Digestion 1

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Biology at Ease

Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

1) Which of the following are required in minute quantities in our

a) Carbohydrates
b) Proteins
c) Vitamins
d) Fats
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

2. Common passage for swallowing food and breathing is:

a) Gullet Glottis
b) Glottis
c) Pharynx
c) Larynx
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

3. The number of teeth the grow twice in human life is

a) 4
b) 12
c) 20
d) 28
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

4. Which part of the mammalian alimentary canal does not secrete any
a) mouth
b) Oesophagus
c) Stomach
d) Duodenum
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

5. pH of gastric juice is
a) 1. 5 – 3 . 0
b) 5. 0 – 6.8
c) 7. 0 – 9 .0
d) 6.0 – 8.0
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

6) Parts of alimentary canal thrown into transverse folds is

a) Rectum
b) Oesophagus
c) Stomach
d) Intestines.
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY
7) Which of the following layers which one forms rugae in stomach and villi
in intestine of humans?
a) Serosa
b) Sub-mucosa
c) Mucosa
d) Muscularis
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

8) Human teeth are

a) Acrodont
b) Homodont
c) Thecodont
d) Polyphyodont.
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

9) The hardest constituent of teeth is

a) Bone
b) Dentine
c) Enamel
d) Pulp.
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY
10) Succus entericus is
a) Swollen area between ileum and rectum
b) Intestinal juice
c) Any swelling in gut
d) Vermiform appendix.
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

11) The major components of food are

a) Carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals
b) Protein, fat and vitamins
c) Carbohydrates, proteins and fats
d) Carbohydrates, fat and vitamins.
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

12) Permanent teeth present in human beings are

a) 20
b) 24
c) 28
d) 32
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

13) pH of gastric juice is

a) 1. 5 - 3.0
b) 5. 0 – 6.8
c) 7. 0 – 9.0
d) 6.0 – 8.0
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

14) Which cells of crypts of Lieberkuhn secrete antibacterial lysozyme

a) Argentaffin cells
b) Paneth cells
c) Zymogen cells
d) Kupffer’s cells.
(NEET 2017)
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

15) Amount of saliva secreted per day is

a) 250 mL
b) 500 mL
c) 750 mL
d) 1000-1500 mL
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

16) If A hepatic duct, B – hepatopancreatic duct, C – cystic duct

and D – common bile duct, then what will be the sequence of
involvement for flow of bile juice, starting from given?
a) C – A – D – B
b) A – B – C – D
c) A – D – C – B
d) A – C – D – B
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

17) Match the columns:

Column A Column B
(Salavary Gland) (position)

A. Parotid 1. Lower jaw

B. Sub maxillary 2. Cheek
C. Sub lingual 3. Below Tongue
a) A-1 B-3 C-2
b) A-1 B-2 C-3
c) A-2 B-1 C-3
d) A-2 B-3 C-4
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

18) Which of the following is a thin muscular sac that stores and
concentrates that bile?
a) Liver
b) Lobule
c) Gall bladder
d) Glisson’s capsule
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

19) What is the optimum pH for the action of salivary

a) 1.8
b) 6.8
c) 7.4
d) 8
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

20) Brunner’s glands are located in which layer of gut?

a) Mucosa
b) Submucosa
c) Muscularis
b) Serosa
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

21) Epithelial cells involved in absorption of digested food have on

their free surface
a) Zymogen granules
b) Pinocytic vesicles
c) Phagocytic vesicles
d) Microvilli
(AIPMT 2005)
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

22) Digestive juice lacking enzyme but aiding in digestion

a) Chyle
b) Chyme
c) Bile
d) Succus intericus
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

23) Rennin acts on milk protein and changes

a) Caesinogen into caesin
b) Caesin into paracaesin
c) Caesinogen into paracaesin
d) paracaesin into caesinogen
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

24) The end product of fat digestion is:

a) Glucose
b) Amino acids
c) Fatty acids
d) Alkaloids
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

25) Maltose A Glucose + B

A is disaccharidase enzyme while B is a monosaccharide.
A and B are respectively:
a) Maltase, Glucose
b) Maltase, Fructose
c) Invertase, Glucose
d) invertase, galactose
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

26) Match the column A with Column B:

