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Energy Conversion and Management 212 (2020) 112766

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A day-ahead PV power forecasting method based on LSTM-RNN model and T

time correlation modification under partial daily pattern prediction

Fei Wanga,b,c, Zhiming Xuana, Zhao Zhena,d, , Kangping Lia, Tieqiang Wange, Min Shie
Department of Electrical Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China
State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System With Renewable Energy Sources (North China Electric Power University), Beijing 102206, China
Hebei Key Laboratory of Distributed Energy Storage and Microgrid, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China
State Key Lab of Power System, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Dispatch and Control Center, State Grid Hebei Electric Power Co., Ltd, Shijiazhuang 050021, China


Keywords: Photovoltaic (PV) power generation is an effective means to realize solar energy utilization. Due to the natural
Photovoltaic power characteristics of random fluctuations in solar energy, the applications of PV power such as grid-connected PV
LSTM-RNN power plant, distributed PVs, and building integrated PVs will introduce new characteristics to the generation
Time correlation modification and load side of the power grid. Therefore, accurate day-ahead PV power forecasting is of great significance for
Daily pattern prediction
enabling grid manager to achieve PV power output data in advance and mitigate the influence of random
fluctuations. To tackle the deficiencies of conventional artificial intelligence (AI) modeling methods such as
overfitting problem and insufficient generalization ability to complex nonlinear modeling, a day-ahead PV
power forecasting model assembled by fusing deep learning modeling and time correlation principles under a
partial daily pattern prediction (PDPP) framework is proposed. First, an independent day-ahead PV power
forecasting model based on long-short-term memory recurrent neural network (LSTM-RNN) is established.
Second, a modification method is proposed to update the forecasting results of LSTM-RNN model based on time
correlation principles regarding different patterns of PV power in the forecasting day. Third, a partial daily
pattern prediction (PDPP) framework is proposed to provide accurate daily pattern prediction information of
particular days, which is used to guide the modification parameters. Simulation results show that the proposed
forecasting method with time correlation modification (TCM) is more accurate than the individual LSTM-RNN
model, and the performance of the forecasting model can be further improved for those days with accurate daily
pattern predictions under the proposed PDPP framework.

1. Introduction brings severe challenges to the operation of the power grid. The main
applications of PV power generation are large-scale grid-connected PV
1.1. Background power plants and distributed PVs [3,4]. Therefore, the stochastic fluc-
tuation characteristic of solar energy is introduced to both generation
Population growth and economic development lead to a continuous side and load side of the power grid [5], thus limiting the absorption of
increase in the demand for electricity and global energy consumption. PV power while maintaining the balance of energy supply and demand
Meanwhile, in the face of increasing depletion of limited fossil fuels and of power system [6,7].
demands for carbon emission reductions, it is of great significance to To promote the absorption of PV power generation, multiple tech-
develop the renewable power generation techniques [1]. Photovoltaic nologies have been developed and applied, including power flow op-
(PV) power generation can convert solar energy into electric energy timization [8], peaking units, microgird [9], demand response [10,11],
through the Photovoltaic Effect, which is one of the most promising energy storage [12], as well as PV power forecasting [13]. At present,
renewable power generation technique [2]. However, the variability of PV power forecasting is one of the most economical and feasible solu-
PV output power influenced by solar irradiance and temperature also tions. Meanwhile, it is also important support for the above other

Corresponding author at: Department of Electrical Engineering, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071003, China.
E-mail address: (Z. Zhen).
Received 12 December 2019; Received in revised form 29 February 2020; Accepted 21 March 2020
Available online 10 April 2020
0196-8904/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Wang, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 212 (2020) 112766

solutions [14,15]. The research of PV power forecasting mainly focus AI modeling based forecasting accuracy. Second is the research on a
on two kinds of models according to the forecasting time scale, ultra- time correlation modification (TCM) method based on time periodicity
short-term/hourly-ahead PV power forecasting models and short-term/ and proximate similarity. Thirdly, considering the influence of different
day-ahead PV power forecasting models [16–18]. The former is mainly weather conditions on PV power output, a partial daily pattern pre-
used to guide the real-time dispatching of power grids [19], while the diction (PDPP) framework is proposed to improve the TCM process on
latter is important data support for the formulation of day-ahead gen- LSTM-RNN model outputs. The main contributions of this paper in-
eration plans [20,21]. clude:

