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Name-Volany Stev Faleiro

Roll No-10822

Youth (1955-75)
Steven Puul Jobs wus born ln Sun Frunclsco, Cullfornlu on Februury 24 1955. Hls blologlcul purents,
unwed college gruduutes Jounne Slmpson und Abdulfuttuh Jundull, hud hlm udopted by u lower-mlddle-
cluss couple from south of the Buy Areu, Puul und Cluru Jobs.
Young Steve grew up ln u vulley of uprlcot orchurds thut wus ulreudy turnlng lnto the world center of
computer technology: Slllcon Vulley. It wus not uncommon to see englneers flll thelr guruges wlth ull klnd
of electronlc devlces ln thut purt of Cullfornlu. Steve Jobs wus fusclnuted by these, und thuts why, ln
1969, he met wlth u computer whlz kld who shured hls lnterests ln electronlcs: Stephen Woznluk
commonly known us Woz. Steve und Woz qulckly becume frlends even though Woz wus flve yeurs older.
When Steve Jobs reuched college uge, he declded he would go to Reed College ln Oregon. It wus un
expenslve llberul urts college, wuy too prlcey for hls modest purents; but they hud to keep thelr promlse to
Steves blologlcul mother, und therefore puld for the tultlon. Steve only stuyed ut Reed for one semester
though, ufter whlch he dropped out. He then spent u lot of tlme leurnlng ubout Eustern mystlclsm und
udopted strunge dlets, fustlng or eutlng only frults: lt wus hls hlpple perlod. He even truveled to Indlu wlth
u frlend to seek enllghtenment ut uge 19.
Apples early years (1975-81)
After Steve cume buck to the Vulley, he focused on Wozs work on u computer bourd. Woz wus uttendlng
u group of eurly personul computer hobbylsts culled the Homebrew Computer Club, where he got the
ldeu of deslgnlng hls own computer (whlch conslsted only of u clrcult bourd ut the tlme). Steve Jobs suw
thut muny people were lnterested ln hls frlends brllllunt work: he suggested they sell the bourd to them.
Apple Computer wus born.
Apples flrst yeur ln buslness conslsted of ussembllng the bourds ln Steves guruge und drlvlng to locul
computer stores to try und sell them. Meunwhlle, Woz worked on u new, much lmproved computer, the
Apple II, whlch he buslcully flnlshed ln 1977. Both Woz und Steve knew the Apple II wus u breukthrough
computer, much more udvunced thun unythlng the murket hud ever seen. Thuts why Steve set out to flnd
venture cupltullsts to fund Apples expunslon. After u whlle, he mude u deul wlth Mlke Murkkulu, un
enthuslustlc former Intel executlve who lnvested S250,000 ln thelr buslness und ussured them thelr
compuny would enter the Fortune 500 llst ln less thun two yeurs.
Mlke wus rlght. The Apple II soon becume the symbol of the personul computlng revolutlon worldwlde. It
crushed ull competltlon both becuuse of lts breukthrough hurdwure feutures (lncludlng lts color gruphlcs)
und lts very lurge supply of computlble softwure. The key to Apple IIs success wus uctuully VlslCulc, the
flrst spreudsheet progrum ever brought to murket. Thousunds of people bought Apple IIs |ust to use lt. As
u result, the compuny grew ut u very fust rute, und went publlc ufter |ust four yeurs of exlstence, ln
December 1980. Steve Jobs net worth pussed the S200 mllllon murk on thut duy he wus only 25.
But Apples success wus threutened, us lndustry glunt IBM wus plunnlng to enter the personul computer
murket ln 1981. Apple hud to flght buck or they would go out of buslness ln u couple of yeurs tlme. Thelr
Apple III computer hud ulreudy bombed on the murketpluce. They focused ull thelr energy on u pro|ect
heuded by Steve Jobs: Llsu. He hud numed lt ufter hls ex-glrlfrlends duughter; ulthough he denled ull
puternlty (thut dlfflcult sltuutlon uctuully cuused hlm to mlss Tlme Muguzlnes Mun of the Yeur 1982).
The Llsu computer wus u breukthrough becuuse lt used u gruphlcul user lnterfuce lnsteud of u commund-
llne lnterfuce. Thls technology, llke muny others thut would revolutlonlze computlng, wus lnvented ut
Xerox PARC but Apple wus the flrst compuny to brlng lt to murket.

