A Survey On RDBMS and NoSQL Databases MySQL Vs MongoDB

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2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2020), Jan.

22-24, 2020,
Coimbatore, INDIA

A survey on RDBMS and NoSQL Databases

MySQL vs MongoDB
Sowndarya Palanisamy Mrs.P. SuvithaVani
Student, Assistant Professor,
Department of computer Science and Department of computer Science and
Engineering, Engineering,
Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and
Technology – Coimbatore. Technology – Coimbatore.

The breakneck development in the Today, the fast development of
Internet showcase and the rising of the computers and the web causes an issue of
new web innovations with another proficient stockpiling and recovery of
challenges, fresh concepts and modern information. Very a lot of online
applicationsfor example, NoSQL databases exchanges and experimentation bring
which is as of late turns out to be well about gigantic measures of information
known as an option in contrast to the that require efficient stockpiling
social databases particularly in managing arrangements. Databases assume a
huge information which is one of the most significant job so as to fulfill this
widely recognized highlights of the web requirement for putting away and
today. This provideshigh accessibility and recovering information in a sorted-out
adaptability to the circulated frameworks way. Two most ordinarily utilized
when compared to RDBMS. Commonly database database types are SQL and
distributed system needsquick access time NoSQL databases. The key idea of the
and can't endure any vacation during SQL database is that the SQL database is
disappointments and has been utilized the main Table based for example Social
vigorously by enormous endeavors and Database ( Relational DBMS).
web organizations. Every new technology
This paper covers ACID property
faced many challenges like effective
which is followed by SQL and CAP
access such as responses with high speed.
theorem which is used by NoSQL in the
This paper compares the concepts of
first part. At the next we discus about the
NoSQL and Relational databases then it’s
types of both the databases. The next part
limitations. And address the advantages
will focus on operations and basic
and types of NoSQL databases.
terminologies of MySQL and MongoDB,
Keywords --- Relational DBMS(SQL), it also covers comparisons and limitations.
NoSQL, ACID Property, CAP Theorem, Next part will describe the query
MySQL, MongoDB processing in both the databases.

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2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2020), Jan. 22-24,
2020, Coimbatore, INDIA

II. PROPERTIES AND THEOREMS whether a framework disappointment

1. ACID Property:
For the dependability of exchanges, 2. CAP Theorem:
SQL databases bolster ACID (Atomicity, NoSQL underpins CAP Theorem it
Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) includes the accompanying three
properties. Every one of the ACID properties: Consistency, Availability, and
property is clarified with regards to Partition -tolerance[1].
databases as follows [1]: -
Consistency:The information present on
Atomicity:By this, we imply that either all machines must be the equivalent in all
the whole exchange happens without a updations to be made on all machines
moment's delay or doesn't occur by any much of the time, for example, predictable
stretch of the imagination. There is no information.
halfway for example exchanges don't
Availability:Data ought to be accessible
happen somewhat. Every exchange is
for all time and not incidentally for
considered as one unit and either rushes to
example it should be available all the time
finishing or isn't executed in any way. It
for example accessibility.
includes the accompanying two tasks.
Abort: If an exchange prematurely ends, Partition-tolerance:If there should be an
changes made to the database are not occurrence of machine disappointment or
noticeable. Commit: If an exchange any shortcomings happened in the
submits, changes made are obvious. machine's database should work
appropriately without taking any end for
Consistency:This implies trustworthiness
example segment resistance.
requirements must be kept up with the goal
that the database is steady when the
exchange. It alludes to the rightness of a
1. SQL Databases:
Isolation:This property guarantees that
Relational database management
numerous exchanges can happen
system has standard query language SQL
simultaneously without prompting the
stands for Structured Query Language. A
irregularity of the database state.
few models for RDBMS are MS Access,
Exchanges happen freely without
Oracle, MySQL, Informix, SQL Server,
impedance. Changes happening in a
these are explained below. These databases
specific exchange won't be unmistakable
use SQL as their standard database query
to some other exchange until that specific
language [1].
change in that exchange is kept in touch
with memory or has been submitted.
a. MySQL Community Edition
Durability:This property guarantees that MySQL Database is a generally
once the exchange has finished execution, utilized mainstream open-source database.
the updates and adjustments to the It is ordinarily been utilized with apache
database are put away in and written to and PHP, in spite of the fact that it very
plate and theycontinue regardless of well may be additionally utilized with