1.2. Literature review and motivation (1) A novel day-ahead PV power forecasting method utilizes deep
learning technology (realized by LSTM-RNN) and time correlation
At present, the primary methods for solar forecasting are persistence principle (embodied as annual periodicity and adjacent similarity)
model, autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model, regression is proposed.
method, exponential smoothing method, physical method, artificial (2) A partial daily pattern prediction (PDPP) framework is proposed to
neural network (ANN), support vector machine (SVM), and hybrid improve the performance of the day-ahead forecasting model fur-
model [22]. In [23–26], Time Series was used to predict solar energy ther.
over a short-term, but the forecast results are not satisfactory when the (3) Actual data is applied to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed
time scale and the output dimension increased. Satellite Images and Sky model.
Images can be applied to forecast solar irradiance over an ultra-short-
term based on the tracking and forecasting of cloud [2,27–30]. The The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces
forecasting effect of these image-based methods is directly related to the method of the proposed day-ahead PV power forecasting model.
the accuracy of image processing algorithms. While limited by the low Section 3 presents the simulation results and discussion, in which the
geographical resolution of meteorological satellite data and the small performances of the proposed forecasting model is evaluated. Finally,
coverage of ground-based sky image, the prediction accuracy and conclusions are drawn in Section 4.
practicability of this method should be further improved. NWP was
proposed in [31–34], for the use of predicting solar irradiance, how- 2. PV power day-ahead forecasting model under partial daily
ever, at present, there are many restrictions on the NWP information pattern prediction framework
provided by the domestic meteorological department, which restricts its
application. Artificial neural network techniques are applied in [35–39] 2.1. LSTM-RNN model
to realize solar forecasting. For the above solar forecasting methods, the
nonlinear processing ability of ANN is beneficial to fitting the changing Traditional ANN tries to build a direct mapping between input
law of solar power, which has achieved excellent results and been historical data and output forecast data to realize the forecasting ap-
widely used. proach. However, the lack of consideration of time correlation in data
For the above existing researches, there are still some issues that sequence makes it unable to capture the relationship between data and
need to be further studied. Firstly, the deficiencies of conventional ar- time for the ANN model, which restrict its application in time series
tificial intelligence modeling methods are still challenging problems to forecasting approaches. Therefore, the Recurrent Neural Network
tackle, and the rapid development of deep learning algorithm provides (RNN) is proposed to overcome this disadvantage. By adding cyclical
a promising way to solve this problem [40]. Secondly, however, except connections to neurons, the sequence-to-sequence mapping between
for the fluctuation of PV power affected by weather changes and cloud input and output data can be built by RNN. Thus the output of each
movement, the solar energy also shows strong periodicity and reg- time step is affected by the input of previous time step. Therefore, the
ularity, so the comprehensive utilization of these two characteristics is ‘memory’ characteristic is realized by RNN [45,46].
meaningful to increase forecasting accuracy [41,42]. Finally, is the The structure of RNN is shown in Fig. 1. Each node represents the
coupling between weather and electricity, and how to incorporate this neuron of a single time step. The connection weight of input is W1, the
coupling into the forecasting model [43,44]. self-connection weight of each neuron is W2, the connection weight of
output is W3. The input data sequence enters network in turn according
1.3. Contributions to time steps, and the weight coefficient is utilized recycling.
The training process of RNN contains a forward pass and a back-
Facing the technology update brought by deep learning theory, and ward pass. The forward pass of an RNN is the same as that of a mul-
the issue of how to deal with the coupling relationship between the tilayer perceptron with a single hidden layer, except that activations
randomness and periodicity of photovoltaic power under different arrive at the hidden layer from both the current external input and the
weather conditions, the primary research contents of this paper include hidden layer activations from the previous time steps. The backward
three parts. First is the research on an LSTM-RNN model for day-ahead pass to calculate weight derivatives for RNN is called back propagation
PV power forecasting based on deep learning techniques to improve the through time (BPTT). Like standard backpropagation, BPTT consists of

Fig. 1. The structure of RNN.

F. Wang, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 212 (2020) 112766

a repeated application of the chain rule. The subtlety is that, for re-
current networks, the loss function depends on the activation of the alt = ∑ wil xit + ∑ whl bht−1 + ∑ wcl sct−1
i=1 h=1 c=1 (5)
hidden layer not only through its influence on the output layer but also
through its influence on the hidden layer at the next time step. blt = f (alt ) (6)
Consider a sequence x of length T as the input of an RNN with I
For forget gates the input and output values are:
input neurons, H hidden neurons, and K output neurons. Let x it be the
value of ith input at time t of x, and let aht and bht be the network input to I H C

hidden neurons j at time t and the activation of neurons j at time t. Then aφt = ∑ wiφ xit + ∑ whφ bht−1 + ∑ wcφ sct−1
i=1 h=1 c=1 (7)
for the hidden neurons in the forward pass we have:
I H bφt = f (aφt) (8)
aht = ∑ wih xit + ∑ w h′h bht−′ 1
i=1 h′= 1 (1) For memory cells the input, state, and output values are:
And the calculation process of the backward pass can be described
by the following equations:
act = ∑ wic xit + ∑ whc bht−1
i=1 h=1 (9)

