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Grammar In English

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Abrar Arisyad M.ali(220106041)

Program Studi Ilmu Hukum

Fakultas Syariah Dan Hukum

Universitas Islam Negri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh

Lembar Pengesah

Judul Makalah :

Grammar In English

Disusun Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Pembelajaran Semester Satu Bahasa Inggris Tahun

Ajaran 2022/2023

Penyusun Dosen Pembina

Abrar Arisyad M.ali Mrs.Meyka Morina, S,Pd.,M.Pd.


Dosen Pembina Bahasa Inggris

Mrs.Meyka Morina, S,Pd., M.Pd.


KATA PENGANTAR.......................................................................................................
BAB I TENSES..................................................................................................................
A. Simple Present...................................................................................................
B. Present Continuous............................................................................................
C. Present Perfect...................................................................................................
D. Present Perfect Continuous................................................................................
E. Simple Past........................................................................................................
F. Past Continuous.................................................................................................
G. Past Perfect........................................................................................................
H. Past Perfect Continuous.....................................................................................
I. Simple Future....................................................................................................
J. Future Continuous.............................................................................................
K. Future Perfect....................................................................................................
L. Future Perfect Continuous.................................................................................
M. Simple Past Future.............................................................................................
N. Past Future Continuous......................................................................................
O. Past Future Perfect.............................................................................................
P. Past Future Perfect Continuous.........................................................................

BAB II SENTENCE..........................................................................................................
A. Adjective............................................................................................................
B. Word (the part of speech)..................................................................................
C. Pronoun..............................................................................................................
D. Noun..................................................................................................................
E. Articles...............................................................................................................
F. Conjunction.......................................................................................................
G. Adverb...............................................................................................................
H. Verb...................................................................................................................
I. Proposition.........................................................................................................
J. Phrase.................................................................................................................
K. Seven Summeries..............................................................................................
L. Question Sentence.............................................................................................
M. Question Tag......................................................................................................
N. Causative Verb..................................................................................................
O. Modal.................................................................................................................
P. Word Order........................................................................................................
Q. Reported Speech................................................................................................
R. Adjective Clause................................................................................................
S. Noun Clause......................................................................................................
T. Adverbial Clause...............................................................................................
U. Gerund Phrase....................................................................................................
V. To Infinitive Phrase...........................................................................................
W. Participle Phrase................................................................................................

BAB III PENUTUP...........................................................................................................

A. Kesimpulan.............................................................................................................

DAFTAR PUSTAKA........................................................................................................

Alhamdulillah, praise be to the presence of Allah SWT for His mercy and guidance

because we were able to complete the preparation of this paper. As for writing this paper, the

material to be discussed is.


We are fully aware that in writing this paper there are many shortcomings.

Therefore, we expect constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of writing this

paper. We do not forget to thank all those who have helped in the preparation of

this paper, especially to the supervisor of the subject concerned.

Finally, I hope this paper can be useful for all of us and can add to our insights in studying

"GRAMMAR IN ENGLISH" and can be used as appropriate.

Banda Aceh, Desember 2022




A tense that is used to show habits, facts and events that are happening in the


Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat

(+) Bentuk Positif
-Subject + To be 1 + Non Verb + Object
- Subject + Verb 1 + Object
Contoh :
She is an english teacher
I speak english every day

(-) Bentuk Negatif

-Subject + To be 1 + NOT + Non Verb + Object
-Subject + DON'T / DOESN'T + Verb 1 + Object
Contoh :
She is not an english teacher
I don't speak english everyday

(?) Tanya
-To be 1 + Subject + Non Verb + Object?
- DO / DOES + Subject + Verb 1 + Object?
Contoh :
Is She an English Teacher?

A tense that is used to show events that are happening now or also plans in the


Rumus dan Contoh Kalimatnya

(+) Bentuk Positif

subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb – ing + object

She is watching TV now

(-) Bentuk Negatif

subject + to be + not + verb – ing + object

She is not watching TV now

(?) Bentuk Tanya

to be + subject + verb – ing + object

Is She watching TV now.

A tense that is used to express events that have started at a certain point and have

continued until now.

Rumus dan Contoh Kalimatnya

(+) Bentuk positif

-Subject + has/have + been + object

He has been at home since morning
-Subject + has/have + Verb III + object
I have studied English For Three Years

(–) Bentuk negative

-Subject + has / have + not + been + object

He has not been at home since morning
-Subject +has / have + not + verb III + object
I have not studied English For Three Years

( ? ) Bentuk interrogative
-Have / has + subject + been + object
Has He been at home since morning
-Have / has + Subject + verb III + object
Have I studied English For Three Years

This tense is used to show an event that started in the past and continues.

