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Elmer Alexandrew V.



Instructions: If given a chance to be the overall in-charge of the protected areas of the country, what will
be your three (3) priority programs for the forest protection, conservation and development? Explain.

1. Cutting illegal cutting of trees program

- One of the main reasons of deforestation is commercial felling of trees. According to an estimate,
about 1,600 million cubic meters of wood have been used for various purposes in the world. Although
trees are considered as perennial resource, when exploited on a very large scale, their revival cannot be
possible. Illegal logging contributes to deforestation and by extension global warming, causes loss of
biodiversity, and undermines the rule of law. Preventing illegal logging is good news for orangutans,
tigers, and communities that depend on forests. And it’s helping to protect the lungs of our planet which
are increasingly important as we all face the challenges of climate change.

2. forest utilization

- Generally, forests have been cut for logs and rest of the tree – stump, limbs, branches and foliage, etc.,
are left out in the forest as worthless debris. Further waste occurs at the sawmill. There is a need to use
all this waste material. These leftovers will be turned to several uses that can be developed to useful
products like waterproof glues, board, etc... Similarly, I will call an order to utilize and develop some
areas of the forest as tourist centers. By using them as tourist centers the country can earn substantial
foreign exchange. This practice has been adopted by many countries, both developed and developing.
The concepts of ‘national park’ and ‘game sanctuary’ have now become popular and every country has
developed its unique forest area as a ‘national park’.

3. Community Forestry program

- We will provide seedlings and fertilizer to the community, which is then responsible for nurturing and
protecting the plants on community land. This provides for the community rather than individuals. Fast-
growing Eucalyptus has been planted on a large scale. Some communities manage these plantations
sensibly and in a sustainable manner for continual benefit, while others sell the mature timber for a one-
time capital divestment.

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