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Professor: Renato

Taboada Ruiz

Can/ could/ would for offers, requests and invitations

I. Match the questions with the responses.

Well, actually, my mum's not feeling well. Maybe another time.

Oh, I'd love to, thank you.
Yes, sure. Where do you want to put it?
Oh, yes, please! Could you?
I'm sorry, I'm not from around here.
I suppose so. But I need it back before Friday.
Yes, of course. Here you go.
No, I’m OK, thanks, I’ve just had one.
Would you like to come for lunch this weekend?
Oh, I'd love to, thank you.
Can you help me with this table a moment?
Yes, sure. Where do you want to put it?
Could you tell me where the nearest bank is, please?
I'm sorry, I'm not from around here.
Would you like me to ask my brother?
Oh, yes, please! Could you?
Can I come round to your house later?
Well, actually, my mum's not feeling well. Maybe another time.
Could you lend me £20, please?
Yes, of course. Here you go.
Can I get you a cup of tea?
No, I’m OK, thanks, I’ve just had one.
II. Choose the best modal for each sentence

1. Student: ___ help me with my homework, please?

Teacher: Of course!
a.     Could you

b.      May you

c.      Could you please

2. Teacher, ______________ explain this grammar to me

again, please?
a.      you will

b.      could you

c.      you may

3. Teacher: Marco, ______________ erase the blackboard for

Marco: _________________, teacher.
a.      you can / Of course

b.      Would you please / Yes, of course

c.      you will / Yes, cortinal

4. A: _________ you show me how to use this computer

B: _________________. How can I help?
a.     Could / I would happy to

b.     Can / I'd be glad to

c.     Can / I be glad to
5. Charlotte, ______________ send me the document by
a.      Would you please

b.      Would please you

c.     You could

6. Sandy, ________________ photocopy these letters right

a.      do you can

b.      can you

c.      may you

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