ABSTRACT ALGEBRA-Exam For Online Examinees

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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon

First Exam for Online Examinees
Nov. 12, 2022

DIRECTION: Do as indicated.

1) Let a ,b ϵ Z . If a|b ∧a|c ,then show that a|(b+c )

2) If a , b , c ,∧d are integers , show that ac|bd whenever a|b ∧c|d .

3) Let a , b , and c be three integers such that a ≠ 0. Prove that if b ≠ 0, a∨b and b∨c , then
a∨c .

4) Let a ,b , c ϵ Z . Prove that a≡ c ( mod n ) whenever a ≡b ( mod n )∧b ≡ c ( mod n ) .

5) If a ≡ b ( mod n )∧c ≡ d ( mod n ) , then show that a+c=b+d ( mod n ) for all a , b , c ϵ Z .

6) Let f : A → B , g :B → C , and h :C → D. Then show that h ◦(g◦ f )=(h ◦ g)◦ f .

7) Let f: R → R ,defined f ( x)= x – 3 . Show that f is bijective.

8) Given G be the set of Rational numbers∧let a , b ϵ G w h ere a∗b=a+b +3. If G is a group,

Prove it; if not, give a counter example.

9) For every odd integer a , Provethat a 2 is of the form 4 k ( k−1 ) +1 , ∀ k ϵ Z .

10) Find integers x and y such that 512 x +320 y=64

11) Find all solutions of 6 x ≡ 9(mod 15)

12) What is the order of each group

Z18 b) S6


o 0 point – no answer or the statements given are incorrect;;

o 1 point – the proposition is checked by using examples only or there is a correct assumption of the given conditions;
o 2 points – correct assumption of the given conditions and an additional correct implication or correct statement is made;
o 3 points – correct assumption of the given conditions and two correct implications or additional correct statements (possibly combined
with examples and visual representations) are made;
o 4 points – correct assumption of the given conditions, and correct and appropriate mathematical principles and concepts are used,
however, there is a failure to operate with them and finish the last argument to complete the proof;
o 5 points – a correct or complete proof is given.

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