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Elmer Alexandrew V.


Choose at least 2 among the different approaches on community development presented.

Compare and contrast in not less than 200 words the approaches you have chosen.

- Community development planning is a way to make private and public sectors be in unison to make
a difference in their community so as to improve the quality of life and develop the sense of well-
being of each other. There are a number of approaches to community development that differ
depending on the issues pressed on the community. One of these approaches is the "Blank slate"
approach which is an approach that focuses on gathering on data to which the community will
ponder on to know the pressing concerns in the community that needs to be addressed. In this
approach, people are expected to enlighten their selves on how to make a change in their
surroundings. Its goal is to amass data and innovate knowledge and wisdom on the matter they can
discern. Another approach to community development is the “strategic issues” approach which is
selective and pragmatic. Unlike the “blank slate” approach, it is selective because it concentrates on
a more important problem that needs to be addressed urgently. It is pragmatic in nature because it
deals with problem-solutions with matter of fact rather than what could or should be. Strategic
issues in the community are determined by a SWOT analysis. The community learns where they
excel, the impending threats, and discover their weaknesses that can be converted to opportunities
to be developed as their strengths in order to suppress the threats in the community.

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