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Fizz Buzz Sequence

Flow Chart Pseudocode

Count = 1

Is count divided by 15 = 0?

Yes, output to screen “ Fizz Buzz”

Then, Count = count + 1
Is count less than or equal to 100
If Yes, restart it at is count divided by 15 = 0?
If no Stop

If no, is count divided by 3 = 0

If yes, output to screen fizz buzz
Then, Count = count + 1
Is count less than or equal to 100
If Yes, restart it at is count divided by 15 = 0?
If no Stop

The algorithm counts from 1 to 100. Every number that divides by three is replaced by Fizz, any number that divided
by five is replaced by Buzz.

Complete the pseudocode program and then write and test a Python versions of the program.

GCSE Computer Science The priory Academy LSST R Jolliff


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