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Chapter Two

2. Description of the Existing System

2.1. Introduction
The current WCU clearance processing system is the manual system that needs intensive human
labor, resource, consume time, less security. Here, the students and employees to visit all the
clearance offices with a form for them to fill and get sign by the respected offices. Once these
forms are signed, it proves that the users have been cleared. This process takes some days to be
completed and possess a lot of stress to all the users and workers who provide clearance system.
In the manual system, the clearance forms are documented in a file cabinet. Each time the
clearance form is needed, a search operation conducted on the file cabinets to locate a particular
user‘s clearance form.

2.1.1. Business Rule

Business rule for students (BRFS)

The main business rules or principles of the existing system are:
BR1: Anyone who process clearance forms must be the member of the university.
BR2: Every students of the university must sign clearance form at the end of each year
BR3: Only Authorized personnel can approve and sign on students clearance form
BR4: Students expected to finish the clearance form process to freely leave the university.
BR5: Students should have to take one piece of approved clearance form registrar for them self.
BR6: Students must fulfill their responsibility before they go to sign clearance in officers.
BR7: The offices of the university must put their signature and the date when they sign.
Business rule for Instructors (BRFI)
BR1: Anyone who process clearance forms must be the member of the university.
BR2: Every instructors of the university must sign clearance form at the time of
scholarship/internship and permanently remove from university.
BR3: Instructors expected to finish the clearance form process to freely leave the university
Online clearance system for Wachemo university students and instructors14
BR4: Instructors should have to take one piece of approved clearance form from H/R/M office
for them self.
BR5: Only Authorized personnel can approve and sign on instructors clearance form.
BR6: Instructors must fulfill their responsibility before they go to sign clearance in offices.
BR7: The offices of the university must put their signature and the date when they sign.

2.2. Players in the existing system

The main Players of the existing system include the following:
Students: students will go to the department to get the clearance form and fill the form then go
to different offices to get signs.
Dormitory: checks students building block room number; full name, ID number and whether
student return material (foam, pillow, bed) or not manually.
Cafeteria: checks student meal card with photograph and ID number.
Book store: checks student return learning material, book and modules by identifying the
student ID number manually.
Library: checks student returning borrowed books by identifying pocket ID number of the
student manually.
College dean: accept the student in the department under that college manually.
Department head: checks whether the student is the member of the department or not.
Register: checks the student whether they finished all of the other signed or not
Finance: receive legal payment according to officer message if the student loss the materials.
Sport head: check student weather return or not sport materials.

2.3. Document used in the existing system

The forms generated in the existing system are in the forms of form and files.
Forms: Forma are reports generated in the Existing System that contains all information filled by
the University Student.
Files: Files are the collection of information about the students who involve in the clearance
processing system.
These all reports kept in the offices of the university to store information about the university
2.4. Form and other documents of the Existing system

2.5. Strength and weakness of the Existing System

2.5.1. Strength of the Existing problem
The Existing System of Clearance at Federal School of Statistics Which is Manual is not without
some advantages. At least, it Provides clearance at its level and also more beneficial to those who
are not conversant with the modern technology.
2.5.2. Weakness of the Existing problem
Due to the manual means being used by the institution in keeping information about student’s
clearance, a lot of problems are encountered which includes:
 Delay in processing clearance form
 Absence of some key staff (who process clearance form) can lead to students repeatedly
visiting a particular office in order to have his/her clearance form signed.
 Loss of vital documents as the filling system is manual
 Damage of Documents due to fire incident.
 Illegal removal of forms by fraudulent staff leading to insecurity.
 Time wastage in retrieving a particular clearance form.

2.5.3. Alternative solution

The new system is designed to solve problems affecting the manual system in use. It is designed
to used online thereby relieving both the students and staff from much stress as experienced in
the manual system.
This system will do the analyzing and storing of information either automatically or interactively
as it is online (i.e. having access to the Internet).
The proposed system will also have some other feature like;
 Accuracy in the handling of data.
 Fast rate of operation and excellent response time
 Flexibility (i.e.) it can be accessed at any time.
 Easy way of backing up or duplicating data in case of data loss.
 Better storage and faster retrieval system.
 Accessibility from any part of the world

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