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1. China is the world's ___ largest country.


2. In maps, what is the shape of China looks like? A rooster

3. What are the 14 countries that bordered China? Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Burma, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan,
Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakstan, Mongolia, and Russia.

4. People tend to divide China into 4 regions, what are those regions? North, South, Northwest and the Qinghai-Tibetan

5. What is the Largest lake in China? Qinghai Lake

6. What are the 3 cities comprises by Wuhan? Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang

7. Dalian has a reputation as a ___, ___, and ___."city of Athletics", "city of Fashion" and "city of Soccer

8. How long is the Jinshi Beach? about 7.5 kilometers long

9. The ____ Dessert runs west to east along the border with Mongolia. Gobi dessert

10. What Country is in the north of China? Mongolia

1) What are the two meaning of China in english? China as a country and China as a porcelain

2) When did pottery appear in China? As early as six or seven thousand years ago

3) When did the porcelain manufacturing techniques develop? After the eastern Han dynasty (25-279 AD)

4) Where is the 'Capital of Porcelain'?Jingdezhen of Jiangxi

5) Chinese fan came into being during these period about 3,00 years ago.Shang and Zhou dynasties

6) What is the feature of Chinese fans?Painted with pictures or carry calligraphic pictures

7) It is a renowned traditional Chinese handicraft dating back more than 3,000 years.Embroidery

It is also known as inlaid enamel, is one of the renowned arts and crafts made in Beijing. Cloisonné or Jingtai Lan

9) How many processing method it requires to complete the cloisonné?30

10) Who invented the paper kite? Li Ye

1.Emperor Taizong won the support of all minority peoples by adopting___________ toward them. relatively
enlightened policies

2.-3. During what dynasty was the economy of China prospered exchanges with the outside world? What are the
achievements appeared ?Sui and Tang dynasty frequent and glorious scientific and cultural achievements ..

4.-5. During what period does the society was stable and commerce? What thing is developed?

Kaiyuan period /transportation

6. What is the capital of Tang dynasty?Chang'an

7. Why Chinese people are called "people of Tang" by their neighbors?because of the Tang dynasty's enormous
international influence

8. When does Emperor Gaozong dies?in 683

9.________________,located where the Grand canals meets the Yangtze River?Yangzhou

10._______________ was an outstanding woman in Chinese history?Wu Zetian

1.) What is the largest basin in China? Tarim Basin

2.) What plateau is reputed to be "The roof of the world"? Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

3.) The coldest place is _________ in the farthest north of Heilongjiang. Mohe Prefecture

4.) What is the biggest desert in China? .Taklamakan Desert

5.) The place with the greatest number of foggy days is _______. Mount Emei (Sichuan Province)

6.) The deepest lake is the ________ on Baitou Mountain. Heavenly Pond

7.) What is the biggest freshwater lake in China? Poyang lake.

8.) What port had the largest annual handling capacity? Shanghai port.

9.) The coal mine with the highest annual output is the _________. Datong Coal Mine

10.) What province had the largest population with 92.56million people by November 1,2000? .) Henan Province

1. Who paint the riverside scene on the pure brightness festival? zhang zeduan

2.The painting in new collection of the palace museum in beijing is divided into three part. What shows the first part?
shows a team of pack mules plodding along the river bank in the morning light

3.How many years that Sima Guang wrote a history of China? 19 years

4. What invention of Sima Guang? Alarm pillow

5.Su Shi is also known by his literary name ______ Dongpo

6. Where this Li Qingzhao born? Jinan,shandong province

7.During the period of the Qin and Han what did they make to connect china with the Roman Empire and the
western world as a whole. Silk road

8. Who is the first emperor in chinese history? Qinshihuang

9.Who established the first united multi-ethnic feudal country on chinese soil. Qinshihuang

