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KENT’S MECHANICAL ENGINEERS’ HANDBOOK Design. Shop Practice Founded by the late WILLIAM KENT, ME, ScD. ELEVENTH EDITION, REWRITTEN BY ROBERT THURSTON KENT, ME, Editor-in-Chief With the Collaboration of a Slaff of Specialists WILEY ENGINEERING HANDBOOK SERIES NEW YORK : JOHN WILEY @ SONS, ING. LONDON : CHAPMAN @& HALL, LIMITED INTHE REERINTING OF THIS BOOK, THE RECOMMEN- DATIONS OF THE WAR PRODUCTION BOARD GAYE BEEN OBSERVED FOR THE CONSERVATION OF PAPER AND OTHER IMPORTANT WAR MATERIAIS. THE CONTENT REMAINS COMPLETE AND UNABRIDGED. Coprnicst, 1895, 1902, 1910, 1915 WILLIAM KENT Coprrucurr, 1928, 1988, a Passare Nartoxat Base & Trost Co. ‘TRUSTEE OF PSTATE OF WILLLAM KENT ‘Sopyriahtod in Canada 1988, Zaternetional Copyrieht 1998 ‘Pausie National Beale & Trost Co, CCopsritt Propitore se Trueton of Estate of Willam Kent AIL Rights Reserved This book or any part ther must not be reproduce! in ony form without ‘the written permission of the publisher, ELEVENTH. EDITION Tenth printing, January, 1948 Gory COLLABORATORS ON THE DESIGN AND SHOP PRACTICE VOLUME OF THE ELEVENTH EDITION D, M. Arey, Brocutive Secretary, American Foundrymen's Association, Chieago— Fermoy Eat of The Foundry.” Banaiy Pract Bassett (Deceased), Lele Technical Suporintendont, American Dress Co. Woterinrs, Conge—Cappors Wrouslt Bresea Bronce ant Nice ays ‘Christopher H. Bierbaum, Vice-Prosdent and Consulting Engnser, Lamon Bearing Co., Baila, N. ¥-— Bearing Meals, ‘Earle Buckingham, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Massichusctts Instituto of ‘Technology, Cambridge, Mass Gearing 'F-E, Gardullo, Chiof Englnser, G. A. Gray Co., Cincinnati, Ohio-—Planes. B, M. Cherry, General Elvetsic Co. Industriel Dept, Industrial Heating Section, Schorectady, Ne ¥—Induatrial Elecite Heating ‘Eugene C. Clare, Prosident, Chambersburg Engineering Co, Chanitersburg, Pa. Forging, Practice ‘W. M. Corse, Motallurzical and Chemical Ragineor, Washington, D. C:—Brass and Bronte; Sand-cst, Coppersnase Alloy, ‘Theodore Crane, Professor of Stehitectural Engincoring, School of Fine Arta, Yalo University, New Haven, Cann-—Duilding Constractin, Robert C. Deale, Too! Supervicor, EW. Bliss Co, Brooklyn, N. ¥.—Singlepoint Metal Cating Tots, ‘Jesper O- Drafia, Profeesor of Theoretical and Aprlicd Mechanics, Matetals Testing Laboratory, University of Iiaois, Urbans, Ill—Sivengh of Matewal ‘Bane Erast, Rowsrch Dirwtor, Cineunati Milliag Mashing Co., Cincinnati, OMo— illong Machine Practice. 3.6. Fox, Chief Chemist and Metallursist, Doohler Die Castings Co., Telodo, Ohio. Dicregting Alloys “John A- Gas, Chiot Metalluriet, Dow Chemica) Ca, Midland, 3M seu fey los. J. G. Gesiesse, Research Chemist, Atlantic Relining Co, Philadelphia, — Zab- rien, 1M. Halberg, Industtial Dept, Motor Division, General Electric Co., Schonectady, N.Y Bleerie fate and Their Conia. Frederic V. Hetzel, Consulting Engincer, Wost Chestor, Pa.—Formueely Chief Engineer, Link Felt Co,, Philadelphia, Pa-—Mavenats Hana W. R, Hibbard, assistant Metallurgist, At Wrowiht Brass end Bronze ‘RE. Hiller, Research aad Development Engineer, Babeook & Wiltox Co. Barberto Onig-—Welding F.C. Hodge, Chief Motallurgist, Babcock & Wileox Co. Barberton, Ohio. — Melding. HL. A. S. Howarth, Vice-President, ‘Kingsbury Machine Works, Philadelphia, Pa, Oi Fim Bearings H. G. Jennibus, Motallurgist, American Brass Co,, Waterbury, Conn.