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When I think of my mother, no one compares to her

Sometimes when iam thingking every part of my mother, every concern, every attention,
everything that mom does is always a good thing, a beauty things, a perfect things, that no
one else can compare to, couldn’t make a same thing like she did. And I think she always
does things that are perfect even people say it’s wrong.
A love like no other, she puts everyone else first

Mom always do that with thousand loves, everything with love, a love feelings is like nobody
could. She put other people first than herself, even for me or other. It’s like loving someone
else better than herself.
And when I was younger, I treated her the worst

Sometimes when I’m still a young, I always made a bad things, a worst, a trouble, Bad things
to my mother. All of thing I did seemed to broke her heart.
Never known someone stronger, 'cause damn it must have hurt

I never see, never know a stronger people like my mother, because she is the one. And I
know what I’ve do like a worst, a mistake, a problem, it’s was make a hurt, it is hurt for her.
But with all the things I’ve done, she’s still strong and her love never less, diminished for me.
I don't see you as much as I used to

Now, time have to pass. Because I am not a young anymore, I can see my mother like
yesterday when I still a young, like I used to look before.
But if I did, I know what I would do

I'd tell you I love you a million times

But, if I have time to see my mother like I formerly. I thought I knew what must do to
answer the worst at the end. Off course, I would say: “I love you mom” I would say it a
million times, for a long time, and always. And I’ll say sorry for all of things I’ve done for her,
may be because I can’t be the one is perfect for her or be a good child.
Say that I'm sorry if I made you cry

I will say sorry for all pain that I give, I’m sorry if sometimes my action made her cry, made
her sad. And actually, I don’t know I do, because she always made it a secret for herself. I
do, she was in sadness, in a painful.
Could never be half the woman even if I tried

But I'll try, I swear I'll try

I know, I couldn’t be like my mother or half of herself even though I always try to be, I try
hard to seem like my mother and I can’t. How much I’ll I couldn’t do, never to compare. I’ll
try to even though I know I couldn’t and I swear, I promise that I try to.
If someone puts me down, yeah I know my worth

If someone is gonna drag me down sometimes, I know that I am worth, my self is worth,
valuable, precious. They can’t drag me down because it’s me, myself. I know I’m worth and
I’ll not hear and swear what they gonna do
All thanks to you, the lessons that I've learned

All thanks, the biggest thanks to my mother, because she has given me many lessons that
I’ve learned from her. Because of her, I can learn how do life going on, and what’s good I’ll
do with my life.
If I had to put it into words

I think of an angel and all I see is her

All of the thanks don’t enough just words. But, if I had to make it as Words. I think she’s like
an Angel in my life. An angel is my mother. All thing I‘ll do is something my mother does, she
is my figure and provided.
All I see is her, hmm

All thing I see from my mother, she is my figure and provided.

Your voice in my head, it tells me I'm beautiful

All my mother’s sounds and voice always reflected and echoed in my head. She said I’m
And when I have children, I'll pass on the things I was told

Sometimes when I have Children, I’ll tell them the thing that I’ve learned from my mother
everything that I was told.

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