Superpave Method

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SUPERPAVE Asphalt Binder Tests and Specification

Super-pave Performance grading (PG) system was developed based on SHRP during 1987-1992.
The PF system based on performance and engineering and engineering principles to address
common pavement distress problems such as rutting, fatigue, and low temperature cracking.


PG system covers entire range of pavement temperatures experienced at project site.

Intermediate temperature, 20, 60 (DSR), high temperature, Rotational Viscometer (135), low
temperature, -20 (BBR, DTT). Intermediate and low temperature are comes under service

DSR used to measure the viscoelastic properties of asphalt binder at two temperatures- high
pavement temperature (say, 60) corresponding to maximum 7 day pavement temperature during
hot summer at project site. Intermediate temperature say 20 corresponding to average annual
temperature of pavement at project site. BBR during winter at lowest pavement temperature.

RV ensure that binder is sufficiently fluid for pumping and mixing. Pumping takes place from
binder storage tanks to asphalt plant mixing unit. The binder should be fluid enough to coat the
aggregate easily.

RV used to establish the compaction and mixing temperature of asphalt mix. RV is concentric
cylinder rheometer. This means one cylinder rotates inside the other. It basically measure the
torque required to maintain constant rotational speed of 20 RPM, of cylindrical spindle while
submerged in asphalt binder at constant temperature. This torque then converted to viscosity and
displayed automatically by RV. Viscosity is the ratio of shear stress to shear strain. AASHTO T
316 & ASTM D 4402: viscosity determination of asphalt binder using RV.

It is suited for Newtonian fluids.


It is used to determine the high and intermediate temperature properties of asphalt binder. DSR
evaluates the asphalt binder properties which influence rutting/fatigue cracking in asphalt
The viscous and elastic properties of binder in terms of complex modulus G* and phase angle
(delta) determined by DSR. G*delta = fatigue parameter, G*/delta = rutting parameter.

G* is stiffness modulus of binder jointly contributed by its viscosity and elasticity components.
Viscous part on Y axis, elastic part on X axis. The phase angle determines the relative
proportions of viscous (G”) and elastic part. It is clear that in fig B elastic part (G’) is more than
viscous part in binder B, because the phase angle is smaller in asphalt B.

When sinusoidal stress is applied to material which is fully elastic, resulting strain is in sync with
stress, that is there is no time lag (phase angle is zero). When it is applied to fully viscous,
resulting strain is out of phase and has time lag of 90. When phase angle is in between 0-90, then
binder is viscoelastic in nature.

Thin asphalt binder is placed between lower plate which is fixed, and upper plate which is
oscillated by applying constant stress or strain. One sinusoidal cycle take place when upper plate
moves from A to B to A to C to A. DSR determines and records the maximum stress and strain
in each direction. The test temperature, specimen size and plate diameter depend upon the type
of asphalt binder being used. The test specimen is kept at near constant temperature by heating
and cooling surrounding environmental chamber. Top plate oscillates at 10 Rad/sec. while the
equipment measure the maximum stress, strain and lag between them. Then software gives the
G* value and phase angle also. loading represent the 55 mile/hour speed of traffic.

Original binder and RTFO residue tested at high temperature specification for PG system using
1mm thick and 25 mm diameter. PAV residue tested at intermediate temperature for which a
thicker 2 mm sample with small diameter of 8 mm is suitable.

Rutting factor – G*/sin delta, determined at high temperature. G* and Sin delta measured by the
DSR in linear viscoelastic region only. However in case of PMB the response is non-linear and
therefore sensitive to stress level of test.

On neat asphalt binder, G* / sin delta shows poor relation with rutting in the field in case of
modified binders.

MSCR conducted on RTFO aged asphalt binder.


What is Asphalt?

 As per ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), Asphalt is dark brown to
black cementitious material.
 Its predominating constituent is bitumen which occur naturally or is obtained in
petroleum processing.
 Asphalt binder or bitumen, binder viscoelastic material comprising of hydrocarbons
(HC) and their derivatives, which are soluble in carbon disulfide (CS2).
 Viscoelastic means- elastic solid at low temperature and viscous fluid at high

Natural Asphalt or Bitumen – occur naturally in veins of rock formation such as

limestone or sandstones. Either soft or hard. Result from evaporation of volatile
portions of natural deposits, leaving asphalt fractions.

o Hard variety binder such as gilsonite is black and brittle in state of Utah US.
o Soft binder occur in Trinidad Lake deposition on island of Trinidad.

