This Is How Our Friendship Began

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It was a sunny autumn morning,the wind was breezing and for me that day was a big emotional new

beginning. I was 7 years old when I got into a new school,it was a very exciting day but also very
anxious. I woke up at six in the morning to get ready. We got there by using the bus which is coming
every five minutes to pick us up. Arriving there we had no bit of an idea where the entry is,or even
where my class is,the school was a very modern and big building which was made in year 1995.
We waited outside for all the kids to get in the school so we could go behind them and get into a
teacher that maybe coul help us find our class. My mom and I were a bit confused,we didn’t even
understand what they spoke to each other. We were seeing a little blond girl running into the entry
door,she was a bit late for the first day of school so she didn’t even have time to get ready or brush
her hair. She stopped in front of us and was looking at me like she would have seen a big dinosaur or
something. My mom tried to explain to her if she could help us find a teacher to help us get into our
class because we are new here and we didn’t know where to start. The little girl brought us in the
teachers room,and after that she ran away fast into her class. We spoke to the teacher as hard as we
could to make him understand something,and we were very happy that he understood us. The
teacher grabbed me and went up in the class,by the way the lass was situated on the 3th floor. My
mom had to wait at the entry because she wasn’t able to join me. When I entered the classroom,I
saw that little blond girl who helped us get into a teacher,she had a seat free next to her so I sat
down and went quiet. The teacher started to explain every rule and the plans they have got for this
year,and even all the projects. I couldn’t understand anything so I just stood there and watched her.
The little girl kept asking me questions but I didn’t understand them so she grabber a white A4 paper
and tried to explain me by drawings what she meant to say to me. By the drawing I understood
something and I was able to respond to her questions. She even gave me her phone number so we
could meet or talk more to each other. Our teacher called us to her,she spoke to ,,Lori” (the girls
name) that from now on she will be needed to help me improve in my language and start learning
the easy german language. As soon as I got home I added her to my phone contacts and texter her a
simple ,,Hallo” that was the only thing I knew in that language. She sent me a photo of all the
german verbs,conjugations and the most important propositions that you had to know like ,,My
name is..” or ,,I am .. years old”, she even sent me the numbers in German so I know how to count.
For me that language was very easy and fun to learn and I really liked it and had a very great time
learning with Lori. We were in the same class till we got in the 4 th grade. We were always sitting in
the same bank at school,it was the 3th row at the wall. We always used to make projects
together,after school we always met and did our homework’s together,like true blood sisters. We
even had some similarity to each other,she was blond with blue eyes and so was I. She was just a
year younger than me but that didn’t destroy something between us. She always helped me to get
good grades by studying with me after school since first grade. After 4th grade everyone went his
own way,because we had to change schools and everyone got into a different school with different
activities. Lori and me still had contact to each other and always used to met after school at hers or
mine house. We always helped each other even if she or I didn’t understand anythin, because this is
how our friendship began.

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