ground stability; it is a kind of characteristics of flow, elasticity, and rhythm.
inner control which they need. It is an inner
reference physical as well as perceptual; it is Free breathing and centering as a precondi-
basic to move in space. You must have the tion to movement quality
motor stability, postural stability and postural
orientation and at the same time a perceptual Free breathing was described as a precondi-
experience; this is not cognitive, but an inner tion to movement quality and basic to how
movement quality could originate from a central
region in the trunk, Box 2.1.
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18 Skjaerven et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 13–27

Box 2.1 Precondition to movement quality: the most difficult to make; to start a movement
Free breathing and centering and to end it, a pause and then a new movement
How the breathing is, effect the movement quality. originates; you can observe a kind of elasticity
If the breathing is not integrated in the movement, in the movement and the patient experiences it.
there will be no movement quality. Breathing is I think of flow and rhythm as basic char-
like an inner movement. It has its own rhythm. acteristics, the two makes the expression in
Breathing and tension is interrelated: if the movement more alive. Flow makes the move-
breathing is with-held, it colors the movement ment more even and helps the patient to control
quality. If you experience freedom in the move- the alternation without letting the movement be
ments, it affects the breathing; there is such a staccato or uncoordinated. I see it as a special
mutual interplay. When the breathing is integrated quality that gradually can be built up and
in the movements the breathing gives life to move- descend; you can change without stopping,
ment; it is like the life is coming to the surface in without using to much power and the movement
the movement. The breathing adds the flow to the is even; you can change the range and strength
movements; it is like waves that comes and goes and the transition is smooth.
and it is expressed as flow in the movement.
Theme 3: Seeing movement quality as
Movement quality originates from the move- psycho-socio-cultural
ment center in the trunk:
This center in the trunk is a key area to movement Theme 3 is related to a psycho-socio-cultural
quality. You always move in relation to this cen- perspective and represents the use of energy. The
tre. I observe that people that are tense do not theme consists of two main categories: 1) the
have much contact with this centre; then the awareness and 2) emotional, cognitive, inten-
movements are peripheral and stiff and the center tional, and socio-cultural aspects.
is blocked. I intend the movements to originate
from the movement center; the human being can Awareness as a precondition to movement
come into contact with it and when it happens it quality
gives more freedom in the movement. When the
Awareness was presented as a precondition to
violinist plays from the center in the body, you can
movement quality, Box 3.1.
observe it; the movement spreads from the center
and out into the arms; this affects his way of
playing; there is something deeper in the move- Box 3.1 Precondition to movement quality:
ment quality as well as in the feelings. It is as if the Awareness
movement harmony comes from this center. The
centre in the body is an inner reference. Awareness is central to the movement quality;
it is a precondition. If you are present in the
body, it will be expressed in the movement
Seeing flow, elasticity, and rhythm in quality. If you are not present, then you move
movement more careless using your automatic pilot; if
From a physiological point of view the infor- you are not in contact with the body, you dis-
mants described movement quality as how flow, sociate from the body, there is no inter-
elasticity, vitality, and rhythm were expressed in connection between one part of the body and
movement, Box 2.2. the rest. If the awareness is directed outward,
you cannot be aware how you move; the
awareness is a precondition to come into con-
Box 2.2 Movement characteristic: Seeing flow, tact with the body. The awareness has to be
elasticity and rhythm in movement directed to the body, or oneself, to include what
Flow and rhythm is central to the movement they become aware; it is as if the body is
quality; they are like music and pauses in the inhabited or not. If the gaze is distant, you can
movements. The pauses in the movements are observe that the patient is not in contact with
contd. contd.
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Skjaerven et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 13–27 19