—Wrought Brass cond Brown, ay Jefites, Mstallursical Engineer, Nola Pars, Cleveland, Ohio.— Aluminum and Ite Alloys, ‘Pungsen and Molybtowum. Edward R. Kent, Architectural Engineer, Ridgewood, N; J.— Strength of Materials, Robert T. Kent, Consilling Bnginocr, Verona, N- 7 Praperiza of Materials; Spvet- Aeatone of Iron and Stal Progucte; Corrosion-revitant_AUnys; Noncmetalice Materas Fabricated Materiales Fasteninge; Rolating Members; ‘Keys, Cottrs, Pil, Pins, Tapers Brats; Structural Materials; Abrasive Procesce; Measurements; Mechanical Pover Tran ‘niision Mechoninm and Meckanict; Koller Beatinge; Drie and Drilling; Metal Sawing? Machine Toot Drives, Feats and Speeds, Magnesium pen Brasa Co. Waterbury, Conn— COLLABORATORS ON THE DESIGN AND SHOP PRACTICE VOLUME RL, Kenyon, Resparch Metallursist, American Rolling Mill Co,, Middletown, Obi Armen ingot fron. "MLS. iee, Jr Chiof Engineer, Amerisan Blower Co., Datroit, Mich—Dust Coee- “Arthur Le Kisaball, General Electric Co., Engineering Generel Dept, Genoral Blectric Con Schenectady, N.'¥.—Viration and Nois, ‘Matthew Luckiesh, Research Direotor, Getieral Blegtric Co., Nola Park, Cleveland, Obi. Ilumnation ‘Mario Martellotd, Engineer, Research Dept., Cincinnati Miling Machine Co., Cine innati, Obio--Milling Machine Pract, TF, Spots MeDowell, Resvarch Engineer, Marbison.Walkor Relrectorins Ca, Pitts. burg, Pa. Rapractonee ‘Paul D. Meries, Director of Research, Internationtl Nickel Co., New York.—Generat Properics of Metals and Alloy 'H. B. Morse, Engineering Consultant, Toledo Machine and Too! Division, B. W. Bliss Con Toledo, Obio.—Preseure Working of Metals. ‘x. KB. Pateh, Chie! Engineer, Lumen Bearing Co,, Buffalo, N. ¥.—Nonferrou Foundry Proctice “W. M. Peirce, Roworch Division, New Jersey Zine Co, Peloton, Pa.— Zine and Ie Alloys ‘Thomes D. Perry, Bagincer in Woodworking, The Resinous Producta and Chemical Cox Philadelphia Woodworking. Norman K. Piling, Manager, esearch Labosatory, uternational Nickel Co. Bayonne, N. J-—General Properties of Metals and Alloye, Mortimer F. Sayte, Professor of Applied Mechanics, Union College, Schenectady, N.Y Springs, _ Bronk M. Spelier, Director, Dept. of Metallurgy and Research, National Tube Co, Pitishureb, Ba Corrosion of Metae Bradley Stoughton, Deon of Hagineering, Mead of Dept. of Motallurgy, Lehigh Uni- versity, South Bethlehem, Pa—fvon and Stel 4. 8. Tuwresey, Assistant Chief Enginoor, §. X. F, Industles, Philadelphia, Pa. Boil Bearings. Enrique Touceds, Consulting Enginoer, Albany, N. ¥.—Molleatle Castings, W. Tinks, Profetsor of Mechanical Enginowing, Caravgie Institute of Teclnoloey, Pitthurah, Ps,—Inudystriad Furnaees: Governing, Regulation and Contr ‘Sidaay J. ‘Willams, Director, Publie Safety Division, National Safety Council, Chi- cag, IL—Sijety Engineering. Robert Worthinston, 20 Exchange Place, New York—Avekel and fta Nonferrous Alloys PUBLISHER'S PREFACE In making plans for new editions of our handbook in mechanical engineering and im lecticel entiueering, it soon became clear that engineering sclenoo and practice bad {eedoped to auch a extent that handbooks were growing beyond all practical bounds. ‘Buy hed becouse both bulky snd inconvenient