Rumus dan Contoh Kalimatnya

( + ) Bentuk positif
-Subject + has/have + been + V-ing
She Has not been reading book for an hour

( – ) Bentuk negative
Subject + has / have + not + been + V-ing
She Has not been reading book for an hour

( ? ) Bentuk interrogative
-Have / has + subject + been + V-ing
Has she been reading a book for an hour

Tense is used to express events that have occurred at a certain time in the past.

Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat

(+) Bentuk Positif :

-Subject + was/were + complement (pelengkap)
-Subject + Verb II + Object
Contoh :
-I saw a movie yesterday
-Last year, Daniel was here

(-) Bentuk Negatif

-Subject + to be (was/were) + not + complement
-Subject + did not + Verb I + Object
Contoh :
-I did not see him yesterday
-She was not here yesterday
Bentuk did not atau was/were not bisa disingkat menjadi didn’t atau wasn’t dan weren’t.

(?) Bentuk Interrogative :

-Did + Subject + Verb I + Object + ?
Contoh :
-Did you play football yesterday ?

This type of tenses is used to express that there were activities that occurred in the

past and have not been completed.

Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat

Positif (+)
Subject + to be (was/were) + verb-ing + object
He was sleeping when I came

Negatif (-)
Subject + was/were + not + verb-ing + object
He was not sleeping when I came

Tanya (?)
- was/were + subject + verb-ing + object ?
Was He sleeping when You came?

Tense is used to express events that have occurred and have also been completed in

the past.

Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat

Positif (+)
Subject + had + verb III + (past participle) + object
She had gone to Australia when I called her

Negatif (-)
Subject + had + not + verb III + object
She had not gone to Australia when I called her

Tanya (?)
Had + subject + verb III + object ?
Had She gone to Australia when You called her

This tense is used to express that an action has been completed before another event


Rumus dan Contoh Kalimatnya

Positif (+)

Subject + had + been + verb-ing + object

He had been living in Jakarta about ten years

Negatif (-)

Subject + had + not + been + verb-ing + object

He had not been living in Jakarta about ten years

Tanya (?)

Had + subject + been + object ?

Had He been living in Jakarta about ten years?

The simple future tense is a form of tenses to show an event that has not yet started

and will only occur in the future a.k.a in the future.

Rumus dan contoh kalimatnya

subject + WILL/SHALL + Kata Kerja Bentuk I

Kapan kita mengunakan Simple Future Tense?

a. Tidak Ada Rencana Sebelumnya atau Menyatakan perbuatan/kejadian yang akan dilakukan
pada waktu yang akan datang

contoh :

• Hold on. I‘ll get a pen.

b. Prediksi


• It will rain tomorrow.


Ketika predikat suatu kalimat bukan kata kerja, maka gunakan be untuk menggantikan kata
kerja tersebut.


• I‘ll be in London tomorrow.

  The future continuous tense is a form of the verb to express events that are taking

place in the future or in the future with a specific time description, aka sentences that use this

tense have a duration of time.

Rumus dan contoh kalimatnya

subject + WILL + BE + Kata Kerja + ing

Kapan kita menggunakan Future Continuous Tense?

Tense ini menggambarkan suatu tindakan yang akan terjadi di waktu tertentu di masa yang
akan datang.


He will be teaching me at eight tomorrow

(dia akan sedang mengajar saya pada jam delapan besok)

kalimat negatif
Rumus: subject + will/shall + not + be + verb ing + complement.
 I will not be staying with my sister for a week.
 Erika will not be competing against Mikaela in the race when the race starts.
 Due to the new regulations of our office, we shall not be eating in our room starts
from tomorrow morning.

 kalimat positif
Rumus:Subject + will/shall + be +verb-ing.

 Mikaela will be running in a marathon race this Sunday morning.

 I will be staying with my sister for a week.
 I will be eating at 7 o’clock tonight.

Future Perfect Tense is a tense or verb change to express an event or state

something that is predicted to have happened, even finished in the future. So, at the time it is

talked about, there is an action that has not been completed or has not taken place at all.

If reported from Grammarly, the future perfect tense can also be interpreted as a

tense that talks about an action that will be completed between now and some point in the


Rumus dan contoh kalimatnya

subject + WILL + HAVE + Kata Kerja Bentuk ke 3

Kapan Kita Menggunakan Future Perfect Tense?

Tense ini kita pakai untuk menggambarkan suatu kegiatan yang akan terjadi di masa yang
akan datang sebelum kegiatan lain terjadi.


They will be tired when they arrive.

(mereka akan telah lelah ketika mereka datang)

Rumus Verbal
Rumus verbal pada future perfect tense adalah  dalam bentuk positif (subject + will + have +
verb-3 + complement), dalam bentuk negatif (subject + will + not+ have + verb-3 +
complement), dalam bentuk kalimat tanya (will+ subject +  + have + verb-3 +

Rumus Nominal
Rumus nominal pada kalimat future perfect tense dalam bentuk kalimat positif (subject +
will + have + been + complement), kalimat negatif (subject + will + not+ have + been +
complement), dan kalimat tanya atau kalimat interogratif (will + subject + have + been +

Future perfect continuous tense is a form of a sentence to express actions, actions,

or events that will take place until a certain point in the future. In this case, someone will

express an action that is happening in the future, but still continuing into the future. This

tense is also known as the future perfect progressive.