10. How many people were embarass with the Qins territory. 20 million people

1.What is the most famous tourist spot in Hangzhou? West Lake

2.What is the biggest river bore in the world? Bore of the Qiantang River

3.The sun island is a sand island in the middle of the_____. Songhua River

4.What is the representative scenic spot in Dalian? Jinshi Beach

5.When is the Yellow Crane Tower first built? 223

6.What is the biggest park in Guangzhou? Yuexio Park

7.It is one of the oldest building in China. The Temple of Honor and Filial Piety

8.It is a three-story square building located by Lake Dian. The Grand View Tower

9.It was built in the 7th century and is the first temple built by Songtsen Gampo to commemorate the arrival of
Princess Wencheng. Jokhang Temple
10.It is a world famous palatial architecture complex and lists by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage.Potala

1.What religous organization does Hong Xiuquan set up in 1843? GOD WORSHIP SOCIETY

2.Who led and organized the xiang(hunan province) army? ZENG GUOFAN

3.Who are known to history of the "six-gentlemen of wuxu"?TAN SITONG, KANG GUANGREN,& FOUR OTHER LEADING

4.What does the foreign powers forced the qing government to sign?PROTOCOL OF 1901

5.According to the protocol of 1901, how many taels of silver does the qing government had to pay to the invaders as
war reparations over a 39 year period ?980 MILLION(WITH PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST)

6.When did hong xiuquan died because of illness? JUNE 3,1864

7.How many rifles and cannons did the Taiping army routed to the attackers on 1860?2000RIFLES & A DOZEN OF

8.When did the Sino-Japanese war ended with the Qing dynasty suing for peace ? IN JANUARY 1895

9.What did the china and Japanese signed for peace?TREATY OF SHIMONOSEKI

10.Who was a concubine of emperor Xianfeng? EMPRESS DOWAGER CIXI

1.Who became a general of the Han Dynasty that was so poor that he couldn’t afford to eat? . Han Xin

2.Who is the son of Fan Zhongyan of the Song Dynasty? Fan Yaotu

3.Who established the kingdom of Shu? Liu Bei

4.Who founded the Kingdom of Wu? Sun Quan

5.Whose life is often a common theme in folk art that is also man outstanding statesman, strategist and man of letters of
the late Eastern Han Dynasty? . Cao Cao

6.Who is the descendant of the royal family of the Jin Dynasty? Sima Rui

7.Who is the Emperor of Northern Wei effected reforms, decreeing the adoption of the native Chinese institutions,
language and costume? Xiaowen

8-9 Name the two son of Cao Cao. Cao Pi, Cao Zhi

10. Who launched six expeditions northward aimed at overthrowing Wei and unifying the country, but failed

Xiaowen? Zhuge Liang

1.This is one of the great four invention of ancient China. Compass*

2.He invented the movable-type printing. Bi Sheng

3.The great calligrapher of the Eastern Jin China.*Wang Xizhi*

5. Chinas movable-type printing first areas into what countries?*Korea and Japan*

6.It is the fine tradition of the Chinese Nation.*Respect the aged care for the Young *

7.More than 2,000 years ago __________ later became a general of Han Dynasty *Han Xin*

8._________also a honest person.*Zeng Zi*

9.This is a kind of high qaulity paper that is adapted for use in calligraphy and painting.*Xuan*

10.The one who first discovered the gunpower.*TAOIST *

1.Emperor Taizong won the support of all minority peoples by adopting___________ toward them. relatively
enlightened policies

2.-3. During what dynasty was the economy of China prospered exchanges with the outside world? What are the
achievements appeared ? Sui and Tang dynasty frequent and glorious scientific and cultural achievements ..

