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Torqued and conventional cantilever for

uprighting mesially impacted molars:
A 3-dimensional finite element analysis
rgio Estelita Barros,a Juliana Faria,a Katherine Jaramillo Cevallos,a Kelly Chiqueto,a Leonardo Machado,b
and Pedro Noritomib
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, and Campinas, S~ao Paulo, Brazil

Introduction: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the torqued cantilever (TC) and conven-
tional tip-back cantilever (CC) made of stainless steel (SS) and titanium-molybdenum alloy (TMA) on the
uprighting of mesially impacted mandibular molars using three-dimensional finite element analysis. Methods:
The 3-dimensional mandibular model included part of the mandible with mesially tipped and impacted
mandibular second molar, periodontal ligament (PDL), molar tube, mini-implant, and cantilevers. Four finite
element method models (TC-SS, TC-TMA, CC-SS, and CC-TMA) were created to simulate different
skeletally anchored uprighting mechanics. CC mechanics involved a known 0.019 3 0.025-in helical
cantilever acting on a buccal molar tube. TC mechanics included a 0.019 3 0.025-in cantilever capable of
producing mesial root torque by acting on a tube positioned on the molar disto-occlusal surface with the slot
in a buccolingual direction. Three-dimensional molar displacement and stress distribution on the molar PDL
were recorded. Results: The SS cantilever produced almost twice as much molar displacement as the TMA.
TC mechanics showed more evident mesial displacement of the molar root apexes. CC mechanics had greater
molar rotation. TC uprighting moment produced greater molar mesial extrusion and greater intrusion of the distal
root apex. The dual deflection system of the TC mechanics induced the lowest stress on the PDL, regardless of
the metallic alloy. Conclusions: TC delivered a more efficient uprighting moment to the molar with less un-
wanted tooth movement and stress on the PDL and a more accessible site for bonding the molar tube. (Am J
Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2022;162:e203-e215)

econd molar impaction is relatively rare in the second molar, and unwanted effects of e-space preser-
general population (0.03%-0.30%) but is more vation by a passive lingual arch or lip bumper.1,2,7,8
frequent in the orthodontic population (2%- Many techniques and devices can be used to upright
3%).1-4 In general, impacted mandibular second impacted molars, which can be tooth or bone-
molars are mesially tipped with partial or total anchored.5,9-24 Nowadays, the use of mini-implants to
impaction.2,5,6 This eruption disturbance can be caused provide direct or indirect skeletal anchorage for mandib-
by posterior mandibular arch length deficiency, loss of ular molar uprighting is welcome, avoiding unwanted
the adjacent first molar, early eruption of the mandibular tooth movements, as well as preparation and stabiliza-
third molar, unfavorable mesial eruption pathway of the tion of the anchorage unit.1,16,24 However, to the au-
thors’ knowledge, the 3-dimensional (3D) effects of
skeletally anchored tip-back cantilevers have not been
Division of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio Grande
do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Division of Technologies for Produc- Tip-back cantilever is one of the most widely used or-
tion and Health, Renato Archer Center for Information Technology, Campinas, thodontic techniques for mandibular molar uprighting,
S~ao Paulo, Brazil.
especially when some degree of molar extrusion is al-
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po-
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. lowed during uprighting mechanics.11,19-21 In general,
Address correspondence to: Sergio Estelita Barros, Division of Orthodontics, Fac- tip-back cantilevers are attached to an orthodontic
ulty of Dentistry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Rua Ramiro Barcelos,
tube positioned on the buccal surface of the tipped
2492, Bairro Santana, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul 90035-003, Brazil; e-mail, molar. However, most of the deeply impacted and mesi-
Submitted, February 2022; revised and accepted, July 2022. ally tipped mandibular molars do not present adequate
exposure to their buccal surface, preventing the bonding
Ó 2022 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. of a molar tube at this location.2,17,25,26 In this case,

e204 Barros et al

Fig 1. Mesh of tetrahedral elements in the preprocessing stage.