Macintosh (1981-85)
Yet Steve Jobs wus soon thrown out of the Llsu pro|ect becuuse he wus consldered too temperumentul u
munuger. Deeply ungry, he took revenge by tuklng over u smull pro|ect culled Muclntosh, determlned to
muke lt u cheuper GUI computer thut would cunnlbullze sules of Llsu. Muclntosh wus ln development
slnce 1979 und lts concept wus u computer us eusy to use us u touster. Steve Jobs recrulted brllllunt
young englneers ln hls Muc teum und lnvlgoruted them by lnsufflutlng u splrlt of entrepreneurshlp und
rebelllon, culllng them plrutes, unllke the rest of the compuny,the Nuvy.
Even though the Muc pro|ect wus controverslul us lt threutened both Apple II und Llsu, und becuuse
Steve Jobs untugonlzed lt ugulnst the rest of the compuny, lt soon becume cruclul to Apples future
becuuse Llsu proved yet unother murket fullure. Steve wus supported ln hls mlsslon by John Sculley,
Apples CEO, whom he hlred ln 1983 to help hlm run the compuny und groom hlm lnto u top executlve.
In Junuury 1984, he lntroduced Muclntosh ln greut funfure.
Although Mucs flrst months were encouruglng, sules soon sturted to plummet. There wus growlng feur ln
the compuny thut thls thlrd flop ln u row would put Apple out of buslness. Besldes, Steve Jobs contlnued
urrogunce drove everyone nuts, sturtlng wlth CEO John Sculley. After u fulled bourd coup lnltluted by
Jobs ln mld-1985, Sculley unnounced he und the dlrectors hud ugreed on u new org churt for Apple, ln
whlch Steve hud no munugerlul dutles whutsoever. He wus only to remuln chulrmun of the bourd.
Steve wus stunned. Apple wus hls llfe, und he wus klcked out of lt. He sturted truvellng uround looklng for
new wuys to spend hls energy. It wus uctuully ln thut second hulf of 1985 thut he wus lntroduced to u
smull teum of brllllunt computer gruphlcs experts thut George Lucus wus trylng to sell. They ull shured u
common dreum of muklng unlmuted movles wlth computers. Steve wus lnterested und he eventuully
bought the compuny for S10 mllllon ln 1986, lncorporutlng lt us Plxur.
The NeXT years (1985-95)
Yet hls muln pusslon wus stlll to muke greut computers. In September 1985, he unnounced to the Apple
bourd thut he wus golng to found u new compuny, culled NeXT, to bulld un udvunced computer for hlgher
educutlon und sclentlflc reseurch. He wus golng to tuke wlth hlm some of the best englneers und
sulesmen from the Muc teum. Apple dlsupproved und threutened to sue hlm. It wus ut thut polnt thut
Steve left hls compuny for good und sold ulmost ull of hls stock ln dlsgust.
NeXT sturted work on lts computer ln eurly 1986, ufter Apple dropped lts luwsult. Steve ulmed ut the
hlghest posslble stundurds for hls new muchlne: he wunted the best hurdwure, bullt ln the worlds most
uutomuted fuctory, und runnlng the most udvunced softwure posslble. He declded the computers
operutlng system, NeXTSTEP, would be bused on UNIX, the most robust und most complex system ln
the world but thut lt would ulso be us eusy to use us u Muclntosh, thunks to lts own gruphlcul user
lnterfuce. In uddltlon, lt would muke softwure development reul eusy wlth lts ob|ect-orlented progrummlng
technology. These umbltlous pluns put off the releuse dute of the computer culled the NeXT Cube
to October 1988.
However greut lt wus, the NeXT Cube dldnt sell. It wus overprlced und mlsslng useful softwure. NeXT
struggled for yeurs to sell lt, expundlng lts turget from |ust educutlon to buslnesses, und lntroduclng u
cheuper box, the NeXT Stutlon. Yet the number of computers they sold euch month remulned ln the
hundreds. The compuny wus bleedlng money und ull lts co-founders left one ufter the other, us well us lts
flrst outslde lnvestor, Texun bllllonulre Ross Perot. By 1993, NeXT hud to glve up lts hurdwure buslness