4.-5. During what period does the society was stable and commerce? What thing is developed?=Kaiyuan period


6. What is the capital of Tang dynasty?=Chang'an

7. Why Chinese people are called "people of Tang" by their neighbors? =because of the Tang dynasty's enormous
international influence

8. When does Emperor Gaozong dies?=in 683

9.________________,located where the Grand canals meets the Yangtze River?=Yangzhou

10._______________ was an outstanding woman in Chinese history?=Wu Zetian

1.Who was the Elected Vice-President of the National Government in 1948? (Li Zongren)

2.Where is Lugouquiao Brigde located? (Southwest of Beijing)

3.The __________ over Lugouqiao Bridge used to be one of the Beijing's famous sights. (The Morning Moon)

4.When did the Japanese Army mounted a surprise attack on Shanghai? (August 13,1937)

5.Who was the Commander-In-Chief of the Eight Route Army?(Zhu De)

6.Who was the two generals praised by Zhou Enlai as "Heroes of All Time"? (Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng)

7.The July 7 incident is also called the _________. (Luguoqiao Incident)

8.Who led the 115th Division of the Eight Route Army to defend the strategic Pingxing Pass? (Lin Biao and Nie

9.The __________ has gone down in the annals of history as a horrific incident. (Nanjing Massacre )

10.Who was the leader of patriotic overseas Chinese? (Tan Kah-Kee)

1. What big project did the Sui dynasty built to help the transportation and trade in China?Grand canal

2. Who was the first astronomer in China? Answer : Zhang Heng

3.Where are the parts of Great Wall located? Answer : Badaling , Mutianyu , Simatai

4.Who defeated Yuan Shao's force in the battle of Guandu? Answer : Cao Cao

5. What served as a border between southern and norther China? Answer : Yangtze River

6. China has ____ provinces? Answer : 23

7. What are the two major religions that were established during the Zhou dynasty? Answer : Taoism and Confucianism

8. Who was the first emperor of the Ming dynasty? Answer : Hongwu
9. Who was the leader that made the Yuan Dynasty? Answer : Kublai Khan or Koblai Khan

10. What is the so called mother river of the Chinese people? Answer : Yellow River

1. He wrote the “Song of Integrity” behind bars when he was imprisoned by Kublai Khan, which is regarded as a
classic of its kind. WEN TIANXIANG

2. What are the four great inventions of the Chinese. TECHNIQUE OF MAKING PAPER,COMPASS,TECHNIQUE OF

3. In search for ________ the Alchemist were the first people in china to dabble in chemistry. “Pills of Immortality”

4. The Song dynasty produced masterpieces of figure painting,landscape and flower bird painting and social genre
painting describing both urban and rural scenes. The most famous of the latter works is one known as “ Riverside
sceneon the pure brightness festival, Who paint the said masterpiece?..Zhang Zeduan

5. What was invented by Sima Guang which prevented him from sleeping too long. Alarm pillow

6. A type of Chinese poetry written to certain tunes with strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes, in fixed number
of lines and words..CI

7. What dynasty was overthrown because of incompetent rulers and natural disasters that led to peasants
uprising?..YUAN Dynasty.

8. What was the period were china considered one of the most developed and advance countries in the

9. Emperor Shizong was obsessed with TAOISM and the search for________ that he completely neglected state

10. Li Shizhen came fron a long line of doctors and devoted himself to the art of healing. What was the title of his
book which he completed at the age of 60. Bencao Gangmu

11.One of the four great Chinese classical novels was the tragic love story of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, What is the title of
the said novel? the dream of red mansion.0r the tale of red rock

12.The destruction of the confiscated drugs (opium) on the seashore of humen by lin zexu took how many days.? 23

13.This confiscation and destruction leads to what event in Chinese history?.. the first opium war

1. It is a kind of Chinese characters using the same form when written. Shutongwen

2. It is a kind of script of Chinese characters, which features in flowing strokes and quick flowing.Caoshu

3. It was the standard script of the Qin Dynasty. Xiaozhuan

4. It was the standard script of the Han Dynasty.Lishu

5. Also called zhenshu and zhengshu, appeared in late Han Dynasty, and has been in use till now. Kaishu

6. What do you call the written language commonly used by modern Han people? Vernacular Chines

7. It represented by Shanghai dialect, it is commonly used in some areas in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces of China.
Northern dialect