and contained mich duplicated material. Jn order to colve the problems presented bY these conditions, the editors of our various bundiooks were asked to serve as an advisory editorial Loard. "This bontd, recommended, first, thatthe fndamental zcetoriat underlying all ‘ensinesring be published in a sopsrate volume, and, cond, that the existing handbooks Siiiney ere fovised be isgued im several Yolumes containing material closely related to Efe Gpecalled branches of engineering. Aa a rosslt of there recommendations, the Wiley {Enstzeering Handbook Series hos beon initiated, which in the besinning will eomprise the following: Eshboeh's “Handbook of Eneineoring Fundamentals"; Kent's " Mechanical Bazincers! Handbook” in two volumes, vit, "Power" and " Design and Shop Practice”: venders “Flestrcal Ensineers’ Handbook in two volumes, viz», "Electric Power” and Communication and Electronics.” ‘This division has also male it possible to devote more epace to the various topics «0 ‘hat the entite now series of handbooks containg more complete formation on al topica then heretofore has bees possible. Jt is our bope that this new plan will give engineers information that is more yeoful, more cotplete, snd in more convenient form. Jou Winer & Sons, Isc. PREFACE TO THE ELEVENTH EDITION ‘March 1938. ‘Tne division of this handbook into two volumes has permitted a more thorough trestmeut of the material in the easier editians and the jaclusion of miny new subjects ‘The development in the past ten years of many now materials of ensiveoring and the jmprovement in tools, maclinery ang processes have made maa ofthe da tn the ealior ‘editions absolete. ‘The bonk, therefore, has practically beoa rewritten. In the selection ‘of material, the same priaeiple has been applied that has governed the ten preceding fsdidions, namely, that the book shocld cover the practice of mechanical enzinoering. ‘The editor, and his collaborators, have presented the data that have Loew gsufal to ther in their work as practicing ongincers In order to make this volume complete in its, somo duplication of material in the other volumes of thie series was nosemury; for explo, the taathernstical tables and Some of the data on the materials of engineering. ‘This dupliestion lias boom hepe to a {ninim, and i all eases the material has heen revised to accord more clowely with the needs of the mechanieal engineer. ‘Tae authorship of al special articles se been indicated in the text. Where no author oppears, the ranterial waa prepared hy the ediorein~chiel. Every aflart uae beer mace 9 show kt sources of material, and to give credit where credit is due “The publishers end the editor-in-chief extend theit thanks to all who have assisted in the preperation of this Work, to tho collaborators, to the many industrial organizations, Bnd to the jadividvala who have offered valdable criticism and suggestions, Rosner Tavnizox Kexa. ABSTRACT FROM PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION, 1396. ‘Mone than twenty years so the author began to fellow the advioe elven by Nystrom: “Byers engineer shold malce hi own pocket-book, as he procoads ia study and practic, to sit his particulne business” ‘The manuseript poskatshook thus besn, boweves soon aarp place to more modern means (or disposing of the aecumulation of