Navarez - Worksheet Development of Affective Assessment

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Bachelor of Physical Education - III

Worksheet: Development of Affective Assessment Tools
1. Choose one of the learning competencies in the K-12 curriculum of the subject
area of your specialization.
2. Choose any activity that will be matched your competency.
3. Develop an affective assessment tool. Choose only one from the following:
a. Checklists
b. Rating Scale
c. Likert Scale
d. Semantic Differential Scale
e. Sentence Completion
4. Be guided by the template below:

Grade Level Subject Area

Activity/Task Physical Education: DEVELOPMEN T AND VALIDATION
Affective Assessment Tool
Items 1– 2- 3- 4– 5–
Strongly Disagree Undecide Agree Strongly
Disagree d Agree
I am happy in PE classes
I am active in PE classes.
I feel comfortable in PE classes.
I like to show what I know in PE
I like to attend PE classes.
I find PE classes interesting
I can’t wait for PE class to start.
I don’t like to miss a PE class.
I like when PE teacher assigns us
some harder exercises.
I would like to have more PE classes
PE teacher encourages me in the
PE classes always seem to last too
I do not feel comfortable when
wearing PE uniform.
PE teacher is not interested in work
with students.
Too much competition in PE classes
bothers me.
I feel fear in PE classes.
I avoid some exercises we perform
in PE classes.
I can’t wait for PE class to end.
I think that PE is only waste of time.
I don’t like PE.

Criteria 20 15 10 5 0
Accuracy of the Clear, Accurate Limited Limited No
Information accurate, and and concise information information attempt/Did
concise information and somehow and are not not submit
information not clear accurate
Completeness All One Two Three or No attempt/
of the components component components more Did not
information of the table of the table of the table components submit
are given. is missing. are missing. of the table
are missing.

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