Petroleum Bitumen –

 Obtained by refining the petroleum crude.

 By product of refining process results in bitumen.
 Straight reduction through primary distillation is first step in refining the
crude petroleum.
 Crude oil heated at 343 C in large furnace to vaporize it partially.
 Lighter component of petroleum crude rise to top, cool , condense and drawn
off on trays inside the tower. Gasoline, Naptha, Kerosine)
 The bottom material (residuum) in the primary distillation tower is usually
heated and introduced in vacuum distillation tower where heavy gas oils are
produced and resulting residuum at bottom is generally paving bitumen.

Asphalt Usage-

 100 million metric tonnes of asphalt used worldwide annual basis.

 Used widely in road construction and maintenance, 85%
 Paving asphalt used for HMA, Micro-surfacing, tack coat, chip seals, sold mixtures.
 Roofing applications

Chemical Composition of Asphalt-

Chemical composition Types and structure of functional groups PAHs

 Complex mixture with large number of different chemical compounds of higher
molecular weight.
 Wide range of organic molecule.

Type and Structure of Functional groups-

 Four compounds are- asphaltenes, resins, cyclic and saturates.

 These molecules present in asphalt are combinations of alkanes, aromatics, hetero-
molecules containing O,S,N and heavy metals.
 S,O, and N found in asphaltenes and resins.

 Precipitate obtained after dissolving the binder in no polar solvent is asphaltene and
remained dissolved in binder referred as maltene.
 Asphal functionality relates to – how molecules interact with each other and/or with
aggregate surfaces and/or materials.
 The N, O content increase the polarity, which results in molecular association to
influence the physical properties and performance.
 Asphaltene – black solid particles, containing the H,C,S,O, and N. highly polar
material with high molecular weight. On the other hand maltene are thick viscous
 Saturates – straight and branched chain aliphatic HC present in asphalt. Component
include wax and non wax saturates. Alkyl naphthene
 Cyclic (naphthene aromatic) are compound with lowest molecular weight and
represent the major portion of dispersion medium for peptized asphaltenes.
 Resins-dark colored, solid adhesive fractions of relatively high molecular weight. The
proportions of resin to asphaltene govern the rheological behavior of asphalt.
Vacuum distillation selectively remove the lighter components with higher volatility, lower
molecular weight HC, thereby result in concentration of higher molecular weight (low volatility
in asphalt).

During air blowing cyclic are converted into resins, which in turn to asphaltene. With increase
in asphaltene content the stiffness of asphalt increases. Oxidized asphalts typically have higher
asphaltene content than non oxidized asphalts.

Polarity – covalent bond in-service temperature remain intact. While weak non covalent
bond break under increased stress and temperature, reform or reorganize easily without
creating new molecules.

Oxidation –

 As asphalt molecule react with oxygen, new polar sites formed which increase the
stiffness or tendency to self-assemble.
 The oxidation can occur at refinery, during mixing at asphalt mixture production
facility and placement or in-service in pavement.
 During production – this process last for few hours, HMA maintained at high
temperature of 100 in the form of thin film coating the aggregates partciles in loose
 These conditions (high surface area, temperature, easy access to oxygen from air in
loose mix) result in the significant oxidation of asphalt binder by the time it is placed
and compacted in the field.
 Also lighter component escape from binder.

Asphalt Physical Properties and Characteristics

Physical properties

Consistency, Purity, Safety

How asphalt behaves

Fundamental vs. empirical properties

Consistency – asphalt is viscoelastic, means they liquefy when heated and solidify when
cooled. They are characterized by their consistency or ability to flow at different
temperature. Consistency is degree of fluidity of asphalt at any particular temperature. I
some cases asphalt is graded based on consistency at standard temperature; in other it is
graded based on temperature at which they meet standard consistency.

Asphalt hardens when exposed to air in thin films at elevated temperature. This occur
during the mixing process with aggregate in hot mix asphalt mixing facility. When
asphalt hardens means viscosity increases. This increase in stiffness leads to damage and
early cracking failure.

Purity – IS 1216

Dissolve binder in carbon di-sulfide or trichloroethylene. It should be min. 99 %.

Safety – IS 1448

If bitumen heated at high temperature, it gives off enough vapour that it will flash in
presence of spark or open flame. FP is temperature to which bitumen may be safely
heated without danger of instantaneous flash in presence of open flame. Cleveland open
cup method used.