Rumus dan Contoh kalimatmya

+) Subject + will + have + been + verb -ing

(-) Subject + will + not + have + been + verb -ing

(?) Will + subject + have + been + verb -ing + ?

Kalimat Positif Future Perfect Continuous Tense

 In August, I will have been working as a Digital Marketer for three years.
(Pada bulan Agustus, saya akan telah bekerja sebagai Digital Marketer selama tiga tah
 Suryo will have been living in Cairo for three years by next month.
(Suryo akan telah tinggal di Kairo selama tiga tahun bulan depan.)
 Sharena will have been practicing pole dance since 10 A.M.
(Sharena akan telah berlatih pole dance sejak pukul 10 pagi.)
Kalimat Negatif Future Perfect Continuous Tense

 My mother will not have been teaching in 80 Jakarta Senior High School for a few we
eks before he moves to Bali.
(Ibuku belum sempat mengajar di SMA 80 Jakarta selama beberapa minggu sebelum
dia pindah ke Bali.)
 Diana will not have been living in here  for five years by next month.
(Diana belum mencapai lima tahun tinggal di sini pada bulan depan.)
 Saski will not have been studying Korean for a month before she moves to Korea.
(Saski belum sempat/belum mencapai belajar bahasa Korea selama sebulan sebelum d
ia pindah ke Korea.)
Kalimat Interogatif/Kalimat Tanya Future Perfect Continuous Tense

 Will you have been working for two hours when I arrive?
(Apakah Anda sudah bekerja selama dua jam ketika saya tiba?)
 Will  Saski have been cooking spaghetti for one hour by the end of the day?
(Akankah Saski telah memasak spageti selama satu jam di penghujung hari?)

The simple past future is a tense or change in the form of a verb in English which is

used to describe activities and events in the future, but using a past perspective. Hmm, but

apparently its function is not only that.

The simple past future tense is also used to make predictions or forecasts, tell

promises in the future when you are in the past, and much more. Oh yes, there are some facts

about the simple past future tense that you should know, guys.

Rumus dan Contoh kalimatnya

Kalimat positif : S + would + bare infinitive atau S + was/were + going to + bare


Kalimat negatif : S + would + not + bare infinitive atau S + was/were + not + going to
+ bare infinitive

Kalimat pertanyaan : Would + S + bare infinitive? atau Was/were + S + going to +

bare infinitive?

• I wish you would come to my house because today’s my birthday.

• My friends promised he would give you an ice cream.

• She told me that she is going to visit Denpasar.


Past future continuous tense is a sentence structure with changing verbs used to

express an event at a time that will be taking place in the past. This tense is used to express

events that were planned, promised, or hoped for, but these events were not actually realized.

These tenses are related to conditional sentences.

Rumus dan Contoh kalimatnya

Positif Subject + Should / Would + Be + Verb-ing + Object.
Negatif Subject + Should / Would + Not + Be + Verb-ing + Object.
Interogatif Should / Would + Subject + Be + Verb-ing + Object + ?
Negatif-Interogatif Should / Would + Subject + Not + Be + Verb-ing + Object + ?

[+] Daqoh Would Be Interacting With Foreigner Last Week If He Were In Bali.

[-] Daqoh Would Not Be Interacting With Foreigner Last Week If He Were In Bali..
[?] Would Daqoh Be Interacting With Foreigner Last Week If He Were In Bali?

Is a tense or a sentence structure that has the main function of expressing

ideas/ideas in the past.

Rumus dan Contoh kalimatnya

subject + WOULD + HAVE + Kata Kerja Bentuk ke 3


she would have be finished to studied if he had not been lazy

(dia akan sudah tamat belajar jika dia tidak malas)

Past Future Perfect Tense dalam Bentuk Kalimat Positif

 He would have finished the weekly report by 9 o’clock two days ago if he hadn’t gott
en sick.

 She would have completed her project a week ago if she had wanted to take a leave of
absence yesterday.

Past Future Perfect Tense dalam Bentuk Negatif

 My mother would not have cooked my favorite dish yesterday if I hadn’t called her be
 My friend would not have picked me up by 8 p.m two days ago if she hadn’t repaired
her old car.

Kalimat Interrogative/Kalimat Tanya Past Future Perfect Tense

 Would Nency have arrived on time at my wedding party yesterday if her friend hadgi

ve the ride?
 Should Zoey have presented the business proposal if she hadn’t got sick last week?


