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Systems Design Engineering, University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada
Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Accepted 22 July 2013

ABSTRACT: Introduction: Ten new features of motor unit poten- MUP characterizations are aggregated to obtain an
tial (MUP) morphology and stability are proposed. These new
features, along with 8 traditional features, are grouped into 5
overall muscle characterization that leads to a mus-
aspects: size, shape, global complexity, local complexity, and cle being categorized as normal or diseased.1
stability. Methods: We used sequential forward and backward Quantitative analysis uses motor unit potential
search strategies to select subsets of these 18 features to
discriminate accurately between muscles whose MUPs are
trains (MUPTs) extracted from signals recorded
predominantly neurogenic, myopathic, or normal. Results and during low level voluntary contractions using
Conclusions: Results based on 8102 motor unit potential trains amplitude level or window triggering or signal
(MUPTs) extracted from 4 different limb muscles (n 5 336 total
muscles) demonstrate the usefulness of these newly introduced
decomposition algorithms.2 Decomposition meth-
features and support an aspect-based grouping of MUPT ods have the advantage of being able to extract
features. multiple MUPTs from an EMG signal recorded
Muscle Nerve 49: 680–690, 2014
during a single muscle contraction. They are there-
fore faster at sampling MUPs from a given muscle
and can extract MUPTs from EMG signals
An important part of electrodiagnostic (EDX) recorded during higher levels of muscle activa-
medicine entails acquisition and qualitative, semi- tion,3 thus broadening the range of motor unit
quantitative, or quantitative analysis of needle- sizes sampled. Each MUPT is represented by an
detected electromyographic (EMG) signals. Quali- estimated MUP template and its ensemble of
tative or semi-quantitative analysis involves auditory MUPs. This allows assessment of MUP shape stabil-
and visual assessment of spontaneous EMG signals ity across multiple motor unit firings as well as
(recorded from resting muscle or after very small motor unit activation. Aspects of MUPTs related to
abrupt needle movements) and of EMG signals MUP template morphology, the consistency of
recorded during slight voluntary muscle contrac- their individual MUP morphologies, or motor unit
tion. When signals are assessed during slight volun- recruitment and firing pattern can be character-
tary muscle contraction, analysis is based on ized using the values of various features. As with
recognition and semi-quantification of pathological qualitative analysis, MUPTs can therefore be char-
changes in the morphology and/or stability of acterized to determine whether a disorder of nerve
motor unit potentials (MUPs) as well as in recruit- or muscle is likely and, if so, whether it is mild or
ment levels and firing rates of the active motor severe. MUPT feature values can be compared with
units whose fibers are in the pickup volume of the reference normal and diseased values4 to estimate
needle electrode. MUPs and their patterns of the likelihood that an extracted MUPT was
occurrence are assessed to determine the likeli- detected in a normal or diseased muscle. These
hood they reflect normal or diseased motor units. individual MUPT characterizations can then be
After sampling a suitable number of motor units,
aggregated to create an overall muscle characteri-
zation that can be used to categorize an examined
Abbreviations: Amp, amplitude; Ar, Area; BFS, backward feature selec- muscle as being normal or abnormal.
tion algorithm; BJig, B Jiggle; DLT, deltoid; Dur, duration; EDX, electro-
diagnostic; EMG, electromyographic; Err, error; FbrCnt, fiber count; FDI, Varying subsets of newly proposed and existing
first dorsal interosseous; G. Cmpl, global complexity; IRB, institutional features were compared. The utility of a feature
review board; Jig, Jiggle; L.Cmpl, local complexity; LnInd, length index ;
LOOCV, Leave one out cross validation; MUP, motor unit potential; subset was judged in terms of its accuracy in classi-
MUPT, motor unit potential train; Ph, number of phases; PhAr, phase fying muscles as myopathic, normal, or neuro-
area; PhCmpl, phase complexity; QEMG, quantitative EMG; RIR, relative
irregularity coefficient; SFS, statistical forward feature selection algorithm; genic. Higher accuracy was equated with higher
ShmCov, shimmer covariance; ShpWdth, shape width; Sim Err, simulation utility. Although this study focuses on features eval-
error; TA, tibialis anterior; Thk, thickness; Tr, number of turns; TrAmp, turn
amplitude; TrAr, turn area; TrLn, turn length; TrWdth, turn width; VM, uated using quantitative analysis, the findings are
vastus medialis also applicable to qualitative and semi-quantitative
Key words: motor unit potential morphology; motor unit potential train
features; motor unit potential train stability; muscle characterization; needle analysis, in that the same questions are addressed:
electromyography (1) What aspects of MUPTs are most relevant to
Correspondence to: D. Stashuk; e-mail:
accurate muscle categorization? (2) Which features
C 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online 28 July 2013 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.
most reliably convey each MUPT aspect? (3)
com). DOI 10.1002/mus.23977 Which aspects are most useful in distinguishing
680 Feature Selection for MUPT Characterization MUSCLE & NERVE May 2014
myopathic versus neurogenic, myopathic versus studied relates to the stability of morphology of
normal, or neurogenic versus normal muscle? (4) all the MUPs comprising an MUPT. The utility of
Can feature subsets be generalized across different different sets of quantitative features was investi-
muscle types? and (5) Can features sensitive to gated using 2 different feature selection meth-
