Animation Evaluation Worksheet 2223

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Animation evaluation worksheet:

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2 3:3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of design and research tools, methods and skills to develop ideas for creative media production

5 3:3.1. Analyse the effectiveness of solutions to an audio-based problem in creative media production.


Animation evaluation/reflection questions

For this task, take your time and think about your experiences of this assignment.
You must answer ALL of these in order to pass this section.
Your answers should be at least 2-3 lines long for each question in order to pass.

Task 1/3: Reflect on your own research. (U2 3:3.2)

This is about the three worksheets you did as well as anything you have added to your production blog by week, such
as learning about Phonemes, facial structure or anything else you feel is relevant.

From looking at the responses I could gather there’s one very important factor for a audience
What did you use from your to connect with a animation that is character design and art style
research that helped you? Once I created and picked a style even, I grew fond of how it looked so hopefully an audience
will feel the same.
Only one part of my research response I discarded that was their point about character arcs
and how that helps for them to feel connected to a character and for obvious reasons of only
What did you discard and why?
having just over a minute I cannot establish and for fill arcs therefore I disregarded this
everything else was useful.
What else would it have been Personally, I would have found it very useful and probably would of speed things up if I was
more useful to know from your told in a response what a good art style would be because then I wouldn’t have spent so
research if you did it again? much time with trial and error trying to find one.

I would have done prior research but mainly I would have added that as a question in my
How would you find this out
form as then I would have direct audience taste which would make it more appalling, I would
(P/S/Q/Q)? *
assume apart from that I would most likely use trial and error to.

Task 2/3: Reflect on your own design, practical skills and build. (U2 3:3.2)
This is about the practical skills you learnt each week. Feel free to go back over the Animation Teams channel if it
helps you remember. Answer each question, including any relevant screen grabs.

I used tweening Stop-Mo and everything else we were taught to my knowledge prior apart
What did you use from your
from lip syncing and gradients
practical skills lessons that helped
tweening especially was a life saver because without a knowledge of that I would have no
way of showing characters speaking.
Lip sync and gradients

 Lip sync because personally it seemed way to time consuming on an already tight
What did you discard and why? production calendar but mostly, I didn’t understand it very well
 Gradients because I decided early on not to have proper backgrounds therefore
gradients weren’t necessary

What would you now include and Defiantly lip sync as most of my animation is close up faces so having lip sync would of really
why? just added that extra style to it

As much as I feel I’m repeating its lip sync and gradients again both probably would of pushed
What practical skills would you
it that extra mile my lack of confidence and knowledge for them hindered me from including
like to revisit if you did it again?
Maybe walking and movement animation that aren’t just slide across screen and slide back
Are there any new ones you think across screen multiple times and calling it “movement” I would like to have made them feel
would be useful for this project? more fluid and alive saying that it would have been nice to add constant animation on
characters E.g., Cloud rippling constantly
How does your final animation Compared it actually hold up in my non biased opinion one of my inspirations was adventure
compare to professional time and without saying this prior the teacher did say “looks very adventure time” so I must
examples? Give at least one have got that down pretty well
positive and one thing you would However, I want to focus on doping backgrounds next time as I feel this would have given me
focus on improving. a extra depth for visual storytelling.

Task 3/3: Reflect on your audio ideas and work. (U5 3:3.1)
This is about the audio skills you learnt each week. Feel free to go back over the Animation Teams channel if it helps
you remember. Answer each question, including any relevant screen grabs.

I used recoding to create footsteps and I sourced a door opening I used my knowledge of
premier to sync timings up with animation ETC.

What did you use from your

audio skills lessons that helped

I disregarded channels and effects this is because I didn’t have enough time to properly find a
What did you discard and why?
mix that sounded right for the animation

In would have included effects onto the audio to give it a unique feel instead of just using the
What would you now include and
standard one given this is because I feel adding effects could add a depth to scenes e.g., cloud
sounding more ominous to show how evil he is ETC.

What audio skills would you like I would like to revest foley theory so I can make more complex sounds next time as I feel this
to revisit if you did it again? would really add to my animation

Personally, there isn’t any new ones with audio I would like to add apart from maybe
Are there any new ones you think ambience and music
would be useful for this project? reflecting I didn’t focus that heavy on audio which could possibly be why I don’t have may
thoughts on it as other parts of the project
How does your final audio
compare to professional
Not that good as I didn’t attempt mixing to make it feel like it’s from the animation however it
examples? Give at least one
isn’t too woeful and does the job so I can’t complain too much
positive and one thing you would
focus on improving.

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