the body and then suddenly you can observe the movement quality is affected by outer circum-
patient is there, the contact between the eyes stances. It is interesting to see movement quality
and the belly is there; it is expressed in the in relation to culture; it is different in the US
movement. It is the process of centering the then in Africa. Movement quality comes from
mind in the body – I think of. the interplay between the person and the
Seeing emotional, cognitive, intentional, and
socio-cultural aspects in movement Theme 4: Seeing movement quality as
From a psych-socio-cultural point of view the
informants described movement quality as how Theme 4 is related to an existential perspec-
emotional, cognitive, and socio-cultural aspects tive and represents personal and unifying
were expressed in movement, Box 3.2. aspects. The theme consists of two categories:
1) self-awareness and 2) personal and unifying
aspects expressed in movement.
Box 3.2 Movement characteristic: Seeing
emotional, cognitive, intentional and socio- Self-awareness as a precondition to movement
cultural aspects in movement quality
Movement quality includes emotional, cogni- The self-awareness was seen as a precondition
tive and intentional factors; they are expressed to movement quality, Box 4.1.
in the movements. You cannot see movement as
something isolated; movements are dependent
on your thoughts, emotions, your intention. Box 4.1 Precondition to movement quality:
The human being has a range of feelings that Self-awareness
are expressed in the movements; this is also This self-awareness, has something do with me
why the movement quality changes all the time. as a person; it is the experience of the ‘‘I am’’;
If you are in pain and you close yourself in, the if you have a strong ‘‘I’’, then you can lead your
movement quality is appropriate for the situa- awareness to see more of you. You can observe
tion, defending you when you are vulnerable. the ‘‘I’’ expressed in the child; it is not only
that the child starts to crawl or to rise, but you
To have an intention with the movement is can see the expression of the experienced ‘‘I’’ in
important. You can observe movements that movement. Without involving yourself when
are without any intention; they are flickering moving there will be no movement quality.
and different from movements with a clear When the involvement in the movement is
intention. The best movement quality is con- increased, the energy is also increased; it is as
nected to having a clear aim, a motivation for if it flows out in the body – it is like beams or
moving and plan that are your own, not presence. Being in the movement or not being in
imposed upon you. If the patient becomes too the movement: it is not difficult to observe
cognitive, the movement quality is stiff and if the patient is or is not present in the move-
disharmonic, too energy-demanding and often ment. This has an extraordinary effect on the
blocked. Too much thinking can be a hindrance movement quality; the self-awareness and the
to movement quality. ability to ‘‘being in’’ or embody yourself, is
decisive. The patient must search to find how to
Socio-cultural aspects expressed in the rest in the movement, not only doing it
movement quality: mechanically. The two ways are very different.
We always relate to other people; you move
differently when being professional rather then Being self-aware includes the ability to reflect
being private. The movements are different being upon oneself:
close to another than being distant. This tells I think of all four dimensions of existence, the
something about the variation when moving. The fourth includes the reflection: What do I want?
contd. contd.
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20 Skjaerven et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 13–27

What is important for me? I am and I have my Box 5.1 Movement quality as a general and
needs; We can say: ‘I have one eye out and one unified phenomenon
eye in’. I can ask: Who am I; Do I want to Movement quality has with the unified move-
have it this way? The ability to see and to be ment impression to do; then you can split it
responsible for myself and to question: do I up. The phenomenon, in general, is a sum of
want to have a life like this, I can make a all aspects. Movement quality is seeing how
choice. the whole person moves; how the movements
are coordinated; the timing. When you have the
Seeing the present and unified person in quality, you are steady, you involve the whole
movement body, from the toes to the top, even the mimic
and gestures are integrated, you have enough
From an existential point of view the infor- muscle tone and you observe that everything is
mants described movement quality as how in place. Movement quality expresses physical,
personal and unifying aspects were expressed in physiological, psychological and existential
movement, Box 4.2. aspects. They are equal and interacting.
Movement quality is how flexible and adjus-
Box 4.2 Movement characteristic: The present table the movements are. It represents a
and unified person in movement dynamic system; when you influence one
aspect, other aspects in the movement coordi-
Every human being has a personal character- nation will be affected; it is being powerful and
istic in the movement; I can recognise you from calm at the same time.
a long distance because of the way you walk.
The characteristic of that specific person is
expressed in the way the person moves. There is Movement quality in general was described as
a meaning in every movement, something that representing movements that were functional,
connects you to the real life. If you do a practical, energy-saving, aesthetic, and harmo-
movement connected to the real life, something nic, all at the same time, Box 5.2.
YOU really will do, and you are present, here
and now, it will be expressed in the movement.
In all human movement there is a meaning that Box 5.2 Movement quality as functional,
goes beyond the joints and muscles. practical, energy-saving, aesthetic and harmonic
It is goal-directed at the same time aesthetic; it is
Movement quality mirrors a sense of being beautiful to observe, at the same time it is
whole and unified: functional, effective, including an interplay
Through the contact with the body – there is between the person and the surroundings. It is
something in the integration between mind and harmony, unity, wholeness, power, not only
body and the coordination between them. To physical power, but an inner power. It is con-
promote movement quality has much to do with nected to an aesthetic feeling, both observing and
becoming conscious of a whole. To contact and experiencing. It is the whole physical body
sense the body as a whole is important: then moving, rhythmical and flowing; seeing the
you develop a sense of a unity. person being in what they do. It is the beautiful
functional interplay, all organized around a
center; it is the variability, the suppleness, the
Movement quality as a general and functionality that are beautiful. It is soft, quick
unifying phenomenon and strong; the quality is all in one; it is
connected to presence, not too much power, but
The data revealed that movement quality also an awareness; the whole body possesses the
was seen as an umbrella phenomenon, giving presence in space; it carries a rhythm that travels
a global impression of the whole moving person. to the soul, still it is biomechanical: all axis and
It was described as a general and unifying pheno- muscles and the persons expression in movement;
menon, representing a synthesis or a whole
dynamic and interacting system, Box 5.1. contd.
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Skjaerven et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 13–27 21