8. It represented by Changsha dialect, it is commonly used in most areas of Hunan Province. Wu Dialect
9. It represented by Nanchang dialect, is generally used in Jiangxi Province and southeatern Hubei Province. Xiang or
Hunan Dialect

10. It represented by Meixian dialect of Guangdong Province, is mainly used in northeastern Guangdong Province,
western and northern Fujian Province, and southern Jiangxi Province. Gan Dialect

11. It is generally used in Fujian Province, Chaozhou and Shanlou areas of Guangdong Province, Hainan Province and
Taiwan Province. Hakka

12. It represented by Guangzhou dialect, it is generally used in central and southwestern Guangdong Province, eastern
and southern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Hongkong and Macao. Min Dialect

13. What is the mandarin word which it is called guoyu in Taiwan Province and buayu in Singapore and Malaysia. Yue or
Guangdong Dialect

14. He is the inventor of agriculture and herbal medicine, he was also said to be Yandi or Red Emperor. Shennong Shi

15. It was invented on the basis that Chinese using it for counting-rod for a long period.Abacus

1. What is the largest island in China?Taiwan

2. If the China’s boundary in the East is Korea, What is the boundary to the North? Mongolia

3. What is the capital of China? Beijing

4. China has 5 autonomous regions, 4 municipalities, and two special administrative regions under the Central
Government, China has ______ provinces. 23

5. In 2001, the average lifespan of the Chinese people reached _____________ years. 71.8

6. China is a united multi-ethnic nation of______ ethnic groups. 56

7. What is the largest ethnic group in China with its total population of 91.59%? Han

8. China is the largest producer of TV sets, steel, cement, raw coal and F… the world? Fertilizer

9. Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world, located in the boarder of China and Nepal. What is the
English name? Mt.Everest

10. It is known as land of snow.Himalayas

11. It is stand like a huge wall blocking the wind in the hinterland of China. In winter, they stop the northwest wind
from blowing southward. Qinling Mountains

12. What is the highest peak of Qinling Mountains? Taibai Peak

13. This is the general term for the eastern mountainous area in Northern China. Changbai Mountains

14. The main Peak of Changbai Mountains and great treasure house of natural resources.The three treasures of the
Northeast are ginseng, mink and pilose antler are produced here. Mount Baitou

15. From North to south, the territory of China spans over _____ of latitude, extends 5,500 km from north to south
and from east to west 60o of longitude, about 5,000 km. 50 degrees.

16. What is the total land area of China?9.6 million km2

17. In 2000, China’s total population was recorded as 1.295 billion or 1/5.

18. They are known as the grassland people. Mongolians

19. They are called as eagles of plateau. Tibetans

20. They are called as the mountain people. Oreqen

21. What is the most famous monastery in the Tang Dynasty? Shaolin Monastery

22. One of the famous holy places of Taoism and one of the world cultural heritage sites listed by UNESCO. Mount

23. It is situated in the south of Anhui Province, forms a famous scenic spot in China honored as a national treasure
and a wonder in the world. Mount Huangshan

24. The province with the largest population with 92.56 million people by November , 2000. Henan

25. What is the biggest archipelago in China it consists of 670 islands with total area of 523 km2? Zhoushan

26. What is the largest basin in China with an area of about of 530, 000 km2? Tarim Basin

27. What is the biggest desert, with an area of 330,000 km2?Taklamakan Desert

28. What is the longest river in China with a total length of 6,300 km which is also the third longest river in the
world? Yangtze

29. What is the biggest freshwater lake, with an area of about 3, 483 km2? Poyang Lake

30. What is the biggest salt lake and inland lake in China located in Qinghai Province with an area of 4,583 km2?
Qinghai Lake

31. What is the deepest lake on Baitou Mountain, with an area of9.2 km2 and maximum depth of 312.7m?
Heavenly Pond

32. What is the lowest lake in China located in Turpan Basin, which is 155 m below sea level.? Aiding Lake

33. What is the first dynasty to emerge in China, it lasted over 400 years? Xia

34. What is the first Chinese territory to fall into the hands of Western colonists in 1553? Macao

35. What is the weather in East China? Monsoon Climate

36. It is known as the “Spine of Asia. The Kunlun Mountains

37. It is honored as “roof of the world” and is the biggest plateau in China. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