acquisition settings and/or operator skill be ods.18 The relationships between different QEMG
replaced by other features which do not have these features were investigated previously. A compre-
limitations without compromising accuracy? hensive review can be found in Stalberg et al.19
MUPs from neurogenic muscles are often These studies focused mainly on statistical rela-
larger than those in myopathic or normal muscles, tionships between pairs of features, for example
and MUP size can be represented by duration and the dependence of area and amplitude, or the
amplitude. MUPs from neurogenic or myopathic optimal way of combining feature values to obtain
muscles are often more complex than those from features with better statistical characteristics. Also,
normal muscles, and the number of phases and feature subset selection methods have been
turns can characterize MUP complexity. As such, a applied previously to quantitative EMG (QEMG)
feature set comprised of duration, amplitude, data.20,21 In this work, a larger group of feature
number of phases, and number of turns can be subsets using more exhaustive search strategies
used to distinguish between normal muscles and and more computationally intensive classification
those affected by myopathic or neurogenic disor- methods were studied to answer more general
ders.5,6 However, the influence of electrode type, questions about MUPs.
sampling position, amplification, and filter settings
on the reproducibility of statistical estimates of MATERIALS AND METHODS
these 4 conventional features must also be consid- Signal Acquisition Protocol. Individuals scheduled
ered.7,8 Therefore, better ways of extracting MU for diagnostic EMG studies and for whom EMG
information from MUPs have been investigated. evaluation was likely to require assessment of both
MUP “thickness”,9 the ratio of MUP area to ampli- upper and lower limb muscles were offered partici-
tude, mitigates electrode positioning effects and pation in this institutional review board (IRB)
can discriminate between muscles affected by neu- approved protocol (124 of 174 individuals agreed
rogenic and myopathic disorders better than con- to be subjects). Recordings were made without
ventional MUP features.6 MUP “size index,” a respect to final diagnosis, as subject consent was
function of area and amplitude developed using received before the EMG study. The subjects had a
discriminant analysis, is effective for differentiating wide variety of conditions. Subjects with neuro-
normal muscles from those affected by a neuro- genic disorders had such diagnoses as polyneurop-
genic process,10 but it is difficult to interpret visu- athy, polyradiculopathy, or motor neuron disease.
ally, because it is based on logarithmic scaling. The Subjects eventually diagnosed with myopathy most
MUP “irregularity coefficient” and the “relative commonly had inflammatory myopathies or dystro-
irregularity coefficient” (RIR) are measures of phies such as facioscapulohumeral or oculophar-
MUP complexity and represent details of MUP yngeal dystrophy. Subjects had symptom durations
shape rather than simply its global features11,12 from weeks to years. Routine clinical needle EMG
MUPT “jiggle” and MUPT “consecutive discharge was performed in first dorsal interosseous (FDI),
cross-correlation coefficient” measure morphologi- deltoid (DLT), tibialis anterior (TA), and vastus
cal variability across MUPs of the same MUPT.13,14 medialis (VM) muscles. Following needle position-
Elevated “jiggle” and cross-correlation coefficient ing to detect suitably “sharp” MUPs (with rise time-
values correspond with increased muscle fiber jit- s < 0.5 ms) during low level muscle contraction, a
ter. Features representing MU activation patterns15 manual semiquantitative assessment of the
and MUP features estimated using spectral and detected signal was completed to make estimates
time-scale representations16,17 have also been inves- of numerical values for duration, amplitude,
tigated. This study did not consider MU activation phases, firing rate, and number of active MUs
pattern features because their interpretation is based on auditory and visual recognition. The level
confounded if the level of muscle activation during of contraction was then increased until 40 to 60
signal detection is not controlled quantitatively.3 MUPs/s were detected, and 15 s of signal was
Likewise, spectral and time-scale based features acquired. This was repeated at multiple distinct
were not considered, because they are difficult to needle positions. Muscles were annotated by an
conceptualize or visualize and their inferred char- experienced clinical neurophysiologist (B.E.S.) as
acterizations are not explained easily. myopathic, normal, or neurogenic based on man-
In this work, size, shape, global complexity, ual semiquantitative assessments of MUP signals
and local complexity were considered as 4 differ- recorded during the low level muscle contractions
ent aspects of MUP morphology. The fifth aspect at all sampled needle positions.
Feature Selection for MUPT Characterization MUSCLE & NERVE May 2014 681
Table 1. Features included in this study.
Morphological features
Size aspect
Duration (Dur) ms The time difference between onset and end point of an MUP
Amplitude (Amp) lV The difference in voltage from the maximal negative to the maximal
positive peak of an MUP template.
Area (Ar) mslV Summation of the absolute values of samples of the MUP template
over its duration.
Shape aspect
Thickness (Thk) -
Global complexity aspect (G.Cmpl)
Number of phases (Ph) - The part of an MUP template that falls between baseline crossings
Number of turns (Tr) - A local peak, either negative or positive in an MUP template.
Length index (LnInd) - MUP Length (Ln) is the summation of the absolute amplitude differ-
ences for every 2 consecutive samples within the duration of the
MUP template. Length index is obtained through normalizing the
MUP length using the following formula: Length -23Amplitude

