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Excluding cloudy areas:

It is important to exclude cloudy images from the stack or to interpolate cloudy images.
1- In case you want to include non-cloudy images for Azraq, these are:
2013338, 2013354, 2014053, 2014085, 2014101, 2014117, 2014165, 2014181, 2014197, 2014213,
2014229, 2014245.

2- Interpolating cloudy areas:

This can be carried out using model maker. An example is shown for interpolating cloudy pixels for the
image 2014117 where western areas were cloudy. This was carried out using clear pixels from image
2014101. We decided to use image 101 after we displayed both images on top of each other; 117 over
101 and after examining the cloudy areas in 117 and found that those areas were clear in image 101.
The model for carrying out this task is shown on next page: the model maker statement is:

EITHER $n2_ndvi2014101 IF ($n3_cloud2014117 ==0 ) OR $n1_ndvi2014117 OTHERWISE

This means that we are telling the model to use pixels from image 101 if the cloud mask for image 117
shows cloudy pixels (cloudy values), otherwise the same value from 117 is kept in the output image.

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