δhi = θ′ (aht) ⎜ ∑ δkt whk + ∑ δht+′ 1 whh′⎞⎟ sct = bφt sct − 1 + blt g (act ) (10)
⎝ k=1 h′= 1 ⎠ (2)
bct = bwt h (sct ) (11)
δ tj = For output gates the input and output values are:
∂atj (3)

∂L ∂aj
t T a wt = ∑ wiw xit + ∑ whw bht−1 + ∑ wcw sct
= ∑ t
= ∑ δ tj bit i=1 h=1 c=1 (12)
∂wij t=1
∂aj ∂wij t=1 (4)
bwt = f (a wt ) (13)
An essential benefit of recurrent neural networks is their ability to
use contextual information when mapping between input and output In the backward pass, the weight coefficients of LSTM neurons are
sequences. Unfortunately, for standard RNN architectures, the range of updated according to the following equations:
context that can be in practice accessed is quite limited. During the C
training process, the sensitivity of RNN to information in earlier time δlt = f ′ (alt ) ∑ g (act ) εst
steps is decreasing. The RNN may even forget the most deleted input c=1 (14)
information. Then Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is proposed to C
improve the performance of tradition RNN model. δφt = f ′ (aφt) ∑ sct−1 εst
The structure of LSTM based neuron is shown in Fig. 2. In LSTM- c=1 (15)
RNN, a set of recurrently connected subnets, known as memory blocks
δct = blt g ′ (act ) εst (16)
are applied. Each block contains one or more self-connected memory
cells and three multiplicative units called input, output and forget gates. C
These gate units can provide continuous analogs of write, read and reset δwt = f ′ (a wt ) ∑ h (sct ) εct
operations for the memory cells. When input gate is activated, input c=1 (17)
data will be saved in the memory cell, when output gate is activated, where
the data will be transmitted to the next neurons, when forget gate is
activated, the information in the memory cell will be deleted. There- δ=
fore, the long short-term memory of input data sequence is realized ∂a
according to the activations of different gates [47]. wij – Connection weight from node i to node j.atj – The input of node j at
The LSTM based neurons are also trained through forward and time t.btj – The activation value of node j at time t.l, φ , c, w – The index
backward passes, and then applying the BPTT method to update the of the input gate, the forget get, the memory cell and the output
neuron weight. Based on equations (1) to (4), the calculation process gate.wcl, wcφ, wcw – The peephole weights from the memory cell to the
for LSTM neuron training can be written as follows. input, forget, and output gates.sct – The state of the memory cell at time
In forward pass, for input gates the input and output values are: t. f – The activation function of each gate. g , h – The activation function

Fig. 2. The structure of LSTM based neuron.

F. Wang, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 212 (2020) 112766

Fig. 3. The annual periodicity and adjacent similarity of extraterrestrial solar irradiance.

Fig. 4. Normalized photovoltaic power curve for 4 consecutive days.

