Checkmate Patterns

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1. Anastasia’s Mate
2. Andresen’s Mate
3. Arabian Mate
4. Back Rank Mate
5. Balestra Mate
6. Blackburene’s Mate
7. Blind swine Mate
8. Boden’s Mate
9. Corner Mate
10. Corridor Mate
11. Diagonal Corridor Mate
12. Cozio’s Mate
13. Daminano’s Mate
14. David and Goliath Mate
15. Epaulette Mate
16. Fool’s Mate
17. Greco’s Mate
18. H – file Mate
19. Hook Mate
20. Kill box Mate
21. Lawnmower Mate
22. Legal Mate
23. Lolli’s Mate
24. Maxlange’s Mate
25. Mayet’s Mate
26. Murphy’s Mate
27. Opera Mate
28. Pillsbury’s Mate
29. Rail Road Mate
30. Reti’s Mate
31. Scholar’s Mate
32. Smothered Mate
33. Suffocation Mate
34. Swallow’s Tail Mate
35. Triangle Mate
36. Vukovie Mate
37. Bishop and Knight Mate
38. Box Mate {Rook Mate}
39. Double Bishop Mate
40. Two knights Mate
41. Ladder check Mate
42. Queen Mate

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