uprighting mechanics, must be modified to avoid the

Table I. Mechanical properties attributed to the struc-
need for surgical exposure of the molar buccal surface.17
tures of the geometric model
Therefore, alternative mandibular molar uprighting
techniques involving the bonding of orthodontic acces- Structures Young’s modulus (MPa) Poisson coefficient
sories on the disto-occlusal surface of the impacted Tooth49 20000 0.30
molars have been proposed.14,17,27-32 PDL49 0.71 0.40
Cortical bone50 13700 0.26
More recently, innovative uprighting mechanics were Trabecular bone50 1370 0.30
proposed using a skeletally anchored torqued cantilever SS50 200000 0.30
(TC) made of stainless steel (SS) rectangular wire. In this Titanium36 115000 0.35
technique, a molar tube is bonded to the distal marginal TMA51 69000 0.30
ridge of the mesially impacted molar and rotated 90 to
direct the slot buccolingually, allowing mesiodistal
movement of the roots by cantilever torque activation.25 comparing tip-back cantilevers made of SS and TMA,
The torqued cantilever has been successfully used in this research evaluated the mechanical effects produced
different centers, especially to treat severe patients by torqued25,26 and conventional tip-back cantile-
with mesially tipped and deeply impacted mandibular vers,19-21 both skeletally anchored and made of 2
molars.25,26 However, the clinical impact of changes in different metal alloys (SS and TMA), using 3D finite
the molar tube location and orientation and in gener- element analysis.
ating the force moment is difficult to predict and has
not yet been 3-dimensionally evaluated.
Initially, tip-back cantilevers were made of SS rectan- The mandibular geometry was obtained from a data-
gular wire.11 Titanium-molybdenum alloy (TMA; base of the Information Technology Center (ITC), Cam-
Ormco/Sybron, Orange, Calif) was only introduced in pinas, Brazil. The technique applied for representation of
the early 1980s for orthodontic applications.33 Its high the physical model was created using the BioCAD proto-
strength and springiness combination provides excellent col,34,35 which was developed using computer-aided
energy storage for auxiliary springs as cantilevers.33 design (CAD) software to generate a model extracted
However, even today, SS tip-back cantilevers are still from the interpolation of multiple tomographies, main-
used for molar uprighting.1,13 Although the tip-back taining the universal anatomic marks.
cantilever technique can be performed with different Computed tomography scans were segmented into a
metal alloys, a 3D study comparing the mechanical stereolithography mesh using the Invesalius software
effects of SS and TMA tip-back cantilevers for molar (version 3.0; ITC, Campinas, Brazil). Then, the meshes
uprighting has not yet been performed. were interpolated into a mixed anatomic geometry, us-
Considering the absence of three-dimensional studies ing anatomic landmarks guided by an anatomy atlas,
comparing the mechanical effects of the skeletally which allowed working with real anatomic parameters.
anchored torqued and conventional cantilevers for molar This mixed model was converted into a CAD model using
uprighting, as well as the absence of 3D studies the Rhinoceros 3D software (version 5.0 SR8; McNeel

October 2022  Vol 162  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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Fig 2. Finite element method models comprise bone, teeth, PDL, molar tube, mini-implant, and
tip-back cantilevers. TC and CC made of SS and TMA were evaluated.