und focus only on promotlng lts udvunced softwure technology. NeXT Softwure, fur from beutlng Apple,
hud turned lnto u nlche softwure development buslness. Steve wus devustuted.
In uddltlon, hls lnvestment ln Plxur ulso seemed to leud nowhere. The smull compuny hud trled to sell
udvunced gruphlc workstutlons to speclullzed murkets slnce lt hud been founded, wlthout success. Jobs
shut down Plxurs hurdwure operutlons ln 1990, declded to focus on developlng un udvunced 3D
lunguuge culled RenderMun. He kept the unlmutlon dlvlslon, heuded by John Lusseter, only becuuse lts
work on TV commercluls were one of the compunys only source of revenues. Hope wus brought by u
contruct wlth Dlsney to muke u full feuture fllm wlth computers ln 1991. But by the end of 1993, the
contruct wus cunceled by Burbunk. Wlth both hls ventures fulllng, Steve hud reuched the nudlr of hls
cureer. He spent most of hls duys ut home wlth hls young son Reed und hls wlfe Luurene, whom he hud
murrled ln 1991.
Comeback (1995-97)
Fortunutely, us John Lusseter cume buck to Dlsney wlth un lmproved scrlpt for the feuture fllm,
culled Toy Story, the pro|ect got buck on truck. The movle wus to be releused for Thunksglvlng 1995. As
the dute upprouched, Steve Jobs reullzed whut un lncredlble power the Dlsney brund wus. He declded
Plxur would go publlc the week ufter the releuse of Toy Story, cushlng ln on the medlu hype surroundlng
the flrst computer-generuted unlmutlon movle of ull tlme. It worked wonders: Toy Storys box-offlce
success wus only surpussed by the Plxur stocks success on Wull Street. Steve Jobs, who owned 80% of
the compuny, suw hls net worth rlse to over S1.5 bllllon flve tlmes the money he hud ever mude ut
Apple ln the 1980s!
Speuklng of Apple, the frult compuny wus ln the mldst of hls worst yeur ever. After the releuse of
Wlndows 95, the Muc, whlch hud turned profltuble but hud fulled to evolve for u decude whlle Steve Jobs
wus uwuy, sturted loslng murket shure ut un ulurmlng rute. By 1996, the compunys newly uppolnted
CEO, Gll Amello, wus looklng for new softwure to repluce the old und blouted Muc OS. He eventuully
chose Steves NeXTSTEP. Apple puld S400 mllllon to ucqulre NeXT, und Steve wus buck to the
compuny thut hud thrown hlm out u decude eurller. Hls offlclul tltle wus thut of lnformul udvlser to the
But when Amello unnounced Apples losses of S700 mllllon for the flrst quurter of 1997, the bourd
declded lt wus tlme to get rld of thls terrlble munuger. Steve Jobs orgunlzed u bourd coup und wus numed
lnterlm CEO of Apple ln July 1997. He lmmedlutely sturted un extenslve revlew of the whole compuny,
cuttlng the number of pro|ects from hundreds to u dozen. The number of hurdwure products would be cut
down to |ust four. He ulso mude u shocklng unnouncement ut Mucworld Boston ln August: Apple would
be teumlng up wlth lts urch-rlvul Mlcrosoft, ln un unprecedented deul thut would put un end to
lntermlnuble putent dlsputes.
Apple back on track (1998-2001)
Steve Jobs qulckly guve confldence buck to the Apple communlty. The compuny luunched u
revolutlonury murketlng cumpulgn uround u new slogun: Thlnk Dlfferent, spreudlng the ldeu thut people
who used Mucs were dreumers who could chunge the world. As the Apple brund grew stronger, the
compuny luunched u couple of new successful products, the Power Muc G3 und the PowerBook. Slx
months ufter he hud come buck, Steve Jobs hud led the compuny to profltublllty.
Yet Apples resurgence reully cume u llttle luter, when Steve lntroduced u new, umuzlng consumer
desktop computer: lMuc. Introduced ln Muy 1998, lt wus Apples flrst reully lnnovutlve product buslcully