Shape width (ShpWdth) ms Area

Fiber count (FbrCnt) - The number of stable turns estimated from the second derivative of
the MUP templates. Proportional to fiber density.
Local complexity aspect (L.Cmpl)
Phase area (PhAr) mslV
Phase complexity (PhCmpl) - Turns
Turn length (TrLn) lV .
Turn amplitude (TrAmp) lV
Turn area (TrAr) mslV
Turn width (TrWdth) ms
Ensemble Features
Stability Aspect
Jiggle(Jig) - A measure of the average variation between motor unit discharges
of the individual voltage samples used to represent an MUP, nor-
malized by the energy of the MUP.13
B Jiggle(BJig) - Similar to Jiggle but calculated using second derivative.24
Shimmer covariance (ShmCov) - Average Euclidean distance of the ensemble of MUPs to the esti-
mated MUPT template normalized by the area of the template.

All features were calculated automatically using DQEMG.24 Only duration was assessed and modified accordingly by 1 of the authors (DS).

MUPT Feature Definitions and Extraction. Feature noise and no MUP superposition, MUP instability
Definitions. All MUPT features included in this is attributed mainly to the variable times of arrival
study and their definitions or formulas are listed of constituent muscle fiber action potentials at the
in Table 1. These MUPT features can be broadly electrode detection surface across consecutive
classified into 2 main categories: motor unit discharges, which is due to variation
Morphological Features. These features quantify in neuromuscular transmission and muscle fiber
the shape of the MUP template. The MUP tem- action potential conduction velocity. Morphologi-
plate is calculated to estimate a typical MUP within cal features can be further classified into 3 differ-
the MUPT. MUP templates have the advantage of ent categories based on which aspects of MUP
reducing noise from contaminating MUPs from morphology they best represent:
other MUs but they also represent a “smeared” Size. Size features, such as amplitude, dura-
estimate of a typical MUP due to MUP shape insta- tion, and area, are related to the number and sizes
bility across the MUPT. of fibers in a given motor unit. Simulation
Ensemble Features. These features describe how studies,22 however, have suggested that each of
much MUP morphology varies across the MUPs in these features is affected by not only the number
an MUPT. Assuming negligible instrumentation and sizes of fibers that comprise a motor unit but
682 Feature Selection for MUPT Characterization MUSCLE & NERVE May 2014
also by the range of distances between muscle
Table 2. Numbers of muscles examined and the corresponding
fibers and the electrode detection surface, such numbers of extracted MUPTs.
that the closest fibers have the greatest impact on Normal Neuropathic Myopathic
the value of these features. In this regard, duration
Type Muscles MUPTs Muscles MUPTs Muscles MUPTs
is less affected than amplitude by individual fiber
distance, but it is highly dependent on placement TA 48 1282 30 576 20 540
of onset and end markers. Area is less dependent FDI 59 1473 26 589 19 134
VM 55 1208 19 405 26 209
on individual fiber location than amplitude and DLT 40 1136 12 296 10 254
depends less on marker location than does
Shape. Shape features describe the overall phases and turns compared with neurogenic
shape of an MUP template. In this study, thickness MUPs.
(area to amplitude ratio) is the only shape feature
considered. Thickness measured in milliseconds MUPT Feature Extraction. For each needle posi-
conveys information that can be thought of as the tion, MUPTs were extracted from EMG signals
effective width of an MUP. In myopathic muscles, recorded during the increased levels of muscle
MUPs can have amplitudes comparable to those contraction using a standard DQEMG algorithm.24
found in normal muscles, because amplitude is Table 2 lists the numbers of muscles examined
highly dependent on the size of the closest fiber. and the corresponding numbers of extracted
Myopathic MUPs are, however, often thinner MUPTs. All data were acquired under IRB