even the social culture is mirrored in the move- Box 5.4 Movement quality as experience of
ment, emotional sides as well as the self-identity. wellbeing and health
Movement quality is connected to the living Movement quality includes the experience of
human being: moving with grace, it is energy- wellbeing. Movement quality has implications
saving, aesthetic, functional and practical. to life itself – it represents a conscious ability
to create a more healthy existence through
becoming aware the way you move. To sense a
The inner state of the person is expressed in
living, moving body is to realize that I have
the movement quality, Box 5.3.
resources in me.

Box 5.3 Movement quality expresses the inner

state of the person All informants expressed that movement
quality was considered to be a core in the pro-
There is no doubt; the inner state is expressed fession. They underlined that the profession is
in the movements. The mental functions and totally dependent on a deeper understanding and
the physical body are so deeply interconnected. a precision of the content of the phenomenon.
Movement quality includes how you express
The Movement Quality Model (MQM)
Movement quality in general was associated The data developed from the study are synthe-
with the experience of well-being and healthy sized into Figure 1, the Movement Quality Model
resources, Box 5.4. (MQM).

Movement quality as biomechanical Movement quality as physiological

- relating to space - relating to time

Postural stability Breathing and centering

Path and form Flow, elasticity, rhythm

Movement quality
a general and unifying

Movement quality Movement quality

as psycho-socio-cultural as existential
- relating to energy - relating to the person

Awareness Self-awareness
Intention, emotion, socio-cultural The present person, unity in movement

Figure 1. The Movement Quality Model (MQM): Seeing movement quality as interacting processes.
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22 Skjaerven et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 13–27

Figure 1 illuminates what was found to be an which entails the ability to maintain equilibrium
essence of the phenomenon. The figure illustrates by controlling the center of body mass over its
two layers, the four themes, and the synthesis of base of support, is a complex sensory and motor
the whole. Each of the four themes includes the skill necessary for all standing, sitting, and
precondition to movement quality and the walking actions (Horak, 1997; Horak, Henry,
movement characteristics. Precondition refers to and Schumway-Cook, 1997). We do not ordina-
fundamental elements that were important to rily reflect on it, yet we know that the space in
integrate in movement to make the action func- which we find ourselves, affects the way we sense
tional and practical. By characteristics is meant and the way we move (Shumway-Cook and
an aspect or a particular quality experienced and Wollacott, 2001). In the present study, postural
expressed in movement. The study shows that stability was described as a fundamental factor to
movement quality in general represents a global be integrated in movement training, promoting a
impression of how the person moves. It covers more functional form and path in movement.
preconditions and a range of movement char- Seeing movement quality as physiological is
acteristics. They are all interacting and inter- connected to how the person relates to time and
connected processes that cannot be separated. how this relation affects movement quality with
The Movement Quality Model intends to give an reference to the physiological processes. When
overview of the essence of a whole. we think of lived time in relation to human
movement, we refer to how the experience of
time is dealt with and expressed in movement.
Time is the carrier of the external rhythm as well
Discussion as internal rhythm in the human being. Internal
In the development of scientific knowledge in circulation and the rhythm of breathing are
physiotherapy, it is necessary to describe and organic elements that affect movement quality.
structure observable phenomena. The aim of this To free the breathing is earlier described as an
study was to investigate the lived experience of important element in relation to treatment of
movement quality as phenomenon to identify patients suffering from of long-lasting muscle
features and characteristics considered important tension (Bunkan et al, 1999; Kvåle, Johnsen, and
in a physiotherapeutic context. The informants’ Ljunggren, 2002). In the present study, increased
descriptions of experiences transformed into freedom in the breathing was described as a
textual expressions represent an understanding of fundamental factor to be integrated in move-
movement quality limited to this study. The data ment training, promoting a more flowing,
developed concerning movement quality support elastic, and rhythmical movement quality.
to a multidimensional ground as basic category in Seeing movement quality as psycho-socio-
physiotherapy. This is analogous with a holistic cultural is connected to how the person relates to
view on human movement. energy, to internal mental processes as well as
external socio-cultural factors and how these
processes influence human movements. When
Movement quality through four we think of lived energy, we refer to how the
perspectives interconnection of internal and external pro-
cesses, relations, communication, and inter-
Seeing movement quality as biomechanical is action with society and the environment are
connected to how the person relates to space and handled by the person and expressed in move-
how this relation affects postural alignment and ment. In a psychosomatic disorder, the psycho-
the path and form in movement based on the logical processes play a substantial role for
anatomical structure of the body. When we think somatic symptoms (Brodal, 2004). Most disease
of lived space in relation to movement, we refer processes are more or less influenced by mental
to how gravity and space are experienced and attitudes of the patient. In conditions such as
expressed in movement. This has to do with how fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, the
the person experiences and handles balance, influences of psychic factors are important,
relates to the ground, to the vertical axis and although a causative relationship has not yet
moves in relation to the sphere. Balance control, been explained (Brodal, 2004). This should be
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Skjaerven et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 13–27 23