Actually asphalt foaming is safety hazard. Normally asphalt is free of water but
transports loading asphalt may have some moisture present in their tanks. If any water is
their then it become steam when hot asphalt added to the tank. The steam will cause the
asphalt to foam, greatly increasing the volume of asphalt in short duration.

How Asphalt Behaves –


The binder are viscoelastic materials, they exhibit viscous (fluid) at high temperature
and elastic (solid) at low temperature. This behavior depends on both temperature and
rate of loading.

From figure it is clear that amount of binder will flow could be same for 1 hour at 60 C
or 10 hour 25 C. in other words the effect of time and temperature are related to
measurement of flow properties of asphalt binder.

Thus flow of binder at high temperature loaded for short duration may be equivalent to
binder at low temperature loaded for longer duration. That is called as time-temperature
Air water, hot asphalt (60) are common Newtonian fluids. If twice force applied it will
move twice as fast.

Modified binder exhibit non-Newtonian behavior at high temperature. Shear thinning

(paints), decrease in viscosity as shear rate increase. Shear thickening (clay slurry)
increase in viscosity as shear rate increase.

At low temperature – (Elastic Solid)

In cold conditions, winters when pavement subjected to rapidly applied loads from fast
moving trucks, binder behave like an elastic solid. These are rubber bands; when loaded
get deformed and recover as load is removed. But if stresses beyond the material
capacity or strength, elastic solids may break.

Binder are elastic solids at low temperature, when they may become too brittle with age
and crack when loaded. For this reason low temperature cracking sometimes occurs in
the asphalt pavement during the cold weather. If internal stress in binder exceed the
binder strength, interface between the aggregate break, result in formation of crack.

At Intermediate Temperature (Viscoelastic solids)

When heated binder act as lubricant, allowing the aggregate to be mixed, coated and
tightly compacted to form smooth dense surface. After cooling asphalt act as glue that
hold aggregate together in solid matrix.

In this finished state behavior of asphalt is viscoelastic, both viscous and elastic
characteristics depending upon temperature and rate of loading.
At constant rate of loading, asphalt behave as elastic solid at very low temperature, and
like fluid at very high temperature.

At low temperature stiffness reaches point where it doesn’t change very much for given
decrease in temperature. Asymptote is referred to as glassy modulus. (1GPa), at high
temperature binder stiffness reaches another asymptote referred to as viscous one.

Since binders are composed of organic molecules, they react with oxygen from
environment. This reaction is oxidation. It changes the structure and composition of
asphalt molecules. Oxidation cause the binder to become more stiffer and brittle leading
to the effect called oxidative hardening (happen at slow rate in the pavement)

Although it occurs rapidly in summers, because of this hardening the older pavement
may be susceptible to cracking than newer one.

However, sometimes inappropriate compaction also leads to oxidation, reason being the
compaction leaves high % of air voids, which allows more air to penetrate the asphalt
mixture, leading to more oxidative hardening early in life of pavement.

In practice considerable oxidative hardening occur before asphalt mixture is placed. At

hot mix facility, binder is added to hot aggregate and mixture is maintained at elevated
temperature for time. At this stage oxidation reaction occur at fast rate.

Rate at which oxidation occur double with every 10 degree C rise in temperature.
Volatilization –

Lighter weight molecules start to evaporate as binder heated. This loss of weight during
heat is volatilization. Like oxidation, volatilization also increase with temperature.

At room and in-service temperature the pavement experience very little volatilization.

When heated to temperature in laboratory for pouring samples and mixing plant for
making asphalt concrete mixtures, measurable volatilization may occur.

Loss of lighter weight molecule during this process means the binder has heavy
molecules remaining thus leading to increase in stiffness.

Steric hardening –

At room temperature 5-25 degree, SH driven by polar nature of molecules. It depends on

chemical composition of asphalt binder. It occurs as binder cooled to room temperature.
It is reversible with application of heat. Called annealing, destroy the molecular
association generated during the stearic hardening.

Concept- polar molecules within the material tend to rearrange themselves such that
opposite charges between two adjacent polar molecules aligned next to each other. This
make secondary bond and increase the stiffness.

At low temperature yet another type of reaction occur that result in increase in stiffness
of binder. This is physical hardening. This is related to densification of binder,
crystallization of wax present in sample that occur as temperature decreased below room

The physical hardening process begins as soon as the asphalt binder is cooled below
room temperature and continues for extended periods of time.