because of muscle fiber loss. On the other hand, approval and stripped of personal identifying
neurogenic MUPs are often thicker, as more mus- information.
cle fibers comprise the motor unit due to After extraction of MUPTs that contributed sig-
reinnervation. nificantly to an EMG signal, an MUP template was
Complexity. MUP morphology is influenced by estimated for each train. Morphological features of
many factors, including number of muscle fibers, the MUP template were then measured as well as
range of fiber diameters, spatial arrangement of measures of MUP stability across the MUPs com-
fibers with respect to the electrode detection sur- prising the MUPT. See24 for a more complete
face, the variability of neuromuscular transmission, description.
and muscle fiber action potential conduction
velocities. MUPT Characterization. An MUPT characterization
Fibers in normal motor units are expected to can be thought of as a set of conditional probabil-
exhibit more homogeneity and less temporal dis- ities, 1 for each category of muscle considered.
persion, leading to simpler and more uniform Each element of an MUPT characterization repre-
MUPs. On the other hand, diseased motor units sents the conditional probability of the examined
tend to have more variation in all factors listed muscle falling into a specific category given the fea-
above and therefore yield more complex MUPs. ture values of the MUPT [i.e., P ðYk jXMUP Þ], where
The features studied here attempt to represent Yk is the muscle category and XMUP is the set of fea-
MUP complexity at both global and local levels. ture values used to represent the MUPT. For exam-
The most obvious global complexity features are ple, to discriminate between normal and
numbers of phases and turns. Fiber count is differ- neurogenic muscles, Yk 僆 {normal, neurogenic} and
ent from number of turns in that only positive turns an MUPT characterization would have 2 conditional
detected in the second derivative of an MUP tem- probability values. The conditional probabilities
plate are counted. This gives more confidence that were estimated assuming a multivariate Gaussian
each of the counted peaks is produced by a sepa- probabilistic model such that:
rate muscle fiber or a small group of fibers.23
P ðXMUP jYk Þ5N ðXMUP jlk ; w Þ
Another way of expressing MUP irregularity uses
MUP length, which can be thought of as the length where N ðXMUP jlk ; w Þ is a multivariate Gaussian
of the stretched-out MUP contour. Length index probability distribution. Assuming all categories to
and shape width feature values are calculated by be equally likely, the conditional probabilities were
normalizing and standardizing MUP length with then calculated using:
respect to amplitude and area, respectively.
Local complexity features focus on represent- P ðXMUP jYk Þ
ing the finer morphological details of phases and P ðYk jXMUP Þ5 P
k P ðXMUP jYk Þ
turns. These features attempt to differentiate
between neurogenic and myopathic complexity. Using various sets of training data, maximum
On average, myopathic MUPs often have smaller likelihood was used to estimate the mean feature
Feature Selection for MUPT Characterization MUSCLE & NERVE May 2014 683
vector lk for each category. The averaged covari- with 2 fewer features during the subsequent
ance matrix W was estimated using: iteration.
X Statistical Forward Feature Selection Algorithm
w5 k
wk PðY k Þ (SFS). To improve the resolution with which mus-
cle categorization accuracy might be measured,
where P ðYk Þ. represents the probability of having a muscle examinations were simulated using the
muscle of category k, and all categories are MUPT data extracted from the actual muscles
assumed to be equally likely. examined. For each muscle category (i.e., myo-
pathic, normal, and neurogenic) all of the MUPTs
Muscle Characterization. A muscle characterization extracted from muscles of each category were com-
is a set of conditional probabilities, 1 for each of bined into 1 set (i.e., pooled sets of myopathic,