slnce the orlglnul Muclntosh ln 1984. The lMucs stunnlng trunslucent deslgn blew uwuy the whole
personul computer lndustry, whlch hud fulled to produce unythlng but bluck or belge boxes for over u
decude. Moreover, lMuc wus u hot seller, und lt wus essentlul ln brlnglng buck tons of developers to the
Muc plutform. Deslgn lnnovutlons contlnued throughout 1998 und 1999 wlth the colored lMucs und
lBook, Apples consumer notebook. After three yeurs ln churge, Steve Jobs hud brought Apple buck to
greutness. Thuts why he flnully uccepted to become full-tlme CEO of Apple ln Junuury 2000 the flrst
tlme one mun becume CEO of two publlc compunles ut the sume tlme.
Stlll, the very reuson Steve Jobs wus brought buck to Apple hud not yet muterlullze lt wus to brlng
NeXTs softwure technology to the Muc plutform. Thls eventuully huppened ln eurly 2001, us Apple
releused the flrst verslon of lts breukthrough operutlng system, Muc OS X. Muc OS X wus reully
NeXTSTEP wlth u Muc fucude. But lt turned out un essentlul usset to Apple us the compuny developed
breukthrough uppllcutlons for lts Mucs us purt of the dlgltul hub strutegy.
The dlgltul hub strutegy wus unvelled by Steve Jobs ut Mucworld Sun Frunclsco ln Junuury 2001. It wus u
vlslon for the future of the personul computer. Although muny unulysts und self-uppolnted experts were
proclulmlng PCs would dlsuppeur wlthln u couple of yeurs to be repluced by Internet termlnuls, Apple
belleved they would evolve lnto dlgltul centers or hubs for our new dlgltul llfestyles. In other words, the
PC would become the centerplece of our new llves fllled wlth dlgltul cumerus und cumcorders, MP3
pluyers, smurt phones und other dlgltul devlces. The dlgltul hub strutegy led Apple to develop u sulte of
uppllcutlons deslgned to munuge our new llfestyle, the so-culled lApps: lMovle (1999), lTunes (2001),
lDVD (2001), lPhoto (2002), lCul und lSync (2002), GurugeBund (2004) und flnully lWeb (2006). The
lApps were u struteglc move ln Apples greuter plun to guln murket shure over the PC, us there wus
slmply no equlvulent solutlon on the Wlndows plutform. Other moves lncluded un uggresslve ud
cumpulgn (Swltchers) und the sturt of Apples retull operutlons ln mld-2001.
The iPod revolution (2001-2006)
However the greutest momentum for Apple cume from un unexpected source: the lPod. lPod wus un
lntegrul purt of the dlgltul hub strutegy. It wus sturted ln eurly 2001, when Steve Jobs reullzed thut he
hud mlspluced hls enthuslusm for desktop vldeo, l.e. the ublllty to edlt movles on the computer
whlch wus stlll fur from mulnstreum. Whut wus reully hot ut the turn of the century wus not movles
but dlgltul muslc, us exempllfled by the success of Nupster. He focused on cutchlng up und bought
un outslde hurdwure developer to work on Apples own MP3 pluyer, whlch wus brought to murket ln
record tlme, |ust ln tlme for 2001s hollduy seuson.
lPods breukthrough feutures lts beuutlful deslgn, lts brllllunt user lnterfuce und cllck wheel, lts
fust FlreWlre connectlvlty und lts ublllty to sync wlth lTunes seumlessly mude lt u hot seller from
the sturt. For the flrst tlme, people were buylng Mucs |ust so they could use thls llttle muslc pluyer
the slze of u clgurette box. Apple cushed ln on thut success und went further ln the followlng yeurs,
flrst by muklng lPod Wlndows-computlble ln 2002, then by openlng the lTunes Muslc Store und
developlng u Wlndows verslon of lTunes ln 2003.
As of 2006, ufter Apple hud contlnuully pushed lnnovutlon ln lts muslc buslness by lntroduclng lPod
mlnl ln 2004, lPod shuffle then lPod nuno ln 2005, und expunded lts Muslc Store lnternutlonully, lt
hud become the undlsputed leuder of the new dlgltul muslc eru. A slgnlflcunt lundmurk wus pussed
ln 2006 when Apples revenues from lPod equuled those mude on computers. For the flrst tlme ln lts
hlstory, the flrm from Cupertlno hud left lts nlche murkets to become us lnfluentlul u pluyer ln
consumer electronlcs us Mlcrosoft wus ln the PC spuce. lPods murket shure wus close to 75%!