Fundamental Vs Empirical properties

Fundamental mechanical properties used in asphalt binder specifications include the

coefficient of viscosity, complex modulus, and stiffness.

What makes these properties fundamental? Fundamental properties are based on units of
stress and strain and are independent of sample size and dimensions of test equipment.

Empirical mechanical properties that have been used in the past in asphalt binder
specifications include penetration, ductility, and softening point.

What makes these properties empirical?

Empirical properties are not based on stress and strain and are dependent on sample
size and test dimensions and conditions. If the penetration needle changes size or shape,
then the measured value for penetration will change. If a ductility test is conducted with
a different size mold, the reported ductility value will change.


Historical tests

Viscosity, Penetration, Flash point, Aging, Ductility, Solubility, Specific gravity

Viscosity - The resistance of a liquid to deformation or flow based on the internal friction of its
molecules. Fluids that have a high viscosity at a given temperature would be expected to have a
high resistance to deformation. Ratio of shear stress to the rate of shear in the fluid (Pascal-
seconds (Pa-s), poise (P) = 0.1 Pa-s)

Absolute (60), Kinematic (135) IS 1206 part 2/3.

Absolute Viscosity – Cannon-Manning vacuum viscometer. Water is often used as the liquid medium
in the bath because the test temperature is below its boiling point. a paving-grade asphalt binder has
too high a viscosity to flow readily through a capillary tube viscometer. Therefore, the absolute viscosity
test requires the use of a vacuum pump to apply a consistent partial vacuum to the small side of the
viscometer to induce flow.

After the bath, viscometer, and asphalt binder have stabilized at HO°F (60°C), the prescribed vacuum is
applied and the time in seconds required for the asphalt binder to flow between two timing marks
(delineating a section of capillary tube also called a "bulb") is precisely measured.

Multiplying the measured time to /low through this bulb by the calibration constant for the particular
bulb of the viscometer gives the value for viscosity in poises, the standard unit for measurement of

Kinematic Viscosity-

Unlike viscosity measurements at 140°F (60°C), Paving-grade asphalt cements are sufficiently fluid at
275°F (135°C) to flow through capillary tubes under gravitational force alone. To determine viscosity at
this high temperature, a vacuum is not required, but a different type of viscometer is used. The most
commonly used is the Zeitfuchs cross-arm viscometer.

Because kinematic viscosity tests are conducted above the boiling point of water at 275°F
(135"C), a suitably clear oil must be used as the bath medium. The viscometer is mounted in the
bath (Figure 4.5), and asphalt is poured into the large opening until it reaches the filling line. As
an alternative, the rotational viscosity test may also be used to determine the viscosity of an asphalt
binder at 275°F (135°C)
Note that the kinematic viscosity at 275°F (135°C) is expressed in centistokes while the absolute
viscosity at HO°F (60°C) is expressed in poises. Gravity induces the flow in the kinematic
viscosity test (results in centistokes), and the density of the asphalt affects its rate of flow
through the capillary tube. In the absolute viscosity test (results in poises),

flow through the capillary tube is induced by a partial vacuum where gravitational effects are
negligible. The units of the two tests, poises and stokes or centipoises and centistokes, are
related to each other by the density of the asphalt


the oxidation and volatilization that occurs during use in a hot-mix facility and subsequent
placement on the road might lead to a different in-service performance.

To address this issue, aging procedures were developed to subject an asphalt binder sample to
hardening conditions that approximate the conditions that occur in normal, hot-mix facility

To address the issue of volatilization-the process of lighter volatile fractions being removed
from the asphalt binder due to heating at elevated temperatures-both the TFOT and RTFOT
procedures incorporate a mass change determination.

In this determination, the test container (pan or bottle, depending on the procedure) is
weighed initially. It is weighed a second time after the asphalt binder sample is added
and a third time after the completion of the test. The change in mass is calculated based
on the weight of the sample before and after the aging procedure. It is expressed as a
percentage of the mass before aging.

Usually, asphalt binders that are softer at room temperature might be expected to
experience greater mass loss than stiffer asphalt binders.


The TFOT procedure is performed by pouring 50 grams of heated binder into a flat-bottom,
circular sample pan with an inside diameter of 5.5 inches (140 millimeters) and a depth of 3/8
inch (10 millimeters). After pouring, the layer of asphalt binder is approximately 1/8 inch (3
millimeters) thick. As noted earlier, if a mass change determination is needed, then the sample
pans are weighed before and after the addition of asphalt binder.