entinearine facts ‘and figures, wi, the index torum, tho serap-lnok, the collection of indozed envelopes, portfolio and hoses, the card eataioave, ete. Tour Years ago, at the reqies of the Dube Tighe, the labor wea begin of selecting froma thie aceumulated mes sich matter 88 per ‘ined to taoohanieal enainectng, and of condanains, divesting, aud arrancing it ia form {er publication. In addition to this, «careful examination was tade of the transactions ‘of engincerine socicties, end of the most Important recont works on mechanical engineoting Jn order to fll gaps that mizhy be left in the original eollrtoa, and inaure that no imore tant facts bad hewn overlooked Seine ideas have heen kopt in mind during the preparation of the Pocket-book that UL, itis balleved, cause it ta difer from other works of itg class. In tho frst place it ‘waa considered that the fold of mechanical engineering wae 9 gront, and the literature of the subjeet so vast, shot as litte space ag possible should be given to exbjects which ‘especially belong to civil enginooring ‘Another idea prominently kopt in view by the author has been that he would not sowie the position of an "authority" in piving res and formule for designing, bat oaly that of compiler. sivine not ony she name ct dhe origins ofthe rle, where it was knoe, bbut'also the volume and page (rom which Ie wae taken, so that itz derivation may be ‘raged ‘when desired. When different formule for the same problem have been found ‘they have fen given in contrast, and in many’ cases xamplos have book calclgted by ete 40 show the diferencs between thom. In some eave thoss uiferences are cite PMO able. Oceasionaly the study of these diferonces has led to the author's devising a Dew formula, ia which ease the derivation of the For=ula is given, ‘Much attention bins Leen peid to the abstracting of data of experiments from recent poriodieal Iterature, and numerous rslerennes #0 other date are ulven. Ta Yoia respect ‘he present Work will be found vo differ frei othe Pocket-books Wuuas Kes. vil TABLE OF CONTENTS Alphabetical Indes ftions Section 28, SECTION 1—GENERAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS 3 pom aia 1-03 re Specie Gravity Hirde, Compre SECTION 3—IRON AND STEEL Pig 00, Cau fren, : Frou ea. losisotyte aod Yogot iron Bret ‘Neillareoby of eon and ioe. “> Hrdeming, Asoeslag "and Temper” ine alloy Sic : ‘tandard Speciation for Steel Prods Antowotive Saale ‘Welding of Ten end Stoel ‘Types of Welds Physal Propstes of Pusiow Welds ia Sea Welding Desizn Wendin of Varia Stairs 002.1 Soriacas by Weldiag. ss (Quatientone of Welder. 2 SECTION 3~CORROSION AND CORROSION-RESISTANT METALS Comosion of stale ‘Coreasion in General coe Sfecbamars of Corrosion Princo of Metin Brovention of Cotroioi-- Pointe sid Varnes 0000000) 22 Protection Against Uadernater Comoe Preeti hesit Soi Coan “comosionreistont Metis Sune Sede Eigaiicon soy mS Neoveroun Alls SECHON 4 NON-PERROUS METALS AND ALLOYS General Propertce of Metals and copper. : inc and Re Alloys Propertls of Zinc . Batine Rolled Zinc. cs ‘Brass and Bronze Sand-our Copperbave Alloys Wrought Brass, Bromes ond Niked> fiver Alloyses=s : Atomiausn and Its Alley Properties of Aluminum. Goat Atom Alleys ‘Wroogh Altius Mle Hoe Treatment of Alurioaan Alloy Felgcatign of lumina Joining of lamas [inlag of omni a abncatod lucia Prods Elec! Gee of Alamos. 