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2nd Quarter




Present Participles

You probablyluster
freshening know that present and past participles are two of the principal parts of a verb, which are frequently
used with intellect
meddling auxiliary verbs to form As verb phrases.
shown in theInexamples
cases when these
on the table,participles are not accompanied
a simple participle withas
functions exactly
auxiliary faith
verbs, they are functioning as verbal
an adjective, so it isparticiples.
placed nextAtoparticiple
the noun is
or apronoun
verbal that is used as an adjective to
it modifies.
modify nounsjewelry
or pronouns. Present participles
Similar to end -ing, participles
gerunds, and past participles end in
can also take the-ed, -en,of-d,
form -t, -n, phrase.
a larger or -ne. When
participles have objects, complements, and modifiers of their own, they form a
Past Participles participial phrase. Though a participial phrase can take any position in a sentence, it
usually appears before the subject that it modifies. When this phrase begins a sentence,
beaten eggs
a comma should be placed after it.
baked macaroni
debunked theory  Appreciating the blessings brought about by nature, you can attain a deeper
unforeseen event connection with other organisms in your environment.
 Occupied by logical and rational thought, a person cannot generally value
imaginative understanding.

If the participial phrase is positioned in the middle of the sentence, it should be set off with commas only when the
information does not significantly contribute to the overall meaning of the sentence. However, if the participial phrase is
essential to the overall meaning of the sentence, no commas should be used.
 The bird sanctuary, destroyed by forest fire, was never revived.
 Janice, reading a history book, missed seeing the breathtaking natural landscapes they passed by while touring on
a bus.
 The team registering the highest number of volunteers for the coastal cleanup will receive a special award.
 An individual relying on the wisdom produced by written words will not believe in the wisdom produced by
personal and natural experiences.
If a participial phrase appears at the end of a sentence, a comma usually precedes the phrase if it modifies an earlier
word in the sentence, but not if the phrase directly follows the word it modifies.

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