of the memory cell input and output.I – The number of input.K – The after (positive) forecast moment of the previous ith year is ri, j . The
number of output.H – The number of memory cells in hidden layers.G – correlation coefficient between r0,0 and ri, j can be calculated according
The total number of input values in hidden layers. For LSTM G = 4H.L to the following formula.
– The loss function.
Cov (r0,0, ri, j )
C (r0,0, ri, j ) =
Var (r0,0 ) Var (ri, j ) (18)
2.2. Time correlation modification
The value of C (r0,0, ri, j ) reflects the similarity in PV power output
between forecasting day and the historical reference day. Ideally, if
Under the influence of the earth’s revolution around the sun, the
both forecasting day and reference day are sunny, then the value of
daily extraterrestrial solar irradiance of a particular location presents
C (r0,0, ri, j ) will be very close to 1. However, if the weather condition in
time correlation characteristics, which embodied as annual periodicity
reference day is different from forecasting day, the transformation
and adjacent similarity [48]. Here the annual periodicity means that the
processes from extraterrestrial solar irradiance to surface solar irra-
daily extraterrestrial solar irradiance data in the same ahargana of
diance to PV power will also be different, then the value of C (r0,0, ri, j )
different years are also the same because of the permanent comparative
will be smaller than 1. On the other hand, the values of i and j also
position of the sun and the earth. The adjacent similarity means that for
affect C (r0,0, ri, j ) .
the neighboring days, their daily irradiance data are close to each other
For example, Fig. 4 shows the normalized photovoltaic power curve
as the relative positions of the sun and the earth are similar. As shown
for 4 consecutive days. It can be seen that there are three weather
in Fig. 3.
conditions in the 4 days: cloudy or rainy, sunny, and partly cloudy.
The power output of PV is the electric energy converted from the
Then we calculate the values of C (r0,0, ri, j ) between each day’s data as
surface solar irradiance it received, which is determined by the corre-
shown in Table 1. It can be seen that the calculation results conform to
sponding extraterrestrial irradiance and weather conditions. Because of
the above description.
the close correlation between surface and extraterrestrial irradiance
According to the above analysis, the formula of C (r0,0, ri, j ) used in
under clear sky weather, the PV power also presents a similar annual
this paper can also be defined as
periodicity and adjacent similarity with extraterrestrial irradiance.
When the weather is fine, the PV power output is closed to that of the Ti, j Si, j
Ci, j = C (r0,0, ri, j ) =
same historical periods and the approaching dates, or in another word, Vi, j V0,0 (19)
their changing laws are very similar. Hence, the reference value of PV
power output in the forecasting day can be calculated by using the PV where
power data of the same historical periods and the approaching dates 1 1
Ti . j =
according to the time correlation characteristic. (k1 i + 1)2 (k2 j + 1)2 (20)
Suppose the daily PV power data series in the forecasting day is r0,0 ,
and the daily PV power data series in the jth day before (negative) or Si, j = f (wi, j, w0,0) (21)

F. Wang, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 212 (2020) 112766

Table 1 pattern label of the day. For forecasting models, the inputs are previous
Forecasting accuracy of different models. daily PV power data and the outputs are daily PV power data of the
Day 1 (cloudy Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 (partly forecasting day. These forecasting models can be realized using stan-
or rainy) (sunny) (sunny) cloudy) dard forecasting techniques such as ANN, ARIMA, and SVM. Thirdly,
these multiple standard models are used to forecast the daily PV power
Day 1 (cloudy or 1 0.9610 0.9615 0.9326
data, and then the classification model is applied to recognize the daily
Day 2 (sunny) 0.9610 1 0.9992 0.9846
pattern of forecasting day according to these forecasted PV power data.
Day 3 (sunny) 0.9615 0.9992 1 0.9844 Fourthly, we vote for the final daily pattern of the forecasting day ac-
Day 4 (partly 0.9326 0.9846 0.9844 1 cording to all the predicted patterns.
cloudy) However, according to the above framework, the accuracy of the
predicted daily pattern of the forecasting day cannot be guaranteed in
actual applications due to the model errors. A wrong predicted daily
Vi, j = g (wi, j ) (22)
pattern will, in turn, reduce the final forecasting accuracy of PV power.
Ti, j represents the time correlation coefficient which is determined To solve this problem, on the one hand, we can apply more high-per-
by the value of i and j , Si, j represents the meteorological similarity formance forecasting models, on the other hand, we can strict the
coefficient which is determined by the weather type of reference day voting session. Therefore, only when all the forecast results of different
wi, j and forecasting day w0,0 , Vi, j and V0,0 represent the randomness models are classified as the same daily pattern, the DPP results can be
coefficients of the reference day and forecasting day which is de- applied. Otherwise, we will give up the predicted daily pattern.
termined by the weather type of the corresponding day. Therefore, the DPP framework is improved to a partial daily pattern
To determine the reference value of PV power output at a specific prediction (PDPP) framework. The detail process of the PDPP for PV
time, the periodicity scale coefficient T and similarity scale coefficient L power is shown in Fig. 6.
are defined to describe the scope of data that we need. The periodicity
scale coefficient T determines the years of historical data of the forecast 2.4. Day-ahead PV power ensemble forecasting model
time of towards forward and the similarity scale coefficient L determine
the days of historical data at the forecast time of towards forward and The proposed ensemble model consists of two sub forecasting
back. T and L are both positive integers. Then according to the de- models, respectively LSTM-RNN model and time correlation model,
termined values of scale coefficients, a reference matrix R of PV power which are integrated through the PDPP framework.
at a definitive forecast moment can be created using historical data. The output of LSTM-RNN model and time correlation model are
Taking T = 3, L = 2 as an example, the created reference matrix R is both the data sequence of daily PV power in the forecasting day. While
shown by the following formula: for LSTM-RNN model, the input data are the PV power value sequence
in the previous three days, and for time correlation model, the output
⎡ {r1, −2} {r1, −1} {r1,0} {r1,1} {r1,2} ⎤ data are calculated according to the determined scale coefficients using
R = [ri, j ]3 × 5 = ⎢ {r2, −2} {r2, −1} {r2,0} {r2,1} {r2,2} ⎥ historical PV power data.
⎢ ⎥
⎢ {r3, −2} {r3, −1} {r3,0} {r3,1} {r3,2} ⎥ In a primary technology route, the PV power in the target day is first
⎣ ⎦ (23)
forecasted by the LSTM-RNN model. Then the reference data of PV
Then according to the reference matrix R, the reference PV power power is calculated using time correlation model. Next, a time corre-
data value Eref can be calculated as the average of all the elements in lation modification (TCM) process is implemented on LSTM-RNN model
matrix R. outputs using the reference data. However, considering the changeable
T L weather conditions and the high requirement of forecasting accuracy,
∑i = 1 ∑ j =−L ri, j Ci, j
Eref = the PDPP program is further applied to predict the daily weather pat-
∑i = 1 ∑ j =−L Ci, j (24) tern of the forecasting day based on the primary technology route. Then
we can optimize the TCM process according to the predicted daily
Therefore, for a particular day, the reference PV power data can be pattern of the forecasting day. The complete procedure is shown in
calculated using the above formulas determined by the periodicity scale Fig. 7.
coefficient and the similarity scale coefficient. As a result of average
irradiance, the value of Eref can characterize the primary trend of ir- 3. Simulation and discussion
radiance, which can either be used as an individual PV power forecast
result or modify the forecast results of other machine learning method. 3.1. Data

