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Animation evaluation worksheet:

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2 3:3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of design and research tools, methods and skills to develop ideas for creative media production

5 3:3.1. Analyse the effectiveness of solutions to an audio based problem in creative media production.


Animation evaluation/reflection questions

For this task, take your time and think about your experiences of this assignment.
You must answer ALL of these in order to pass this section.
Your answers should be at least 2-3 lines long for each question in order to pass.

Task 1/3: Reflect on your own research. (U2 3:3.2)

This is about the three worksheets you did as well as anything you have added to your production blog by week, such
as learning about Phonemes, facial structure or anything else you feel is relevant.

My sun and cloud designs that I made where inspired by the sun and clouds
What did you use from
pictures that I got from my secondary research. Using the secondary
your research that helped
research of the sun and cloud I was able to create a friendly looking sun and
a menacing and evil looking cloud.
From my primary research survey, I found out that the audience enjoy more
What did you discard and dramatic action scenes as multiple people selected scenes from cartoons that where
why? cool and dramatic but unfortunately, I cannot make a dramatic sun and cloud battle
sequence as it would be too complicated and time consuming.
What else would it have been I would ask an audience what they would think a friendly sun and an evil cloud
more useful to know from your would look like and then I can design a good sun and cloud character based on
research if you did it again? what the audience think It should look like.

How would you find this out I would gather this using qualitative research as it will give detailed answers
(P/S/Q/Q)?* from the audience. Which I can use to draw detailed and accurate characters

Task 2/3: Reflect on your own design, practical skills and build. (U2 3:3.2)
This is about the practical skills you learnt each week. Feel free to go back over the Animation Teams channel if it
helps you remember. Answer each question, including any relevant screen grabs.

What did you use from your This year is the first time I had used adobe animate to create my first animation ever. So I
practical skills lessons that helped learned everything from the practical lessons that I had this year which included stop-motion,
you? motion tween, colour pallets, perspective, lip syncing,

Moving backgrounds/background tweens because I found it to complicated and time

What did you discard and why? consuming and I believed I would not be able to finish in time. I also thought that moving
backgrounds will mess up the sun and clouds perspective.

I would like to include background tweens/moving backgrounds because even though I

What would you now include and
discarded it in the beginning in more confident with animation and would like to try and
include it in my animation.

Drawing one-, two- and three-point perspective in my backgrounds. I did not add much detail
What practical skills would you
and little perspective in my backgrounds because I did not want to ruin the background with
like to revisit if you did it again?
something I did not feel confident with.

Drawing and animating transparent effects like smoke or clear water without it looking awful
Are there any new ones you think
or messing up the rest of the scene. I think adding smoke to the cloud would make it look
would be useful for this project?
better and cloudier.
How does your final animation
compare to professional
examples? Give at least one This scene is very well drawn and they make the sky, sea and sand in relation its characters.
positive and one thing you would The detail on the characters isn’t massive but its enough to make it look good. The characters
are on a short loop which is only a few frames but its simple but effective. Also the
focus on improving. background is simple but also fits the theme of the scene well. My animation could also
improve on its background design because I feel that my backgrounds are lacking in variation.

Task 3/3: Reflect on your audio ideas and work. (U5 3:3.1)
This is about the audio skills you learnt each week. Feel free to go back over the Animation Teams channel if it helps
you remember. Answer each question, including any relevant screen grabs.

What did you use from your Audio mixing in adobe premiere pro. I used this to adjust the sound effects that I recorded to
audio skills lessons that helped that it sounded more believable. By using the sound effects function in premiere pro, I
you? adjusted the volume level and the pitch shifter to make it sound correct.

I had 3 different sound effect samples for the “sun shining” but I could only choose one for
What did you discard and why?
my sound effects so I had to discard the other 2 sound effects.

What would you now include and I would add more than 4 sound effects to the animation because by adding more sound
why? effects it would make the animation feel more alive.

What audio skills would you like I was confident with all the audio skills that where taught in the lessons and I feel like I have
to revisit if you did it again? no need to revisit the lessons.

Are there any new ones you think Lip syncing with characters who are turning their head because it’s difficult to animate a
would be useful for this project? mouth which is moving as the character head turns. It will be a good skill to have
How does your final audio
compare to professional this song that was made specifically for this episode of Phineas and Ferb is a very nice piece of
examples? Give at least one audio that fits perfectly with the animation and the genre of the show which is a fun, creative
positive and one thing you would children’s show. Compared to my animation the audio in mine is very minimalistic and have
focus on improving. has a few sound effects and one partial piece of a song.

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