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Name: ……………………………………………………Centre/Index No……..

Signature: ……………………………………………..
Paper 1
Jul./Aug. 2018
2½ hours
Uganda Certificate of Education
Computer Studies
Paper 1
2 hours 30 minutes

This Paper consists of three sections, A, B and C.
Section A contains 20 compulsory objective-type questions. The correct alternative A,
B, C or D must be written in the box provided on the right hand side of each question.

Section B contains six compulsory structured questions.

Answers to section B must be written in the spaces provided in the question paper.
Section C contains three essay type questions. Answer only one. Answers to section C
must be written in the answer booklet provided.

Write your name, signature, centre and index number in the spaces above.

For Examiners’ Use only

MCQ 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Total

© 2022 Uganda Teachers’ Examinations Scheme

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1. A document with copyrighted materials is marked with:
A. ©
B. ®
C. €
D. @

2. Which of the following factors does not affect internet speed?

A. Worldwide users
B. Band width
C. Traffic
D. Type of transmission

3. The system clock;

A. is a storage device
B. shows the time and date
C. determines data process speeds
D. turns off the computer after a long live

4. ……………………………….language is referred to as the first generation

programming language:
A. Assembly
C. Machine code

5. Which of the following is a file extension for an image:

A. .gif
B. .dre
C. .ppt
D. .xls

6. A set of rules that govern exchange of data between hardware or software

components in a network is called
A. laws of communication
B. debugging
C. simplex transmission
D. protocols

7. The editing tool that enables the user to find words or phrases with similar
meaning (synonyms) is
A. auto complete
B. thesaurus
C. auto fill
D. find and replace
8. The following features existed in the mechanical machines’ Era except
A. moving parts
B. mechanical gears
C. punched cards
D. vacuum tubes

9. The term file compression means:

A. reduction in the size of files
B. increasing in the size of files
C. maintaining the size of files
D. combining the files

10. The scientific milestone of using integrated circuits (IC) was a characteristic
of the…..
A. first generation
B. second generation
C. third generation
D. fourth generation

11. Which of the following is a standard storage capacity of a compact disk?

A. 100 KB
B. 4.2 GB
C. 700 MB
D. 1.44 MB

12. The historical development of computers can be divided into two main ages
A. non-electronic and electronic computers
B. big size and small size computers
C. first and second generation
D. analog and digital computers

13. The weaving loom and analytical engine are considered the grandparents of
modern computing because they
A. had large physical size
B. required human intervention
C. could be programmed using punched cards
D. have both invented by mathematicians

14. A computer laboratory is a;

A. a room where computers are kept
B. a special room computers are set up for safe use
C. room where computers are sold
D. room where one can tap internet

15. The best practice to avoid eye strain when using cathode ray tube monitors is
A. use a bigger monitor
B. mount an antiglare filter
C. sit a distance away from the monitor
D. reduce the light on the screen

16. The presentation has many views, which one is the convenient way of
viewing all slides in the presentation?
A. Slide sorter view
B. Normal view
C. Outline pane
D. Slide pane
17. Which of the following describes the purpose of the web page?
A. Downloading files on the internet.
B. Uploading files on the internet.
C. Making money on the internet.
D. Creating awareness about something on the internet.
18. The data cable of a computer is specified as 32-bit, this means it can transfer
A. 32 bytes at a time
B. 4 bits at a time
C. 8 characters at a time
D. 4 characters at a time

19. The areas of data storage on a diskette are made up of
A. Cylinders
C. Sectors
D. Governors

20. The main advantage of a local area network is to

A. enable the sharing of power source.
B. help in forming a link between users
C. enables sharing of resources such as printers
D. increase processor speed of the standalone computers

Answer all questions in this section. Answers should be written in the space
21. (a) Define a device driver. (02 marks)
(b) Give two devices that may require the installation of a device driver
(02 marks)
(c) Distinguish between System and Application software. (02 marks)
(d) Explain four functions that are normally carried out by the operating
system. (04 marks)

22. The table below shows a sample Microsoft access table

Index No Name Sex Date of House Fees paid

Candidate Birth
U1147/00 Pauline K Female 20/5/1999 Muteesa 500000
U1147/00 Bbosa B Male 3/4/1995 Mandela 450000
U1147/00 Mary J Female 14/6/1998 Chwa 700000
U1147/00 Fraser C Female 7/8/1994 Chwa 340000
U1147/00 Bob K Male 2/4/1990 Kintu 230000

(a) (i) Write down the field which can be used as the primary Key.
(03 marks)
(ii) Mention the field names on the table above. (03 marks)
(iii) Supposing another row was added and a user entered the index
no of U1147/005 again what would happen? (02 marks)
(b) Mention the data types for all the fields on the table. (02 marks)

23. (a) In relation to computers, explain the meaning of the following terms
(i) Server (02 marks)

(ii) Client (02 marks)
(b) (i) Outline five advantages of depending on computers networks.
(02 marks)
(ii) Write the acronym MODEM in full (01 mark)
24. (a) Differentiate between the internet and world wide web (02 marks)
(b) Demonstrate two dangers posed by the internet in your community.
(02 marks)
(c) Write the following in full in relation to computers. (04 marks)
FTP: ……………………………………………………………
HTTP: ……………………………………………………………
NIC: ……………………………………………………………
IP: ……………………………………………………………
(d) State two measures that can be taken to ensure that computers are kept
safe; (02 marks)


25. (a) Explain the meaning of the following computer terms (06 marks)
(i) Booting
(ii) Computer generation
(iii) Computer programming
(iv) RAM
(b) Explain three principles on which a computer generation is built.
(06 marks)
26. Supposing a programmer is going to use a high level language to write a
(a) State two advantages of using high level language over a low level
language. (02 marks)
(b) Differentiate between a compiler and an assembler (01 mark)
(c) Give one advantage of using machine language over high level
language. (01 mark)
(d) Briefly explain the meaning of the following programming phrases.
(06 marks)
(i) Debugging:
(ii) Compiling:
(iii) Execution:
27. (a) Distinguish between a header and a footer (01 mark)
(b) Give three word processing software features (03 marks)
(c) State the functions of the following processing features (02 marks)
(i) Copying text.
(ii) Spell checking the document

(d) Sate the meaning of the following mail merge files (02 marks)
(i) Primary file:
(ii) Secondary file:
(e) List two electronic document formatting features: (02 marks)


Answer only one question from this section.
28. (a) Define a computer virus? (02marks)
(b) Explain five types of viruses. (10 marks)
(c) Explain four computer viral transmission media. (08 marks)

29. (a) What are utility programs (02 marks)

(b) Explain the functions at least six utility programs you know.
(18 marks)

30. (a) Explain any five end-user office application programs available on the
market today. (10 marks)
(b) Explain five factors you consider when choosing a software program.




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