Root Cause Analysis of POR - 10.08.20

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Unit: KYCR Section:--CCM Dept:-- Mechanical

Break Down Date :-- Aug Production Loss (Yes/No): -- YES Equipment Code:-- NA
10,2020 , 7.00 am(A shift )
Stoppage Hrs :-- 270 minute Frequency: First time Equipment Name:-- POR auto centre cylinder

Problem Description

Found At 6.50 pm mill running time POR auto centre cylinder rod side thread out from connecting nut. Since this was at Drive side so
this was Un-Noticed by operator. After rod comes out since the line was running and the Cylinder was active so this hit the Sleeve and
Cause the damaged of sleeve and piston rod thread.

Final action

Found POR auto centre cylinder piston rod some thread & clevis connecting nut some thread damage. First we tried to fix the connecting
nut with cylinder on position, due to limited space & thread damage the work not done in position .So taken out the cylinder from
position and then piston rod damage thread remove by hand grinding & clevis connecting nut damage thread remove & re-threading by
lathe machine. Then the clevis connecting nut fixed with cylinder rod on outside area, after connecting nut properly fixed with cylinder
rod ,then we re- position the cylinder and then connecting nut fixed with clevis.

Why- Why analysis

WHY Why piston rod thread out Because of connecting nut loose

WHY Why connecting nut loose. Because of cylinder continues moving &
Vibrating during 1st pass running
Because auto correction of sheet during 1st
WHY Why cylinder continues moving pass and Vibrating
WHY Vibrating Probably During Coil Feeding keeps Auto
ON and sheet is vibrating

Remarks & Further Precautions

To reduce that type of breakdown there will do some modification

*. Fixed both side thread by stopper welding (Mechanical)

* Frequency of checking to be increase (Mechanical)

• The POR auto centering shouldn’t be on until Tension ON and Coil wrapped at RR2 (Operation)

• The POR Centering Cylinder found Crack so the procurement is needed on priority (Mechanical & Commercial)

Prepared By Checked by Approved By

Rajib Dey Anil Chauhan

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