the 3 categories of muscle considered. Each ele- normal, and neurogenic MUPTs were created).
ment of a muscle characterization represents the For each muscle category, 1,000 sets of 20 MUPTs,
conditional probability of the examined muscle randomly selected from its respective pooled set,
belonging to a specific category given the set of were created to simulate 1000 examinations of
MUPTs sampled from the examined muscle muscles pertaining to that category (i.e., 3,000 sets
½P ðYK jXMUP 1 ; …XMUP N Þ: A muscle characterization of 20 MUPTs, representing 3,000 simulated muscle
was calculated as the mean of the MUPT character- examinations were created in total). These 3,000
izations of all MUPTs sampled from the examined sets of MUPTs were divided equally into 10 groups
muscle. of 300 simulated muscle examinations for testing
Assuming N MUPTs were sampled from an purposes.
examined muscle, its muscle characterization is The SFS algorithm starts with a single feature.
estimated as: In subsequent iterations larger feature sets, created
by adding 1 feature to each feature set selected
P ðYk jXMUPi Þ during the previous iteration, are evaluated by cal-
P ðYk jXMUP1 ; …XMUPN Þ5 culating the classification error for each group of
N simulated muscle examinations using LOOCV.
A muscle is categorized as belonging to the cat- The best performing feature set, (i.e., the 1 having
egory which has the highest muscle characteriza- the minimum average error across all groups of
tion value. testing sets), and all statistically equivalent sets
(based on student t-tests) are selected. The
Validation and Performance Metrics. Leave-one-out
algorithm terminates when none of the selected
cross-validation (LOOCV) was used. In each itera- feature sets brings a statistically significant
tion, the feature vectors of the MUPTs of a given improvement in classification accuracy compared
muscle were used for testing, and feature vectors with the sets constituting the previous iteration.
of the remaining MUPTs were used as training The algorithm is summarized in Figures 1 and 2.
data for estimating the parameters of the assumed RESULTS
Gaussian model. The muscle characterization was applied in a
For each category, category error was calculated one-to-one schema. Three multivariate Gaussian
as the ratio of the number of misclassified muscles models were used to discriminate between neuro-
to the total number of muscles belonging to that genic and normal muscles, between myopathic and
category. The overall classification error was then normal muscles, and between neurogenic and
estimated as the mean value of individual category myopathic muscles. The findings using the BFS
errors. algorithm and those from the SFS algorithm are
summarized in Table 3.
Backward Feature Selection Algorithm (BFS). The The SFS algorithm was designed in such a way
BFS algorithm starts by using a feature set contain- that all feature sets having equivalent performance
ing all studied features. In each subsequent itera- to the feature set(s) achieving the minimal mean
tion, all possible sets of features with 1 less feature classification error were promoted to the following
than the previous iteration are evaluated by calcu- iteration. This resulted into tens or even hundreds
lating its respective classification error using of equivalently performing feature sets being
LOOCV. A feature is discarded if it does not selected for a particular decision level and muscle
belong to 1 of the best feature set combinations, type as shown in the last column of Table 3.
in which case it is redundant and/or irrelevant. If The relative importance of an aspect is propor-
during an iteration no feature is discarded, the tional to the number of times that feature was
algorithm evaluates all possible sets of features selected and at which iteration, because a feature
684 Feature Selection for MUPT Characterization MUSCLE & NERVE May 2014
FIGURE 2. Summary of leave-one-out cross validation. Boxes
represent steps of the algorithm. Iterations are shown as
dashed lines and datasets as cylinders.