Engineering, Inc) finite elements tools. The model struc-

Table II. The number of finite element analysis ele-
tures were determined with specific properties (Table I),
ments and nodes per model
and the simulated materials had elastic, isotropic, and
TC CC uniform characteristics. As indicated in previous studies,
Models SS TMA SS TMA a 0.30 mm thick layer around molar roots was created to
No. of elements 3.360.166 3.360.166 3.741.574 3.741.574 represent the periodontal ligament (PDL), and a cortical
Number of nodes 838.210 838.210 1.056.579 1.056.579 bone thickness of 2 mm was adopted to represent the
mandibular cortical layer.36,37
Two skeletally anchored tip-back cantilevers for up-
North America, Seattle, Wash). This procedure preserved righting mesially impacted second molars, torqued
the anatomic landmarks and created the base model to cantilever (TC)25,26 and conventional tip-back cantilever
set up the anatomic geometry under study. The 3D (CC),19 were analyzed. The performance of both cantile-
mandibular model used in this study extended from vers was analyzed by varying the mechanical properties
the retromolar area to the permanent canine region of their metallic alloys to simulate TMA and SS charac-
and included only the second molar with mesial tipping teristics. Thus, 4 models (TC-TMA, TC-SS, CC-TMA,
of 35 , simulating a mesially tipped and impacted and CC-SS) were obtained for comparative analysis
mandibular molar (Fig 1). Then, it was imported into (Fig 2). The number of elements was equivalent for all
the Rhinoceros software (version 5.0 SR8; McNeel North geometries with a slight variation only for the cantilever
America). type. The conventional tip-back cantilever model had
The finite element model was generated in the Hy- more elements because of its longer wire extension,
permesh software (Altair Hypermesh; Altair Engineering, but there was no difference in the number of elements
Inc, Detroit, Mich) to set up the meshing process and between the different metallic alloys (Table II).
boundary conditions. In this step, the material properties A 3D geometric model of the mini-implant and the
(Table I) and constraints of the model were defined, such molar tube was created with the CAD model using the
as fixation areas, symmetry (mathematical representa- Rhinoceros software (version 5.0 SR8; McNeel North
tion of another half of the model), and contacts relating America). The mini-implant morphologic and dimen-
to the software and the interaction area between meshes sional characteristics selected for this study were based
(Fig 1). After setting the mesh, materials properties, and on a cylindrical mini-implant with a length of 7 mm
boundary conditions, the logic was defined to replicate and a thread diameter of 1.5 mm. The mini-implants
the model activation, which requires moving the canti- were inserted at a 90 to the bone surface to allow easier
lever arm to the mini-implant position, generating isolation of the bone-implant block. The mini-implant
reaction forces in the cantilever that tension the bracket was assumed to be rigid and positioned in the interradic-
and move the tooth. ular space between the first and second mandibular pre-
The geometric model was subjected to mathematical molars on the side of the impacted second molar. The
analysis using Altair HyperWorks 2019 (Altair molar tube design was simulated using a 0.022 3

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics October 2022  Vol 162  Issue 4
e206 Barros et al

Fig 3. Three-dimensional molar displacement produced by the TC and CC made with SS and TMA.
Hot colors, largest displacements (in mm); cold colors, smallest displacements (in mm).