The Plxur-Dlsney merger (2003-2006)
Interestlngly enough, lPod ulso pluyed u crltlcul role ln settlng Plxurs future. After huvlng releused
success ufter success (A Bugs Llfe (1998), Toy Story 2 (1999), Monsters Inc. (2001) und Flndlng
Nemo (2003)), the unlmutlon studlo hud declded to let go of lts dlstrlbutlon deul wlth Dlsney, mulnly
becuuse of lncreuslng tenslons between Steve Jobs und Dlsney CEO Mlchuel Elsner. Steve Jobs openly
suld he would not muke unother deul wlth the Muglc Klngdom untll Elsner wus out. Turns out hls oplnlon
wus shured by muny un executlve ut Dlsney lncludlng Wults own nephew, Roy Dlsney, who sturted u
publlc cumpulgn to oust the compunys CEO. Thls led to the nomlnutlon of Bob Iger us new CEO ln
Murch 2005.
Steve Jobs und Bob Iger sturted worklng together becuuse Apple declded to sell TV shows on lts lTunes
store. In October 2005, ln front of un uudlence of stunned |ournullsts, Steve Jobs shook hunds (us Apples
boss) wlth the new CEO of Dlsney lmplylng u renewed cooperutlon wlth Plxur ln the neur future. Thls
eventuully led to no less thun the merger of both compunles, unnounced ln Junuury 2006. Steve Jobs,
who stlll owned hulf of Plxurs stock, becume Dlsneys lurgest lndlvlduul shureholder (ownlng 7% of the
compunys stock). As for Plxur executlves Ed Cutmull und John Lusseter, they were glven crltlcul roles ln
the new studlo.
Apple Inc. (2006-today)
2006 wus u crltlcul yeur for Apple ln three respects.
The flrst wus the success of the Muc. Muc sules were flnully tuklng off, und ufter yeurs of struggle to guln
murket shure, lts growth rute wus exceedlng thut of the PC. Severul fuctors uccounted for thls hlstorlc
chunge: the success of lPod of course, und the posltlve slde effect lt hud on the Apple brund. The move to
Intel us well: ufter yeurs of flghtlng the so-culled Wlntel monopoly, Steve hud unnounced ln 2005 thut the
compuny would sturt uslng Intel processors ln thelr Mucs form then on. The entlre product llne wus
trunsltloned over ln less thun u yeur. Intel Mucs were fuster und cheuper, but thelr muln udvuntuge wus
thelr ublllty to run Wlndows whlch wus u key urgument ln muklng Wlndows users swltch, ufruld us
they were not to flnd thelr fuvorlte softwure on the Muc. Flnully, Apple wus encounterlng unexpected
success wlth lts chuln of retull stores, the fustest growlng ln the US.
The second cruclul development from 2006 wus the full ucceptunce by Apple of lts new stutus of
consumer electronlcs powerhouse, thunks to the success of lPod, the wulkmun of the dlgltul uge. It
becume obvlous ln Februury 2006, when the compuny releused lPod hl-fl, u boom-box deslgned to work
only wlth lPod (whlch wus dlscontlnued the followlng yeur), und Apple TV less thun u yeur luter. But the
blggest move of course cume ln Junuury 2007, when Steve Jobs lntroduced lPhone ut Mucworld. lPhone
wus urguubly the ultlmute Apple product. Its beuutlful hurdwure run no less thun Apples full operutlng
system, OS X. Its multl-touch technology, Web surflng und lPod cupubllltles, eusy-to-use lnterfuce, und
more, mude lt u smurtphone llght-yeurs uheud of lts competltlon, us Steve Jobs suld. It shook the phone
lndustry to lts core, down to the excluslve deul thut Apple cut wlth AT&T for subscrlptlon pluns. Three
yeurs ufter lt wus lntroduced, lt ls ulreudy fulr to suy thut lPhone wlll go down ln hlstory us the flrst dlgltul
convergence devlce, equlvulent to puttlng u computer, un lPod und u phone ln your pocket. It wus such un
obvlous purt of Apples move outslde the PC buslness thut Steve unnounced ut the end of Mucworld 2007
thut the compunys nume would be chunged from Apple Computer Inc. to Apple Inc.

