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snit5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® retaontine @ Hloceaming rorcs ® Gaming ° Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. htps:www rede comiglaonlinelcomments/érpulBior_rewpoar_players_ve_made_a_gui Business, Economics, a... Wiki Custom Jobs Crew + € @rigtaontine Posted by wjiaga 6 years ago Swe eegege For new/poor players, I've made a guide to make you a millionaire as fast as possible (no shark cards needed) PSA EDIT: I should point out that this guide isn't strictly for the lowest level/wealth bracket of players. If you already have one or more of the steps completed, ike you already have $200,000 or $1,000,000, then of course go ahead and skip to doing the one that applies to you. There are still a lot of players below level 50 that I see having trouble in a game full of level 100+ millionaires, so I'm making this post to help them out, The following information may seem ‘obvious to veterans of the game, but again, this guide is for financially challenged and/or new players. Step 1: Hustler First thing's first, you need money to make money, and to get the ball rolling, you'll need at least $200,000, be at least a level 12, have a garage, and have a relatively fast car. If you don't have a car or yours is kinda slow, you can look up where to find a Eelon, £620, or Jackal driving about and take one to the shop to make it yours. Trust me, you will need a speedy car. Another thing you'll want to do is get a garage, my recommendation being Unit 124 Popular St. for $25,000 if you're just starting out. You can buy it if you're at least a level 5 from your, phone. Having the garage will give you a safe place to spawn, but the main reason you'll want a garage is so it will open up Mechanic make_you! ‘W82 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® etaontine @ toceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... him to switch out your active Personal Venicte (which will aiso be teleported to you) if you own more than one car. Plus, if you own a ‘garage (and sign up with Rockstar Socialclub), you'll be able to order the Elegy RH8 to your garage for free. Other than that, getting $200,000 isn't very hard, you can get this by saving money from being a Heist crew member, participating in freemode challenges, doing story missions, and, as, u/onedonederp pointed out, Sentinel farming. Also, don't forget to only buy the guns you'll need, don't spend thousands of dollars on weapons you won't use. Step 2: Heist Leader When you have your $200,000, get the Del Perro Heights apartment 7 (an extra $5,000 will get you apartment 20, an identical apartment but with a better view from the windows), this is the cheapest high-end apartment in the game. If you're a level 12 and you have this apartment (or any other high-end apartment), you'll be open to leading Heists. These are a great way to get paid. If you have enough friends or find some competent randos (though you can also find Heist members on r/HeistTeam: you could literally complete a Heist in a day. Plus, Heists will unlock vehicles like the [Armoured Kuruma] ( (Armored) and the Insur‘ Iwill warn you though, Heists aren't easy (especially considering that you'll need to do them on Hard difficulty for the necessary payouts). Do some contact missions and be a Heist crew member to practice for leading the real thing Step 3: CEO Your next objective is to reach $1 million, so you can buy the Maze Bank West office. Seems like a lot, but trust me, $1 million is easier to reach than it seems, especially if you save your Heist money (most people don't complain with a 20% cut, so as a leader taking ‘4.40% cut from each heist on Hard, plus the $100,000 bonuses you get for completing the heist finales for the first time, you'll get $1.13 million at the end of Series A), Don't even worry about saving up for the extra bits of the office like the gun locker yet, you can get that later. Once you buy your office, you'll have CEO status, the biggest perk being open to VIP privaledges permanently, regardless of how much money you have. Along with that, you gain access to CEO- exclusive perks; you can call whatever car you have from your ‘garage to your office, rent certain military and commercial vehicles hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 2ie2 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® etaontine @ toceaming ropics Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... ‘example, you Won't nave to pay $25,0UU to Use I, yoU'l| get It tor free), and your assistant provides free snacks for you. Once you're a CEO, you can go to an invite only session, and do as much VIP work as you want without being bothered. If you want to get paid the fastest, go between Headhunter and Sightseer, they'll pay you about $21,000 each and can pretty much can be done back-to-back Step 4: Investor Your goal at this point is to get another $250,000 to buy the Convenience