that displaced the cantilever arm to the mini-implant,

Table III. Molar displacement values (mm)
transferring the induced tension in the cantilever arm
Model Y-axis X-axis Z-axis Total to the tooth. In both mechanics, the cantilever activation
TC-SS 0.00736 0.00346 0.00533 0.00827 was such that the distance from the activated cantilever
CC-SS 0.00689 0.00425 0.00462 0.00824 arm to the mini-implant produced a similar uprighting
TC-TMA 0.00443 0.00209 0.00319 0.00497
CC-TMA 0.00408 0.00252 0.00272 0.00489
force on the second molar. The models were analyzed
for 3D molar displacement and maximum principal
stress induced on the PDL. Molar displacement was ex-
0.028-in Edgewise tube, which was positioned at pressed in millimeters, whereas stress was recorded in
different tooth crown locations for each molar upright- megapascal.
ing mechanics. The TC mechanics had the molar tube
positioned on the occlusal surface, close to the distal RESULTS
marginal ridge of the mesially impacted second molar. The general pattern of 3D molar displacement pro-
The tube was rotated 90 to direct the slot buccolin- duced by the same cantilever made with different
gually, allowing mesiodistal movement of the roots by metallic alloys (SS and TMA) was similar (Fig 3).
cantilever torque activation.25,26 The usual molar tube Although the cantilever material did not influence the
position on the buccal surface of the second molar was molar displacement pattern, the SS cantilever produced
applied for the CC mechanics. almost twice as much molar displacement as the TMA
The cantilevers were created and modeled on the ba- cantilever (Table III; Fig 3). The predicted molar displace-
sis of rectangular wires (0.019 3 0.025-in) using the 3D ment can be assessed on the basis of the direction of the
modeling software (version 5.0 SR8; Rhinoceros; McNeel displacement vectors (Fig 4).
North America). The TC arm was activated by torquing Both cantilever mechanics produced a total molar
the end of the cantilever inserted into the molar tube. displacement that included distolingual rotation, mesio-
The conventional cantilever arm was activated by open- distal uprighting, extrusion, and lingual tipping. Despite
ing the helical spring close to the molar tube. these similarities, TC and CC cantilever mechanics
The models were analyzed for the 3D displacement of showed some individualities when the 3D molar
the second molar, which was produced by the effort of displacement vectors were distinctly evaluated.
reaction to tensioning the cantilever structures. To repli- Distal displacement of the second molar was observed
cate this complex movement, a nonlinear static simula- in both mechanics, but it was more intense and consistent
tion was performed in 3 simulation steps to represent the with a couple of moment movements in TC mechanics
large displacement of the cantilever. Once the activated (Table III; Figs 4 and 5). TC mechanics showed the more
cantilever arm position was reached (Fig 2), the first step evident mesial movement of the mesial and distal root
was to move the cantilever arm to the mini-implant level. apexes of the second molar (Figs 4 and 5). In addition,
The second step joined the end of the cantilever arm to the distal displacement produced by TC mechanics was
the mini-implant, activating a fixed contact between greater and more concentrated in the tooth crown (Figs
their surfaces. Finally, the third step released the force 4 and 5). This set of differences in tooth displacement

October 2022  Vol 162  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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Fig 4. Buccal and occlusal view of molar displacement vectors produced by TC and CC.

may explain the better performance of TC mechanics for PDL, the tensile stress was predominantly located on
molar uprighting (See Video, available at mesial surfaces, whereas the compressive stress was
Three-dimensional molar displacement evaluation more prevalent on distal surfaces (Fig 9). However, this
showed that both cantilevers (TC and CC) were prone to tensile and compressive stress distribution was prone
cause distolingual molar rotation but with different to invert toward the root apex with areas of compressive
fulcrum positions (Figs 6 and 7). In general, the rotation and tensile stress on the mesial and distal root surfaces,
fulcrum followed the long axis of the second molar in characterizing the total periodontal stress resulting from
both mechanics, but it was more distally displaced and the couple moment produced by the molar uprighting
buccolingually centralized in CC mechanics than in TC process (Fig 9). In addition, this stress distribution
mechanics (Fig 7). The molar rotation produced by CC me- pattern was more evident in TC mechanics than in CC
chanics was more intense (Table III; Fig 6) and associated mechanics. Both mechanics could see the tensile and
with greater buccal displacement of the mesial portion of compressive stresses associated with the distolingual
the second molar because of the fulcrum position (Figs 4 molar rotation near the furcation area.
and 7; See Video, available at
The second molar extrusion was observed on the DISCUSSION
buccal side, whereas the lingual side showed a down- Finite element analyses were performed between 2
ward displacement, confirming that the uprighting pro- different tip-back cantilevers for molar uprighting,
cess in both mechanics was associated with molar which were made of 2 different metallic alloys. Consid-
lingual tipping (Fig 8). The TC mechanics showed greater ering Lagravere’s recent guidance on the rationale for
mesial extrusion and greater intrusion of the distal root the finite element method study,38 the authors consider
apex (Table III; Fig 8). Again, this movement composi- that this 3D study can bring relevant advances to clinical
tion may help to explain the improved performance of practice and help solve some clinical limitations of the
TC mechanics for second molar mesiodistal uprighting. conventional tip-back cantilever for uprighting deeply
The maximum and minimum principal stress induced impacted mandibular molars.25,26 Although the general
by the SS cantilever on the PDL was greater than that pattern of 3D molar displacement produced by the
induced by the TMA cantilever (Table IV; Fig 9). The same type of cantilever made with different metallic al-
PDL stress generated by the TC was slightly lower loys (SS and TMA) was quite similar, the results showed
(Table IV). Starting from the cervical portion of the that the SS cantilever produced greater molar

