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Paper 1


Uganda Certificate of Education
Paper 1
2 hours 30 minutes

 This paper consists of sections A, B and C
 Answer all questions in A and B, plus two questions in section C.
 Write the answers for section A in the boxes provided, answers to section B in
the spaces provided and answers to section C on the answer sheets provided.
For Examiners’ use only
Section Score Examiner’s initials
B : No. 31
No. 32
No. 33
C: No.

© 2022 Uganda Teachers’ Examinations Scheme

Turn Over
SECTION A: (30 marks)

1. The ………………regulates the amount of light passing through the microscope.

A. eye piece.
B. mirror.
C. diaphragm.
D. objective lens.

2. ………………………is an example of a tissue.

A. A leaf
B. The liver
C. Blood
D. The root

3. When focusing a light microscope, the objective lens should be moved upwards
A. avoid wetting the lens.
B. allow the nose piece to rotate.
C. avoid the danger of breaking the mirror.
D. avoid the danger of breaking the slide.

4. Which one of the following features distinguishes crustaceans from other

A. Jointed legs.
B. Two pairs of antennae.
C. Hard exoskeleton.
D. Three pairs of legs.

5. In axile placentation seeds are attached on a placenta located……………………

A. at the base of a fruit.
B. along the margin of antennae.
C. on the walls of the ovary.
D. in the centre of the fruit.

6. In honey bees, the pollen basket is found on the………………….
A. hind legs.
B. metathorax.
C. middle leg.
D. prothorax.

7. Which of the following features is a characteristic of monocot stems?

A. The cortex has few layers of parenchyma cells.
B. Vascular bundles have a uniform size.
C. Vascular bundles don’t have a cambium.
D. Vascular bundles are arranged in a ring.

8. An apocarpous pistil has………………..

A. several pistils fused together.
B. several free pistils on the same stalk.
C. one pistil on one stalk.
D. several pistils on different stalks.

9. Carnassial teeth in mammals are used for

A. biting
B. grinding
C. piercing
D. shearing

10. Which of the following condition will cause a high diffusion gradient during
A. Hot and sunny.
B. Hot and dry.
C. Hot and windy.
D. Hot and humid.

11. A person of blood group O can donate blood to all blood group because in
blood group O the blood
A. does not possess antigens.
B. does not possess antibodies.
C. has both antigens a and b.
D. has both antibodies a and b.
3 Turn Over
12. During ventilation in amphibians the buccal cavity lowers to allow………………
A. inhalation.
B. exhalation.
C. gaseous exchange.
D. perspiration.

13. When the blood sugar level rises above normal

A. insulin converts glucose into glycogen.
B. glucagon converts glucose into glycogen.
C. liver cells convert glucose into glycogen.
D. islets of Langerhans converts glucose into glycogen.

14. Which of the following substances is completely reabsorbed from the nephron?
A. Medicine.
B. Water.
C. Mineral salts.
D. Glucose.

15. Growth movement of a root away from an abstracting stone is an example

A. phototropism.
B. geotropism.
C. hydrotropism.
D. thigmotropism.

16. The dental formula below was found in an animal’s skull . Which of the following
is true about the animal?
A. It is omnivorous.
B. It is carnivorous.
C. It is herbivorous.
D. It is a scavenger.

17. A baby can easily die of coldness because
A. it has a large surface area to volume ratio.
B. it cannot protect itself from heat loss.
C. its body is not well developed to carry out temperature regulation.
D. it has a small surface area to volume ratio.

18. Which of the following forces is greatly responsible for movement of water
through a plant?
A. Osmosis.
B. Root pressure.
C. Transpiration stream.
D. Capillarity.

19. The fruit below is an example of a………………..

A. follicle.
B. legume.
C. capsule.
D. schizocarp.

20. The results from an experiment to determine the percentage of humus in soil
sample are shown below.
Mass of evaporating dish Mg
Mass of evaporating dish + soil sample. Qg
Mass of evaporating dish + soil sample
after heating to constant mass. Hg
Mass of evaporating dish + soil sample
after heating to red hot. Bg

5 Turn Over
The percentage of humus in the soil sample is

A. H B
 100

B. H B

C. Q M
H B

D. BM
21. Which of the following is better when estimating the population of lions in a
A. Direct counting.
B. Capture mark recapture.
C. Census.
D. Aerial photography.