Store Lockup warehouse. It's a small warehouse, but it'll be good to get you started in the contraband business. Since you're always open to Headhunter and Sightseer, getting this money will actually be pretty easy, as those missions can get you that much within an hour or two. If you have 3 other people to work with, you could just re-do one of the higher-paying Heists. Once you have the warehouse, you can buy crates. You can buy up to 16 crates for it, which will cost you $2,000 to $18,000 per shipment, depending on what size shipments you buy. The small shipment gives you one crate, and costs $2,000. The medium shipment is 2 crates, and costs $4,000, The $18,000 option is the large shipment, which is 3 crates. What's the point of buying rates? To sell them of course. If you do large shipments (and one ‘small shipment) to fill up your warehouse, i'l cost you more, but you get paid faster over time, so it actually gets you more profit in the long run. It's highly recommended you do this in friendly or ‘empty lobbies, because you can only do crate work in public sessions, and other players have incentive to destroy your crates {as you're bringing them to the warehouse. After each time you buy a crate, there's a 5 minute cooldown between buying crates, so you may as well spend it being productive; do a VIP mission to make up for the buying costs, which will greatly increase your profits. From here, you just work your way up. Save up to $902,000, which will only take you 4 full [small] warehouse crate sales to get. Once you have the $902,000, get the Derriere Lingerie Backlot warehouse. It's a medium warehouse that's even closer to your office, almost close enough to be considered walking distance. Now each full warehouse sale is 42 crates and gets you $735,000. You could actually go from doing VIP work only, to owning a small warehouse, to a medium warehouse in one day if you really stick tot, hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you ais ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® retaontine @ toceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... the cheapest warehouse in it's class, but if you want the closest option, get the Vinewood West Backlot warehouse, which costs $2.14 million but is far closer to your office than any other option. These prices for a warehouse may seem hefty, but they're large warehouses, meaning they stores 111 crates, almost 3 times that of your medium warehouse. Now each full warehouse sale gets you $2.2 million. Considering the cool down time between crate buys, you should do VIP work to make up for crate costs. Step 5: Baller At this point, you could literally afford anything with enough work. You can hire associates to speed up your workflow or go solo, either way, you're open to whatever you want. Want a super car? You can afford anyone you want after a single large warehouse shipment, except for the X80 Proto. Want a yacht? Don't buy a yacht, Do not buy a yacht. They look nice but they're pretty much useless. Sure, you can do Piracy Prevention if you have one, but it's seriously not worth $6 - 10, MILLION for a lousy mission 10 minute mission that has a ONE HOUR cooldovin time, and only pays slightly more than Headhunter or Sightseer. On top of that, apart from being a floating apartment, they serve no useful purpose. Just go with collecting fancy cars. Also, I should point out that you're the only one who gets paid from the crates. If you hire associates, the VIP work between the crate pick ups will pay them, so it's extra important to do them in that case. Now as some of you might say, "wasn't this something everyone knew?" Again, this wasn't for veteran players who have-beer, playing this game-for-atongtime are very well-versed in this game, this is for inexperienced and poor players, though it's mostly aimed at those starting from the ground up. I made this because I explained all of this to a friend of mine who was only a level 10, and it helped him out immensely, so I thought I'd share it for those who needed it. If you have inexperienced friends or friends who are financially lacking in-game, feel free to show them this. Hope this helps someone! Updates + 10 July: I've been getting a lot of input and I've added incredibly helpful information to this guide thanks to you lot. hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you ais ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® etaontine @ toceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... {nis guide Is meant to only include money sources that are consistent and are part of the game's mechanics-- as in content and functions that were purposefully introduced to the game by the developer~ and glitches by their nature are neither of those things. Glitches can be patched for one thing, but the main thing is that they require doing something that is outside the bounds of the game, and this is not the kind of guide for that. However, if you're interested