Gold Exp B2 U8 Skills Test A

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B2 Name:

2ND EDITION First for


You are going to listen to a recording about the best way You are going to listen to five people talking about their
to describe someone. Listen to the whole recording once. hobby.
Then you will hear the recording again with pauses for you
to write down what you hear. Make sure you spell the words Task 1
For questions 1–5, choose from the list (A–H) the hobby

each speaker talks about.
 A fitness training
B photography

C playing in a band
 D going to the gym
 E camping
F drawing

G country dance
 H travel writing

 Speaker 1 1
Speaker 2 2

Speaker 3 3
 Speaker 4 4
Speaker 5 5


 Task 2
 For questions 6–10, choose from the list (A–H) what each
 speaker says about their hobby.
A I have discovered helpful new techniques online.

B It has helped me identify my dream career.
 C I have become self-confident through it.
D I’ve met a lot of interesting people.

E It allows me to express original ideas.
10 F It’s thanks to my friends that I’ve carried on with it.
G I make a lot of money from my hobby.
H I have discovered a talent I didn’t know about.
Speaker 1 6
Speaker 2 7
Speaker 3 8
Speaker 4 9
Speaker 5 10


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B2 Name:
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Task 1
Read the article and choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.
11 In the first paragraph, the writer lists things we do to 15 In paragraph 4, what is the writer’s attitude towards the
improve ourselves self-improvement industry?
A so that readers can learn how to be more successful. A it’s hard to understand why people buy into it
B to encourage readers to get fitter in body and mind. B it’s good that books are written to help people
C to show readers that self-improvement is a fashionable understand it
trend. C people would benefit more by escaping from their
D to show readers how helpful journalists can be. problems
12 The writer believes that D there is too much money spent on developing it
A anyone can change if they try hard enough. 16 Why does the writer refer to ‘misleading images’ in line 52?
B people are influenced by the press and internet. A to give an example of typical social media posts
C people need to try out different ways to stay fit. B to explain why people are fooled by what they see on
social media
D famous people are a good source of information about
healthy eating. C to complain about what people post on social media
13 What does ‘those tips’ (line 28), refer to? D to demonstrate the content of self-improvement books
A articles about relaxation and breathing 17 How does the writer feel about articles on self-
B suggestions about how to sleep well
A concerned about whether people read them properly
C general ideas about how to change habits
B uncertain about the extent to which they tell the truth
D any books about self-improvement
C afraid that they make it look too easy
14 In the third paragraph the writer indicates that
D unsure about the reasons why people read them
A nobody’s New Year’s resolutions last longer than a
month. 18 The writer concludes by telling readers that
B a lot of people are content with their lives. A being thankful can help when you’re unhappy.
C a small number of people make New Year’s resolutions. B a slow walk is the best type of exercise.
D only a few people don’t want to change themselves. C it’s generally quite easy to change.
D a good night’s sleep is the most important thing.


Task 2
Read the article again and answer the questions in your own words.
19 From reading the article, what do you understand by the term ‘self-improvement’? Explain in two sentences.

20 Do you like the writer of this article? Why or why not? Give two reasons using information from the article.

Total: 50

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B2 Name:
2ND EDITION First for


Do you really want to be perfect?

Celia Dawson takes a look at self-improvement and tells us to get real!
We live in an age when self-improvement is part of the twenty-first century, you just can’t escape the self-
everyday life. We go on diets, whether to lose weight improvement industry.
or to make ourselves feel better. We give up sugar, fat
And yes, it is an industry. In the USA alone, the
or meat, depending on what the latest book, article or
40 publishing and selling of self-improvement books is big
5 celebrity advises us. And we take up different fitness
business, bringing in $550 million a year. It seems that,
programmes, exercise routines and gym classes in
unlike me, most people prefer reading books about how
line with the most popular internet ideas of the day.
to change themselves rather than actually sitting down
Our efforts to improve ourselves aren’t limited to our
with an exciting novel that might make them forget
bodies. Thanks to journalists and bloggers, we want to
45 their worries. So why is it that we are we spending
10 improve our mind, our personality, our whole self, and
all this money on self-improvement books, articles,
ideally at the same time become more intelligent, more
courses and training programmes?
successful, and more popular.
Perhaps social media is one of the reasons. A lot of
While we work to change into the beautiful new person
people only post the best aspect of their lives on social
we think we should be, we are encouraged by media
50 media and we then compare ourselves negatively to
15 psychologists to identify our strengths and weaknesses,
these misleading images, become dissatisfied and buy a
name our ambitions and admit to any negative
book about how to become the most popular person on
influences past or present. Once we have done this, we
the planet –or at least, in the school! Another aspect of
might try to increase our concentration, improve our
self-improvement that attracts us is that reading articles
memory skills, drop various bad habits, take up some
55 about change gives us energy and a positive feeling. But
20 good ones, get rid of unnecessary objects in our rooms
we have to ask ourselves if we actually want to change,
and try to make them tidier, calmer and more peaceful,
or if we just want to read about changing, without
or the opposite –busier, more stimulating and more
putting in the effort to make change happen.
exciting. If we have any time left after doing all that,
we are advised in health articles to relax and to breathe If you have decided to change some aspect of yourself
25 properly, and we are told techniques for getting enough 60 or your life, it’s important to remember first that
sleep of the right kind. If you are already yawning and change isn’t easy and second that you need to stay
therefore know that you certainly won’t need those positive when things get difficult. If you get depressed
tips, I fully understand your point of view. by your slow progress, instead of giving up, try to be
grateful for the good things in your life, which you
Even if you are one of those rare people who feel
65 might take for granted – a roof over your head, a bed
30 happy with the way you are, and have never tried to
at night, running water and regular meals. And try to
change yourself, you must be familiar with the idea of
remember that any sort of exercise, including simply
self-improvement. You must know someone who has
going for a walk, can make you feel less stressed.
tried to change in some way, perhaps someone who
Remember too that you don’t have to move forward in
gave up chocolate, sweets or video games on the first
70 huge steps. Even if you are taking one small step after
35 of January one year, even though they might not have
another, you are still moving forward. Over weeks and
stuck to their resolution for more than a month. In
months, those small steps will add up.

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