Past future perfect continuous tense is a tense used to express a sentence that will

have been happening in the past. This tense is similar to the future perfect continuous tense,

the similarities are that both have more than one adverb of time in one sentence. Past future

perfect continuous tense is suppositional or assuming, meaning that the actor in the sentence

only gives assumptions to the sentence stated by him.

Rumus dan Contoh kalimatnya

 (+) Subjek + would + have been + V-ing.

 (-) Subjek + would + not + have been + V- ing.
 (?) Would + subjek + have been + V-ing.

 (+) I would have been working in leading companies for 5 years.

 They would have been learning English grammar for one year by the end of last
 (-) I would not have been working in leading companies for 5 years.
 They would not have been learning English grammar for one year by the end of last
 (?) Would you have been working in leading companies for 5 years?
 Would they have been learning English grammar for one year by the end of last



A noun is a word that names something, such as a person, place, thing, or idea. In a se
ntence, nouns can play the role of subject, direct object, indirect object, subject complement,
object complement, appositive, or adjective.

➢ Common noun are word that refer to undefined or generic people, places, or things.
Example : house, cat, girl, foot, country

➢ Proper noun help distinguish a specific person, place or thing.

Example : Spain, Fido, Sony

➢ Singular noun are noun refer to only one person, place or thing.
Example : house,cat,girl,foot,country

➢ Plural noun refers to more than one of something

Example : houses,cats,girls,countries

➢ Concrete nouns are intangible ideas that cant’t be perceived with the five senses, such as
social concepts. Political theories, and character traits.
Example : love, creativity, democracy

➢ Collective nouns is a noun that function as a singular noun while referring to a group of
people or things.
Example : crowd, flocks, committee, a sum of money

➢ Compound nouns combines two or more word imto one.

Example : dry-claening, jack-in-the-box,toothpaste,haircut,output,ice cream, potato chip

➢ Countable noun is one that you can count.

Example : table, apple,rabbit, ear.
Example : salt, seafood, luggage, advice

A verb is word or a combination of words that indicated action or a state of being or

condition. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subjects performs.


➢ Base verb is the form of a verb where it has no ending (-ing, -ed, -en) added to it.
Example : I go to svhool every day

➢ Reguler verb that follow the most usual conjugations are considered Regular verbs.
Example : Raihan plays out my name

➢ Irreguler verbs in temrs of following grammar rules are irreguler verbs, in general.
Example : Do the dishes

➢ Transitive verb the main verb that takes a direct object sitting right after it would be a
transitive verb
Example : She went to the fair

➢ Intransitive verb the main vrb that does not tke a direct object specified right afterward
rather is an indirect one mentioned somewhere along the line is called an intrasitive verb.
Example : I laughed

➢ Weak verb verb that end with ‘’–ed’’ and “-t” in their past indefinite and past participle
form are weak verbs.
Example : spend

➢ Strong verbs are those in which the vowels in the verb stem changes from “i” to “a” to “u”
in the Present Indefinite to Past Indefinite to Past Participle form of Verbs.
Example : Ring, rang, rung

➢ Finite verbs are the actual verbs that are called the roots of sentences. It is a form of
a verb that is performed by or refers to a subject and uses one of the twelve forms of tense
and changes according to the number/person of the subject.
Example : Alex went to school. (Subject – Alex – performed the action in the past. This
information is evident only by the verb ‘went’.)

➢ Non-finite Verbs are not actual verbs. They do not work as verbs in the sentence rather
they work as nouns, adjectives, adverbs, etc.
Example : Alex went abroad to play

➢ Action verbs indicate what the subject of a sentence performs. Action verbs can make the
listener/reader feel emotions, see scenes more vividly and accurately.
Example : I painted the car

➢ Lingking verbs adds details about the subject of a sentence. In its simplest form, it
the subject and the complement — that is, the words that follow the linking verb.
Example : She appears ready for the game.

➢ Auxiliary verbs are also called helping verbs. An auxiliary verb extends the main verb by
helping to show time, tense, and possibility.
Example : Alex is going to school.

➢ modal verb is a kind of auxiliary verb. It assists the main verb to indicate possibility,
potentiality, ability, permission, expectation, and obligation.
Example : I may want to talk to you again

➢ Reflexive verb When the Subject and the Object are the same and the Verb reflects on the
Subject, that is the Reflexive Verb.
Example : He has done it himself.

➢ Ergative Verbs can be used as Transitive and Intransitive Verb. They are also called
Verb in English.
Example : Intransitive Verbs

➢ participle is a Verb form where they retain some of the characteristics and functions of
Verbs and adopt those of the Adjectives
Example : Have I become a laughing stock?

➢ Gerund the Verbs having -ing endings that function like Nouns in sentences are called
Example : Smoking is injurious to health.

