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Solar Objection Handling: (ABD - Always be disarming)

1. I’m too busy to talk

“Hey I completely understand, I'm actually really booked this week as well, just so we don’t have to chase each other how about we set a
time at (7 Pm Next Friday), and as we approach that date we can follow up and reschedule if it's not a good time.

3. I'm not interested

So (John) I’m not entirely sure that we could even help you yet, and that's exactly why I’m here. I’d need to know a little bit more about
how high your bill generally gets.
Of course, you don't want to buy anything, right? .there’s actually no way you could be *name, i haven’t even picked your home yet.

Oh oh, yeah I apologize i didn't mean to offend you. And just so you’re aware I'm not sure we can even help you yet. we’d have to understand
a little bit more about how much energy you use and if you’d qualify for the government incentive to see if we can even help you in the first
place because maybe you don't even need us, you get me?

For instance, we’d probably have to know if your bill goes over $80 on average. Would you say your credit score is over 650?

What about your roof are there any trees blocking sunlight from reaching it?

9 “I don’t want to pay too much”

“I can’t afford it / It costs too much”
Of course, you don't want to buy anything right? I'm not trying to sell you a vacuum here, the reason for my call is a little bit different. I’m
not sure if you know what's going on in the neighborhood, but we’ve been helping people with a zero-down ownership program, have you
heard about that too?

You basically pay nothing upfront and ave 40% in the first month, but just to make sure i’m not wasting your time or mine i’d have to know
whether you’d qualify yet, i want to schedule a time to pass by tomorrow to see if it makes sense for you.

- May I ask you one question? Are you satisfied with paying $1,000 to $2,000 every year to the power company for the rest of your life? If
you’re 40, that’s $52,500 dollars on average. Most people don’t think this is something they can change. You can, but if you are satisfied with
this situation, then I don’t think solar is right for you.

5. Is this about solar?

The main reason im here is a little bit different, so with (APS)?’s plan to raise your bill by 14% next year and a lot of your neighbors
complaining; . Would you be opposed to that?

john What I do is, you know how… a lot of people sometimes get frustrated with all the rising utility bills going on…. and having to worry
about it going up yearly, especially in the current climate
So what i do is… i help people like that to save a lot of money on their utility bill and have some control over their power, so that way they’re
not in the control of these utility companies who really care about their bottom line.
6. What are you selling? / Is this a sales call?
Oh oh, yeah i apologize i didn't mean to offend you. And just so you’re aware i’m not sure we can even help you yet. We’d have to understand
a little bit more about how high your bill gets, because maybe you dont even need us. You get me?
For instance we’d probably have to know if your bill goes over $100 on average. Would you say your credit score is over 650?
What about your roof are there any trees blocking sunlight from reaching it?“We can pass by you tomorrow…?”- Set appointment.
4. Can you send me some information?
Yeah, thats not a problem (John). I guess just so i can put together the best information, what exactly are you looking for?
Okay, and how high does your bill go on average?
Would you say your credit score is over 650?
What about your roof are there any trees blocking sunlight from reaching it?
What can i do for you now is send over the details and schedule a time to pass by and answer any questions you might have. Do mornings or
afternoons work best for you?
2. I need to think about it
Hey I hear you (John), just between you and me and off the record - What is it exactly that you’re unsure about?

7. I’m gonna sell the house, ( I don't think I qualify )

Oh yeah I wouldn't be interested in buying, that’s exactly why I'm here…...the reason that people who wanna sell their house work with us…is
because their house sells faster and generally sells for 4% more in equity. Would you be opposed to increasing your home value when you do
sell it?
8. Are you installing it?
Yeah, just so i’m aware is there any reason in particular you asked you that?

10. “I’m not the right person to talk to”

Could you help figure out who takes care of that in your house?

11. “My roof is too old and needs to be repaired or replaced.”

Gotcha, that's exactly why i’m here
Thats no problem at all, If there is one thing you do not want to take a chance with, it is an old roof so i completely understand. Your roof’s
integrity is obviously very important and we wouldn’t typically recommend installing solar on a roof over 10 years old. However, if you are
considering repairing your roof in the next 10 years, now is an ideal time to consider solar. Solar systems can help recoup or offset some of
your roof repair costs, and in some cases the cost can even be incorporated into a solar financing solution. So, In the long run, if a roof in
need of repair is preventing you from going solar, rolling the repair into the installation process might be the most cost effective way to kill
two birds with one stone.
We can pass by …..

12. “My tenants already pay their own utilities – why should I care about lowering energy costs I don’t even pay?”

Yeah, I completely understand, I actually work with a lot of investors, and that tends to be their concern, a big reason that homeowners make
the switch solar is to take advantage of the tax free equity that comes with it. and at the same time a lot of tenants prefer to move to into units
with solar its installed since their bills will be reduced.

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