2.3. Partial daily pattern prediction The simulation data used in this paper is downloaded on the in-
ternet from the Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL), Global
Section 2.1 and 2.2 provide two approaches to forecast future PV Monitoring Division website. The solar data records are collected from
power. Then to obtain the final day-ahead forecast results, the outputs 2011 to 2016 at the Desert Rock station in Nevada. Before simulation,
of the LSTM-RNN model need to be modified by the time correlation the time resolution of direct normal irradiance (DNI) and temperature
model using a fusion model. Depending on different weather condi- data has been adjusted to 15 min to fit the forecasting model.
tions, the variation patterns of daily PV power sequence will change The output power of PV mainly depends on the value of solar ir-
correspondingly [49]. Therefore, multiple classified fusion methods radiance and temperature, and can be calculated according to the fol-
should also be applied by targeting different daily patterns. lowing formula [50,51]:
To recognize the daily pattern of PV power in the forecasting day,
P = ηr SGT [1 − β (Tm − T0)] (25)
the DPP model is applied. The basic framework of the DPP model is
shown in Fig. 5. Firstly, historical daily PV power data are clustered where P is PV power output, ηr is the reference module efficiency, S is
into different groups to achieve the daily pattern label of PV power for the aperture surface area of PV module, β is temperature coefficients of
each day. Secondly, according to the daily PV power data with daily PV modules, Tm and T0 are average PV module temperature and re-
pattern labels, a daily pattern (DP) classification model and multiple ference values of temperature respectively, and finally, GT is surface
day-ahead PV power forecasting models are trained. The inputs of solar radiance flux on module plane.
classification model are daily PV power data and the output is the Setting T0 = 25, β = 0.39% , formula can be rewritten as:

F. Wang, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 212 (2020) 112766

Fig. 5. The framework of daily pattern prediction (DPP).

P = ηr SGT [1 − 0.0039(Tm − 25)] (26) To calculate the value of GT according to the downloaded DNI data,
the solar altitude angle H and solar azimuth as are needed. The two
In formula, GT and Tm can be obtained and calculated according to
parameters can be calculated by the following formulas:
the ESRL website data, other parameters can be neglected through

Fig. 6. The detail process of the PDPP model.