in such glitches, there is a subreddit for that. Again, thank you for your input, and I hope I've been helpfull 14 July: Like any other property, you can trade in a warehouse for another one. The large warehouse I recommended in the post is $2.14 million, but if you have the medium warehouse (that is, again, named in the post), you can actually trade it in during your purchase of the large warehouse, which puts half of the medium warehouse's cost to your large warehouse, or $451,000. So instead of paying $2.14 million, you only pay $1.68 million. Unlike other properties, you can only trade in a warehouse that’s the same size or smaller; you can't trade in a warehouse for a warehouse that's smaller than it. For example, you can't trade in a large warehouse for a medium or small warehouse. Once you go up a size, you can't go back down, Even so, if you get tired of filling up your large warehouse all the way to 111 crates, just fill it up to a value you're comfortable with and sell there, you're not obligated to fill it completely. If you want to, say, trade your large warehouse for a medium one, instead just start filing up your large warehouse to 42 crates 14 July: [Removed] 19 July [1]: [Removed] 19 July (21: [Removed] 11 Aug: [Removed] 27 Sep: | probably should've made this update a long time ago. Anyway, I've previously said that there's no reason to buy a second warehouse, but now I know there is reason to. Ifyou buy a second warehouse, you can supplement filling it Up as opposed to doing VIP work, essentially filling up 2 warehouses in the same time it'll take to fill one, However, this doesn’t mean double profit. If you do VIP work between crate pick ups, you can use the money from that work to pay off crates, so the cost of your crates don't subtract from the money you get from the warehouse sale payout. But, if you fill up a second warehouse instead of VIP work, your crates aren't being paid off, and will subtract from your profit from hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 5182 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a milonae as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® retaontine @ toceaming Tories ® Gaming v © sports v Business, Economics, a... 30 Crypto v Television v Celebrity v s+ More Topics v Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. pickup, your total protit rom that sale will be the full 32.2 million, But, if you go with filing 2 large warehouses, pick up crates for one after picking up crates from the other, the total profit will be $4.4 million... minus the $1.3 million in crate costs, since you didn't pay them off. So actually your profit is only about $3 million. This is about $800,000 more than you would get by doing one warehouse and VIP work, which is a considerable increase in profit. The increase in profit wouldn't be substantial for small and medium warehouse since they're payouts are considerably smaller, so it wouldn't really be worth getting a second warehouse unless it’s a second large warehouse. Also keep in mind that doing the second warehouse method is somewhat riskier. When you do VIP work between crate pickups, you're, again, paying off your crates. Not only does this mean they won't subtract from your profits, but it also means that you won't lose any money if the crates are destroyed. For example, say you're doing a large warehouse sale, and have to delivery 3 trucks. If one of your trucks is destroyed, you will lose 1/3 of your crates, or 37 crates. These crates cost about $222,000. However, if you did VIP work between getting crates, you won't lose any money when they're destroyed because they've been paid off, that $222,000 was paid for with VIP work. On the other hand, if you do the second warehouse method, this won't be the case, so any lost crates are lost money. 18 Nov: Here is a follow-up post regarding MC businesses (and a note about the Import/Export work). It's not so much of a "part two" to this guide as it is a formal addressing of an issue or two related to this guide. However, this post is going to be archived soon, so if you have any further questions, ask them in the comments of the follow-up post. 29 Nov: When I said don't buy a yacht, I meant don't buy one vyet (if you want one). A yacht is permanent, practically useless, and it's one of the most expensive items you'll ever get (all the same reasons I don't want a kid). It's an end-game item, something to save up for when there's nothing left to buy, but whilst you're trying to save up money that could be spent on for more useful things, you should avoid getting fone (could also be applied to kids), 11Jan: Holy crap, this guide hit the 1000 point mark, and it's been [previously] guilded! Thank you guys so much, I hope you have a wonderful 2017! 