The number of sample pans needed depends on the amount of sample needed for further testing
after aging. To start the test, the sample pans are placed on a rotating shelf in a ventilated oven
(Figure 4.13) operating at 325°F (163°C). The rotating shelf turns at a rate of approximately 5
to 6 revolutions per minute for a total time of 5 hours. After 5 hours, any sample pans being used
for determining mass change are cooled to room temperature before the final weight is
determined. The remaining pans are then poured and scraped into a single container for
additional testing, such as viscosity or penetration.


HTFOT procedure provides slightly more aging (i.e., stiffness or viscosity) than the TFOT
procedure. The RTFOT procedure is performed by pouring 35 grams of heated binder into a
glass bottle (Figure 4.14). As noted earlier, if a mass determination is needed, then two
designated {TFOT bottles are weighed before and after the addition of the asphalt binder. These

are then used to determine mass change. The number of bottles needed on the amount of sample
need for further testing after aging.

Immediately after pouring, the bottle is turned to a horizontal and rotated one full turn (Figure
4.15) to pre-coat the bottle before it is horizontally in a cooling rack (Figure 4.16) to cool for

To start the test, the sample bottles are placed in a vertically rotating carriage in an oven
(Figure 4.17) operating at 325°F (163°C). The bottle carriage rotates at 15 revolutions per
minute for a total testing time of 85 minutes. During the rotation, a jet of air flowing at a rate of
4.000 milliliters per minute blows into each bottle as it passes the bottom position in the
carriage. After 85 minutes, any sample bottles being used for determining mass change are
cooled to room temperature before the final weight is determined.

The RTFOT is usually conducted not only to determine mass change hut also to produce aged residue
suitable for further testing.

Specifications for asphalt cements

Penetration-graded specification Viscosity-graded specification

Since the penetration value was the determining factor in identifying an asphalt binder's grade, the
specification became known as the Penetration-Graded Specification. The softest (200-300) penetration
grade asphalt is moderately firm at room temperature; at this temperature, gentle finger pressure
indents the surface of the sample. The hardest (40-50) penetration grade asphalt is of a consistency that
permits only a slight thumbprint under firm pressure when the material is at room temperature.

 Second, the Penetration-Graded Specification only measured stiffness at an intermediate

 Finally, while short-term aging effects were captured through the use of the TFOT, there was no
provision to conduct long-term aging of asphalt binders to simulate what happens to the asphalt
stiffness after being in a pavement for a number of years.
 It is an empirical test in which the results must be correlated with pavement performance in
order to understand the value of the result. The relationship between the test result and
performance may not be very good, depending on the quality and quantity of the data used in
the relationship.

Viscosity-graded specification

The 140°F (60°C) temperature was chosen as an approximation of the maximum temperature of
asphalt pavement surfaces in service in the United States and elsewhere in the world. The 275°F
(135°e) temperature was chosen as an approximation of the Iay-down temperature for hot mix
asphalt. Thus, the specification addresses asphalt binder consistency during the laydown process of
hot mix asphalt, when workability is an issue, and consistency at summer pavement
temperatures, when stiffness is needed.

 Despite the addition of intermediate temperature measurements (such as penetration) to

some specifications, the stiffness of the asphalt binder at cold temperatures could only be
inferred from the intermediate temperature data.
 There is no provision to conduct long-term aging of asphalt hinders to simulate what
happens to the asphalt stiffness after being in a pavement for a number of years.
 However, there is a general trend where higher penetration values arc associated with
lower viscosity values and vice versa,

PG (Performance Graded) asphalt binder tests

Rotational viscometer Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) Direct Tension
Tester (DTT,) Aging procedures

 Recognizing some of the shortcomings in the traditional specification systems, industry began to
work towards the development of a specification in the late 1980s and early 1990s that is
performance related.
 Rotational viscometer
o The rotational viscosity test is used to determine the flow characteristics of an asphalt
binder at a high temperature to provide some assurance that it can be pumped and
handled at the hot-mixing facility.
o Unlike Capillary tube viscometers, rotational viscometers have larger clearances
between the components, allowing for better applicability to both modified and
unmodified asphalts.
o viscosity is determined by measuring the torque required to maintain a constant
rotational speed of a cylindrical spindle that is in an asphalt binder sample at a constant
o Because this binder viscosity is used to ensure that the enough at normal operating
temperatures to pump and mix with aggregate, it is measured on original (unaged) or
"tank" asphalt.
o The conversion of centipoises to Pascal-seconds, or Pa· s, is given by the equation 1000
cP = 1 Pa·s. Therefore, to obtain viscosity in Pa·s, rotational viscosity in cP is divided by

Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR)

 The dynamic shear rheometer is used to test asphalt binders and measure their rheological
properties, including complex shear modulus (G*, pronounced "G-star") and phase angle
(delta, the Greek letter "delta"), at a broad range of temperatures.
 The complex shear modulus, G*, is a measure of the total resistance of a material to
deformation when exposed to a sinusoidal shear stress load. G* consists of both elastic
(recoverable) and viscous (non-recoverable) components.
 The phase angle, delta, is an indicator of the relative amounts of viscous and elastic
components. The values of G* and delta for asphalt binders are highly dependent on the test
temperature and frequency of loading.
 At high temperatures (and slow loading frequencies), asphalt binders behave like viscous
fluids with little capacity for recovering or rebounding.
 In this case, the asphalt binder could be represented by the vertical axis (viscous component
only) in Figure 4.33; there would be no elastic component of G*, since 0 = 90°.
 At very low temperatures, asphalts behave like elastic solids, which rebound from
deformation completely. This condition is represented by the horizontal axis (clastic
component only) in Figure 4.33. In this case, there is no viscous component of G*, since 0 = 0°.
 By measuring G* and 0, the DSR provides an indication of the behavior of asphalt at a range
of pavement service temperatures.

 The operation of a DSR is fairly basic. A sample of asphalt binder is sandwiched between two
parallel plates, one that is fixed and one that oscillates (Figure 4.34). As the plate oscillates,
the centerline of the plate at point A (indicated by the dark vertical line) moves to point B.
From point B, the plate centerline moves back and passes point A to point C. From point C, the
centerline moves back to point A.
 This oscillation is one cycle and is repeated for a specified number of The number of cycles
completed in one second is the loading frequency. Typically, DSR tests that are run for
specifICation purposes are performed at a frequency of approximately 1.59 hertz (1.59 cycles
per second)-equivalent to 10 radians per second.
 Stress and strain are measured during each loading cycle and used to calculate complex shear
modulus and phase angle.

How to conduct the test on DSR –

 The diameter and gap thickness used depend on the state of the being tested. Original
(unaged) and short-term-aged binders are tested with a 25-millimeter diameter plate and
a 1000-micron (I-millimeter) gap; long-term-aged binder is tested with an 8-millimeter
diameter plate and a ,WOO-micron (2-millimeter) gap. Before mounting the specirnen, the
gap is first set to zero at the test temperature and then set at the desired value (1000 or
2000 microns) plus an extra gap, usually 50 microns, to allow for the creation of a slight
bulge ill the test specimen.
 For a perfectly elastic material, an applied load causes an immediate response; thus, the
time lag or phase is zero. A viscous material (such as hot asphalt at mixing temperatures)
has a relatively large time lag between load and response; in this case, the angle
approaches 90 degrees. Because asphalt binders are viscoelastic at normal pavement
temperatures, they behave somewhere between the 2 extremes.

Let us assume that a constant strain experiment has been conducted with input strain a  =  Sint

For an elastic material we know that  = E (Stress is equal to the product of modulus and strain)


Asphalt binders at low temperatures are too stiff to reliably measure rheological properties using the
parallel-plate geometry of a conventional DSH. Consequently, SHRP researchers developed the bending
beam rheometer (BBR) to accurately evaluate binder properties at low pavement temperature.

Used together, the DSR and BBR tests provide stiffness behavior of asphalt binders over a wide range of
The BBR is used to measure how much a binder deflects or creeps under a constant load at a constant
temperature. BBR test temperatures are related to a pavement's lowest service temperature, when the
asphalt binder acts more like an elastic solid than a viscous fluid. Furthermore, the test is performed on
binders that have been to simulate hot mixing in a mixing facility and some in-service aging.

The BOR gets its name from the test specimen geometry and loading method used during testing

The BBR procedure uses beam theory to calculate the stiffness of an asphalt beam sample under a creep
load. By applying a constant load to the asphalt beam and measuring the center deflection of the beam

throughout the four-minute test procedure, the creep stiffness (S) and creep rate (m-value) can be
calculated. Creep stiffness is the resistance of the asphalt binder to creep loading, and the m is the
change in asphalt stiffness with time during loading

However, when using the concept of time-temperature superposition, SHRP researchers also determined
that by increasing the test temperature 10 degree, an equivalent creep stiffness can be obtained after
only 60 seconds of loading.

