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Comments on Design Methods of

Hou Jian-Guo
e-mail: Penstocks
An Xu-Wen This paper selects several representative penstocks codes of hydropower stations in China
and foreign countries including USBR Standards (1970), ASCE Steel Penstocks (1993),
He Ying-Min Japanese Technical Standards for Gates and Penstocks (1993), the former USSR’s code
My 34 747-76 and ⌸ 780-83, and Chinese code DL / T 5141-2001; analyzes and compares
School of Civil Engineering,
their different design methods and corresponding safety levels. In addition, the probabi-
Wuhan University,
listic limit state design method adopted in DL/T 5141-2001 is described emphatically.
Wuhan 430072, P.R. China
What are described can be taken as reference by the engineering technicians who are
engaged in the research, design and construction of steel penstocks for hydropower sta-
tions at home and abroad. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1763930兴

1 Design Methods of Penstocks Codes at Home and make design more economical and reasonable 关10兴. Since Ameri-
Abroad can Society of Mechanical Engineers foremost adopted the
method of design by analysis in Construction Code of Nuclear
Steel penstocks of hydropower stations are one of the pivotal Vessels of ASME 关11兴 in 1965, this advanced design method has
structures for water diversion to generate power. So their design been used in boiler and pressure vessel and penstocks design
theories, design methods and the corresponding safety levels are codes of some countries in the world such as ASME Boiler and
paid wide attention to by the domestic and foreign hydroelectric Pressure Vessel Code VIII-2 关12兴, British Pressure Vessel Code
engineering circles 关1– 4兴. It can be seen from collected informa- BS 5500:1997 关13兴, Chinese Pressure Vessel Code JB 4732-95
tion that the current codes for penstocks of the most countries 关14兴, Steel Penstocks of ASCE in 1993 关7兴, and Japanese Techni-
adopt allowable stress design method 关1–3,7–9兴, except that the cal Standards for Gates and Penstocks in 1993 关8兴, etc.
former USSR’s codes 关5– 6兴 takes limit state design method. Ac- However, the former USSR’s penstocks codes of My 34 747-76
cording to the difference of the failure criterion that be taken, 关5兴 and P-780-83 关6兴 both use limit state design method, which
allowable stress design method can be divided into two kinds, one definitely specify the limit state of steel penstocks design. The
is the traditional allowable stress design method, usually known as expressions of design consider overloading factors, material
‘‘design by rule’’; the other is the allowable stress design method strength factors, working condition factors, structural reliability
by analysis, always called ‘‘design by analysis’’, or ‘‘stress clas- factors and design condition factors, of which the standard values
sification method’’. of partial load and material strength are decided according to the
The traditional allowable stress design method, based on the statistical analysis of the measured data, and the values of material
elastic failure criterion, thinks the structure become failure as soon strength factors also have definite probabilistic meaning, but over-
as point of its maximum stress departs from pure elastic state and loading factors and working condition factors are still experiential
enters plastic state. In analysis method, penstocks are designed ones.
with it based on some experiential factors and the simplified equa- Compared with the traditional allowable stress design method,
tions of material mechanics and the thin shell theory. The strength the allowable stress design method by analysis and limit state
condition generally takes the maximum stress theory or the dis- design method improve in dealing with the problem of structural
tortion energy theory 共also named Hencky-Mises theory兲, and the reliability. However, they still do not escape from the field of
stresses are controlled under the allowable stress. Because this estimating the structural reliability with experience. So they all
design method does not calculate the stress of important fields in belong to the deterministic method. In fact, every basic variable
structures strictly and detailedly, for the sake of ensuring the that affects the structural reliability is not constant value but ran-
safety of structures, the safety factor used is usually larger to dom variable or process, which is changing with time and space.
compensate the shortfall of stress analysis. Codes for penstocks Therefore, probabilistic theory shall be used to replace past deter-
used the traditional allowable stress design method include USBR ministic design theory; and the statistical mathematic method shall
Standards 关2兴, the codes for penstocks of France, Germany, Italia be used to replace the method subject to experience, then the
and Canada 关1兴, and Chinese code SD 144-85 关9兴, etc. reliability of structures is measured with failure probability P f or
The allowable stress design method by analysis uses elastoplas- corresponding reliability index ␤ to establish the mathematic re-
tic failure criterion or plastic criterion. It allows local plastic zone lations between P f 共or ␤兲 and limit state equations of structures.
appearing, which can be controlled, in the structure, and limited This method of designing according to the design expressions of
lifespan of peak stress position is designed. This design method, partial factors is called limit state design method based on prob-
usually based on the strength condition built upon the maximum ability theory, named probabilistic limit state design method for
shear stress theory or Hencky-Mises theory, classifies the stresses short. Nowadays, this design method is generally recognized as
in shell in accordance with the dangerous level degree causing the more advanced than past various deterministic methods; and it is a
significant progress in structure design theory and method. In the
failure of structures and gives different allowable stress limit val-
design standards of structural project, actively adopting probabi-
ues, respectively, according to the characteristics of different
listic limit state design method has become a common develop-
kinds of stresses. Therefore, compared with the traditional allow-
ment tendency in the field of contemporary international structural
able stress design method, the allowable stress design method by
project. In order to fit this developmental tendency, the Penstocks
analysis uses smaller safety factors and larger allowable stress to
Codes DL/T 5141-2001 关15兴, which is the revision of SD 144-85
关9兴 in China, discards the traditional allowable stress design
Contributed by the Pressure Vessels and Piping Division for publication in the
method and first and foremost adopts advanced probabilistic limit
Division May 15, 2003; revision received February 27, 2004. Associate Editor: state design method in specifications for design of steel penstocks
G. E. O. Widera. for hydroelectric stations.