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2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2020), Jan. 22-24,
2020, Coimbatore, INDIA

server-side java scripting strategy utilizing areexamples of a document-oriented

Node js. database[5].
c. Column-Family Databases
b. MS-SQL Server Express Edition In column family NoSQL database,
This is a Microsoft item. MS_SQL having information is put away in cells assembled
great unwavering quality, versatility, in column of information as opposed to as
soundness highlights. It is an amazing and row of information. Sections are sensibly
easy to use database. assembled into column families. Cassandra
and HBase are examples of a column
c. Oracle 11g Express Edition family database.
Prophet 11g express release is for d. Graph Databases
improvement, sending, and to One of the least-comprehended sorts of
dissemination. It is having less difficult databases out there is the graph database.
organization and is quick to download. Intended for working with profoundly
interconnected information, a chart
2. NoSQL Databases: database may be portrayed as increasingly
The term NoSQL means "Not just "relational" than a relational database.
SQL". This isn't really a swap for the Graph databases sparkle when the
customary SQL despite the fact that objective is to catch complex connections
NoSQL databases are non- relational in huge trap of data. Example: Dgraph,
databases. In numerous applications, OrientDB[6].
NoSQL databases are utilized related to e. Object-Oriented Databases
social databases. Contingent upon their An item object-oriented database is a
properties, NoSQL databases are database that buys in to a model with data
partitioned into five classifications spoke to by objects. Item situated
[2][3][4]: databases are a specialty offering in the
a. Key-Value Databases relational database management system
In key-value databases, a hash table is (RDBMS) field and are not as effective or
kept up that is recorded by a "key". The surely understood as standard database
key focuses to the arrangement of engines. Example Db40[1].
information (values) that the database can
store. In this sort of database data is
normally put away as a mass of
information except for the key. Amazon 1. Comparison
DynamoDB and Riak are examples. Development History :NoSQL - In
b. Document Oriented Databases 2000 to help adaptability and replication.
A document-oriented database, Likewise appropriate for unstructured
or document store, is a PC program information. SQL - In 1970 to work with
intended for putting away, recovering and the original of information storage and
overseeing archive arranged data, applications. [6]
otherwise called semi-organized data.
Document-arranged databases are one of Forms: “Not just SQL” is partitioned
the primary classifications of NoSQL into five classifications: Key-value
databases.MongoDB and CouchDB databases, Column-family databases,

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2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2020), Jan. 22-24,
2020, Coimbatore, INDIA

Document based databases, Object- expanding size of put away information

oriented databases, graph database. SQL issue.Relational databases utilized for
Databases are Relational schema table- information warehousing which - as
oriented databases.[6] known - coming about of get-together
information from numerous sources and
Schemas: NoSQL follows dynamic after some time the size of put away
schemas. So the information or data can be information increments then this causes
added at the runtime.SQL follows static enormous information issue. This also
schema. Every row must be finished and leads to some other problems like
fixed before information passage.[6] execution corruption while doing an
OLAP, information mining.[10]
Type of data to be stored: “Not just
SQL” database is nearly better for the Complexity: “Not only SQL”
various leveled information storage as it databases has the capacity to maintain and
follows the key-value pair method for handle structured, semi-structured and
putting away information content which is unstructured information[9][10].
like JSON information. For the most part Complexity is high because relational
enormous informational set prefers database follows table structure,
NoSQL databases large data set means that information has to be fit into table.
big data. The example for big data NoSQL Suppose the provided information not
database is Hbase.SQL databases are not suitable for tables, then you need to
much good fit for hierarchical data restructure the entire table or the database
storage.[8] this makes difficulty.[9]