00007 Structural Uses of Alum ‘vkel and He Noa-Ferrous Allo Properties of Nike... alleys of Nickel aad Goppets 200.1 par a loys of Copper Nickel and Zine... Alleys "ot "Rieke and." Chromium, ecisatee Alloys conse Mageetias aad tts Alloys Propetien af Dfagpesi Nageoson tog Fabeeation “ond” Use of Siagaasiom ‘lle ‘Tungsten and Molybdensca Tunesten Mobybdecan : 2 DiewCasting Alloys ‘Tintbase Alas? Toads and Zine Alleys. 0. Goppertuse Alles sseveoc ss Bearing Metals Babbitt Meats. . Browse Alsyee 000: 2 Teadetin Sedo, ‘Siver Solder o8 1s a0 538 os oH TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 5-NON.METALLIC MATERIALS Refeatories Raboer rso8 Fiebre Action of Rubber under Stow. ssc. BEE Properties hci eee Proyerten oe Rubbers se. S50 ferns fo Lavine Herc’ Bic Sem tie carton isencesn firactaiess °°. open of Carbone on re Applestions of lefocteies Tool Garbon Dogg Wood Miscetaneoas Mateiae Proprio f Weodeecvecccecseccee $80 | Beha ste Blaanree asd Wish sf Miterias’<-, ar Sos Samewee ILI 8 ropesteg of Cotes seen 2s | Grooua coum Ss SECTION 6—FADRICATED MATERIALS iates, Sheets, Bers, Reds and Shapes | Norteoun Wires co tele Bist . ‘ean | tite Suge and Sboce Sie Sices 7) SES Se SIUNEIIIIN: 6h ope, Calas 38 Wi ‘Bar ad ads. SE aT eg, Ramee Rata and Wie Rope Bares SINUS Gig | Beem. a0 Stel, Cogger and Other Wires Wir Hops 5 cae Flow aut wire i ets Nail aod Washers Geet Stet Wire : E16 | raves cor Wire for ‘Telowras sad “elspione Wes. ecceseeee eons) Then ccsnemermcnnnne 640) Nalewrvocemeiiiiiis es SECTION T~STHENGTH OF MATERUALS Simple Stet Eneatrie soot Tranmere Loads os eo eas | eComoreaion stenbes. zs erties Fag | enti Sitearccs ‘sonable Ateas ms Shatts Repeated Suse 2 ERD | Detain rary Esergror Dynanio sede. 00000002 Tas | Buremnaion i forional beeaia SFA ee cor Condens, Pats and Rollers Beste Von Crseis 00T38 | Gelade roo ae on 27 | Stromes in Solids under Brine ad Gontauon Bea Ee ‘ttliy Boa toded Bi 2 ER ‘Teating of Mateiats Eauipment . a Colum Standard Tai Bec rs Detain, : coose fee | Pronuatoon tmaehed io aking Pests, Ee Sstema Fors. 22 ESS | ietetpretonal feieaites ses a3 Sfooden Colwang. 2000000000000 EB | MieeiSneows Pete ott SECTION ¢—MECHANISAL AND MECHANICS ieweats of Machines Center and adios of Oy ee Valonty and Acelration : Elementary Mache scoosssse+ $08 | an Wer an nea =e ‘Appealing of the Laver.” 2 Soe | Borge Work apd ineray cece ‘Apotcations of the Taine ia Sap | Oe and ea ed ee Gyrncope. see sesveeesere tH pision Metasion Laws of Fiction. sccseeseseesee S88 Coster f Gravy eveseveecssseeoss S30 | Caatbente cf Biecion, T0000 Eke Sloraot of aera 000000200002 SSHt | Halton of saetine Bosna oa TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 9-FASTENINGS Serowe and Serew Fastenings race ve $f Bale Nuts aod Serewss cc aa Strenath of Fastennas os ‘rote and Rivtod Pastenings Beets sagrercres paz Hhvoted ioiate SII Steougth and EASdency of Riveted Hastings for Tiber Jats Botkods of Pair Methods of Pasting Wood Sota SECTION 10-MECHANICAL SPRINGS ‘aype of Soins. sca: 2 | Bile Chaotic ia os ropeon Spain ret Hitptieal ond Sei-lipiest Sings. |) 10-17 lat Springs 2 . ‘ibration te Speigane 020001 Endurance of Eesnss Gomparnive Edieay of Sploga SECTION 11-ROTATING MEMBERS Axles end Shatts Asis. 1-98 Bate thot Grivel peed af ite. So Te ‘Crass and Crantpins Proportions of Cra nao Farce dcingos Grantee )0000000) Hei SkCTION 12-KEYS, COTTERS, Keysecgoaeetteecceereetsee on Garena joins ITI ats Bina . mt Piyembssa Energy of Pyewboes Waekt of Byatt. 