415 Jan ['18}: Well... 2017 was a thing, Let's see if 2018 goes better. hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you eis2 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av .agea some links ana rixea some grammar issues. FEEDS \dded more info for the Hustler step. B Home peling corrections ® roput ‘+ 4: Considering the coal down time and expense of the crates, epular Tve added in the recommendation of doing VIP work between crates, \dded the F620 as a potential car to steal and keep in Step ® retaontine 1 ‘+ 6: Changed the order of the garage and first car info in Step 1 § r/pcgaming & to make more sense. Torts ‘+ 7: Changed the formatting of this post in some areas. ® Gaming Vv + 8: Added a link to the July 10 update leading to a relevant subreddit. © Sports v ‘+ 9: Additional spelling and grammar corrections. ‘+ 10: Re-ordered the information in the Hustler step and fixed some information in the Heist Leader step. To be honest, the Crypto v way they were before didn't make sense, I'm actually embarrassed it took me so long to realize how much they Business, Economics, a... V ep x Television v needed to be fixed. Celebrity v + 11: Edited the formatting of the edits. ‘+ 12: Re-added the information about the Elegy RH into the +++ More Topics v Hustler step. ‘+ 13: Changed the information about when and how to buy the warehouses, stscomments 2 share = 9996 Upveted ‘This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort By: Best ‘Fy mnrepR mon W- 6yr. ago -Stickied comment - edited 6 yr ago 5 pc Create an account to follow Due to high numbers of "How do I make money" posts, your favorite communities and start taking part in this post will be stickied for now and posts of that type conversations. will be removed and redirected here. Please report those posts if you see them so that we can redirect them. 4 vote G) share Report save 3 more replies hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 82 ‘nisin, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millonate 9s fast as possible (no shark cards needed) :giaoaline © & QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® etaontine @ toceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... Soto make a million dollars Step one: make 200,000 dollars Step two: make a million dollars ok gotit > 317 D share Report save @ ES row [RIMBOTS A COMPLIMENT Gotta spend money to make money. 4 56D share Continue his tread > G2 E1200 ettes e260 The 200k is needed to open up heists. I've found that, most people don't complain with a 20% cut, so as a leader taking a 40% cut (along with the 100k bonus you get for completing a heist finale for the first, time), you'll get $1.13 million at the end of Series A. The money you get from the Pac Standard heist can be Kuruma money. 30D share Continue this thread > Dodger Grey Gyr. ago Don't forget flight school, I think you get a bonus for the first time each lesson is completed 4) 30 G share Report save vou_got_fragged L131 oP - 6yr. ago Please report back how fast you made money, I'm rooting for you:3 3G share Continue this thread > thogamingfaux - 6 yr. ago I lost all the money they originally gave out for free because of the bad servers, If only it had let me transfer my money... hitpshwwuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 9182 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a milonae as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® etaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... Nasty_n8..- 6yr.ag0 Screen name platform? 1G share Taries_Boyttiend - 6 yr.ago The Fleeca Job gives a lot of money for its time investment for the first completion. It's also easy enough that pugs struggle to fail it. 4) 14D share Report save xelame «6 yr. ago ‘The CEO system really made the yachts useless, before even thought it was quite heavily priced the yacht had the benefit of having a helicopter right there for when you joined the game, but since the CEO system allows you to just spawn a helicopter at your feet the yacht has lost a lot of its usefulness. So I agree, don't buy the yacht, especially if you are still trying to earn money. 4) 10 D share Report save famphook «6 yr.ago Iwish I could sell my yacht to upgrade to a bigger officetwarehouse. Itis definitely useless. My yacht now only serves 3 purposes: 1. [tis docked next to Fort Zancudo because Ilove flying Lazers. Just spawn there, fly your helicopter in, and then fly out with a jet. 2. If somebody is chasing me with another jet, I just turn on air defense and fly towards my yacht. 3, Piracy prevention is still a good easy $30k for 10 minutes of running back and forth and my yacht. 4) 10. share“ [deleted] - 6 yr. ago hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 0182 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® etaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... buzzard, This allows you to spawn It free instead of the $25000 cost from the securoserv menu within the interaction menu. 7G share report save L431 oP - 6yr. ago It's in there now :3 Q 5h share Continue this thread > thegateceo - 6 yr. ago ‘st thing I did in GTA online: Not spend a dollar unless for 1 assault rifle, shotgun and ammo when needed, Saved money until 1.3 million, to become C.