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The overall objectives of the waste management

assessment are summarised below:

1.To assess the activities involved for the proposed

and determine the type, nature
and estimated volumes of waste to be generated;

2. To identify any potential environmental impacts

from the generation of waste at the

3.To recommend appropriate waste handling and

disposal measures / routings in
accordance with the current legislative and
administrative requirements;

4.To categorise waste material where practicable

(inert material / waste fractions) for
disposal considerations i.e. public filling areas /
5.A lot of garbage is generated daily by businesses
of all sizes. It’s critical to treat waste management
responsibly to protect the environment. Waste and
recycling services can become expensive, but there
are ways to save on these expenses.

6.Poorly handled waste can end up in rivers,

oceans, and other water sources, polluting the water
and contaminating the soil below it.

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