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology Copyright © 2004 by ASME AUGUST 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 391

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Table 1 Safety factors in USBR standards

Normal Intermittent Emergency Exceptional

Condition Condition Condition Condition
Type Ky Ku A Ky Ku A Ky Ku A Ky Ku A
Exposed 1.5 3.0 0.5 1.25 2.25 0.56 1.0 1.5 0.67 1.0
Embedded 1.0 1.5 0.67

In the following, this paper will take codes for penstocks of manufacture, installation, testing, operation and maintenance of
U.S.A, Japan, the former USSR, and China’s DL/T 5141-2001 to steel penstocks 共including branches and suberdinate members and
analyze and compare the design methods and their safety levels steel lined tunnel兲. The design approach of penstocks in ASCE
adopted in the above-mentioned codes for penstocks. Manual is the allowable stress design method by analysis in
2 Safety Levels of Penstocks in Codes for Penstocks at ASCE Manual specifies that six design conditions, thirty load
Home and Abroad types and twenty-four load combinations should be considered
when the penstocks are designed. Of the six design conditions, the
2.1 American Penstocks Codes former four design conditions are as same as those of USBR Stan-
dards and two newly added design conditions are construction
2.1.1 USBR Standards. The design and construction of steel
condition and hydrostatic test condition respectively.
penstocks in U.S.A have taken ASME BPVC VIII-1 关16兴 for many
Concerning the strength condition, ASCE Manual advises to
years. As the research of penstock design theory ceaselessly goes
adopt the maximum shear stress theory. In addition, it puts for-
in depth, it has come to be realized that ASME Code are not
ward that the Hencky-Mises theory based on the two-dimensional
completely applicable for the design of penstocks, especially the
stress state is also acceptable.
values of allowable stresses can’t have been reasonable enough to
ASCE Manual specifies that the basic allowable stress S should
penstock design. In 1970, USBR presented a new standards of
take the smaller value between ␴ u /3 and 2 ␴ y /3. According to the
penstock design 关2兴 共hereinafter referred to ‘‘USBR Standards’’兲.
stresses characteristics and the dangerous level of structural fail-
According to the stressing feature of steel penstocks, USBR Stan-
ure caused by the stresses, the stresses of penstocks are classified
dards make great improvement to the allowable stresses and
into primary stress, including general primary membrane stress
safety factors. For instance, though the design of penstocks still
P m , local primary membrane stress P L and primary bending
adopts the traditional allowable stress design method, the strength
stress P b , secondary stress Q and peak stress F in ASCE Manual,
condition takes Hencky-Mises theory and safety factors are prop-
which must meet the following conditions:

erly lowered according to different design conditions, or in the
other word, the value of allowable stress is properly increased. It P m⭐KS
specifies that four design conditions should be taken into account P L , P b or P L⫹ P b⭐1.5KS (1)
in the design of penstocks:
P L⫹ P b⫹Q⭐3S
Normal condition: maximum hydrostatic pressure and
water hammer pressure Where K is the allowable stress increase factor. K is adopted with
Intermittent condition: filling with water, blowing off 1.1, 1.33, 1.5, 2.5, and 1.33 for the normal, intermittent, emer-
water and earthquake action, etc. gency, exceptional, and construction and hydrostatic test condi-
Emergency condition: direct water hammer caused by tions respectively.
failure of the governor or the closedown of partial gates In ASCE Manual, the safety factors for bearing internal water
Exceptional condition: only used as verification and not pressure design calculated from Eq. 共1兲 are shown in Table 2.
as the basis of design Compared with USBR Standards, ASCE Manual has following
USBR Standards provide relevant limited values of allowable characteristics: according to the different dangerous levels of
stresses for every design condition. If K y and K u are safety factors structural failure caused by the stresses, ASCE Manual makes the
corresponding with yield point of steel ␴ y and tensile strength of classification of penstocks’ stresses and gives different limited al-
steel ␴ u , respectively, the safety factors of allowable stress 关␴兴 for lowable stresses, respectively.
bearing internal water pressure design under different design con- Under some design conditions and stress kinds, K y ⭐1.0 is per-
ditions in USBR Standards are shown in Table 1. For short, the mitted, but K u ⭓1.0, i.e., the stresses of steel penstocks are al-
safety factors in this paper all mean ones corresponding with the lowed to equal even exceed the yield point of steel, but not al-
weld joint reduction factor ␸⫽1.0, also known as basic safety lowed to exceed the tensile strength of steel; In the ASCE manual,
factors. Suppose that A⫽ ␴ y / ␴ u , when ␴ y / ␴ u ⭐A, the value of more comprehensive factors during the designs are considered,
关␴兴 will be controlled by ␴ y , otherwise, it will be controlled by such as design condition, load types and their combinations, etc.
␴ u . So some researchers at home and abroad call A as limited The limited value of yield ratio A equals 0.5 under different
value of yield ratio. operating conditions and kinds of stresses. On the whole,
From the results of Table 1, it can be seen that safety factors of the safety levels in ASCE Manual and USBR Standards are
exposed penstocks is far larger than those of embedded penstocks approximate.
in USBR Standards. For exposed penstocks, the safety factors in
different design conditions are K y ⫽1.5⫺1.0, and K u ⫽3.0⫺1.0. 2.2 Japanese Penstocks Code. Japan Technical Standards
Moreover, the limited value of yield ratio A of different types of for Gates and Penstocks 共fourth revision in 1993兲 共hereinafter
penstocks is distinct in different design conditions, which embod- referred to ‘‘Japanese Code’’兲 关8兴 also adopts the allowable stress
ies diverse requirements to safety levels of steel penstocks. design method by analysis, but the strength condition takes the
Hencky-Mises theory. Japanese Code is applicable to the design
2.1.2 ASCE Manual. Because there are no special design of exposed penstocks, penstocks embedded in rock and penstocks
codes for penstocks of hydropower stations in America, ASCE embedded in earth 共also named backfill penstocks兲.
specially compiled a manual of steel penstocks 共hereinafter re- For common steels that have been listed in the Code, Japanese
ferred to ‘‘ASCE Manual’’兲 关7兴. This manual covers the design, Code all gives the corresponding allowable stresses, of which the