➢ Infinitive the 'to + Verb' forms where the Verbs are at their base or stem forms while they
function as Nouns, Adjectives or Adverbs instead of Verbs.
Example : I wanted to help you out
An adjective describes or modifies noun/s and pronoun/s in a sentence. It normally in
quality, size, shape, duration, feelings, contents, and more about a noun or pronoun.

Adjectives usually provide relevant information about the nouns/pronouns they

modify/describe by answering.


➢ descriptive adjective is a word which describes nouns and pronouns. Most of the
adjectives belong in this type.
Example : I have a fast car.

➢ quantitative adjective provides information about the quantity of the nouns/pronouns.

This type belongs to the question category of ‘how much’ and ‘how many’.
Example : I have 20 bucks in my wallet

➢ Proper adjectives are the adjective form of proper nouns. When proper nouns modify
or describe other nouns/pronouns, they become proper adjectives. ‘Proper’ means
‘specific’ rather than ‘formal’ or ‘polite.’
Example : American cars are very strong.

➢ demonstrative adjective directly refers to something or someone. Demonstrative

adjectives include the words: this, that, these, those.
Example : That building is so gorgeously decorated.

➢ possessive adjective indicates possession or ownership. It suggests the

belongingness of something to someone/something.
Example : My car is parked outside.

➢ interrogative adjective asks a question. An interrogative adjective must be followed

by a noun or a pronoun.
Example : Which phone do you use?

➢ indefinite adjective describes or modifies a noun unspecifically. They provide

indefinite/unspecific information about the noun.
Example : I gave some candy to her.

➢ Articles also modify the nouns. So, articles are also adjectives. Articles determine the
specification of nouns. ‘A’ and ‘an’ are used to refer to an unspecific noun, and ‘the’
is used to refer to a specific noun.
Example : A cat is always afraid of water.

➢ Compound adjective when compound nouns/combined words modify other nouns,

they become a compound adjective.
Example : I have a broken-down sofa.

➢ These degrees are applicable only for the descriptive adjectives.

Example : He is a good boy.

There is no doubt that articles are adjectives since they modify the nouns after them.
But articles have some special significance as determiners. Articles determine the standard of


➢ Definite Article The makes the noun something particular and definite.
Example : Give me the ball.

➢ Indefinite Article make the noun something general and indefinite.

Example : Give me a ball.

Conjunctions are used to join clauses, phrases, and words together for constructing
sentences. Conjunctions make a link between/among words or groups of words to other parts
of the
sentence and show a relationship between/among them.


➢ Coording conuction the job of a coordinating conjunction is to join two words,

phrases, or independent clauses, which are parallel in structure.
Example : We went to the stadium and enjoyed the cricket match.

➢ Correlative conjunction uses a set of words in a parallel sentence structure to show

contrast or to compare the equal parts of a sentence.
Example : Neither Alex nor Robin can play baseball.

➢ subordinating conjunction joins elements of an unparallel sentence structure. These

elements are usually a dependent clause and an independent clause.
Example : Before we left home, I had had my breakfast.

➢ Compund conjuction hese are conjunctions that have two or three parts.
Example : We love to go skinny dipping as well as busking in the sun.

An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (v

ery tall), another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had bro
ught an umbrella). Adverbs often end in –ly, but some (such as fast) look exactly the same as
their adjective counterparts.


➢ Adverb of manner When we have to describe the way of doing a job or

action, we use
the Adverb of Manner and Quality. By using an Adverb of Manner and Quality it
becomes more clear how the action is being performed.
Example : She damaged her car badly.

➢ Adverb of place If we want to describe the occurrence place of action, then

we use the
adverb of place. This type of adverb gives a rough or sometimes an exact idea about
the place of action.
Example : The aircraft landed near the banyan tree.

➢ Adverb of time This type of adverb defines the time of occurrence of an

action, In
other words, the Adverb of Time explains when a particular action has happened or
going to happen.
Example : I will go to the cinema tomorrow.

➢ Adverb of quantity and range in a sentence, whenever it is required to

explain how
much or up to what extent an action is completed then we use the Adverb of Quantity
and Range.
Example : This vessel is filled partially.

➢ Adverb of Number in many sentences, we see words like, once, Twice, etc.
types of words are termed ‘Adverb of Number and Frequency’ and explain the no.
Example : I go to the cinema twice a week.

➢ . Adverb of Affirmation or Negation In some sentences, there is a sense of

acceptance or denial. Adverb of Affirmation or Negation is used for this purpose.
Example : Surely He will complete the race.

Preposition is a word that the relationship between a noun and and the other words of
a sentence.


 Simpel Preposition are the short words used to show the relationship between nouns,
pronouns, or to join parts of a clauser or sentence
Exampel: and, but at

 Double Preposition is formed through the conjunction of two simpel prepositions.

Exampel: At that point in timel didn’t know the answer.