The m-value represents the rate of change in the creep stiffness, 5(t), versus time. This value is also
calculated automatically by the bending beam software loading.

Creep stiffness as measured by the BBR is not adequate to completely characterize the capacity of
asphalts to stretch before breaking. For examsome binders exhibit high creep stiffness but can also
stretch farther before breaking. To address this issue, SHRP researchers developed a test to evaluate the
fracture properties of asphalt binders at low temperatures. The direct tension test measures the amount
of binder stress and strain at failure at very low temperatures. It is performed at temperatures where
asphalt binders generally exhibit brittle behavior (O°C to -36°C). Furthermore, the test is performed on
asphalt binders that have been subjected to long-term (PAV) aging to simulate several years of in-service

PG asphalt binder specification

The central theme of the Performance Graded (PG) Asphalt Binder Specification is its reliance on
testing asphalt binders in conditions that simulate critical stages during the life of the asphalt binder.

Test formed on the original asphalt binder represent the first stage of transport, storage, and handling.

Second stage represent the binder during mix production and construction and is simulated for the
specification by aging the asphalt binder using the rolling thin-film oven (RTFO). This procedure exposes
thin binder films to heat and air and approximates the aging of the asphalt during mixing and

The third stage occurs as the asphalt binder ages over a long period as part of the hot mix asphalt
pavement layer. This stage is simulated for the specification by aging using the pressure-aging vessel
(PAY). This procedure exposes asphalt binder samples to heat and pressure to accelerate oxidation and
simulate years of in-service aging in a pavement

Original, unaged asphalt binder tests include the flash point, rotational viscosity, and DSR test. RTFO
aging is conducted to determine mass loss and provide short-term-aged asphalt binder for another high
temperature DSR test and additional aging. PAY aging is conducted to provide long-term-aged asphalt
binder for intermediate temperature DSR and low temperature BBR tests

Advantages compared with older specifications

The PG asphalt binder tests measure physical properties that can be related directly to field
performance by engineering principles. The use of complex shear modulus at high test temperatures
allows for a better characterization of both the elastic and viscous components of the asphalt binder.
111is makes the test more appropriate than the absolute viscosity test for modified asphalt hinders,
considering that many have a substantial elastic component at high temperature. Unlike previous
specifications, the PG asphalt binder tests are conducted at the entire temperature range expected to
be encountered by the asphalt binder during production and in-service in the asphalt pavement.

Because asphalt pavements arc frequently exposed to much lower temperatures, the ability to measure
physical properties at a low temperature using the I1BR and direct tension tests is a significant
Assumptions in the specification

The asphalt binders should exhibit isotropic behavior. Isotropic behavior occurs when specimen loading
or particle orientation has no effect on the response. Asphalt binders that incorporate fibers could
exhibit anisotropic behavior- meaning the fiber orientation affects the test response.

PG binders should exhibit linear viscoelastic behavior over a wide range of strain. linear viscoelastic
behavior can be determined by performing a strain sweep with the DSR

asphalt binders should be homogeneous. Particulate matter that has a particle size greater than 0.25
millimeters may interfere with the consistent response of tests, such as the DSR test at a high
temperature. The size of such particles may cause the G* measurement to be inaccurate and display
behavior that is not linear viscoelastic.

How the PG specification addresses pavement performance

Grading an asphalt binder in the PG specification system

PG Asphalt Binder specification is based directly on performance-related properties rather than on

empirical relationships between basic physical properties and observed performance.

Performance graded (PG) asphalt binders are selected based on the climate in which the pavement will
serve. PG 58-34 means that the binder will meet the high temperature physical property requirements
lip to a temperature of 58°C and the low temperature physical property requirements down to a
temperature of - 34°C.

The first number listed in a PG asphalt hinder grade is the high temperature grade. It represents the
maximum pavement design temperature where the asphalt binder may he expected to perform. The
second number listed in a PG asphalt binder grade is the low temperature grade. It represents the
minimum pavement design temperature where the asphalt binder may he expected to perform

Performance-Graded asphalt binder using the Multiple Stress Creep Recovery (MSCR)

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