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics October 2022  Vol 162  Issue 4
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Fig 5. Buccal and lingual view of molar displacement produced in mesiodistal direction (y-axis, molar
uprighting) by TC and CC made with SS and TMA. Positive values, distal tooth displacement (in mm);
negative values, mesial displacement (in mm).

displacement and higher stress on the PDL. These find- were similar for both cantilevers, the 3D evaluation
ings can be explained by the higher stiffness and showed that the type of tooth movement was not the
maximum bending moment of SS springs compared same because of mechanical peculiarities inherent to
with TMA springs, influencing the release of orthodontic each cantilever, such as line of force action, force moment,
force because of less efficient energy storage.39,40 rotation center, and tipping control.
The most widespread biomechanical effects of the tip- In the mesiodistal direction (y-axis), the TC produced a
back cantilevers involve two-dimensional molar changes, distal displacement of the molar that was greater and
namely molar distal tipping (mesiodistal plane) and extru- more concentrated in the tooth crown (distal crown
sion (vertical plane).16,19,22,24,41,42 However, other less tipping) than the conventional cantilever. In addition,
emphasized side effects such as molar rotation and bucco- only the TC produced an evident mesial movement of
lingual tipping have also been reported because tip-back the mesial and distal root apexes of the second molar.
cantilevers act far from the center of resistance of the These findings suggest that the force moment produced
molar, producing displacement vectors in all 3 spatial by the TC in the mesiodistal direction was associated
planes.11,21,43,44 In this study, torqued and conventional with a greater root torque effect than that produced by
cantilevers produced molar displacements that included the conventional cantilever, causing immediate mesial
mesiodistal uprighting, extrusion, distolingual rotation, root tipping during molar uprighting. Because mesial
and lingual tipping. Although the displacement directions root tipping is often desired to upright mesially impacted

October 2022  Vol 162  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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Fig 6. Buccal and lingual view of molar displacement produced in buccolingual direction (x-axis, molar
rotation) by torqued and conventional cantilevers made with SS and TMA. Positive values, lingual tooth
displacement (in mm); negative values, buccal displacement (in mm).

molars, the TC may be a more advantageous option.1 In of the rectangular wire combined with its vertical deflec-
addition, the immediate distal tipping of the crown pro- tion over the mesial contact area will produce a distaliz-
duced by the TC seems to be beneficial for unlocking ing force vector, in addition to the couple, which changes
mesial molar impaction,25,26 avoiding the need for a 2- the rotation center of the molar, reducing the mesial
step uprighting process, which requires distalizing forces tipping movement of the root. When the distal move-
from an open-coil spring before cantilever mechanics.13 ment of the molar is completely constrained by tying
The restricted mesial root tipping in conventional the molar tube to the anterior segment with a ligature
cantilever mechanics may be related to the initial phase wire, the rotation center shifts to an ideal location (ie,
of tooth movement portrayed by the finite element anal- at the molar tube) during molar uprighting with a con-
ysis, not considering the subsequent changes in this force ventional cantilever, benefiting mesial root tipping
system.43 It should be considered that during the action movement.43 In contrast, the third-order moment gener-
of the conventional tip-back cantilever, the play between ated by the TC acts on the occlusal molar tube, torquing it
the molar tube and the rectangular wire allows the free without the previously described contact between the
mesiodistal inclination of the wire inside the slot, forming conventional cantilever wire and the buccal molar tube
2 contact areas (mesial/distal) between the slot and the in a second-order direction.
rectangular wire.45,46 It can be speculated that, when Torqued and conventional cantilevers produced
the cantilever is activated, this mesiodistal inclination distolingual molar rotation (x-axis). The occurrence of