 Compound Prepositions are composed of prepositions as well as other words.

Example : According to my calculations, this color should work just fine.

 Present Participles (-ing) and Past Participles (-ed and -en) that are used as Prepositio
instead of Verbs, are called Participle Prepositions.
Exampel: The baby cries during the day and sometimes at night.

 Disguised prepotion these prepositions are usually disguised as some other element in
the English language. Often these prepositions are disguised as "a" and "o" in
Example : I wake up at 5 o'clock.

 Detached proposition a preposition is called a detached preposition when it does not

come before its object. It is detached from its object. When the object of a prepositio
n is an interrogative pronoun or a relative pronoun, the preposition comes at the end o
f the sentence.


Questions added at the end of the statement or sentence you want to say. The tag

question is used by the questioner to convince the listener whether the statement is true or

requires certainty.

For example, when you invite classmates to come to a birthday party at home and it

turns out that one person doesn't come. Then you ask 'where is he?' then you will get several

answers and statements like Rio can come, can't he? Or it could be Rio can't come, can he?

For example, if the statement's verb is positive, then the verb in the question tag is ne
Likewise, if the statement's verb is negative, then the verb in the question tag is positive. For
 They want to come?
 They won’t be here?

A verb used to show if the subject is not directly responsible for the action that
occurs, but rather someone or something else that performs the action.


This kind of verbs constitutes diferent structure for their sentences.


Structure 1: S + (have/ had + agent + action verb (bare infinitive) + object.

Exampel: I had my brother take that glass

Structure 2:  S+(have-had)+object+action verb(V-3).

Exampel: I had my computer fixed.


Structure 1: S + (get/ got) + agent + action verb (to infinitive)

Exampel: He got his father to buy a ball.

Structure 2:  S + (got) + object + action verb (V-3)

Exampel: I got my jacket cleaned.


‘Make’ is stronger than ‘have/get’. It constitutes only one structure as it does not take
anything ‘passive’ as its object.
Structure : Subject + make (any tense) + object (always person) + base form of verb + . . .

 Exampel: The manager makes her staff work hard.


‘Let’ means ‘allow/permit’ but the use of ‘let’ in the sentence is different from these

Structure: Subject + let (any tense) + object (always person) + base form of verb +....

Exampel: She lets me drive her car.


Help is not actually a causative verb either but is generally regarded as a causative verb
because of its grammatical use in a sentence. It has two structures.

Structure 1: Subject + help (any tense) + object (usually person) + base form of verb +. . .
Example: Robert helped me escape the prison.

Structure 2: Subject + help + object + infinitive + . . . .

Example: John helped him to lift his car.

Modals are generally used to express the speaker's attitude towards something:

whether it is needed, suggested, allowed, might happen, and so on. Basically, all modals are

always followed by the first form of the verb (V1).


1. Will
2. Shall
3. Can
4. Could
5. Would
6. Should
7. Ought to
8. Have to
9. Has to
10. Don’t have to
11. Doesn’t have to
12. Must
13. Mustn’t
14. May
15. Might

When more than one adjective comes before a noun, the adjectives are normally in a p
articular order. Adjectives which describe opinions or attitudes (e.g. amazing) usually come fi
rst, before more neutral, factual ones (e.g. red):

If we don’t want to emphasise any one of the adjectives, the most usual sequen
ce of adjectives is:

1 opinion unusual, lovely, beautiful

2 size big, small, tall

3 physical quality thin, rough, untidy

4 shape round, square, rectangular

5 age young, old, youthful

6 colour blue, red, pink

7 origin Dutch, Japanese, Turkish

8 material metal, wood, plastic

general-purpose, four-sided, U-
9 type

1 purpose cleaning, hammering, cooking



Is the change of a direct sentence or direct speech into an indirect sentence or

indirect speech. Reported speech itself is usually used to repeat what someone else said.

Words or direct speech that are converted into reported speech can be in the form of

statements or assertions, orders or invitations (imperative), or questions (yes-or-no

questions), as well as questions regarding some information.

Exampels of Reported Speech

1. He said he wanted to order coffee.

2. He asked what he wanted to eat for lunch.

3. He said he couldn’t pick up my sister from school today.


Is one type of dependent clause. The sentence has a subject and a verb but cannot

stand alone as a single sentence. This sentence is also known as an adjective clause

because its function is similar to the function of an adjective, which is to provide

additional information to a noun. Relative clauses always begin with a relative pronoun

that replaces a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun when several sentences are combined.


o The student who sits in the back of the

room asks a lot of questions.
o The results that I obtained may invoke
positive social change.
o The journalist whose story I read
yesterday has won prizes for her work.

When the relative pronoun functions as the object of the sentence, it can (and usually is)
omitted from the relative clause.
Here are a few examples:

o The results  that I obtained may invoke positive social change.

o The article that I requested did not arrive on time.
o The participants who I interviewed met me at the local library.