£.0. ($1 million) and buy cheapest small warehouse ($250,000). Only way I saved up this much was to not spend and be an associate everytime I was online to users who did crates and VIP mission in between. Leveled up from a level 16 to level 96 in 2.5 weeks and am now C.£.0. with a large and small warehouse in 3 weeks time. 42.8 share Report save L431 oP - 6 yr. ago Impressive, nice work D2 D share NessaMagick » 6yr.ago VanessaMagick | just don't understand how anybody's supposed to actually deliver these crates. As soon as I pick one up a jet flies overhead and all of them explode, I'm not sure how on earth I can get all three to a warehouse, I tried googling it and all got was people suggesting to break your own internet so you only get solo sessions, and people who hop sessions for hours until they find empty ones. 4>7D share Report save hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 162 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonine ® Search Reddit av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® etaontine @ sioceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... Td say get a Hydra and park it on the roof before every mission, but if you could already afford one then this wouldn't even be a problem, Those fuckers fly fast. 46D share os nlx78 - 6 yr. ago These jobs are kind of random, Sometimes you just have to drive to a location, pick up a van or truck and drive back, Sometimes there will be enemies along the road back. Not sure what jet you talk about, Probably from a human player in your session? Normally there are just police heli's in the worst case scenario. ‘What you might want to do is 7. buy a buzzard 2 spawn that buzzard for every job you get. Makes it so much faster to go to the crates and bring them back to your warehouse. It's also great to shoot at possible enemies surrounding the crates before you can pick them up. On the public servers issue. I first started out doing them in public but only if there were 5 or less players in the game, But stil, it only takes 1 annoying person to constantly kill you or ruin your crates. Since 3 days, ‘use this tip like you mentioned to block your ports. It seems to be the only way to make it worth wile the grinding, Depending on your firewall program, these settings should help you out. Q2D share Continue this thread > mepmep_- 6 yr. ago Nice writeup you have there, but it is KUruma and not karuma, 4) 9G share Report save you_got_tragged 4 -6yr. ago puta bulletin my head hitpsiwuuredst.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you aie ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... Q7Q share + Continue this thread > FATbot27 - 6 yt. ag0 First off, thanks for the guide, I'm a seldom player of GTA Online, jumped on last night to make some buckage for the new update and found this very helpful for getting into some of the new features that I've missed, being out of the loop for a while. Found myself in an empty lobby with just enough money to purchase an office and a small warehouse that | made from heists in the past (purchased both properties the guide recommends) so I started from the Investor stage. Spent 2 hours doing Headhunter and Sightseer back to back to (using the Armoured Karuma) to get cash for crates, This is turned out to be not @ bad money builder, ‘making just shy of 180,000 for relatively simple tasks. After this money building exercise I jumped right in to purchasing 3 crates at a time to begin filling the warehouse. Between crate collections and filling the cool down with VIP work, al in al it took me about 3 hours to fill the small warehouse, in the end selling to goods for just over 220,000. ‘As a somewhat rusty player there's definitely room for improvement on the amount of time it took to fill the small warehouse. 90% of collections were made in the ‘Armoured Karuma, and honestly any form of helicopter would have sped up the whole processes. (A buzzard most likely going to be my next investment as I can see how useful I could be for certain collections) Having a friend / associate to pitch in would definitely lighten the load, I have a friend lined up to try this tonight to see how fast I can actually fill the warehouse. Do I think this is an effective money making method? I'm still undecided as it currently is taking a lot of ground work in the beginning to net a profit much smaller than the 2/3 heists I could have fitted into 5+ hours of gameplay. But I will stick with this guide as 1 do believe that this method can eventually net a much hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 19162 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® retaontine @ sioceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... Just thought I share my experience for anyone going to give this guide a try. Thanks again /u/131 for putting this together. %** thdr** Started with over 1 million last night, had just over 300,000 after 5+ hours of game play. But with all the tools in place making money in the future. 