Column A Column B
(Type of cells (Secretion)
gastric glands)
1. Neck cell A. Pepsinogen
2. Parietal Cell B. HCI
3. Chief cell C. Mucus
a) A-3 B-1 C-2
b) A-3 B-2 C-1
c) A-2 B-1 C-3
d) A-2 B-3 C-1
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY
27) Match the following structures with their respective location in organs:

i. Crypts of Lieberkuhn p. Pancreas

ii. Glisson’s Capsule q. Duodenum
iii. Islets of Langerhans r. Small intestine
iv. Brunner’s Glands s. Liver

Select the correct option from the following:

A) i – r, ii – s, iii – p, iv – q
B) i – r, ii – q, iii – p, iv – s
C) i – r, ii – p, iii – q, iv – s
D) i – q, ii – s, iii – p, iv – r
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

28) If due to some reason goblet cells are non-functional, it will affect the
a) Production of STH
b) secretion of subum
c) smooth movement of food down the intestine
d) Conversation of starch to maltose
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

29) No significant digestive activity occurs in

a) large intestine
b) ileum
c) jejunum
d) stomach
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

30) __________ is the outermost layer in the wall of alimentary

a) Serosa
b) Muscularis
c) Mucosa
d) Sub - mucosa
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

31) The main digestive function of enterokinase is:

a) Conversion of casein into paracasein
b) Conversion of pepsinogen into pepsin
c) Conversion of trypsinogen into trypsin
d) Stimulation of the gastic glands to secrete gastic
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

32) Which of the following is not a function of the digestive

system in human body?
a) synthesis of food
b) Secretion of enzyme
c) Absorption of nutrients
d) Excretion of waste
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

33) The given figure represents of human digestive system identify

A, B, C, D and E

a. Parotid Liver Pancrea Caccum Vermiform
se appendix
b. Parotid Pancreas Liver Caecum Vermiform
gland appendix
c. Parotid Caecum Pancrea Liver Vermiform
gland s appendix
d. Patotid Liver Caecum Pancreas Vermiform
gland appendix
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

34) Deglutition is
a) Crushing of food in buccal cavity
b) Moistening of food by saliva
c) Passage of bolus into oesophagus
d) Acidification of food in stomach.
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

35) Ptyalin in enzyme present in

a) Gastric Juice
b) Pancreatic juice
c) Intestinal juice
d) Saliva.
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

36) Starch is changed to maltose by

a) Amylase
b) Invertase
c) Lipase
d) Zymase.
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

37) Bile salts take part in digestion of

a) Carbohydrates
d) Breakdown of proteins
c) Emulsification of fat
d) Absorption of glycerol.
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

38) Thin limbs, oedema and diarrhoea develop due to protein

deficiency in
a) Marasmus
b) Kwashiorkor
c) Pellagra
d) Anaemia
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

39) What is the unit of gross calorific value?

a) kilojoules/g
b) joules
c) kcal/g
d) grams/ joules
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

40) Gross calorific value of proteins is

a) 4.1 kcal/g
b) 5.65 kcal/g
c) 9.45 kcal/g
d) 3.45 kcal/g
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

41) The antimicrobial substance present in saliva is

a) Lysozyme
b) Ptyalin
c) Mucin
d) Electrolytes
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

42) The amount of starch hydrolysis by salivary amylase is

a) 10%
b) 20%
c) 30%
d) 40%
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

43) Dental formula for humans is




Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

44) Zymogen cells of gastric glands produce

a) Chymotrypsin
b) Pepsin
c) Pepsinogen
d) Trypsin.
(AIPMT 1990)
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

45) Where is protein digestion completed

a) stomach
b) Ileum
c) Rectum
d) Duodenum
(AIPMT 1991)
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

46) Identify the part which is WRONGLY labeled.

a) Pancreatic duct
b) Common hepatic duct
c) Bile duct
d) Gall bladder
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

47) Feeling of fullness is a symptom of

a) Diarrhoea
b) Constipation
c) Indigestion
d) Vomiting
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

48) Marasmus occurs in

a) children between age 6 to 12 years
b) abults
c) infants less 1 year is age
d) child between age 2 to 5 year
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

49) Mark the right statement among the following:

a) Trypsinogen is an inactive enzyme
b) Trypsinogen is secreted by intestinal mucosa
c) Enterokinase is secreted by pancreas
d) bile contains trypsin
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

50) Match the following columns and select the correct among options given:

