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In electromagnetism, permeability is the measure of the resistance of a material against the

formation of a magnetic field. Hence, it is the degree of magnetization that a material obtains in
response to an applied magnetic field. Magnetic permeability is typically represented by the
(italicized) Greek letter μ.

Permeability, also called magnetic permeability, is a constant of proportionality that exists

between magnetic induction and magnetic field intensity. This constant is equal to approximately
1.257 x 10-6 henry per meter (H/m) in free space (a vacuum). In other materials it can be much
different, often substantially greater than the free-space value, which is symbolized µo.

Materials that cause the lines of flux to move farther apart, resulting in a decrease in magnetic
flux density compared with a vacuum, are called diamagnetic. Materials that concentrate
magnetic flux by a factor of more than 1 but less than or equal to 10 are called paramagnetic;
materials that concentrate the flux by a factor of more than 10 are called ferromagnetic. The
permeability factors of some substances change with rising or falling temperature, or with the
intensity of the applied magnetic field.

In engineering applications, permeability is often expressed in relative, rather than in absolute,

terms. If µo represents the permeability of free space (that is, 1.257 x 10-6 H/m) and µ represents
the permeability of the substance in question (also specified in henrys per meter), then the
relative permeability, µr, is given by:

µr = µ / µo = µ (7.958 x 105)

Diamagnetic materials have µr less than 1, but no known substance has relative permeability
much less than 1. Certain ferromagnetics, especially powdered or laminated iron, steel, or nickel
alloys, have µr that can range up to about 1,000,000. When a paramagnetic or ferromagnetic core
is inserted into a coil, the inductance is multiplied by µr compared with the inductance of the
same coil with an air core. This effect is useful in the design of transformers and chokes for
alternating current (AC), audio frequencies (AF), and radio frequencies (RF).


It is the current production in a coil due to change in magnetic flux in itself or new coil.
Whenever there is a coil, and you have a change in magnetic flux or change in magnetic field, an
induced emf is generated in that coil or wire. This very property is inductance.

Here Φ ∝ I, where, Φ is the magnetic flux and I is the current. In ‘n’ turns of the coil, N Φ ∝ I. It
is a scalar quantity and it’s SI unit is Henry. It is denoted by H.
Dependency of Geometric Parameters on Inductance of a Coil

 The number of wire wraps or turns in the coil: When there are a greater number of
turns of wire in the coil it will result in greater inductance. And vice versa.
 Coil area: If the coil area is more, the coil (as measured looking lengthwise through the
coil, at the cross-section of the core) results in greater inductance and vice versa.
 Coil length: The longer the length of the coil, the inductance will be less. If the length of
the coil the is shorter, the inductance will be greater.

Self Inductance

Self-induction means the coils induce the emf themselves. There is a change in the magnetic flux
through that coil and because of this, the current will be induced in the coil by itself. So once the
current get induced, the current tries to oppose the flux. Here NΦ ∝ I

NΦ = LI ( L is the self-induction)

Induced emf, E = -N dΦ(dt) = -N dI(dt) [ L/N]

E = -L dI(dt)

This is the self-induced emf. A coil having self-inductance ”L” is said to be the induction coil.

Mutual Inductance

Here, there are two coils placed near each other. The first coil will make turns and carry the
current which results in the magnetic field. As both the coils nearly close to each other, the
magnetic field through one coil will all pass through the other coil. So one coil causes the
change in magnetic flux because of which current is induced in the other coil.

Here there is the primary coil and another one is the secondary coil. This type of induction
mainly depends upon the number of turns, size, and shape of the coil and medium between the
two coils.

E = -M dI(dt)

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