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Outline any two issues the Current technological trends in

education will address.
1 . Online Data and Cybersecurity
The need for data security is at an all-time high. While cloud
storage has become the norm these days, it could prove
disastrous at times. People and institutions prefer cloud storage
because it is a shared environment and it makes accessing data
easy for everyone. With that being said, there have been a lot of
instances in the past where online data has been hacked for
ransom.Cyber threats have been a cause of worry for many
institutions- educational and otherwise. Student information like
name, email address, date of birth and phone numbers cannot be
compromised. Test results and assignments are also stored on
the cloud by many. Education institutes are implementing the
best data security measures to protect their online data and their
students’ interests.

2. Immersive Learning with AR and VR

With the introduction of augmented reality and virtual reality
into the education system, the classroom learning experience has
undergone a tremendous change. Learning has become much
more immersive than traditional methods. Unlike plain images
and hands-on experiments in the lab, students can now view
enhanced versions of the image and objects on their mobile
devices. The augmented and virtual reality trends in education
technology are making learning a compelling experience.
While augmented reality provides an enhanced view of a real
image, virtual reality gives a false perception of reality around
them. Both these techniques have taken digital learning to new
Q2.. Examine any two challenges and barriers to the use of technology in the
teaching and learning processes in schools .

1.Internet or computer access

Even though internet access is so widespread, not every student has access to the things
they need in order to adopt technology-driven education successfully. Some families
don’t have the financial means to afford internet and computer access for their
household. This is especially true for low-income families who have multiple children..

2 . Parental involvement

Some parents may be opposed to technology adoption for a few reasons. For example,
some parents fear that technology will distract their children instead of help them to
learn more effectively. This is a concern worth addressing early on. Reassure them that
students won’t have free rein to do whatever they want just because they’re using their
devices — limitations will be imposed.Other parents worry that technology adoption will
require more involvement from them in an already tightly packed schedule of work and
household responsibilities.

Q3. Technology has come to replace the teacher in the teaching and
learning processes. Discuss .

The use of technology in the classroom doesn’t lessen the need for great teachers. In fact, it is great
teachers who make using technology so significant in students’ education. Whilst technology is able to
take on a whole host of tasks, it does have its shortcomings – most prominently its inability to interact
with humans. Technology can therefore facilitate the learning process but it cannot replace the role of the
teacher. Teachers impart students with life skills, valuable life lessons and inspire them to reach their
potential. A teacher is so much more than a facilitator: they are also a guide and a mentor. Without a great
teacher, technology merely becomes an automated tool and stops inspiring and engaging students.
Ultimately, it isn’t about teachers being replaced by technology but how teachers can adapt to incorporate
technology in their lessons.


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