equivalently performing feature set selected by the

SFS algorithm was incremented by a weighting fac-
tor. The value of the weighting factor was deter-
mined by the iteration number during which that
feature was selected. The weighting factor for a
feature selected during the first iteration was equal

Table 3. Summary of feature selection algorithm findings.

Muscle BFS error SFS avg. error SFS no. of sets
Discrimination between neurogenic and normal muscles
FDI 14.92 3.6 20
DLT 16.67 5.15 89
VM 22.13 2.75 45
TA 4.37 2.5 47
Discrimination between myopathic and normal muscles
FDI 18.96 2.1 334
DLT 16.25 7.3 17
VM 10.56 0.3 36
TA 23.54 5.25 171
Discrimination between neurogenic and myopathic
FIGURE 1. Summary of the SFS algorithm. Boxes represent muscles
steps of the algorithm. Conditions are shown as diamonds and FDI 7.69 0.15 154
datasets as cylinders. DLT 13.33 2.55 14
VM 10.53 0 140
TA 3.33 0.7 43
selected at an earlier iteration is more relevant to The first column lists the smallest classification error obtained by the
making a correct category assignment. A rank BFS algorithm, the second lists the smallest mean classification error
score for each aspect was therefore calculated to obtained by the SFS algorithm using simulated studies, and the final col-
umn notes the number of set(s) selected by the SFS algorithm which are
denote its relative importance. The rank score of equivalent statistically to the set(s) which achieve minimal mean classifi-
the contribution of each selected feature in each cation error (based on student t-tests with alpha set to 0.05).

Feature Selection for MUPT Characterization MUSCLE & NERVE May 2014 685
Table 4. For a particular muscle and decision, aspects are sorted based on their estimated ranking factors, i.e., their utility.
Muscle 1st Aspect 2nd Aspect 3rd Aspect 4th Aspect 5th Aspect Err. Sim err.
Discrimination between neurogenic and normal muscles
FDI Aspects Size Stability L.Cmpl G.Cmpl Shape
Ranking 100 65 11.67 10 6.67
Features Ar Jig TrWdth ShpWdth Thk 22.4 3.9
DLT Aspects L.Cmpl Size G.Cmpl Stability Shape
Ranking 100 99.34 78.95 26.32 18.42
Features PhAr Ar Tr ShmCov Thk 19.2 4.9
VM Aspects Size Stability L.Cmpl G.Cmpl Shape
Ranking 100 66.67 11.11 11.85 2.96
Features Ar Jig TrLn Tr Thk 25.7 1.9
TA Aspects Size Stability L.Cmpl G.Cmpl Shape
Ranking 100 71.30 33.04 19.13 10.43
Features Ar ShmCov PhAr ShpWdth Thk 11.5 2.1
Discrimination between myopathic and normal muscles
FDI Aspects G.Cmpl L.Cmpl Stability Size Shape
Ranking 100 54.71 45.54 35.36 9.26
Features ShpWdth PhAr Jig Ar Thk 22.3 1.5
DLT Aspects G.Cmpl L.Cmpl Size Stability Shape
Ranking 100 17.62 8.82 8.82 2.94
Features ShpWdth PhCmpl Dur Jig Thk 22.5 6.4
VM Aspects G.Cmpl Size L.Cmpl Stability Shape
Ranking 100 62.04 18.52 5.56 1.85
Features ShpWdth Ar Trln Jig Thk 16.5 0.4
TA Aspects L.Cmpl Stability G.Cmpl Size Shape
Ranking 100 76.14 50.53 36.73 1.17
Features TrAr Jig FbrCnt Ar Thk 30 5.1
Discrimination between neurogenic and myopathic muscles
FDI Aspects G.Cmpl Size L.Cmpl Stability Shape
Ranking 100 89.79 73.94 22.89 19.72
Features ShpWdth Ar TrAr Jig Thk 13.9 0.1
DLT Aspects Size L.Cmpl G.Cmpl Stability Shape
Ranking 100 17.86 14.29 7.14 3.57
Features Dur TrLn ShpWdth Jig Thk 17.5 2.7
VM Aspects Size L.Cmpl G.Cmpl Shape Stability
Ranking 100 34.29 24.29 15 9.05
Features Ar TrWdth ShpWdth Thk Jig 15.5 0
TA Aspects Size Stability L.Cmpl G.Cmpl Shape
Ranking 100 61.46 47.92 40.63 3.13
Features Ar Jig PhAr FbrCnt Thk 8.3 0.2

A set is also constructed by selecting the most frequently selected feature for each aspect. The performance based on simulated studies is equivalent stat-
istically based on student t-tests with alpha set to 0.05 to the set(s) selected by the SFS algorithm. The errors obtained for these sets using actual data are
within 68% of the minimal errors for the feature sets selected by the BFS algorithm.