22 Sei Spaod of Fiysetea Bierons and Consteactioa ol igs sheds ° PINS, TAPERS AND FITS Ber] SECTION 1g BEARINGS AND LUBRICANTS (Fits Beasings with Pertcs Labteation Jparval Bearings 13-08 ie The was curtent Practice ‘in Beating Lontiog “ind Clearance oes an ‘rirast Bearings ties ertect Labricetign of Bessie 1.007 Laas Disealanooss Beatiagsssverssccss EAS Dears Stereo ne Fine Hearing Stsl Spiaces- 22. 15-50 Lubrestion sf Bhariagssssesssssecs) 102 Lobreaate ‘Types of Lateleante 2 ieee Fieri of aia cass Hateieatig OM Regulate i Schetion of Miserl Lubrstiag Oi. 13-83 Bll Bearings ‘Bolt Bearing Standards.......--eeee Ball Bearing Types. Design Prachee seg. 002 a Slaton of Beis So age Ring, Desa Lite an Seviae tif 2-7 Prartrce ia Mogating Ball Bearings = otriation of Bll Beings Colnarieal Sod Spherical oar Beke> srypiea Applian’! oS Roller Beasings Straight Roller Bearings Nudie Bears. 2 ‘Tapered Bele Beatags 00.) SECTION 14~-ORARING itn tse pea ati a i ig ae sem Be ir oc Bechara coco IER Seeveagmens SSS ICE Non-matally Genres... +++ ‘Rlleney of Spur Gere. 00.21 Hairal Gone eval Geeriag I Seren Gearing Soir Gear Driven. Werm Gear Drives >iateriaia of Gears = 256 oat 1.19 0-20 re int ns init a1 ae war es iat ipa ie weit er ints 9 a wea iss 189 wear ais ie iat 1038 13s iss TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 18-CONTROL, mEcHANTSMS Goreenieg, Regulation sad Control race sion Pane * 25°08 | Contrst THoublas sod Their Remedies, 151 Rania Qotvaen Contra ieaieaene Sod Apalieaton aot Beats ‘Types of Conte Equipment Tear | look Brakes ‘Requlrementa for Gaod Contec Gg Das Bc. : Bow asag | Asa Brakes ores Taad ie! Governiag, ovolion ‘iced Brakes “nd Comal c= SUS ascaz | Covthiet of Filion i Hest Leas! SECTION 1¢—VIBRATION AND NOISE ‘Vitation Hise ‘Vibration Proqueney Calulatas seas | Neeoin General... 1s ‘Vigrasion Afeurernet C1 anos | Nowe stesuremene ENED ite Vibration Prevention 26-05 | Nalte Prevention 20. Vibration Hiaination (issuik Fania tooo | Ateorpdion of Soued Ceca Witeatian Raduction by Islan itis | Hltraton os Sounds. oat Vibration Damping. © ertt | Indice Note : reas SECTION 17—STRUCTURES AND BUILDINGS Stress io Framed Src Wal Fis ad Pathos. ...ceesee IESE Graphical Abul 6? Teuace 0002 Fron | Rena 2 CNEL ana Dung Contin | Weer 0000 iat Reda arao | EASE co Hes Peeemee Re Peoponties of Stores Matos EXMHM date’ Basen Fabsetan Beam see Chant nn AEA ou Sredlon et Seeal ie for Regis Gand Foe SII FE nae rae | liar nl EB alg Wal Coosa. 00000002 “ole | Stele DUNE ge Eiki dundee TE | Riches 000 TR SECTION 1t-INDUSTRIAL HEATING PROCESSES nua Furnaces ' Inde Hlesse Hetng Fargae Chance + 308 | Fad and Clonenton 10 Far Hoi | RAMWSGerst ma esas S38 Bites. SOND HED | Otter mtb.Staad Bree nn BNoa of Rnaiow. oes S02 | mast Rama ry Mate Furee ad Tenia Heng ar Séoaie! 000002 1a SEcTIOK 1#-20R6ING PRACTICE rors : 19-08 | Marvels Fog . apse Tropec or ita Fonsing 15-64 | Steauchydraue Presses Ser Povtchaat Poco ecco s dacty | Silla’ Rig MO III aa secviox a—fouxpax PRactien ros Foundry Practice Composition ot Mraeabte Casting... 