392 Õ Vol. 126, AUGUST 2004 Transactions of the ASME

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Table 2 Safety factors in ASCE manual

Normal Intermittent Emergency Exceptional Hydrostatic
condition condition condition condition test condition
category Ky Ku Ky Ku Ky Ku Ky Ku Ky Ku A⫽K y /K u
Pm 1.5 3.0 1.13 2.26 1.0 2.0 0.6 1.2 1.13 2.26
P L , P b or 1.0 2.0 0.75 1.50 0.67 1.33 0.6 1.2 0.75 1.5 0.5
P L⫹ P b
P L⫹ P b⫹Q 0.5 1.0 0.50 1.00

allowable tensile stresses of steel materials are decided according tion of that penstock is full of water are shown as Table 4. From
to their basic design strength divided by the safety factor 1.8. The the results of this table, it can be seen that, for the basic safety
basic design strength of steel materials is the strength that the factors under primary stress and long-term loads 共equivalent to
yield point is divided by the material factor. The material factors normal condition兲 in Japanese Code, K y is larger than that of
are ones taking account of differences in the yield ratio ( ␴ y / ␴ u ), USBR Standards and ASCE Manual, and K u is smaller than that
cold machining property and the energy-consuming capacity at of American codes. And the limited value of yield ratio A of
the destruction time of various grades steels, the values of which Japanese Code is greater, which is 0.75. It is beneficial for taking
are: 1.05 for steel SM570 and SPV450, 1.15 for steel full advantage of high-strength steel.
SHY685NS-F, and 1.0 for other grades of steels. It is valuable to
notice that, because the yield ratios of the above-mentioned three
grades of steels with material factors over 1.0 are all above 0.7, 2.3 The Former USSR Penstocks Codes
therefore the values of material factors are greater. 2.3.1 Exposed Penstocks Code My 34 747-76. The former
According to the different stress characters, stresses in pen- USSR’s exposed penstock design code, My 34 747-76 关5兴, adopts
stocks are classified into primary, secondary and peak stress in the limit state design method and the Hencky-Mises strength
Japanese Code. However, temperature stress, which is classified theory. Three design conditions 共such as normal operation condi-
as secondary stress in ASCE Manual, is defined as primary stress tion, construction and installation and repair condition, testing
in Japanese Code. condition兲 and two load combinations 共such as basic combination
When the penstocks are designed, three design conditions must and exceptional combination兲 should be considered during the de-
be considered: Penstock is full of water; Penstock is filling with sign of penstocks. While designing according to the strength limit
water; Penstock is empty. Loads types include long-term and tem- state, the equivalent stress ␴ eq calculated according to the
porary loads. Loads and their combinations every design condi- Hencky-Mises theory should satisfy the following condition:
tion shall consider are shown in Japanese Code. According to the
different load types and stress characters, it is permitted that the
allowable stress times the increase factors listed in Table 3 for the f sk m
␴ eq ⭐ • (2)
design condition in which the penstock is full of water. When the ␥s kH
penstock is filling with water, the increase factor can adopt 1.5.
Japanese Code specifies that the equivalent stress that is calcu- where f sk is standard value of strength of steel plate, f sk ⫽ ␴ y
lated according to the Hencky-Mises theory and various stresses when ␴ y / ␴ u ⭐0.7; otherwise f sk ⫽0.7␴ u when ␴ y / ␴ u ⬎0.7; and
of penstocks shall be controlled below the allowable stresses after ␥ s is partial factor for strength of steel plate, ␥ s ⫽1.11– 1.25 for
considering the increase factors and the weld joint reduction different grades of steels; and m⫽working condition factor, for the
factors. basic combinations, m⫽0.7 and 1.1 corresponding to the general
According to the above design specifications, the safety factors stresses and local stress respectively; for the exceptional combi-
for bearing internal water pressure design under the design condi- nations, m⫽0.95 and 1.5 corresponding to the general stress and