Is a sentence that places the person to perform an action as the subject, while the

passive voice is a sentence where a verb indicates that an action is performed on the


The active voice has a stronger, clearer tone than the passive voice, which is more subtle
weak. So, while passive voice sounds more elegant, it is better to use active voice if you want
to get
your point across effectively.

 Structure of Active and Passive Voice

➢ Active voice describes a sentence where the subject is the doer of an action. Its structur
goes like this.

 Subject + Verb+ Object

➢ Passive voice expresses an action that is carried out on the subject of the sentence. Its s

 Object + verb +subject


This sentence can be used to express cause and effect, the possibility of something

happening, or to express assumptions about things that are actually impossible to happen.


 Type 1 conditional

The type 1 conditional is used to refer to the present or future where the situation is

real. The type 1 conditional refers to a possible condition and its probable result. In these
sentences the if clause is in the simple present, and the main clause is in the simple future.

If clause Main clause

If + simple present simple future

If this thing happen that thing will happen.

If clause Main clause

If you don't hurry you will miss the train.

If it rains today you will get wet.

 Type 2 conditional

The type 2 conditional is used to refer to a time that is now or any time, and a situation
that is unreal. These sentences are not based on fact. The type 2 conditional is used to refer
to a hypothetical condition and its probable result. In type 2 conditional sentences, the if
clause uses the simple past, and the main clause uses the present conditional.

If clause Main clause

If + simple past present conditional or present continuous conditional

If this thing happened that thing would happen. (but I'm not sure this thing will happe
n) OR
that thing would be happening.

If you went to bed earli you would not be so tired.


If it rained you would get wet.

If clause Main clause

If I spoke Italian I would be working in Italy.

 Type 3 conditional

The type 3 conditional is used to refer to a time that is in the past, and a situation that
is contrary to reality. The facts they are based on are the opposite of what is expressed. The
type 3 conditional is used to refer to an unreal past condition and its probable past result. In
type 3 conditional sentences, the if clause uses the past perfect, and the main clause uses the
perfect conditional.

If clause Main clause

If + past perfect perfect conditional or perfect continuous conditional

If this thing had happened that thing would have happened. (but neither of those things r
eally happened) OR
that thing would have been happening.

If you had studied harder you would have passed the exam.

If it had rained you would have gotten wet.

If clause Main clause

If I had accepted that pro I would have been working in Milan.


 Mixed type conditional

The mixed type conditional is used to refer to a time that is in the past, and a
situation that is ongoing into the present. The facts they are based on are the opposite of
what is expressed. The mixed type conditional is used to refer to an unreal past condition and
its probable result in the present. In mixed type conditional sentences, the if clause uses the
past perfect, and the main clause uses the present conditional.

If clause Main clause

If + past perfect or simp present conditional or perfect conditional

le past

If this thing had happene that thing would happen. (but this thing didn't happen so that t
d hing isn't happening)

If I had worked harder at I would have a better job now.


If we had looked at the m we wouldn't be lost.

If clause Main clause

If you weren't afraid of sp you would have picked it up and put it outside.


The gerund looks exactly like the present participle, but it's a good idea to

understand the difference between the two. The gerund always has the same function as a

noun (even if it looks like a verb). Some uses of gerunds are discussed on this page. There is

a separate page that talks about verbs followed by gerunds.


1. Subject: Riding is my favorite activity.

2. Subject complement: My preferred activity is biking.
3. Direct object: I love riding.
4. Indirect object: My friends gave biking a try. 
5. Object complement: I see my father riding every week.
6. Object of a preposition: I take a paid leave for riding.


is the root of a verb. In English, when we talk about infinitives, we are usually

referring to the most common present infinitive. However, there are actually four other

forms of the infinitive: perfect infinitive, perfect continuous infinitive, continuous

infinitive, and passive infinitive.


➢ simple infinitive is the most used infinitive in English. As a non-finite verb, it refers to
present time or a future time.
Example : I want to sleep.
➢ simple continuous infinitive is used to refer to a noun (an action) in the continuous stat
Example : He refused to be working.

➢ perfect infinitive is used to refer to a past time. It can be used in both the active voice a
nd the
passive voice.
Example : He was pretending to have taken the shot.

➢ perfect continuous infinitive is used to refer to an action (non-finite) that was continuin
g for
some time in the past or an action that started in the past and is going on in the present.
Example : We are glad to have been coming here.


Direct Speech

are words or sentences spoken directly by the speaker (first person) and written as

they are.

Indireect speech

is a sentence that is spoken to convey someone's statement.


Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Present Simple Tense do /does V1 Past Simple Tense did + V1 V2

Present Progressive Tense is/am/are + V4 Past Progressive Tense was /were + V4

Present Perfect Tense has /have + V3 Past Perfect Tense had + V3


 He told me he was going to call Alan.

