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1. Centralize your king as soon as possible

2. Active your king in the endgame and fight with your king in the endgame
3. Cut off opponent king
4. Create pressure both sides to your opponent
5. Don’t do stalemate
6. Always play for win , Otherwise for draw
7. Bishop pair is more powerful in the endgame
8. Bishop is powerful than knight in the endgame
9. When you have pawn majority you try to exchange pieces not pawns
10. If you have minor piece majority, you try to trade pieces not pawns
11. If you have minor piece loose or down material , you try to trade pawns not pieces
12. Attack opponent Weak pawns and weak squares
13. If you have Bishop keep your pawns in opposite colour squares
14. Knights and king are Good to block the opponents pawns
15. Passed pawns are dangerous
16. Push forward your passed pawn and put pressure your opponent
17. Create passed pawn
18. Keep your Rook behind the passed pawn
19. If you have one minor piece and Rook your opponent have two Rooks you Don’t
exchange your Rook
20. Try to exchange your Rooks if u have good position
21. Move your Rook in to 2nd / 7th Rank and forced opponents pawns
22. Rooks should be search for Back rank mates
23. Keep your Rook support to your pawns and attack the opponent pieces
24. Knight hates passed Rook pawn
25. Opposite colour Bishops in the end game offen draw But Opposite colour Bishops
in the middle game very dangerous
26. At the time of pawn promotion you always think
which one is better Queen / Rook/ Knight
27. Memorized check mate patterns
28. Study the pawn , Rook , Bishop , Knight and Queen endgame positions
29. Beware of two German words
30. Every move in the endgame is very important so your every move should be good
31. Connected two pawns in 6th rank not possible to stop rook in the endgame

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