Table 3 Allowable stress increase factors in Japanese code

Primary Primary stress⫹Secondary Peak

Load types stress stress stress
Long-term Internal pressure, 1.0 1.35 1.7
Loads Dead weight of
penstocks, weight of
water in pipe,
temperature action,
earth pressure, external
load, snow load
Temporary Earthquake load, Wind 1.5 1.7
loads load

Table 4 Safety factors in Japanese code

Long-term loads Temporary loads

Stress types Ky Ku Ky Ku A⫽K y /K u
Primary stress 1.8 2.4 1.2 1.6
Primary stress⫹Secondary stress 1.33 1.78 1.06 1.41 0.75
Peak stress 1.06 1.41

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology AUGUST 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 393

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Table 5 Safety factors for bearing internal water pressure design of exposed penstocks of
class 1 in M 34 747-76

Basic combination Exceptional combination

Kinds of Stress Ky Ku Ky Ku A⫽K y /K u
General stress 1.87–2.11 2.67–3.01 1.40–1.58 2.00–2.26 0.7
Local stress 1.18 –1.33 1.69–1.90 0.89–1.00 1.27–1.43

local stress, respectively; and k H is reliability factor of the struc- of steel plates, f s ⫽ f sk / ␥ s , f sk is standard value of strength of
tures, k H ⫽1.2, 1.15, and 1.0 for the hydraulic structures of classes steel plates, usually f sk ⫽ ␴ y . However, f sk ⫽ ␴ u when the tensile
I, II, and III, respectively. forces bearing by steel liners are not above 50 percent of the total
When calculating stress of penstocks, overloading factor n is tensile forces, but in that case the reliability factor 1.3 shall be
shown in My 34 747-76. The overloading factor n for loading considered; ␥ s is partial factor for strength of steel plates, ␥ s
hydrostatic and water hammer pressures, n⫽1.0 shall be adopted. ⫽1.05 when ␴ y ⭐380 N/mm2 , otherwise ␥ s ⫽1.1, and A p ⫽area
Therefore, for the design of bearing internal water pressure, the of the cross-section of steel liner at unit length.
safety factors for exposed penstocks of the class I in My 34 If let the standard value of resisting ability of circumferential
747-76 derived from Eq. 共2兲 are shown in Table 5. reinforcement R 1 is f yk A s , and the standard value of resisting
From the data in this table, it can be seen that the safety levels ability of steel liners R 2 ⫽ f sk A p and supposed that ␳ R ⫽R 1 /R 2 ,
of exposed penstocks set in both the former USSR’s code and according to Eq. 共3兲, the formula calculating safety factors for the

Japanese Code are approximate each other. design of bearing internal water pressure in P-780-83 is
2.3.2 Design Aids for SLRCP in P-780-83. A steel lined re- k H ␺ ␥ y ␥ s 共 1⫹ ␳ R 兲
inforced concrete penstock 共SLRCP兲 is a combined bearing struc- K y⫽ •
ma ␥ s␳ R⫹ ␥ y
ture which consists of steel liner and encased reinforced concrete, (4)
k H ␺ 1.3␥ y ␥ s 共 1⫹ ␳ R 兲
it has widely been applied to penstocks for hydropower stations in K u⫽ •
the former USSR and China. In 1983, the Hydrotechnical Struc- ma 1.3␥ s ␳ R ⫹ ␥ y
tures Survey and Design Research Institute of the former USSR Provided that ␥ y ⫽ ␥ s ⫽1.05 and ␳ R ⫽0 to ⬁, for the SLRCP of
especially compiled a design reference for SLRCP P-780-83 关6兴, structure class I, the safety factors for the design of bearing inter-
which also adopted the limit state design method. Limit states nal water pressure calculated from Eq. 共4兲 are shown in Table 6.
include two kinds: one is the strength limit state, all structural
members should be designed according to the strength limit state;
2.4 China Penstocks Code DLÕT 5141-2001
another is the serviceability limit state, the widths of cracks of the
encased reinforced concrete structures of SLRCP should be 2.4.1 Partial Factors Design Expression in DL/T 5141-2001.
checked if necessary. SLRCP should be designed in accordance Before 1985, there was no special design code for steel penstocks
with the combined bearing criterion of steel liner and encased of hydropower stations in China and design usually executed the
reinforced concrete. During designing SLRCP, three design con- penstocks code of the former USSR. In Oct. 1985, China formally
ditions 共such as normal operation condition, construction and re- published the first design code for penstocks of hydropower sta-
pair condition, and exceptional condition兲 and two combinations tions SD 144-85 关9兴, which is applicable to the design of the
共such as basic and exceptional combination兲 should be considered. exposed penstocks, penstocks embedded in rock and penstocks
The design expression for the strength limit state is as follows: embedded in dam. The strength condition of SD 144-85 adopts the
Hencky-Mises strength theory, the design is carried out with the
k H ␺ N⭐m a 共 f y A s ⫹ f s A p 兲 (3)
traditional allowable stress design method.
where k H is reliability factor of the structures, k H ⫽1.25, 1.2, 1.15, DL/T 5141-2001, the revision of SD 144-85, discards the al-
and 1.1 for the hydraulic structures of classes I, II, III, and IV, lowable stress design method used in SD 144-85 and adopts the
respectively; and ␺ is design condition factor, ␺⫽1.0, 0.95 and 0.9 limit state design method based on probability theory, which uses
for basic combinations during normal operation condition and reliability index to measure the reliability of penstocks; and the
construction-repair condition, and for exceptional combinations design is carried out with partial factors design expression 共that is
during exceptional condition respectively; and N is design value LRFD model兲.
of tensile force, overloading factor n should be considered during DL/T 5141-2001 specifies that penstocks should be designed
calculating N, and n⫽1.0 for both loadings of hydrostatic and according to the bearing capacity limit state and serviceability
water hammer pressure and m a is working condition factor, m a limit state respectively. The main structural members of penstocks
⫽0.92 and 0.88 for the hydraulic structures of classes I and II, III, shall be designed in accordance with the bearing capacity limit
and IV, respectively; and f y ⫽design value of strength of the rein- state. For the encased reinforced concrete structures of SLRCP,
forcement; f y ⫽ f yk / ␥ y , f yk is standard value of strength of cir- the width of cracks should be checked according to the service-
cumferential reinforcement, ␥ y is partial factor for strength of the ability limit state.
reinforcement, ␥ y ⫽1.05 and 1.07 for the reinforcements of steel For the bearing capacity limit state, DL/T 5141-2001 specifies
grades A-II and A-III respectively; and A s is area of circumferen- that the three design conditions, such as permanent, transient and
tial reinforcement at unit length; and f s is design value of strength occasional conditions and two combinations of action effects,