Column I Column II
A. Biomacromolecules of food 1. Alimentary canal and associated gland
B. Human digestive system 2. Embedded in jaw bones
C. Stomach 3. Outer wall of visceral organs
D. Thecodont 4. Converted into simple substances
E. Serosa 5. J-shaped bag like structure

a) A-2 B-1 C-5 D-3 E-4

b) A-4 B-1 C-5 D-2 E-3
c) A-1 B-3 C-3 D-4 E-5
d) A-1 B-3 C-2 D-4 E-5
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

51) Fructose is absorbed into the bold through mucosa cells of intestine
by process called
a) Facilitated transport
b) Simple diffusion
c) Co-Transport mechanism
d) Active transport
(AIPMT 2014)
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

52) The initial step in digestion of milk in human is carried out by

a) Trypsin
b) Rennin
c) Pepsin
d) Lipase.
(AIPMT 2014)
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

53) One of the following in not a common disorder associated with

digestive system
a) Tetanus
b) Diarrohoea
c) Jaundice
d) Dysentery
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

54) In the stomach, gastric acid is secreted by the :

a) Gastrin secreting cells
b) Parietal cells
c) Peptic cells
d) Acidic cells
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

55) Gastric juice of infants contains:

a) Pepsinogen, lipase, Rennin
b) Amylase, lipase, pepsinogen
c) Maltase, Pepsinogen, rennin
d) Nuclease, Pepsinogen, lipase
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

56) Most digestion and absorption of food takes place in

a) stomach
b) small intestine
c) Large intestine
d) Caecum
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

57) Severe malnutrition and energy deficiency leads to

a) Marasmus
b) Kwashiorkor
c) Hypercholesterolemia
d) Under nutrition
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

58) Trypsin differs from pepsin because it digests

a) Carbohydrate in alkaline medium in stomach
b) Protein, in alkaline medium in stomach
c) Protein, in acidic medium of stomach
d) protein, in alkaline medium in duodenum
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

59) Out of following, how many structures belong to tongue?

1) Frenulum
2) Papillae
3) Involuntary muscles
4) Parotid salivary gland
5) Taste buds
a) 2 b) 3
c) 4 d) 5
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

60) Major function of HCI of gastric juice is

a) Facilitate absorption of food
b) kill microorganisms
c) Dissolve food
d) providing acidic medium for pepsin
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY

61) Bilirubin and biliverdin are found in

a) Blood
b) bile
c) Pancreatic juice
d) Saliva
Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY
1 c) Vitamins 14 b) Paneth cells

2 c) Pharynx 15 d) 1000-1500 mL

3 c) 20 16 d) A – C – D – B
4 b) Oesophagus 17 c) A-2 B-1 C-3

5 a) 1. 5 – 3 . 0 18 c) Gall bladder

6 d) Intestines. 19 b) 6.8
7 c) Mucosa 20 b) Submucosa
8 c) Thecodont 21 d) Microvilli
9 c) Enamel 22 c) Bile
10 b) Intestinal juice 23 b) Caesin into paracaesin
11 c) Carbohydrates, proteins and fats 24 c) Fatty acids
12 d) 32 25 a) Maltase, Glucose

13 a) 1. 5 - 3.0 26 b) A-3 B-2 C-1

Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY
27 A) i – r, ii – s, iii – p, iv – q 41 a) Lysozyme
28 c) smooth movement of food down the 42 c) 30%
29 a) large intestine 43 c) 2123/2123
30 a) Serosa 44 c) Pepsinogen
31 c) Conversion of trypsinogen into trypsin 45 b) Ileum
32 d) Excretion of waste 46 c) Bile duct
33 a) parotid liver pancreas conccum 47 c) Indigestion
vermiform appendix
34 c) Passage of bolus into oesophagus 48 c) infants less than year is age
35 d) Saliva. 49 a) Trypsinogen is an inactive enzyme
36 a) Amylase 50 b) A-4 B-1 C-5 D-2 E-3

37 c) Emulsification of fat 51 a) Facilitated transport

38 b) Kwashiorkor 52 b) Rennin

39 c) kcal/g 53 a) Tetanus

40 b) 5.65 kcal/g 54 b) Parietal cells

Biology at Ease
Digestion & Absorption QUIZ NEET BIOLOGY
55 a) Pepsinogen, lipase, Rennin
56 b) small intestine

57 a) Marasmus
58 d) protein, in alkaline medium in duodenum
59 b) 3
60 d) providing acidic medium for pepsin
61 b) bile

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