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Nowadays, with the

development of society, our life

and working pressure are
greater and greater. In this
way, a lot of people have
become smokers. They know
the harmful of smoking, but
they just could not get rid of it.
The number of smokers
increase every year, the worse
thing is that some smoker
didn’t realized they had bad
effect on others. Smoking is a
serious problem because it
harms to our health, social life,
and environment.
First, smoking is bad for our
health. As we start smoking, it’s
so difficult to give up, because
the tobacco contains a drug
called nicotine, which can get
us into the habit of smoking.
When we go without nicotine,
our bodies will feel sick and can
cause many diseases such as
lung cancer, high blood
pressure, and heart attack.
second, smoking in a public
place may causes serious
environmental pollution. This
kind of pollution may affect our
planet and cause a lot of
environmental problems such
as global warming, acid rain, air
pollution, climate change and
many affects to both human
and animal. Furthermore,
smoking is so dangerous. When
we smoke in bed, we may kill
ourselves as well as burn down
our house, for burning cigarette
ends may cause a big fire. And
if we threw the cigarette ends
anywhere, it would also cause a
fire disaster.

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