Table 6 Safety factors for design of SLRCP for bearing internal water pressure in P-780-83

Basic combination for Basic combination for

normal operation construction and repair Exceptional combination
Ky Ku Ky Ku Ky Ku A⫽K y /K u
1.43 1.85⬃1.43 1.36 1.76⬃1.36 1.28 1.67⬃1.28 0.77

394 Õ Vol. 126, AUGUST 2004 Transactions of the ASME

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Table 7 Structural partial factors ␥ d in DLÕT 5141-2001

Penstocks types Stress category Symbol ␥ d 共␸⫽1.0兲

Exposed General primary membrane stress Pm 1.5
penstocks Local primary membrane stress P L or P L⫹ P b 1.2
Local primary membrane stress P L⫹ P b⫹Q 1.05
⫹Primary bending stress
Embedded General primary membrane stress Pm 1.2
penstocks in rock
Embedded General primary membrane stress Pm 1.2
penstocks in dam
SLRCP Axial tension N 1.5

such as basic combination under permanent or transient condition, ␤ t ⫽4.2 for exposed penstocks and SLRCP; ␤ t ⫽3.7 for penstocks
and occasional combination under occasional condition, should be embedded in rock and penstocks embedded in dam.
considered. The principles and methods of determining partial factors in
For the bearing capacity limit state, DL/T 5141-2001 adopts the DL/T 5141-2001 are summarized as follows: according to the
design expression with five partial factors, i.e., structural impor- determined objective reliability index ␤ t , the determined statisti-
tance factor ␥ 0 , design condition factor ␺, partial factors of action cal characteristics of the various basic variables, and beforehand
␥ G and ␥ Q , partial factor of material strength ␥ s and structural selected the appropriate partial factors 共including ␥ G , ␥ Q , ␥ s ,
partial factor ␥ d . The equivalent stress ␴ eq is calculated accord- ␥ 0 , and ␺兲, the structural partial factor ␥ d , which is final partial
ing to the Hencky-Mises theory and the design expression is writ- factor in the design expression, is determined with the method of
ten as combining the reliability analysis method with the calibration
␴ eq ⭐ ␴ R (5) method according to engineering experience.
The key points of determining structural partial factors with
For basic combination: reliability analysis methods are:
According to the objective reliability index ␤ t and the statistical
␴ eq ⫽S 共 ␥ G •G k , ␥ Q•Q k ,a k 兲 (6a) characteristics of all basic variables, which have been determined,
For occasional combination: and the relevant partial factors 共e.g., ␥ s , ␥ G , ␥ Q , ␥ 0 and ␺兲
selected in advance, optimally approach ␤ t under different mate-
␴ eq ⫽S 共 ␥ G •G k , ␥ Q •Q k ,A k ,a k 兲 (6b) rial combinations and different combinations for action effects as
well as different action effect ratios for each type of penstock with
␴ R is calculated with the follow formula:
first-order-second-moments method 共or named JC method兲 to de-
1 termine ␥ d of different types of penstocks through optimizing
␴ R⫽ f (7) calculation by means of the principle of the least square method.
␥ 0 ␺␥ d s
The objective of optimizing calculation is to make the error be-
where ␴ R is limited value of the resistance of penstocks; and S tween the reliability index ␤ of structural members of penstocks
(•) is effect function of actions; and G k and Q k is standard values designed according to the structural factor ␥ d selected and other
of permanent action and variable action respectively: A k is repre- partial factors and the objective reliability index ␤ t is the least in
sentative value of occasional action; ␥ G and ␥ Q are partial factors general.
for permanent action and variable action respectively, ␥ G ⫽1.05 is The key points of determining structural partial factor ␥ d with
adopted; ␥ Q ⫽1.0 and 1.1 are adopted for that the variable actions calibration method according to engineering experience are: tak-
are hydrostatic and water hammer pressure; a k is standard value ing the safety factors of the allowable stress design method in SD
of geometrical parameters of the structural members; ␥ 0 is struc- 144-85 as the criterion, determine the structural partial factor of
tural importance factor, ␥ 0 ⫽1.1 and 1.0 for penstocks of safety different types of penstocks according to the principle of that the
classes I and II; ␺ is design condition factor, ␺⫽1.0, 0.9 and 0.8 integrated safety factors consisting of various partial factors se-
for the permanent, transient and occasional conditions respec- lected in advance and the structural partial factors to determine are
tively; f s is design value of strength of steel plate, f s ⫽ f sk / ␥ s , equal to safety factors in SD 144-85.
when ␴ y / ␴ u ⭐0.75, f sk ⫽ ␴ y and ␥ s ⫽1.087; otherwise f sk On the basis of comprehensively analyzing the values of struc-
⫽0.75␴ u , ␥ s ⫽1.111; and ␥ d ⫽structural partial factor. tural partial factors being determined with above-mentioned two
2.4.2 Principles and Methods of Deciding Partial Factors. methods, according to the principles of no large fluctuations of the
The partial factors in DL/T 5141-2001 are set up in order to reach safety levels and material consumption before and after the code
the objective reliability index ␤ t that the bearing capacity limit revised as well as practice and convenience, finally determine the
state specifies when adopting the probabilistic limit state design appropriate structural partial factors through the proper incorpora-
method. ␥ 0 and ␺ are relative to consider the influence of different tions and adjustments. According to the research results of this
structural safety classes and different design conditions; ␥ G and paper, the values of structural partial factors adopted in DL/T
␥ Q are relative to the disadvantageous variation of actions to the 5141-2001 are shown in Table 7.
standard value; ␥ s is to represent the disadvantageous variation of It is necessary to particularly point out that, though the ad-
material strength to the standard value; ␥ d is for the following vanced probabilistic limit state design method has been adopted in
uncertain elements: the uncertainty of the action effect calculation DL/T 5141-2001, it also thinks that it is advisable to accept the
model, the uncertainty of the resistance calculative model of the design principle of the conception about the classification of
structural members and the other various variations that do not be stresses in the design codes of pressure vessel and steel penstocks
reflected by the partial factors of ␥ 0 , ␺, ␥ s and ␥ G , ␥ Q . The 关7– 8,12–14兴 that adopt allowable stress design method by analy-
value of the safety level 共i.e., the objective reliability index ␤ t ) in sis, and to adopt different strength control criteria respectively
DL/T 5141-2001 is mainly determined according to the results of according to the dangerous level that cause structures to failure.
reliability calibration analysis of SD 144-85 关19兴. The value of ␤ t Therefore, it refers to the conception and design principles about
for various types of penstocks of the structural safety class are: the classification of stresses and the design principle in the design