20-40 Gay Bron cine ao | Gentifatment ee 8 SPaLseNEcce or ay ieon Gntaan!” 30-98 | Rigud Chareti pea Poona lho Pocus goto | lasew tare iat Exaile aay Gaaily w Gi Eater iets "aa soso | Spalletti ies sist Cie co ae rman iid Gavin 8 os-erogsPoantry Practice Bats Sieh 2B | MDs Bars ao 3itlonete Potndey Biuljnuats. 20-0? | MORE ead sateatie est age pee all Calin xe Competing ofa Se ter SSety Gates ie Cue ‘401 soso | Holues Melis Catogs 00 20088 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 24—MECHANICAL Seat pace Horsepower Trananitie! by Sbafling 21°05 Botection of Saftings sees io Plesble Setting 2 aes Sate Ianee . 3003 Palters Proportion of Palys... ++ Cone ot Drives Theory of Power Transmission by Harepower of Desther Ba Belt Joint. 2 CS ‘Brrasgement of ek Drive 0 Sheet Genter Drive. 2 Balt beta, : Dacelanects iypae of Beis POWER TRANSMISSION Chala Drives Roller Chaos. . Sent Ghatans Rope Driving Manila and Gotten Rope Drives... ike Rope Driv ‘Couplings and Clutches Speed Changing Mechasiems ‘Speed Redvers : 7 Variable sored Driver ydrsube Inve Dynamoseters ‘Traction Dyoamomar ‘The Prony Brake, Roeerpiion Dynamoretas. SECTION 25 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND THEIR CONTROL Blectie Motors Desitions. 25.03 ‘Arpt of Sic ak Goa - * oO as-06 Ganaal Ghsasientee UOC ‘Stall Power Motors boas Singesphaee Large Power Mstome"—°. 3520, Pokgphase Induction Large Power lou 2528 Polyphan Sjackiosous’Laiee Power ‘Motor rs 2-39 Dict-ourent Lasse Power Motor. Blectie Motor Contr General Considerations Conse for Single place Motore ‘Gonteol or Palypbene Induction Mitre ‘Control fr Dirte-surrent Motor hfor Syachronous Motor SECTION 2¢ MISCELLANEOUS SHOP EQUIPMENT ast Cotnstion Characteriaties of Dust 0 Sor Ren Isnation ‘the Science of Lighting Detnstions Tate of Beh General and Located Lighting ‘Footandles aad Foot-caudle Level. SECTION a1—SAFETY ENGINEERING Accident Prevention, . ‘Meshenteal Power Tresssiion 2.7 Woadworking Machiaey. e ‘Metal Working Machines. Mlcclneour Masbinery and Beuip= Bhetrieal Huzande, Todusrial Buildings sed Piasia 227 Eye Protection and Safe Cotings 2. Fine aid : Bupervinia sud Bawetions v0 Organist, SECTION 28—MATHEMATICAL TABLES 25-03 oesrthms. Bar Byperbobe Lopate 22101) Properte ol. NuaberpDesival rulvatenta, Squaren, Cubes, Three~ halves Powers, Square fot, Cube Roots, Meth” Roots, eciproaly Gtoulaterencen and Afeas ot Ciclo Circle Arex Chords, Setar a6 See ectora foe Areas of Sogn ‘Metric Bauivalats Radians..... Chrewntareses' a5 “hres ‘Sine, ‘Diamaters ia Feet and Then 1Nataral Tigosometieal Fonction Eogarthinie Wrigonometieal Fencticzs, Inches Haprested ae Decimal of © Foot, ‘Temperature Conversion Table Woigute and Measures seseev sos ‘The Metre System : 23 Bea Beas Bee wm Beet 21.09 Bhs 2s 28 20-12 aoe a B01 SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS Ag a Hoy Ba BS BAS S 3a Fines TF Ganme rent ao ote kL Kees Be Bron aX tems at ie Lt an Noe Se te ze x fs Chain © 5 Caierae | # SBD nin & & cH Pp Bho ae 2 fe Gems BS Open ‘Mathematical Signs and Abbreviations ps (aston) deat 2 tinue Gubtractoa). 