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SUBJECT: English PAGE 1/3 Written Exam n°: 1

Over the past few decades education has experienced enormous growth and
diversification. Today, education is being provided not only by educational institutions,
such as schools and universities, but also by cultural institutions, such as libraries and
museums. Such cultural institutions provide both informal individual learning as well as
structured learning activities.

One might say that the collection, conservation and exhibition of artefacts are the
museum’s primary task. But in fact all museums are first of all learning places. It has been
proved that anyone who visits a museum experiences some individual and informal
learning through the exhibits no matter what level of education that person has. What has
become much more interesting about most museums, mainly in the developed countries, is
the fact they do now have pedagogical programmes. In these communities, school
programmes are the most common type of educational service offered by museums,
followed by lectures and courses. Most of these museums indeed have formal services
such as gallery talks, lectures, guided tours and publications for distribution, providing
structured learning opportunities.

Museums are more than places to see collections of exhibits and can become more
than auxiliaries to education. They can more importantly function as a medium to transmit
cultural heritage to future generations. Unfortunately, however, a number of museums,
including the ones in Morocco, still need to be strengthened. As a matter of fact, their
methods and techniques for strengthening the conservation and use of cultural heritage as a
constant cultural learning resource need to be promoted and developed. Appropriate funds
should at this point be allocated for the development of museums’ functionality and
contribution to local education.

Time Teacher Signature

1h 30 Mr Ahmed KOUARA

PART ONE: Vocabulary (6 points)
1. Choose the right synonym for the underlined words:
a. growth :
(1) support; (2) development; (3) regression.
b. museums :
(1) place of buried bodies ; (2) place of folkloric dance; (3) place of viewing artefacts.
c. artefacts :
(1) natural objects; (2) old objects of great or artistic value; (3) natural resources.
a. pedagogical :
(1) relating to educational methods and principles; (2) relating to economic
strategies; (3) relating to religion and worshiping.
b. collections :
(1) loss of objects and things; (2) search for objects and things; (3) gathering of
objects and things.
c. auxiliaries:
(1) assistances; (2) obstacles; (3) subtractions.
d. cultural heritage:
(1) all the things that we receive from our ancestors and the society that we live in;
(2) the main religion of the natives of the society we live in;
(3) the political system of the society we live in.

2. The translations of the following words are in the text. Find them and write them
in the table:

Word in
Word Category Word in the text
‫خالل العقود القليلة‬
(phrase) in paragraph 1 .................................................

‫مثل‬ (phrase) in paragraph 1 .................................................

‫المكتبات‬ (noun) in paragraph 1 .................................................

‫أي شخص‬ (pronoun) in paragraph 2 .................................................

‫المعروضات‬ (noun) in paragraph 2 .................................................

‫أغلب‬ (adjective) in paragraph 2 .................................................

‫لألسف‬ (adverb) in paragraph 3 .................................................

PART TWO: Comprehension (8 points)
1. Give a suitable title to the text.
2. Answer the following questions related to the text:
a. What can museums provide for the visitors?
b. Which services do museums in the developed countries offer?
c. What else can museums do rather than displaying exhibits and contributing to
d. What do museums need to overcome their functional problems?

3. What do the words in bold refer to in the text?

a. they (in paragraph 2, line 6).
b. the ones (in paragraph 3, line 4).
c. their (in paragraph 3, line 4).

PART THREE: Language (3 points)

1. Give the correct form of the verbs between brackets:

The Sun (rise) __________________ in the East.

Please, be quiet. The baby (sleep) ______________ now.

Kamal usually (come) ___________ early to class. What (be) _____________ the
matter with him today?

2. Change the following sentences from the active into the passive:

Two horses are pulling the wagon. ................................................................................

The manager gives a warning to the employees. ...........................................................

Adam will do the whole work. .......................................................................................

PART FOUR: Summary (3 points)

1. Summarize the text in one paragraph.

* * *
- All questions must be answered on a separate exam paper.
- Quality writing style and legible hand-writing are highly appreciated (and will not go

“Good Luck”

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