4p 8.& share Report save Comment deleted by user - 6 yr. 90 CorbanoHoner - 6 yr. ago You are a saint. This can be used by practically anybody, poor or well-endowed in the bank, plus it's easy to understand (unlike some of these one-off dupe glitches ‘we see every now and then), and overall guaranteed to work. Bravo dude, this is awesome. Congrats on the pin btw, this is seriously worthy of being top-of-the-sub. 4)6G share Report save L431 oP - 6yr. ago Thank you <3 Q 6D share XNIBx - 6 yr.ag0 1am not convinced about the warehouse cargo thingie. Convince me. Isnt running pacific heist on hard better? ‘And more fun? And i am not even sure if cargo is even better value than running vip missions like sightseer. 4p 11. share Report save RussianFighter 6 yr. ago PAC Standard used to be hella fun. Its really hard to find players who don't completely fuck it up anymore tho. 45D share Continue this thread > hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you aise ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® retaontine ©@ soceaming Tories ® Gaming v © sports v Business, Economics, a... 30 Crypto v Television v Celebrity v +++ More Topics v Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Crates are good if you have solo public lobby. I have earned around 22 mil from release of the update. :) 48D share Continue this thread -> Comment deleted by user - 6 yr. ago lamphook + 6 yr. ago. It is, especially if you run the pac standard finale glitch, but only if you have reliable friends and team members to run pac standard with. I quit back in January and started playing here and there again and most of the people that I played Pac Standard with aren't really on anymore, Before CEO work came out, I spent 30 minutes in a lobby waiting for players just to play the van set up. When I finally got it to launch, a player always drags the NPC out of the van instead of taking a picture of the license plates, causing me to wait for another lobby to fill. So, for a player who doesn't have people they can reliably count on for heists, I think warehouse cargo thing is the next best option. Q 5D sha RussianFighter - 6 yr. ago Bravol! Way to think of the youngsters! 4p 4.G share Report save L131 0P - 6yr.ag0 3 Q 5h share Thoughtwolf - 6 yr. ago This is a nice guide. Something I would mention to anyone starting fresh at level 1 needing money to make money: Go do the fight schoo! missions and get Gold on hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 15182 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® retaontine ©@ soceaming ropics Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... Skill, INen | Was able to arora items to make more money, 4) 4.Q Share Report save [deleted] - 6 yr. ago I don't like the del Perro apartment, I recommend weazel plaza, 45D share Report save Comment deleted by user - 6 yr. ago deleted] - 6 yr. ag0 Yeah, that cockblocking view really sucks... 43% share Eliastronaut - 6 yr. ago Lol 1G share TheManntkin - 6 yr. ago Funny I actually did each of these steps without even seeing this guide(well everything except the hustler part because I already had del perro hts apt and it was only logical to me to purchase the office and warehouses near my apartment, ironically everything near the beach is cheaper, even though IRL this property would go for more $), good to know I'm on the right track... 'm currently working on getting the large warehouse, I've just realized that the fastest way to grind is to do strictly headhunters in between picking up cargo because the headhunters are more predictable and are in closer proximity to the player location Funny you say not to get the yacht though, I've read that by getting the yacht yoy can call for ANY of the vehicles that come with the yacht which seems like a good deal ‘Also the yacht has special defenses and can be relocated which sounds like it could come in handy when doing missions or pickups in open sea. hitpshwouredst.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 16182 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonine ® Search Reddit av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... L431 oP - Gyr. ago - edited 6 yr. ago Ishould probably also put this in the guide, but also keep in mind that like any other property, you can trade in a warehouse for another one. The large warehouse I recommended in the post is $2.14 million, but if you have the medium warehouse (that , again, named in the post), you can actually trade it in during your purchase of the large warehouse, Which puts half of the medium warehouse’ cost to your large warehouse, or $451,000. So instead of paying $2.14 million, you only pay $1.68 million, The only thing about it is that warehouses can only be traded it to buy a warehouse that's the same size or bigger, so you can't trade in a large warehouse to buy a