activityMTB MLE

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Name: Joven Jay L.

Jubahib Course: BEED

Content and Pedagogy for the Mother Tounge
1. Define the Following terminologies
A. Education Teachers and students use spoken and written language to
communicate with each other.
B. Mother Tounge refers to a person's native language — that is, a language
learned from birth.
C. Language is a kind of written and spoken communication used by the
inhabitants of a certain nation or region for talking and writing. It consists of a
collection of sounds.
 L1 (MT) is the first language or dialect that a person has been exposed to
from birth or within the critical period.
 L2 (Filipino, the national language) is a language that a speaker learns after
their first language, or L1, which is their native tongue.
 L3 (English, the global language) refers to a language that is not one's native
tongue that is being used or learned in a setting where one or more L2s are
already known in addition to one or more L1s.
D. Bilingual able to use two languages equally well
E. Multilingual able to use more than two languages for communication
F. Diversity is a general word used to explain the variations between various
languages and the means through which people interact.
G. Literacy is the capacity to communicate by reading and comprehending written
words or other symbols.

2. What are the legal bases in the implementation of MTB-MLE in the Philippine
Education? Discuss briefly.
Answer: DepEd is required by Republic Act No. 10533, also known as the Enhanced
Basic Education Act, to construct its curricula in accordance with the MTB-guiding MLE's
principles and framework. Lessons, instructional materials, and assessments must be
given to kindergarten and Grades 1–3 students in their respective regional or mother
The primary language of instruction for teaching and learning in kindergarten in public
schools shall be the learner's mother tongue.

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