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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : prayer quotes : 30 Devotional Brother Lawrence Quotes



1. It is a great delusion to think that the times of prayer ought to differ from
other times.

2. We are as strictly obliged to adhere to God by action in the time of action,

as by prayer in its season.

3. You need not cry very loud; he is nearer to us than we are aware of.

4. We ought to act with God in the greatest simplicity, speak to Him frankly
and plainly, and implore His assistance in our affairs.

5. God regards not the greatness of the work but the love with which it is

6. Our biggest mistake is to think that a time of prayer is different from any
other time. It is all one.

7. Prayer is nothing else than a sense of God’s presence.

8. Our only business is to love and delight ourselves in God.

9. God does not ask much of you : a little remembrance from time to time, a
little adoration.

10. We need only to realize that God is close to us and to turn to Him at every

11. We ought to act very simply towards God, speaking frankly to Him, and
asking His help in things as they occur.

12. A little lifting of the heart suffices; a little remembrance of God, one act of
inward worship are prayers which, however short, are nevertheless
acceptable to God.

13. We are made for God alone, who can only be pleased when we turn away
from ourselves to devote ourselves to Him.

14. In continuing the practice of conversing with God throughout each day,
and quickly seeking His forgiveness when I fell or strayed, His presence has
become as easy and natural to me now as it once was difficult to attain.

15. God alone is capable of making Himself known as He really is.

16. People seek methods of learning to know God. Is it not much shorter and
more direct to simply do everything for the love of Him? There is no finesse
about it. One only has to do it generously and simply.

17. Let us think often that our only business in this life is to please God.

18. The most excellent method of going to God is that of doing our common
business without any view of pleasing people but purely for the love of God.

19. We ought not to grow tired of doing little things for the love of God, who
regards not the greatness of the work, but the love with which it is

20. How can we pray to Him without being with Him?

21. How can we be with Him without thinking of Him often?

22. How can we think of Him but by a holy habit we should form of it?

23. The more one knows God, the greater one desires to know Him.

24. We should establish ourselves in a sense of God’s presence by continually

conversing with Him. It is a shameful thing to quit His conversation to
think of trifles and fooleries.

25. One way to re-collect the mind easily in the time of prayer and preserve it
more in tranquility, is not to let it wander too far at other times.

26. In order to know God, we must often think of Him; and when we come to
love Him, we shall then also think of Him often, for our heart will be with
our treasure.

27. To worship God in truth is to recognize Him for being who He is, and to
recognize ourselves for what we are.

28. Do not always scrupulously confine yourself to certain rules, or particular

forms of devotion, but act with a general confidence in GOD, with love and

29. There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that
of a continual conversation with God.

30. We should dedicate ourselves to becoming in this life the most perfect
worshipers of God we can possibly be, as we hope to be through all

– Brother Lawrence

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