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology AUGUST 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 395

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Table 8 Safety factors in DLÕT 5141-2001

Persistent Transient Occasional

condition condition condition
Basic Basic Occasional
combination combination combination
types Stress category Ky Ku Ky Ku Ky Ku A⫽K y /K u
Pm 1.83⬃ 2.45⬃ 1.65⬃ 2.20⬃ 1.47⬃ 1.96⬃
1.88 2.50 1.69 2.25 1.50 2.00
Exposed P L or P L⫹ P b 1.47⬃ 1.96⬃ 1.32⬃ 1.76⬃ 1.17⬃ 1.57⬃
penstocks 1.50 2.00 1.35 1.80 1.20 1.60
P L⫹ P b⫹Q 1.28⬃ 1.71⬃ 1.16⬃ 1.54⬃ 1.03⬃ 1.37⬃
1.31 1.75 1.19 1.57 1.05 1.40
Embedded Pm 1.47⬃ 1.96⬃ 1.17⬃ 1.57⬃ 0.75
penstocks 1.50 2.00 1.20 1.60
in rock
Embedded Pm 1.47⬃ 1.96⬃ 1.17⬃ 1.57⬃
penstocks 1.50 2.00 1.20 1.60
in dam
SLRCP Axial tension 1.86 2.48⬃ 1.67 2.23⬃ 1.49 1.98⬃
1.86 1.67 1.49