22. Which of the following minerals plays a vital role in the formation of chlorophyll?
A. Magnesium.
B. Nitrogen.
C. Chlorine.
D. Zinc.

23. A ……………..plant has both staminate and pistillate flowers on the same plant.
A. hermaphrodite.
B. unisexual.
C. monoecious.
D. dioecious.

24. Gaseous exchange in insects occurs in

A. trachea.
B. spiracles.
C. alveoli.
D. trancheoles.

25. When testing for starch in a leaf, it is boiled in water in order to…………………
A. kill the protoplasm.
B. hydrolyse starch.
C. remove the chlorophyll.
D. open pores for iodine to enter.

26. Which of the following tissues brings about increase in width of a stem in a
flowering plant?
A. Xylem.
B. Phloem.
C. Cambium.
D. Cortex.

27. Which of the following is a characteristic of class insect?

A. Cutaneous outer skeleton.
B. Jointed limbs.
C. Two pairs of wings.
D. Three main body parts.

28. Which of the following characteristics of an organism is most important when

constructing a dichotomous key?
A. Body structure.
B. Body colour.
C. Body size.
D. Age of organism.

29. A high concentration of auxins in a unilaterally illuminated stem

A. will result into faster growth on the illuminated side.
B. will cause even growth in the stem.
C. will cause the stem to bend upwards.
D. will cause the non-illuminated side of the stem to become longer.

30. Which of the following describes internal respiration?

A. Breathing in and releasing of oxygen into the tissues.
B. Getting rid of the carbon dioxide accumulated in the tissues.
C. Building up of complex substances.
D. Oxidation of food substances to release energy.
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31. The table below show how the rate of enzyme activity kept changing during an
experiment whenever the pH of the substrate was altered.

pH of substrate. 1 3 5 7 10 12
Rate of enzyme activity . 0 0 1 10 3 0
in arbitrary units

(a) In the space below plot a graph showing the above data. (07 marks)

(b) Describe the trend of the graph. (04 marks)

(c) Explain the trend of the graph. (04 marks)


(d) (i) With a reason suggest the region of the alimentary canal where the
enzyme is found. (02 marks)

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(ii) List three other factors that can affect the rate of activity of the
enzyme above. (03 marks)

32. The following organisms were found in a grassland interacting with each other.
A snake, a frog, grasshopper and an eagle.
(a) Construct a feeding relationship showing all the tropic levels. (02 marks)

(b) Show the alternative sources of food for each organism in the grassland.
(03 marks)

(c) Explain what will happen when the frogs are all eaten finished from the
grassland. (03 marks)
(d) Suggest one organism that is missing from the grassland and explain the
role it would play if introduced in the grassland. (02 marks)

33. The diagram below shows the structure of a mammalian heart, study the diagram
and answer the questions that follow.


(a) Name parts labeled A – F. (03 marks)

A. ………………………
B. ………………………
C. ………………………
D. ………………………
E. ………………………
F. ………………………

(b) Give three differences in composition of blood in parts labeld A and B.

(03 marks)
Part A Part B
…………………………………… ……………………………………
…………………………………… ……………………………………
…………………………………… ……………………………………
…………………………………… ……………………………………
…………………………………… ……………………………………
…………………………………… ……………………………………
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(c) State four structural adaptations of the heart to its functions. (04 marks)


Attempt any two questions.
34. (a) Define the term photosynthesis. (02 marks)
(b) Describe an experiment to show that carbon dioxide is necessary in the
process of photosynthesis. (13 marks)

35. (a) What is a tropism? (02 marks)

(b) Explain what will be observed when a potted plant is placed in a dark
room with an open window for five days. (06 marks)
(c) Describe the importance of tropism in plants. (07 marks)

36. (a) Define the term metamorphosis. (02 marks)

(b) Describe the life cycle of a housefly. (13 marks)

37. (a) What is cell division? (02 marks)

(b) What will be the phenotype and genotypes of the offspring born to a man
of blood group AB and a woman who is a heterozygote of blood group
B. (06 marks)
(c) (i) Write four differences between an animal cell in interphase and an
animal cell at the end of prophase. (04 marks)
(ii) State three uses of the type of cell division that produces two diploid
daughter cells. (03 marks)



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