F. Wang, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 212 (2020) 112766

Fig. 7. The procedure of the proposed ensemble PV power day-ahead forecasting model.

n + 284 proposed PV power day-ahead forecasting model with all the reference
δ = 23.45 × sin ⎛360 × ⎞
⎝ 365 ⎠ (27) models.
Three error indices, root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute
ω = 15 × (ST − 12) (28) error (MAE), and Correlation Coefficient (COR), are applied to evaluate
sinH = sinφsinδ + cosφcosδ cosω (29) the model performance according to forecast results. The official
functions of the three error indices are:
cosδ sinω
sinas = n
∑i = 1 (yi − 
yi )2
cosH (30)
n (31)
where δ is solar declination angle, n is ahargana, ω is solar hour angle,
ST is true solar time. n
∑i = 1 (yi − 
yi )
In practice, the angle and location of the module plane of PV is MAE =
n (32)
available, and when the solar altitude angle H and solar azimuth as are
achieved, the incidence of solar irradiance relative to the module plane Cov (y, y )̂
COR = × 100%
will be available as well. Therefore, the value of GT can be calculated V (y ) V (y )̂ (33)
according to the DNI data and the incidence of solar irradiance. Then
based on the downloaded DNI data, temperature data and formula (20) Where y is the actual value, y ̂ is the forecasted value, and i is the index
~ (25), the theoretical value of normalized PV power can be achieved. value of data.
Initially the units of RMSE and MAE are the same with y . However,
3.2. Experimental design as the data used in this paper is normalized PV power, the RMSE and
MAE are nondimensionalized just like the COR.
The last 300 days data in 2016 are selected as the forecasting days RMSE is one of the most commonly used accuracy indices, the
to test the performance of the proposed model. For LSTM-RNN model power two calculation in its formula can increase the influence of
and DPP model, the training data is the PV power sequence in the massive deviation results on the final value of the index, which makes it
previous 700 days (training days) before forecasting days. For time usually more reliable than MAE. COR is used to evaluate the correlation
correlation model, the data from 2011 to 2015 is applied to generate between two sequences, as COR cannot efficiently reflect the deviation
the reference value. between the data, it makes sense only when other indices like RMSE
The simulation in this paper contains four steps. and MAE are close.
In the first step, the performance of LSTM-RNN forecasting model is
evaluated comparing with three standard forecasting models: back 3.3. Results
propagation neural network (BPNN) model, support vector machines
(SVM) model, and persistent model. A. Periodicity and similarity scale coefficient of PV power modification
In the second step, the time correlation model is applied to modify
the output of the above four models using a global fusion model to The reference value to modify PV power depends on the setting of
explore the influence of annual periodicity and adjacent similarity on annual periodicity and adjacent similarity coefficients. To find out the
PV forecasting. Here the fusion model is realized by weighted sum- optimal coefficients for PV power modification, the RMSE between
mation. actual PV power data and the reference value of training days that
In the third step, the PDPP framework is applied. The weight calculated with different scale coefficients are shown in Fig. 8.
coefficients in fusion models for different DP are optimized and the It can be seen that with the increasing of similarity scale coefficient
effectiveness of this optimization is tested as well. and periodicity scale confident, the RMSE between actual PV power and
In the fourth step, we compared the accuracy of the complete reference value first declines steadily and then keeps consistent.

F. Wang, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 212 (2020) 112766

Fig. 8. Accuracy of time correlation model with different scale coefficients.