to the number of features included in its feature uting to the various muscle type categorizations
set. The weighting factors of the features selected studied are also shown in Table 4.
during subsequent iterations were then decreased
correspondingly, such that the weighting factor of DISCUSSION
the feature selected during the last iteration was Using a global set of 18 MUPT features com-
1.0. In cases where more than 1 feature from the prised of traditional and newly defined features
same aspect was selected in the same feature set, and representing different MUPT aspects, feature
only the earliest selected feature was considered. subset selection methods were used to select dis-
This is important to account for the fact that dif- criminating QEMG feature sets. The selected fea-
ferent aspects have different numbers of features. ture subsets were selected by considering the
The accumulated ranking scores of the differ- following properties: (1) Discriminative: Characteri-
ent aspects were then normalized, such that the zation based on selected features should be
highest was made equal to 100. These results are accurate and consistent with an expert electro-
summarized in Table 4. The features that were myographer’s assessments. (2) Simple: A lower
selected most often to represent a specific aspect number of features is preferable, eliminating irrel-
for the various decisions made, and those contrib- evant information and simplifying the basis on
686 Feature Selection for MUPT Characterization MUSCLE & NERVE May 2014
which a characterization is based, and increasing feature subsets. However, because across the 18
the confidence that results can be generalized. (3) features investigated in this study more than
Least redundant: It is preferable to have a feature 250,000 subsets can be constructed, sequential
set in which every relevant aspect is represented search methods were used instead. Both forward
using the most relevant feature, yielding a more and backward search strategies were used to assure
structured decision process. (4) Interpretable: The convergence to feature sets with the smallest num-
numerical estimates of features should be appreci- bers of features that provide maximal discrimina-
ated readily and able to be understood based on tion. The discriminatory power of a selected
visual inspection. (5) Informative: Selected features feature subset can be estimated using a filter or
should promote the use of electrophysiological wrapper method. Filter methods rely on general
and anatomical knowledge to infer the muscle con- properties of the estimated distributions of feature
dition or readily explain decisions inferred though data. These properties include class separability,
statistical modeling. (6) Acquisition Independent: relevance, independence, and others. Wrapper
The measured feature values should be as insensi- methods measure the classification accuracy of a
tive as possible to needle positioning and instru- specific feature subset using a chosen classification
mentation settings. (7) Easily estimated: Some algorithm.18 We used a wrapper method based on
features can be more consistently and accurately probabilistic muscle characterizations.
estimated using automated methods, thereby Simulated muscle studies were used for the fol-
avoiding time-consuming marker editing. (8) Gen- lowing reasons: (1) To provide more uniform eval-
eralizable: It is preferable to end up with a feature uation across disease categories, even with
set that can be in all muscle types: large and small, imbalances among different categories as shown in
proximal and distal, and limb, axial, and cranial Table 2. (2) To increase the resolution with which
muscles. discrimination accuracy could be determined to
The best feature subsets were found to be com- avoid drastic changes in search results caused by
prised of a reduced number of features, which small numbers of misclassifications. and (3) To
together can be used to distinguish accurately “smear” (reduce the effect of) muscle categoriza-
between neurogenic, myopathic, and normal tion inaccuracies, because MUPTs from inaccur-
muscles. The main advantage of methods which ately categorized studies are to be distributed
consider feature subsets, as opposed to methods across many simulated studies and their character-
which investigate each feature independently, is izations (the probability that a given MUPT was
the consideration of inter-feature dependencies or detected in a muscle of a specific disease category)
correlations. This is especially important for will be averaged with other MUPTs during the
QEMG features, because the same MUPT aspect aggregation stage to reach an accurate muscle
often contributes to more than 1 feature. For categorization.
example, duration, amplitude, and area all repre- The resulting simulated studies may contain
sent the size of an MUP template. Even though MUPTs belonging to muscles affected by different
each of them can be used to discriminate between levels or stages of disease involvement. BFS was,
neurogenic and normal muscles, they are unlikely therefore, conducted using actual muscle studies.
to be selected in the same subset due to their The errors of feature sets selected by SFS were re-
interdependence. Moreover, some of these fea- evaluated using actual muscle studies, resulting in
tures convey redundant information, in that their errors within 68% of the minimal errors for the
discriminating values are calculated using other feature sets selected by the BFS algorithm.
feature values. The large number of feature subsets selected
A multivariate classification method was used by the SFS algorithm that have statistically equiva-
rather than more traditional multiple univariate lent performance is not surprising given the large
methods, because multivariate methods use covari- number of tested feature subsets, as well as consid-
ance or correlation matrices to estimate and utilize ering the redundancy and interdependence among
the interrelatedness of the features within a investigated features and the small size of the data
selected set of features to find linear combinations set used for statistical validation. It is clear that fea-
of the features to maximize discrimination among tures belonging to the same selected set mostly
different classes. On the other hand, multiple uni- represent different MUPT aspects, while alternative
variate analyses accumulate evidence from each selected feature sets are more often formed by
feature by assuming independence among the fea- replacing 1 feature by another, reflecting the same
tures or by employing heuristics.25 aspect. These 2 observations support the proposed
The most comprehensive way to select a feature aspect-based grouping of features, as they validate
subset would be exhaustive search, which means the independence among the proposed aspects
measuring the discriminatory power of all possible (i.e., that each aspect conveys some degree of
Feature Selection for MUPT Characterization MUSCLE & NERVE May 2014 687
FIGURE 3. The left column shows MUP templates extracted from normal muscles, and the right column shows MUP templates
extracted from myopathic muscles. In each row, the 2 MUP templates have nearly the same size (area) and shape (thickness), while
MUP templates extracted from myopathic muscles show significantly lower shape width.