2 plo oF nines tem ESavate or greater thane 3 oak ori tes tia. FR aprroniataly equals. X mali by, divided by.” P ivided by: ea eh A was 3S ie i oa = 2; ome oY sauare root. Y cabernet. AY 4 ront 1s toy £0 ie «to (proportion. gHa? 5 2'b todas dito sls) diidea by 3a atia of tod = 2/4 3 eta Frargre, Ste or thermometer, ‘eon or ince PSP Seess to dine eters a0 fy, a ape ty ee Panda su Ty au by ob OU let en TF 3X 538, 5 ya eghgrndso cubed 2,2 mead to the ath power, Beem dings the ‘Fon, vered sine, “in Algebra, the frst leteers of the ibe a:b ty stay are generaly aed to dente Raown‘guaneitn, andthe lst letters, 2s, teu unkown quantities, Abirertations and Symbols commonly wed, 4, Siterentil eles), ff setearal Gn esloulus). Sf: ssa betmcon lite a adh ‘ser = S101. sacederation due to gravity = S210 fh. per econd pr oeond, Abbreviations oe stactate appton.. gpprosimate BOLI Mttratneaanene BBE. Siktioan Fetroteum Insite EMER. Aeon farute of Electsoal | 2840000177 Amertean Ralteay Aasoct “Peeineer SICEALI!. Amertean Railway Bogincetng ALME..., Ameritan incite of Mining “Reson Sed Metalyoicd Basiavers | AS.A....... Amurean Staudards Association sepesjoa- ampares ASCH Amentan Society of Ce Bogie ED scd/SX,; Amenicen on and tet Testitupe ‘eas ASHTE, ASME... ASRE, Asse. AST. wd. Be bar Bes BS: Die. Bat Bar of Bua Baw Ba Bul as é ca SYMBOLS AND Amorican Socity_of ‘Heating hd Venalaine Boeineers, Aerie Society of Mechanical asineoe American Sooty of Relegert~ ‘ag Engineer American Sosety for Steal “resin: Ampissn Society for Testi Satria semoepre soiedupol ‘Auer ice cane ipsa Tyows & Sharpe wira ge barometer, barometie Darrel Bouné Birmingham age tube and hea) bedi horsepower Bateag of Stexdarde Desh dermal oie) boshela) Dalles Birsingham wie eace oe hundred Shrterade ie center) fontinesengram-econd Sirdar a batons) conuerems)| Sree eater caems ‘ake sentinesere) ‘able fet ‘Eble Inches) able meter) bible Fadi) ‘piindee nator, depth east) ‘Lovet catrent Seaton areas) smeter ‘bare! 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National Heetscal Manulactar Bo. somber on: Dutsidedlametor oo ‘Sten Bh CS power fesar Pree Brocestinen Pa ine a ZThanlly or vole oe Svar) Bec aan ao Snare root of mean square “per mins. revolutions per minste Ps sso Shi ‘Seley af Automoxive Basineera EWG. Standard “Ciritsh) wire ene a, Sxturated ae onal) PERIODICALS AND PUBLICATIONS ‘Sunt, Clevelasd. Formerly Iroo Trade Review. ‘Sle Moker, Piteburah, Teh, Dull U's, Burcas of Stds, Technical ‘Boatia, U.S. Boreay of Standards, Wash- are brass World, New York The Paryy The Foundry, Clevelsnd. The Dacomotise, Harford, Conn The “Aainepring, ‘The Mainepeing, Wallace Berass Go, Bitol, Coan Tran ADA, Trane. Atm Fdrymen, Asso “Praniactions Arserean Foandrymes’ Aawo: ation, Chase, Timms ALE Traseactions Americas Tae “tvone American Tose’ of fining. snd Retllersis! Bnaineer Now York Trans, A.8.C.., Trangactions American Society ‘Git gineers New Vere Trang. ASHLV dey Tranwactions Armarican ‘oeiey of Honing and Vestilating Engines Row York Trane ASAD, Tranaact ‘of itera, Cleveland Teqne, ABALE,Trapnctions American ‘Socioty of Meshanical Engnore, New Yor ‘eqns Cor Soe, Twataactions Ceramis Sottiy, ‘Stake-gi-Treit, England. Teme Blactryehomn. Sey Teansaetlons Elese ‘rochamieal Society, New York ‘Teams Th Engg Seey‘Teasoactions Ticis ‘Bnoineeiog Sacer Urbana, Th Zo V Diy Zeiweheit den Verena deutscher Tere, Bera zauainf fur Matlivnde, Bal = Oat of Prine

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