codes of pressure vessel and penstocks while determining the 2. For the penstocks embedded in rock and penstocks embed-
safety levels of various types of penstocks and the structural par- ded in dam, K y in DL/T 5141-2001 is about 1.5, which is larger
tial factors of different stress categories. than that in USBR Standards and lower than that in Japanese
When only considering the simple combination of hydrostatic penstock code, but equal to that in ASCE Manual and the codes of
pressure W c and water hammer pressure W h , and the average pressure vessel in domestic and foreign countries. K u in DL/T
value of ␳ h (⫽W h /W c ) adopts 0.3, according to the values of 5141-2001 is about 2.0, which is lower than that in the foreign
above-mentioned various partial factors, the integrated safety fac- codes. Considering the penstocks embedded in rock and penstocks
tors for the design of bearing internal water pressure in DL/T embedded in dam have surrounding rock and encased reinforced
5141-2001 can be determined through design expression 共5兲 to concrete respectively to help bearing internal water pressure, their
共7兲, which are shown in Table 8. safety reserves are fairly larger 关22兴. In addition, considering that
the penstocks embedded in rock and penstocks embedded in dam
3 Comparisons of Safety Levels of Penstocks Codes generally do not use high strength steel, the factual yield ratio
( ␴ y / ␴ u ) of steel is generally about 0.5 to 0.6 and isn’t higher than
In order to be convenient for comparison, the safety factors of 0.7. Therefore, the real values K u for the penstocks of embedded
different country’s penstocks codes under the basic combination in rock and penstocks embedded in dam must be over 2.0 derived
of normal operation condition when the weld joint factor ␸ is 1.0 from A⫽ ␴ y / ␴ u ⫽0.75 关19兴. Thus, it can be thought that it is
共the safety factors are also called the basic safety factors兲 are basically satisfactory for K u corresponding with the penstocks of
shown in Table 9. The basic safety factors of the domestic and embedded in rock and penstocks embedded in dam in DL/T 5141-
foreign pressure vessel codes under general primary membrane 2001, and that its safety reliability can be guaranteed.
stress are also shown in this table to refer and compare. 3. For SLRCP, the basic safety factors in DL/T 5141-2001 ap-
It can be seen from Table 9 that: proach to the design values in engineering practice in China 共K is
1. For the exposed penstocks, the basic safety factors K y and about 1.9 to 2.0兲, but they are obviously larger than that in P-780-
K u of partial factor valuing scheme in DL/T 5141-2001 very ap- 83; and it is shown that the SLRCP has great potential in the
proach to those in the former USSR’s and Japanese Codes, K y is aspect of safety.
about 1.8 and K u is nearly 2.5. But K y in DL/T 5141-2001 is Sum up, compared with the codes for penstocks and pressure
higher than those in penstocks codes of U.S.A and pressure vessel vessel in China and foreign countries, the safety levels of the
codes of other countries 共they equal 1.5兲, while K u in DL/T 5141- partial factor valuing scheme in DL/T 5141-2001 are basically
2001 is lower than that in penstocks and pressure vessel codes of suitable.
U.S.A 共they equal 3.0兲, but very approaches to that in penstocks
and pressure vessel codes of other countries. Considering once 4 Conclusions
exposed penstocks fails will the consequent be extremely bad, and
referring to the reliability calibration results and engineering ex- 1. In the current penstocks codes of the domestic and foreign
perience of exposed penstocks 关19兴, it is thought that it is basically countries, except that the limit state design method is adopted in
applicable to make K y for exposed penstocks take about 1.8. For the former USSR’s codes for penstocks and the probability limit
K u , ASCE Manual and ASME BPVC VIII-2 that adopt allowable state design method is adopted in DL/T 5141-2001 of China, the
stress design method by analysis to explain the values of K u from allowable stress design method is generally adopted, of which the
the prospect of invariability analysis 关20兴. So their K u is higher allowable stress design method by analysis is adopted in Japanese
and the corresponding limited value of yield ratio A(⫽ ␴ y / ␴ u ) is penstocks code and ASCE Manual, and the traditional allowable
the least. But it is meanwhile paying attention to that, though the stress design method is generally adopted in the others. Although
codes of pressure vessel of other domestic and foreign countries the limit state design method and allowable stress design method
共such as BS 5500:1997 of England, Japanese JIS B 8270-93 and by analysis are more progressive than the traditional allowable
Chinese JB 4732-95, etc.兲 and Japanese penstocks code, like stress method in solving the problem of structural reliability, the
American ASME BPVC VIII-2 and ASCE Manual, adopt allow- estimations of structural reliability through experiences are still
able stress design method by analysis, K u of these codes are be- their essences. The probability limit state design method is firstly
tween 2.35–2.6 and smaller than that of 3.0 in ASME BPVC accepted into DL/T 5141-2001, which creates a pretty beneficial
VIII-2 and ASCE Manual 关7兴, which shows that the values of K u condition for realizing the optimum design and selecting the best
in DL/T 5141-2001 are still basically suitable. balance between safety and economy, and is consistent with the

396 Õ Vol. 126, AUGUST 2004 Transactions of the ASME

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Table 9 Comparisons of the basic safety factors in different country’s penstocks and pressure
vessel codes

Code Stress A⫽K y/

Country sort Code name category Ky Ku Ku Remarks
China A DL/T Pm 1.83⬃1.88 2.45⬃2.50 0.75 Exposed
5141-2001 关15兴 P L or 1.47⬃1.50 1.96⬃2.00 penstocks
P L⫹ P b
P L⫹ P b⫹Q 1.28⬃1.31 1.71⬃1.75
Pm 1.47⬃1.50 1.96⬃2.00 0.75 Embedded
Axial 1.86 2.48⬃1.86 0.75 SLRCP
B GB 150-1998 Pm 1.6 3.0 0.53
B* JB 4732-95 Pm 1.5 2.6 0.58
关14兴 P L or 1.0 1.73
P L⫹ P b
P L⫹ P b⫹Q 0.5 0.87
Japan A* Technical P.S. 1.8 2.4 0.75 Exposed
Standards for and
Gates and P.S.⫹S.S. 1.33 1.78 embedded
Penstocks 关8兴 penstocks
B* JIS B 8270-93 Pm 1.5 2.4,3.0 0.63,0.5 K u⫽2.4 is
关21兴 applicable
to the high
The A My 34 G.S. 1.87⬃2.11 2.67⬃3.01 0.7 Exposed
former 747-76 关5兴 L.S. 1.18⬃1.33 1.69⬃1.90 penstocks
USSR A P-780-83 关6兴 Axial 1.43 1.85⬃1.43 0.77 SLRCP
U.S.A. A USBR Pm 1.5 3.0 0.5 Exposed
Standards 关2兴 penstocks
Pm 1.0 1.5 0.67 Embedded
A* ASCE Manual Pm 1.5 3.0 0.5 Exposed
关7兴 P L or 1.0 2.0 and
P L⫹ P b embedded
P L⫹ P b⫹Q 0.5 1.0 penstocks
B ASME Pm 1.5 4.0 0.38
VIII-1-1995 关16兴
B* ASME Pm 1.5 3.0 0.5
VIII-2-1995 关12兴
England B* BS 5500: 1997 Pm 1.5 2.35 0.64
France B CODAP-1987 Pm 1.5 2.4 0.63