Scalability: NoSQL databases depend Cloud: “Not just SQL” databases are
on the horizontal scalability. Horizontal the best answer for cloud databases since
scalability is the capacity to expand limit every one of the attributes that characterize
by associating numerous equipment or the NoSQL databases are entirely alluring
programming substances so they fill in as a for cloud databases. The cloud databases
solitary logical unit.RDBMS depends on are also deals with unstructured and semi-
vertical Scalability this is one of the structured data.The relational databases are
greatest challenges in relational databases. hard to scale beyond the limit and it does
When load increases then hardware power not support full content data search. So it
has to be increased to scale this could be is not well suited for cloud
expensive.[9] environments.[10]

Data warehouse: “Not just SQL” Big data handling: “Not just SQL”
databases are not intended to serious databases intended to deal with the large
information distribution center information so they actualized strategies to
applications on the grounds that the improve the exhibition of putting away
originators concentrated on elite, and recovering information.Managing big
adaptability, accessibility and putting away data in RDBMS is a very big issue.
huge information which is possibly Because the complexity is high due to the
profited by data warehouse to explain the table structure.[10]

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2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2020), Jan. 22-24,
2020, Coimbatore, INDIA

1. Relational database scaling has to be

Output performance: Caching in done on incredible servers that are
NOSQL has been done in system memory. costly and hard to deal with.
So it expands information yield execution. 2. Since relational database follows table
Caching in relational database system is structure, information has to be fit into
finished utilizing the different table. Suppose the provided
framework.[9] information not suitable for tables,
then you need to restructure the entire
2. Operations and Basic table or the database if needed again it
terminology[11][2] leads to difficulty.
3. RDBMS must be dispersed on to
TABLE I. BASIC numerous servers, so that it can be
TERMINOLOGIES scalled. Taking care of tables crosswise
S. Basic terminology in MongoDB vs over various servers is a big trouble.[9]
MySQL MongoDB b. Limitations and Disadvantages of
1 Tables Collection
1. The greatest strength of NoSQL
2 Rows Document or Bson
databases is Open Source and yet its
most prominent shortcoming in light of
3 Columns Field
the fact that there are very few
4 Join Embedded
characterized norms for NoSQL
documents and
databases, so no two NoSQL databases
are equivalent .
5 Primary key Object ID
2. A NoSQL database MongoDB does
not maintain any stored procedures.
3. Relational databases uses some
TABLE II. BASIC graphical interface tools to
OPERATIONS communicate with the databases. But
Operations in MySQL vs MongoDB for NoSQL, there is no availability in
4. very hard for discovering NoSQL
1 Create Database Use DBNAME
specialists since it is the most recent
2 Create Table Db.createCollection innovation and NoSQL designer are in
3 Insert into Db.collection.insert learning mode.[9]
4 Update table Db.collection.update
5 Select Db.collection.find()
1. Query Processing in MySQL
3. Limitations Even though MySQL uses the modern
a. Limitations and Disadvantages of technique called multiple threads to boost
MySQL the performance, it is based on quite an old
database concept. So it contains some
issues to treat with. Multiple threads are

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2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2020), Jan. 22-24,
2020, Coimbatore, INDIA

used when multiple queries need to be NoSQL Database. This covers the
processed at the same time that is queries properties, types, differences, limitations
are processed in parallel. So if the query and query processing. Also specifically we
processor has high load by containing a represent MySQL for relational databases
huge number of queries, then MySQL and MongoDB for NoSQL databases.
processes those queries simultaneously. To Both, MySQL and MongoDB have their
avoid the crash while parallel processing, advantages and limitations. By these
especially on writing queries in parallel, comparisons, we can conclude that the
MySQL uses locks technique. This locking relational database might be a great choice
technique depends on the storage engines. if you have structured data and need a
Locking technique blocks the write access traditional relational database. If you have
and secures against alternating write unstructured and/or structured data with
access to the same row (entry) this is the potential for rapid growth then NoSQL
called row-locking. With the help of row- will be the better choice.However, if you
locking, if a pushing data to a row will be need an increasingly adaptable, mapping
protected by blocking another query which free arrangement that can work with
is trying to push data on the same row. unstructured information, MongoDB
This query will be blocked until the first merits considering.
write query has been finished. Meanwhile,
other rows of the same table can be
modified by simultaneous processing of Reference:
other update or write queries [7].
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2020 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI -2020), Jan. 22-24,
2020, Coimbatore, INDIA

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