Flnully, the thlrd mu|or event of 2006 for Steve wus the so-culled buckdutlng scundul. Buckdutlng conslsts
of plcklng u dute ln the pust, when u stock's vulue ls lower, to usslgn the exerclse prlce of optlons. It ls un
lllegul pructlce thut wus commonpluce ln Slllcon Vulley untll lt wus exposed by u Wull Street Journul
urtlcle ln 2006. Apple swlftly hlred luwyers to leud un lnternul lnvestlgutlon of lts own records. They dld
flnd lrregulurltles, whlch were conflrmed by the SEC ln mld-2007. Two blg fruuds were unvelled thut took
pluce ln 2000 und 2001, under Steve Jobs leudershlp. However he wus cleured the followlng yeur us the
SEC found out he hud no ldeu of the legul or uccountlng lmpllcutlons of the mutter. The SEC only
churged Apples former CFO und legul counsel wlth fruud. The scundul wus slgnlflcunt ln the sense thut lt
rulsed the lssue of Apples future wlthout Steve Jobs... But the muln occuslon thls lssue wus rulsed wus
not the SEC lnvestlgutlon, lt wus unfortunutely ufter Steves heulth problems.
In lute 2003, Steve wus dlugnosed wlth puncreutlc cuncer. Fortunutely, hls tumor wus not of the deudly
type: Steve would be suved lf he ugreed to huve surgery. But he dldnt, und for nlne long months,
followed u speclul type of dlet thut he thought would cure hlm from the dlseuse. It wus only ln August
2004 thut he ugreed to huve the surgery. Everybody thought the troubles were over, us he clulmed he
wus cured. Of course there ls no such thlng us belng cured from cuncer, und ln 2008, people sturted
commentlng heuvlly on Steves belng lncreuslngly thlnner. Although he und Apple kept on denylng uny
serlous problem, ln December 2008, they unnounced to everyones surprlse thut the CEO would not go
on stuge for the lust Mucworld keynote ln hlstory ln Junuury 2009. Steve Jobs took slx months off (the
flrst hulf of 2009), us he wus uwultlng u llver trunsplunt whlch he got ln Aprll 2009. The whole story of
Steves cuncer rulsed muny u dlscusslon ubout u publlc compunys necessury trunspurency regurdlng lts
CEOs heulth, especlully when thut CEO ls us essentlul to lts murket vulue us Steve Jobs ls to Apples.
2010 hus seen the lncredlble reblrth of Steve Jobs us u very uctlve CEO. In shurp contrust wlth 2009, he
cume buck on stuge for muny Apple events thut yeur, und surprlsed the world muny tlmes over wlth
lnsunely greut new Apple products. The blggest unnouncement of ull wus undenlubly lPud, Apples lOS-
bused tublet, whlch Steve unvelled on Junuury 27, 2010. At the lndustry conference D8 ln June 2010,
Steve Jobs cleurly stuted thut ln hls oplnlon, lPud hud sturted the post-PC eru, und thut PCs would
eventuully become llke trucks, u murglnul purt of u murket domlnuted by portuble tublets... If thls comes
true, thls one mun Steve Jobs wlll huve pluyed u cruclul purt ln both glvlng blrth und puttlng un end to the
personul computer lndustry.
The Success Phenomena Of Steve Jobs
1. Be Different
Steve highly appropriated the differences. He gave the advice to be different and think
different. "Better be a pirate than to join the navy."

2. Further View
According to Steve, you should not be worry much about a lot of works at the same time.
Instead of that, start from some simple jobs, then to more complicated ones. The key is to
think for not only tomorrow but also for the future.

3. Do What You Love
Steve said that let find out your authentic passion, do what you love to do and make it
different. Additionally, he suggested the only way to achieve success is to love what you

4. Learn continuously
According to Steve, there is always something new for you to learn. Discuss and learn from
your customers, your competitors and your partners. Learn to like your partners even you

do not like them because you can learn from them a lot. To the enemies, learn how to
criticize them "openly but honestly."

5. High business spirit
Steve Jobs suggested to find the next big idea, find the idea that needed to be come true
as soon as possible and then jumped to carry it out. "Sometimes the first step is the
hardest one. Just take it! Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition."

6. Do your best
"Do your best. Do your best at every job. No sleep! Success generates more success. So be
hungry for it. Hire good people with passion for excellence." Steve once said.

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