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Discover the Commonwealth for yourself

The organization

1. Is there a Constitution of the Commonwealth?

No but there is a Commonwealth Charter.
2. Who's the current head of the Commonwealth?
The head of the Commonwealth is his Majesty King Charles III.
3. What is the Commonwealth Secretariat? Where is it located?
The Commonwealth Secretariat
Located in UK.
4. Who is the current Secretary-General of the Commonwealth ?
The current Secretary General is Patricia Scotland.
5. Are there conditions for membership ?
Being a democracy
Good governance
Données multimedias
Protection of human rights
Had an historic constitutional association with an existing Commonwealth member
6. What is the purpose of the Commonwealth?
The Commonwealth was formed to maintain an association between countries that had once been part of British
colonies, but which considered « free and equal ».
7. Name the 3 intergovernmental organizations and give their roles
UN (United Nations) : maintain international peace and security
UE (European Union) : offer freedom, security and justice
AU (African Union) : promote the unity and solidarity of African countries
1. In what circumstances was the British Commonwealth formed ?
At the 1926 conference, Britain and dominions agreed that they were all equal members of a community.
2. What were the countries which first became members of the British Commonwealth?
The first countries was Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand and South Africa.
3. When did the B.C. become the modern Commonwealth of Nations?
The British Commonwealth became the modern Commonwealth of Nations in 1931.
4. What was the last country to enter the Commonwealth?
The last country to enter the commonwealth is Togo in 2022.
5. Can you name 2 countries that were once suspended from the Commonwealth?
Fili (3 times)
Pakistan (twice)

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