kept in mind when regarding the interplay different perspectives (Cott et al, 1995). Physio-
between emotions, cognitive functions, socio- therapists are mostly trained to attend to certain
cultural factors, aiming at promoting the bodily aspects focusing the particularity of
movement quality. separate joints and limbs (Higgs, Richardson,
Seeing movement quality existentially is con- and Dahlgren, 2004). Human movement has
nected to the self-awareness, to the ability of the more seldom been explored from a psycho-
person of being present, here and now, and how social or existential perspective (Higgs,
this aspect influences the movement quality. This Richardson, and Dahlgren, 2004; Öberg, 1998;
is related to the function of the mind, how the Wikström-Grotell, 2000). A semantic analysis of
mind is used, and where it is directed (Skjærven, the concept of movement describes more than
Gard, and Kristoffersen, 2003). Self-awareness is 60 different meanings included in the concept.
the coordinating function, integrating the psycho- It points to a relation between movement,
motor and perceptual aspects in movements emotions, and an existential movement dimen-
(Dropsy, 1998). When the self-awareness is inte- sion (Wikström-Grotell, 2000). A study of the
grated into movements, personal characteristics, concept of movement experiences in a non-
unity, and clarity are expressed in movement professional context showed the concept to be
(Dropsy, 1998). Strengthening the self-awareness multidimensional (Wikström-Grotell, Lindholm,
increases the opportunities to self-experience and Eriksson, 2002). An existential dimension
and self-reflection in all areas of life (Dropsy, are discussed and developed in physiotherapy
1988; Mattsson, 1998). Refining movement (Lundvik-Gyllensten, 2001; Mattsson, 1998;
quality can be understood as a process of for- Roxendal, 1985; Roxendal and Nordwall, 1997;
mation of coherence in the person. In a larger Skjærven, Gard, and Kristoffersen, 2003).
existential sense, human beings search to develop The literature review shows influential work
a relation that opens to contact with a sense of in relation to the phenomenon of movement
purpose and meaningful grounds for living. A quality. It is described as a diagnostic aspect of
sense of coherence, perceiving events in life as psychopathological disorders, of preterm, new-
meaningful, is health promoting (Antonovsky, born infants, in relation to treatment of children
1987). In this study, the self-awareness was with cerebral palsy and within the field of psychia-
described as fundamental to promote unity and tric and psychosomatic physiotherapy. The
personal aspects in the movement quality. studies represent a basic step in clarifying the
A person who is functioning well is rooted in phenomenon. They point at a general pheno-
reality and expresses herself through body menon, relating to the whole coordinated person
movements (Roxendal and Wahlberg, 1992). and at specific elements concerning posture and a
Under normal circumstances the world is per- differentiation in movement characteristics much
ceived as we perceive it through our bodies: we in line with the findings in this study.
exist in the world through our bodies; from Observation of Fine Art was integrated in the
this perspective the body cannot be reduced to study to stimulate description of movement
a mere object (Merleau-Ponty, 1989). The lived quality. Historically, movement teachers, dan-
body is present in every action and movement, cers, and actors have studied Greek sculpture
and it is the unity of body and mind that and Fine Art to become aware of the richness of
completes every moment of existence (Merleau- human movement and expression (Chekhov,
Ponty, 1989). Existence can be seen as a shift 1985a; May, 1985; Horosko, 1991; Daly, 1995).
in focus between the physical, physiological, An important aspect of art is its function as a
psycho-socio-cultural, and the personal actions. door opener of a tacit knowledge (Heidegger,
They all interact because there is no single 1996). Fine Art communicates a sense of
movement in a living body that does not carry movement with extraordinarily delicate energy
some aspect of all. (Dewey, 1934). It helps us see features and
characteristics we were previously unaware
The concept of movement quality because it provides a perspective on the know-
ledge that we derive from our senses (Heidegger,
Models in physiotherapy where the concept 1996). All pictures were used in the descrip-
of movement is in focus are developed from tions. The informants gave, however, the richest
Downloaded By: [ABM Utvikling STM / SSH packages] At: 13:50 27 February 2008