Therefore, the periodicity scale confident T and similarity scale coeffi- C. Improvement of PDPP
cient L are set as 5 and 10 in the following calculations of the fore-
casting days. According to the above comparison of PV power forecasting models,
the advancement of LSTM-RNN model and the effectiveness of mod-
B. Performance testing for LSTM-RNN model and time correlation ification method using time correlation model are verified. Then the
model following simulation is carried out to test the performance of PDPP
framework further.
In this paper, LSTM-RNN model is applied as the primary fore- In this part, the daily pattern of PV power is classified into two
casting approach in our proposed PV power day-ahead forecasting categories. The numbers of days of each pattern in training set and
model. To evaluate the performance of LSTM-RNN model, we compare testing set are shown in Table 4.
this model with the persistent model and two commonly used artificial Then according to the DPP results of the 300 forecasting days, the
intelligence (AI) based forecasting models, respectively BPNN and SVM confusion matrix is drawn as Table 5 to show the accuracy of DPP
models. For all the three AI-based models (LSTM-RNN, BPNN, and model.
SVM), the inputs are PV power data in the previous three days of the It can be seen that there are 105 days predicted as pattern A while
forecasting day and the outputs are PV power data in the forecasting 99 of them are correct, and there are 195 days predicted as pattern B
day. For the persistent model, we treat the previous day’s PV power while 120 of them are correct. The prediction accuracy of pattern A and
data as the forecasted value directly. The forecast results and error of pattern B are 94.3% and 64.5% respectively, among which the accuracy
the four models is shown in Fig. 9. In Fig. 9(a), the forecasted nor- rate of pattern A is relatively high. However, the wrong predicted
malized PV power curves of different models are shown in different pattern would lead to a wrong selection of weight coefficient, which
colors. In Fig. 9(b), the error between forecasting value and the actual will severely disrupt the accuracy of final forecast results. Therefore,
value corresponds to each color area. The calculated accuracy statistics the accuracy rate at 94.3% of pattern A is still unusable.
are listed in Table 2. To further improve the prediction accuracy of daily PV power pat-
It can be seen that all the machine learning based models achieve a tern, the outputs of DPP model that are predicted as pattern A are fil-
better forecasting accuracy than the persistent model. Among machine tered. Only the days with all votes as pattern A are selected as predicted
learning based models, the performance of the BPNN model is the worst pattern A days, other days are concerned with the uncertain pattern.
and is very close to the persistent model, which may due to the high Then after the filtering process, only 26 days left as pattern A prediction
dimension of input data which weakening the fitting and generalization days. For these accurate pattern-A days, the weight coefficients are
ability of the BPNN model. The area of color region corresponding to optimized using historical data in pattern A days. Other days will apply
persistence and BPNN models are also larger than that of SVM and the weight coefficients determined by the whole historical data set.
LSTM-RNN models as shown in Fig. 9(b). Fig. 13 shows the forecast results of the proposed ensemble model in
When the forecasted values of PV power are achieved by different different forecasting stages. Then in Table 6 and Figs. 14–16, the ac-
models, the time correlation model is applied to modify the forecast curacy indices of forecast results in different stages are illustrated. In
results of LSTM-RNN, BPNN, SVM, and persistent models according to the first stage, the PV power data is forecasted only by the LSTM-RNN
the annual periodicity and adjacent similarity of PV power. model, of which the model performance has been verified in previous
The reference value Eref is first calculated according to historical simulations. In the second stage, the outputs of LSRM-RNN model are
data, then to ensure the same modification degree of the four models for modified by time correlation model. The forecasting accuracy improved
the convenience of comparison, here we directly calculate the average significantly at this stage. Then the PDPP is applied and we compile the
of forecasted value and reference value Eref as modified PV power statistics of forecasting accuracy for all the testing days and only for
value, thus the weight coefficients of forecasted value and reference accurate pattern-A days. It can be seen that, due to the limited number
value are 0.5 and 0.5 without optimization. As shown in Table 3, it can of accurate pattern-A days, there is hardly any accuracy improvement
be seen that the accuracy of the revised results has been significantly of PDPP applied forecast results for all the testing days compared with
improved, which verified the effectiveness of the time correlation based stage 2. However, if we focus on the accurate pattern-A days, the utility
modification method. Figs. 10–12 show the improvement of four fore- of PDPP becomes very obvious.
casting models by time correlation modification on different error in-

F. Wang, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 212 (2020) 112766

Fig. 9. Forecast results of different models.

Table 2 3.4. Discussion

Forecasting accuracy of different models.
LSTM-RNN BPNN SVM Persistence The LSTM-RNN model and time correlation model can be both used
for day-ahead PV forecasting. The former belongs to artificial in-
RMSE 8.83% 10.31% 9.80% 10.60% telligence technique which tries to learn the mapping relationship be-
MAE 4.66% 5.27% 4.83% 4.88%
tween data in the forecasting day and the previous days before the
COR 92.38% 90.52% 90.54% 89.87%
forecasting day. The latter belongs to the statistical method, and the
calculated value is determined by historical data in previous years.
Table 3 Therefore, the results of time correlation model are more close to the
Forecasting accuracy of different models after time correlation modification. actual data in trend, while the LSTM-RNN model is more about trying to
track the fluctuations of PV power output. Then the ensemble model
achieved higher accuracy than both individual models as it combines
RMSE 6.29% 6.86% 6.44% 6.70% the advantages of them.
MAE 2.78% 3.17% 2.84% 2.93% DPP model is used to predict the pattern of the forecasting day so
COR 96.19% 95.46% 95.81% 95.68% that an optimal group of weight coefficients can be selected to calculate
the final results using the output data of LSTM-RNN model and time
correlation model. If apply the DPP model in the ensemble PV power
day-ahead forecasting model, the accuracy of DPP would be a key factor

F. Wang, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 212 (2020) 112766

Fig. 10. Improvement of four models on RMSE.