 I’m seeing my brother tomorrow.
 Do they live here?


Is a term in English grammar that is used to show comparison. What we need to

know in Comparison Degree, we emphasize more on changes from Adjectives (adjectives)

and also Adverbs (adverbs) according to the level of comparison. That's why, Comparison

Degree can also be called a level of comparison.

➢ Comparative comparisons indicate a relationship of more or less between two things.

Example : Your heart is colder than ice.

➢ Superlative comparisons indicate a relationship of most or least within a group of things.

Example : I am the shortest girl among my friends.

➢ Adjective describes a noun (a person, place, thing, or idea).

Example :

➢ Adverbs of Comparison adverb describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb.

Example : The dwarf ate more hardily than the other adventurers.


Is the repetition of a chosen grammatical form within a sentence. By making each co

mpared item or idea in your sentence follow the same grammatical pattern, you create a parall
el construction.


➢ Not Parallel: Ryan likes swimming (noun), hiking (noun), and to ride a motorcycle
Parallel: Ryan likes swimming(noun), hiking(noun), and riding a motorcycle(noun)

➢ Not Parallel: Mr. Evan is a lawyer (noun), a politician (noun) and he teaches (claus
Parallel: Mr. Evan is a lawyer (noun), a lawyer (noun) and a teacher (noun).

These are Wh- questions and yes/no questions. Wh- questions, also known as ‘open
questions’, are question words that begin with Wh (with the exception of ‘how’).

 The seven types of Wh Questions are who, what, when, where, why, which, an
d how.


What digunakan untuk menanyakan informasi tentang sesuatu atau seseorang.

Contoh kalimat
 What is your name? 
 What time is it?
 What does your father do? 
 What are you doing? 
 What is that?


Where digunakan untuk menanyakan lokasi atau tempat

Contoh kalimat
 Where is your home? 
 Where do I put the chair?
 Where should we eat? 


Why digunakan untuk menanyakan alasan

Contoh kalimat
 Why did you come late? 
 Why do you think the song is bad?
 Why did you do that? 


When digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu

Contoh kalimat
 When will you give my book back? 
 When will he fix the TV?


Which digunakan untuk menanyakan pilihan

Contoh kalimat
 Which one do you like? The green one or the black one?
 Which do you prefer, coffee or milk?

Who digunakan untuk menanyakan orang

Contoh kalimat
 Who is your favourite actor? 
 Who is the man standing in front of the school?


Whom digunakan untuk menanyakan seseorang sebagai objek

Contoh kalimat
 Whom did you meet yesterday?


Whose digunakan untuk menanyakan kepemilikan benda

Contoh kalimat
 Whose bag is this? 
 Whose shoes are you wearing?


How digunakan untuk menanyakan usia, cara, jarak, jumlah (kuantitas), harga, durasi, dan

Contoh kalimat
 How old is your sister? 
 How to make an omelette?
 How much is this souvenir? 
 How many cats do you have in your house?
 How much money do you have? (untuk uncountable noun)
 How long will you stay in Bali? 
 How often do you practice? 
 How far is your office from home? 


English is a universal language that is used and learned by all countries in the

world. When someone has just learned English, they may be confused in understanding

English verbs. Verb in English has a verb definition. Just like Indonesian, English also knows

the names of verbs or verbs. Of course in one sentence it has one verb. Because the

requirements of a sentence or sentence are at least consisting of a subject and a verb. There is

a subject (perpetrator) and there is a verb (verb or activity) carried out by the actor/subject.

Learning about the parts of speech is the first step in grammar research just as

learning letters is the first step in becoming able to read and write. From studying the parts of

speech we begin to understand the use or function of words and how words join together to
make meaningful communication. To understand what a part of speech is you have to

understand the idea of putting similar things into a group or category.



Introducing my name is ABRAR ARISYAD M.ALI, I was born in Banda Aceh on

24-6-2004, I live in Banda Aceh, where it is in Gampong Peurada, Alley Meulu No. 7A, I am

18 years old, my hobby is playing futsal like my idol, my dream is to be a CEO. I went to

school at Adiyasat Kindergarten and I continued my elementary school at SD N 35 after I

graduated at 6 years at SD N 35 I continued at MTss at Dayah Darul 'Ulum for 3 years and I

MA at Dayah Jeumala Amal Lueng Putue.

And my father's name is Muhammad ALI and my mother's name is Badriah, my

father's job is an ambulance driver da. my mother is IRT, I am the 2nd child of 3 siblings and

my brother is Zulkarnain, my sister is Aliya Azzahra.

➢ Passive voice expresses an action that is carried out on the subject of the sentence. Its st
Object + verb +subject

+ object
My brother would
Would my brother be finishing
Thesis last we

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