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics October 2022  Vol 162  Issue 4
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Fig 7. Occlusal view of total molar displacement produced by torqued and conventional cantilevers
made with different SS and TMA. Cold colors, rotation fulcrum occurring during molar uprighting.
Displacement was expressed in millimeters.

distolingual rotation during the uprighting process of tipped molars can benefit from the motion composition
mesially tipped molars has already been reported.17,43,44 involving distal tipping and extrusion.19,22,24,26 Torqued
However, in this study, the position of the rotation and conventional cantilevers caused molar extrusion
fulcrum was not similar to the evaluated cantilever me- (z-axis). The TC showed greater extrusion of the mesial
chanics. The more distal and buccally displaced fulcrum segment of the molar crown. However, it also produced
associated with the conventional cantilever produced greater intrusion of the distal root apex. These findings
greater rotation and buccal displacement of the mesial suggest that the TC delivered more efficient uprighting
portion of the second molar. This finding may be associ- mechanics to the molar. Thus, the extrusion associated
ated with the previously discussed distalizing force vector with the TC was more mesially located and mostly asso-
produced by the conventional cantilever, which acts ciated with the moment generated by the coupling of
buccally to the center of resistance of the molar, encour- forces used for molar uprighting.
aging its distal rotation.17 Despite the lower potential to A less emphasized side effect of uprighting me-
cause molar distolingual rotation, a buccal eccentric chanics is the molar lingual tipping because the extru-
force can occur even when the molar tube is positioned sion force vector is buccally displaced in relation to the
on the distal marginal ridge of the mesially impacted center of resistance of the molar. In general, the down-
molar, as in the TC because of the buccal position of ward displacement of the lingual aspect of the molar
the mini-implant.16 In this case, an antirotation bend crown was more intense in the conventional cantilever
can be incorporated at the end of the TC to generate a mechanics, suggesting a greater molar lingual rolling
force moment that further minimizes the side effect of associated with this uprighting method. It has been pro-
distolingual molar rotation.17 However, when the mesi- posed that mini-implants that anchor the uprighting
ally impacted molar is already distobuccally rotated, dis- mechanics should be vertically inserted in the bone crest,
tolingual rotation associated with uprighting mechanics in the middle of the buccolingual width of the tipped
may be clinically advantageous. molar, and the orthodontic force should be centered
Molar extrusion is a well-known side effect associ- on the distal marginal ridge to contribute to controlling
ated with most uprighting mechanics.11,16,19,21,22,43,44 the buccolingual molar tipping during the uprighting
Although molar extrusion is an undesirable side effect process.16 Although the mini-implants were inserted
because of the vertical movement of its center of resis- perpendicularly to the buccal bone in this study, the
tance when the tipped molar has already reached the TC action occurred in the middle of the distal marginal
functional occlusal plane, deeply impacted and mesially ridge of the tipped molar where the molar tube is

October 2022  Vol 162  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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Fig 8. Buccal and lingual view of molar displacement produced in apico-occlusal direction (z-axis,
molar extrusion) by TC and CC made with SS and TMA. Positive values, upward displacement (in
mm); negative values, downward displacement (in mm).

molar, as opening a large space between the second

Table IV. Principal stress values on the PDL
and first molars may not be interesting.1,25 However,
Maximum principal stress Minimum principal stress mesial root movement involves an extensive root apex
displacement, which has been considered more difficult
Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum
Model (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) to achieve than tooth crown tipping and associated
TC-SS 0.44 0.23 0.38 0.27 with increased external apical root resorption.47,48 It
CC-SS 0.51 0.23 0.42 0.27 should also be considered that the cantilever spring
TC-TMA 0.26 0.14 0.22 0.16 was the molar uprighting technique that generated
CC-TMA 0.30 0.14 0.24 0.17 the greatest strain on the molar roots when 4 different
techniques were compared in a previous study.42 Thus,
the lower periodontal stress produced by the TMA alloy
bonded. This molar tube location brought the line of may be preferable to SS, especially if the mesially tipped
force action closer to the center of resistance of the molar needs to be uprighted primarily at the expense of
molar, reducing the undesirable tendency for molar mesial root movement. Another clinically relevant
lingual rolling because of a vertical eccentric force. finding was that the TC does not require the addition
In general, the uprighting of a mesially impacted of helices to achieve the desired load/deflection rate
mandibular molar is more focused on mesial root move- for tooth movement. This is because the activation of
ment than on uncontrolled distal displacement of the a conventional cantilever produces a known vertical

