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30 January 2023

My friend Sinar


How are you and your school? I hope you are still enthusiastic about learning in this new

Sin, how was your report grade last semester?

Do you still get rankings like before? as for me, it's still the same as before, math scores are
always low. After all, the lesson in very difficult

Sin, that's it for now! don't forget to reply. I'm waiting for

See you latter



P.s.I'm bringing you lots of souvenirs and pictures


Bombana, Poleang Tengah

25 Januari 2023

My best Friend Hasrina


How are you ? Healthy and happy right? Do you still remember me ? I really want to meet
you ? You must be more beautiful, yes ? or my be gain weight ? Srina, my dear Friend since
we ported many things Happy happened here our city of growing very rapidily the building
that used to be a place for drama performance and rebear sals has been razed to the ground
now a super luyurious building has appeared. It’s a shame that this place is only for shopping.

Srina Don't forget to reply, I’m waiting for your news ! say hello to mom and dad.
Thank you Srina . . . . see you in the next holiday.

See you later

XiXi !


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