for forecasting accuracy. On the one hand, accurate DPP can help fur- and the mean value of initial forecasting results and reference value, the
ther improve the accuracy of the ensemble PV power day-ahead fore- forecasting accuracy is first improved, as shown in section 3.3 part B. In
casting model, on the other hand, once the predicted pattern of the the second stage, PDPP is applied to predict the daily pattern of the
forecasting day is incorrect, the final results of ensemble model would forecasting day, and the weight coefficients of initial forecasting results
be utterly wrong. So far, the overall accuracy of the proposed DPP and reference value is updated to further improve the accuracy, as
model cannot be guaranteed according to our existing research results. shown in section 3.3 part C. After the two stages improvement, the final
Therefore, the PDPP framework is proposed to mitigate this problem. forecasting accuracy in the experiment is obtained.
According to the experimental design and simulation results in
section 3.2 and 3.3, the improvement of forecasting accuracy comes
from two stages. The initial forecasting results is achieved by LSTM- 4. Conclusion
RNN model, then by calculating the reference value using function (24)
A novel ensemble day-ahead PV power forecasting model

Fig. 11. Improvement of four models on MAE.

F. Wang, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 212 (2020) 112766

Fig. 12. Improvement of four models on COR.

Table 4 Table 6
Pattern distribution in training and testing days. The accuracy of results in different forecasting stages.
Pattern A Pattern B Forecasting stage RMSE MAE COR

Days in training set 313 387 LSTM-RNN forecasting 8.83% 4.66% 92.38%
Days in testing set 174 126 Modified by time correlation model 6.29% 2.78% 96.19%
PDPP applied forecast results for all the testing days 6.27% 2.77% 96.21%
PDPP applied forecast results for accurate pattern-A 5.68% 2.35% 97.76%
Table 5
Confusion matrix of the DPP results.
Target pattern Accuracy combining AI technique with the statistical method is proposed in this
paper. The power output of PV has both periodic and random volatility
due to the annual and daily changing regulation of solar energy and the
Predicted pattern A 99 6 94.3% uncertainty of weather conditions. Therefore, in the ensemble model,
B 75 120 61.5% the LSTM-RNN model based deep learning technique is first applied to
Accuracy 56.9% 95.2% 73.0% track the fluctuation problem of PV power, then time correlation

Fig. 13. Forecast results of the proposed ensemble model in different forecasting stages.

F. Wang, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 212 (2020) 112766

Fig. 14. The RMSE of forecast results in different stages of the model. Forecasting stage: 1. LSTM-RNN forecasting; 2. Modified by time correlation model; 3. PDPP
applied forecast results for all the testing days; 4. PDPP applied forecast results for accurate pattern-A days.

principle is applied to modify the output of LSTM-RNN model according Author contributions
to the trend and regularity reflected by historical data.
As the proportion of periodic and random part of PV power may All authors have worked on this manuscript together and all authors
change with days under different weather conditions, a DPP model is have read and approved the final manuscript.
proposed to predict the pattern of forecasting day, so that the optimal
parameters for TCM process can be selected to further improve the
accuracy of the proposed day-ahead PV power forecasting. However, Conflicts of interest
since the non-guaranteed performance of the DPP model, we further
proposed the PDPP framework to integrate the LSTM-RNN model and The authors declare that the grant, scholarship, and/or funding
time correlation model. mentioned in the Acknowledgments section do not lead to any conflict
The novelty of the work lies in combining deep learning technology of interest. Additionally, the authors declare that there is no conflict of
and time correlation principle to tackle the deficiencies of conventional interest regarding the publication of this manuscript.
artificial intelligence (AI) modeling methods such as overfitting pro-
blem and insufficient generalization ability to complex nonlinear
modeling, and applying the PDPP framework to incorporate the cou- CRediT authorship contribution statement
pling between weather and electricity into the forecasting model.
Simulation results using actual data verified the performance of LSTM- Fei Wang: Conceptualization, Writing - review & editing. Zhiming
RNN model and TCM method, the effectiveness of the PDPP framework Xuan: Investigation, Writing - review & editing. Zhao Zhen:
for partial accurate pattern days is also confirmed. Methodology, Writing - original draft. Kangping Li: Investigation.
Tieqiang Wang: Resources. Min Shi: Validation.

Fig. 15. The MAE of forecast results in different stages of the model. Forecasting stage: 1. LSTM-RNN forecasting; 2. Modified by time correlation model; 3. PDPP
applied forecast results for all the testing days; 4. PDPP applied forecast results for accurate pattern-A days.

F. Wang, et al. Energy Conversion and Management 212 (2020) 112766

Fig. 16. The COR of forecast results in different stages of the model. Forecasting stage: 1. LSTM-RNN forecasting; 2. Modified by time correlation model; 3. PDPP
applied forecast results for all the testing days; 4. PDPP applied forecast results for accurate pattern-A days.

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