The specification sort of A is the design codes of penstocks, and B is the design codes of pressure vessel. The alphabets with
symbol* are the codes that adopt the allowable stress design method by analysis.
P.S. is primary stress; S.S. is secondary stress; G.S. is general stress; L.S. is local stress.

development trends of actively promoting the probability limit of Technology, Prof. J. Z. Fu, C. Gan, Sr. Engr. S. H. Jiang with
state design method of the structural engineering design codes in West-North Investigation Design Institute, P.R. China, PhD. C. Q.
the international engineering structure circle. Wu, M. Sc. X. B. Yang, Prof. Y. N. Wang with Wuhan University,
2. The safety factors in DL/T 5141-2001 very approach to for their invaluable support. Additionally, special thanks to the
those in the penstocks codes of Japan and the former USSR. Com- reviewers and editors, who contributed much to the publication of
pared with ASCE Manual and USBR Standards, K y of the ex- this paper.
posed penstocks in DL/T 5141-2001 is a little higher, which
shows that K y in DL/T 5141-2001 may be still appropriately low-
ered, and K u is somewhat lower, but K u is as approximate as that References
in the other codes of penstocks and pressure vessel of domestic 关1兴 Eberhardt, A., 1966, ‘‘Penstocks Codes-U.S. and Foreign Practice,’’ J. Power
and foreign countries. Therefore, the partial factor valuing scheme Div. 共Am. Soc. Civ. Eng.兲, 92共2兲, pp. 137–155.
of various types of penstocks in DL/T 5141-2001 and correspond- 关2兴 Arthur, H. G., and Walker, J. J., 1970, ‘‘New Design Standards for USBR
Penstocks,’’ J. Power Div. 共Am. Soc. Civ. Eng.兲, 96共1兲, pp. 129–143.
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tors corresponding with the yield strength of the exposed pen- J. Civ. Eng., 5, pp. 340–351.
stocks and SLRCP have some room to improve. 关4兴 Jacoboson, S., 1990, ‘‘Recommendations on the Design of Steel Linings for
3. The limited value of yield ratio A in DL/T 5141-2001 is Penstocks,’’ Int. Water Power Dam Constr., 42共4兲, pp. 44 – 47.
关5兴 Committee of Science and Technology of Ministry of Energy and Power, 1977,
equal to 0.75, which approaches to the values in the former My 34 747-76 Hydraulic Structures Design Code for Exposed Penstocks of
USSR’s and Japanese penstocks codes and is beneficial to make Hydraulic Structures, Moscow Power Press, Moscow 共in Russian兲.
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cow 共in Russian兲.
Acknowledgment 关7兴 ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice No. 79, 1993, Steel Pen-
stocks, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, NY.
The authors would like to thank the academician of Chinese 关8兴 Hydraulic Gate and Penstocks Association, 1993, Technical Standards for
Academy of Engineering, Prof. G. F. Zhao with Dalian University Gates and Penstocks 共4th revision兲, Tokyo, Japan 共in Japanese兲.

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关9兴 Power Industry Standard of P.R. China, 1985, SD 144-85 Design Code for 关17兴 Dong, Z.-R., 1988, ‘‘Safety Factors of Strength for Penstocks on Dam Face of
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关10兴 Ling, J., 2000, ‘‘The Evolution of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 关18兴 Hou, J.-G., Fu, S.-J., An, X.-W. et al., 2001, ‘‘Study on Rational Structure
Code,’’ ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technol., 122共3兲, pp. 242–246. Coefficient Value of Partial Factor Design Expression for Steel Lined Rein-
关11兴 ASME, 1965, Rules for Construction of Nuclear Vessels, New York, NY. forced Concrete Penstock,’’ J. of Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute,
关12兴 ASME, 1995, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Division 2, New York, NY. 18共1兲, pp. 27–30, 34 共in Chinese兲.
关13兴 BS 5500, 1997, Specification for Unfired Fusion Welded Pressure Vessels, 关19兴 Hou, J.-G., 2001, ‘‘Study on Reliability for Steel Penstocks of Hydropower
British Standard Institute. Stations,’’ Ph.D. thesis, Wuhan University, P.R. China 共in Chinese兲.
关14兴 Mechanical Industry Standard of P.R. China, 1995, JB 4732-95 Steel Pressure 关20兴 National Standard of P.R. China, 1998, GB 150-1998 Steel Pressure Vessels,
Vessel Standard of Design by Analysis, China Standard Press, Beijing 共in China Standard Press, Beijing 共in Chinese兲.
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