38. It is the largest inland basin in the world with its total area of about 530,000 km2.Karim Basin

39. It is means “salt lake” in Mongolian language and has four great treasures: salt, oil, lead zinc and borax. Qaidam

40. It is the Mother River of the Chinese people.The Yellow River

41. UNESCO designates this ‘fairyland’ as one of the world heritage sites. JIUZHAIGOU (Nine-Village Valley

42. What are three Gorges of the Yangtze River ? QUTANG, WUXIA, XILING

43. UNESCO list it as one of the world cultural heritage site and this is the largest imperial mausoleum in the world
and is often called ‘the eight wonder in the world. THE QUINSHIHUANG MAUSOLEUM AND TERRACOTTA WARRIORS
44. One of the seven wonders of the world, it the crystallization of the blood , sweat and wisdom of the Chinese

45. What are the three important passes of the Great Wall? JUYONG, JIAYU, SHANHAI

46. It is called as Cave of the Ten Thousand Buddhas and the largest Buddhist grotto. THE MOGAO GROTTOES


1.This is one of the great four inventions of ancients China.

2.He invented the movable type printing.

3.The great 'calligrapher of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

4-5.Chinas movable type printing first spread. Into what countries?

6.It is the fine tradition of the Chinese Nation.

7.More than 2,000 years ago,________later become a general of Han Dynasty.

8.__________ was also a honest person

9.This is a kind of high quality paper that is adapted for used in printing and calligraphy.

10.The one who discovered the first Gunpower.

1. What ethnic group form a relative population in southwest china?

2.What is the most populous ethnic group in southwest china?

3.What is the grandest traditional festival of Yi people?

4.What is the largest and the highest plateau in the world?

5.It is a musical instrument that has a history of more than 2000 years

6.What is the grandest festival of Yi people?

7.Dai people traditionally live at?

8.What is the grandest festival of Tibetans?

9.What is the largest Yi community?

10. What is the grandest festival of Yi people?

1. In the occasion of the Chinese Lunar New year, what do households hang outside of their house?

2. What are the other materials that can make a lantern, instead of wood, metal etc.?

3. What are the different variety Chinese lanterns? Name them all:

4. Suzhou embroidery is also known as?

5. Shu xiu known early as?

6. In the Neolithic Age of Shang, Jade were used in where?

7. What are the different kinds of Jade? Name them all:

8. Who invented the paper kite?

9. What are the most popular shapes of paper kite?

10. What are the Chinese uses for their main material in making their clothes?

11. China is the earliest country to have produced silk? Yes or No?

12. What side was the stoned lion placed at the gate etc.? Left side or Right side?

13. What is the purpose of the stoned lion or male lion that is placed outside of the bank and etc.

1. It is a kind of Chinese characters using the same form when written.

2. It is a kind of script of Chinese characters, which features in flowing strokes and quick flowing. .

3. It was the standard script of the Qin Dynasty.

1. In the occasion of the Chinese Lunar New year, what do households hang outside of their house?

2. What are the other materials that can make a lantern, instead of wood, metal etc.?

3. What are the different variety Chinese lanterns? Name them all:

4. Suzhou embroidery is also known as?

5. Shu xiu known early as?

6. In the Neolithic Age of Shang, Jade were used in where?

7. What are the different kinds of Jade? Name them all:

8. Who invented the paper kite?

9. What are the most popular shapes of paper kite?

10. What are the Chinese uses for their main material in making their clothes?

11. China is the earliest country to have produced silk? Yes or No?

12. What side was the stoned lion placed at the gate etc.? Left side or Right side?

13. What is the purpose of the stoned lion or male lion that is placed outside of the bank and etc.

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