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics October 2022  Vol 162  Issue 4
e212 Barros et al

Fig 9. Maximum and minimum principal stress show tensile and compressive stress distribution pro-
duced by TC and CC made with SS and TMA on the molar PDL. Positive values, tensile stress (in MPa);
negative values, compressive stress (in MPa).

deflection of its lever arm, whereas the TC activation unnecessary.25 This novel deflection system may have
produces a torsional deflection of the rectangular wire contributed to the slightly lower stress on the PDL
that occurs along with the vertical deflection.25 This generated by the TC (Table IV). Thus, when the TC
dual deflection system of the TC reduces the load- deflection system occurred in the TMA alloy, the lowest
deflection rate, making the use of helical loops stress of the PDL was obtained.

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Fig 10. Clinical application of TC and CC: A, After losing the mandibular left first molar, the patient had
the mandibular second molar mesially tipped, whereas the third molar was impacted and severely tip-
ped to mesial; E and F, Because of the restricted clinical access, the TC was indicated for uprighting the
third molar; B, C, and G, After third molar disimpaction and uprighting to a position similar to the erupted
second molar (B), a CC was used to upright both molars simultaneously (C and G); D, H, I, and J, After
alignment and closure of the residual space (H and I), the second and third molars reached a successful
clinical and radiographic position (D and J).

In general, on the distal surface of the second objective of accessing the buccal crown surface can be
molar, both cantilevers produced compressive stress avoided because the distal cusps are usually more acces-
in the cervical area of the PDL with tensile stress in sible without or with less need for surgical exposure.2,17
the apical area. Opposite stresses were produced on In addition, placing a molar tube on the distal marginal
the mesial surface. A previous study also reported ridge in a buccolingual direction facilitates the bonding
similar results that evaluated tooth movement pro- process and buccal insertion of the right-angled distal
duced by a cantilever spring for molar uprighting.44 end of the uprighting cantilever.17,25,26
However, it should be emphasized that this stress dis-
tribution pattern was more evident and clearly defined CONCLUSIONS
in the TC than in conventional cantilever mechanics.
This is likely because the couple moment produced 1. The 3D molar displacement pattern was not influ-
by the TC was less affected by the tensile and compres- enced by metallic alloy (SS and TMA).
sive fields generated by other unwanted force vectors, 2. The cantilever made of SS produced the greatest
suggesting a better clinical performance for molar up- molar displacement and the highest stress on the
righting. PDL, regardless of the cantilever type.
The findings of this study suggest that the TC produces 3. The cantilever type (torqued and conventional can-
similar biomechanical effects as those produced by the tilevers) influenced the 3D displacement pattern and
conventional cantilever, with specific advantages such as periodontal stress distribution of the mesially
a better-defined molar uprighting movement and more impacted molar.
controlled unwanted tooth displacement. Nevertheless, 4. TC delivered more efficient uprighting mechanics to
as exemplified in the clinical case of Figure 10, the greatest the molar.
clinical advance of the TC is to allow uprighting biome- 5. Unwanted molar movements during the uprighting
chanical effects similar to those produced by the conven- process were better controlled by the TC.
tional cantilever to be applied to deeply impacted molars, 6. The dual deflection system of the TC contributed to
whose buccal surface of the crown is not accessible intra- the lowest stress on the molar PDL, regardless of its
orally.25,26 Thus, surgical interventions with the specific metallic alloy.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics October 2022  Vol 162  Issue 4
e214 Barros et al

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics October 2022  Vol 162  Issue 4

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