24 Skjaerven et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 13–27

descriptions observing the Six studies of Cam- The Movement Quality Model
bodian dancers. It is the authors’ experience that
close observation of Fine Art offers a unique The Movement Quality Model (MQM)
opportunity of clarifying aspects of the pheno- introduces an understanding of movement
menon of movement quality (Skjærven, Gard, quality and provides a professional discourse of
and Kristoffersen, 2004). what movement quality is. The four themes
Movement quality is a commonly used term allow us to perceive an immediate richness in
in the literature of the European movement and differentiation of the phenomenon, all
traditions. It reveals, however, a difficulty in included in the general phenomenon. The inter-
capturing the nature of it (Feldenkrais, 1949; acting processes can be understood as factors
Laban, 1960; Bartennief, 1963; Laban and that surges through movement (Thornton,
Lawrence, 1965; Redfern, 1965; Brooks, 1976; 1971). To describe movement quality is compre-
Johnson, 1983; Alon, 1990; Barlow, 1990; hensive and complex. The study shows that
Feldenkrais, 1990; Horosko, 1991; Parviainen, movement quality is multifaceted and contains
1998). The same is found in the literature of resources important to cover for health in
actors’ training (Chekhov, 1985a; Chekhov, connection to movement. The consequence of
1985b; Stanislavski, 1988; Stanislavski, 1992; such a model leads to an interpretation of
Stanislavski, 1996; Oida and Marshall, 1997; health more broadly (Higgs, Richardson, and
Lecoq, Carasso, and Lallias, 2001). There seems, Dahlgren, 2004). The four themes can be differ-
however, to be common traits incorporated in entiated, but not separated, though they were
the phenomenon such as awareness, freeing of seen as an intricate unity, which we can call the
the breathing, balance and postural refinements life-world (Merleau-Ponty, 1989). The MQM
on the one hand and on the other hand a variety offers a set of fundamental elements and char-
of movement characteristics. acteristics to be included in promoting move-
ment quality. It can give indications for what a
patient lacks or the patients’ resources. It can be
a guide for the physiotherapist in clinical prac-
Criticism to movement quality tice working with the suggested themes. It also
Criticism has been raised on the use of the offers a movement vocabulary for use in physio-
phenomenon of movement quality associating it therapy, in communication, and research.
with training from a neuro-physiological perspec- We believe that it is important for the physio-
tive, stressing normal movements and movement therapist to have a discursive awareness in rela-
perfection (Ketelaar et al, 2001). Through this tion to the phenomenon. This set of processes can
perspective, movement quality is associated with be integrated in the physiotherapists’ awareness of
techniques connected to a passive view of motor movement, views, and thinking and can change
learning (Ketelaar et al, 2001). their daily professional actions. It is necessary to
Our sensory system is the instrument through validate the MQM and further stimulate to
which we experience aspects that constitute the qualitative and quantitative research concerning
inner and outer environment in which we live the model.
(Eisner, 1991). This phenomenological study
illuminates the expert physiotherapists’ percep-
tion of essential features and characteristics of Conclusion
movement, which they connect to healthy
resources in the person. The ability to experience The importance of clarifying phenomena in
movement aspects requires more than their pre- physiotherapy builds on the articulation of
sence. Experience is a form of human achieve- basic values in physiotherapy and to develop
ment and depends on how we see, hear, feel, and theoretical models from clinical practice. The
move. It depends on perceptual differentiation study shows the expert physiotherapists use of
and the ability to verbalize what is subtle but the phenomenon of movement quality in
significant in human movement. This has impli- daily clinical reasoning, describing a rich and
cations for what we search for in the clinical nuanced seeing. Four main themes were deve-
meeting and how the therapeutic process is. loped from the data, seeing movement quality
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Skjaerven et al. /Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 24 (2008) 13–27 25

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