unique information). It also demonstrates that fea- Amplitude was selected rarely to represent
tures belonging to the same aspect convey very MUP size. This is consistent with findings of simu-
similar information. lation studies,22 which have verified that amplitude
Another clear observation is that feature aspects is mainly influenced by proximity of the electrode
that allow discrimination between myopathic to the nearest muscle fiber, whereas both area and
muscles and normal muscles are often different duration are more acquisition independent. Area
from feature sets that provide discrimination
between neurogenic and normal muscles even for
the same muscle type. Still, there appears to be
clear consistency among aspect rankings for a given
decision across different muscle types. For instance,
stability and size were selected as the most relevant
aspects for discrimination between neurogenic and
myopathic muscles for all muscle types studied
except the deltoid. These 2 aspects correlate with
reinnervation and abnormally variable neuromuscu-
lar transmission. On the other hand, global and
local complexity features were found to be among
the top 3 ranked aspects for discrimination between
myopathic and normal muscles. MUPs detected in
myopathic muscles often have increased complexity
due to fiber loss leading to increased variability of
FIGURE 4. Black bins represent phase area measurements
muscle fiber diameters belonging to a given motor from MUP templates extracted from neurogenic muscles, while
unit, which in turn leads to higher variability in grey bins represent measurements from MUP templates
fiber conduction velocities. extracted from normal muscles.

688 Feature Selection for MUPT Characterization MUSCLE & NERVE May 2014
column are extracted from myopathic muscles with
clear morphological complexity. This complexity is
captured successfully using shape width, which is
significantly smaller for the MUPs extracted from
myopathic muscles. Another advantage of using
shape width to characterize global complexity
rather than turns is that shape width estimates are
less sensitive to baseline fluctuations and noise.
Shape width was selected more often than length
index, because shape width is normalized using
area instead of amplitude.
Local complexity features related to phase char-
acteristics such as phase area, are intended to aug-
ment discrimination between neurogenic and
normal muscles. Figure 4 shows an increase in
FIGURE 5. Black bins represent turn area measurements from phase area for MUP templates estimated from
MUP templates extracted from myopathic muscles, while grey
bins represent measurements from MUP templates extracted
MUPTs recorded in neurogenic muscles compared
from normal muscles. with those of MUPTs recorded in normal muscles.
This can be attributed to re-innervation. On the
was selected more often than duration to represent other hand, local complexity features related to
MUP size, which can be attributed to the fact that turns such as turn area augment discrimination
area is less influenced by onset and end marker between myopathic and normal muscles. A clear
positioning. decrease in turn area for MUP templates estimated
For discrimination between myopathic and nor- from MUPTs recorded in myopathic muscles com-
mal muscles, shape width was selected more often pared with those of MUPTs recorded in normal
than any other feature representing global com- muscles can be seen in Figure 5, which is expected
plexity. MUPs in each row of Figure 3 have almost due to muscle fiber depletion. It is important to
the same thickness and area. MUPs in the right note that MUPT labeling was based on muscle

FIGURE 6. The left column shows MUP templates extracted from myopathic muscles, and the right column shows MUP templates
extracted from neurogenic muscles. In each row, the 2 MUP templates have nearly the same size (area) but with clear differences in
turn area.

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