medium one, for example. If it worked like apartments, all of the worth of the property you're buying would be covered and you'd be given the extra 43& share ‘mico_motene - 6 yr. ago Hey. Just wanna say thank you for this! This thread got me back into playing gtao. Much appreciated! @ 4p 4& share Report save [deleted] 6 yr. ago Don't buy a yacht?22! Pshh if you want to really ball out in this game you gotta have everything! (Only if you've got the change of course tho). Nothin like goin to my yacht and chillin getting the bartender to pour me and, the boys drinks, having her tell me I've had one too many, fall over and hit my characters head on the bar and wake up downstairs in the yacht's master bedroom! Oh and the defenses are great if ur being pursued by an air vehicle or need to take refuge for a few minutes from a hydra troll, and once he flies away fly right to the nearest Pegasus spawn grab ur own hydra and get some revenge muahaha. Also if you park your yacht near del pierro or LSIA t's a great strategic location if your warehouse network is around there hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you ‘rie ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweoniine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @ retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... EAM-A-TOWTRUCK - 6 yr. ago You're crazy. 45. O share Continue this thread > edgeofblade2 - 6 yr. ago ‘Aye, agreed on the yacht. I have one and it's only useful for being a mobile spawn point on the edge of the map. It's better to spend money on the CEO office and get a personal quarters. On cars, [highly recommend the Voltic. It's fast, virtually silent, and it has a very rare continuous acceleration curve in addition to being the fastest car... in reverse. It's not race worthy, but it's a great multifunctional freeroam vehicle without being expensive, but keep the stock suspension if you start modding it 42D share Report save TREVORtheSAXman - 6 yr. ago But [like the cool flips it does when Ihit a pebble, 43D share Continue this thread > L131 oP - 6yr. ago. (On my second character I decided to take you up on your advice and got myself a Voltic. It’s a purchase Tm glad I made * thank you 2G share [deleted] - 6 yr.ag0 Iwould say don't go for Del Perro Heights, instead, wait until you have $270k, buy Tinsel Towers so that you have a garage right next to the Sentinel Farm. Steal a motorcycle and keep it in there to help farm Sentinels, once you get another property, only keep the motorcycle and Sentinels in there. hitpshwuuredst.comilgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 1aie2 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweoniine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @ retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... WagelyBump965 - 6 yr.ag0 How do you get in a friendly or empty lobby? 4p3.& share Report save wakatlockastark -6 yt 290 I don't support buying a small warehouse. It will make less money than doing VIP missions if you do the wave trick which is very easy, look up wave trick gta von YouTube and you'll make around 211k an hour. Then buy a medium warehouse, and buy 3 crates at a time. This, makes more money per hour. Also, buying the savage rn since its on sale isn't a bad idea. I did it and I feel good about my decision, lots of firepower, only 200 to spawn in, but is just very big and bulky. Other than that, | agree 100% with everything else 4.2L share Report save Xorilla - 6 yr. ago Xorlla Quick Question: Do I buy an Attack Buzzard or just a regular Buzzard? 42D share Report save L431 oP - 6 yr. ago - edited 6 yr ago They're the same thing; the Buzzard is an attack helicopter. EDIT: I stand corrected... didn’t realize there were two versions of the Buzzard, I even accidentally linked to the regular Buzzard (though the link is fixed now). Online though, there is only the Attack version, but even if the regular one was avalaible, I'd still say go with the attack version 2D share DICKSDISKSDICKSDISKS : 6 yr. ago When you upgrade warehouses can you sell the previous one? hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 19182 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... L431 oP - 6 yr. ago I should probably also put this in the guide, but also keep in mind that like any other property, you can trade in a warehouse for another one. The large warehouse I recommended in the post is $2.14 million, but if you have the medium warehouse (that is, again, named in the post), you can actually trade it in during your purchase of the large warehouse, which puts half of the medium warehouse's cost to your large warehouse, or $451,000. So instead of paying $2.14 million, you only pay $1.68 million The only thing about it is that warehouses can only be traded it to buy a warehouse that’s the same size or bigger, so you can't trade in a large warehouse to buy a medium one, for example. Ifit worked like apartments, all of the worth of the property you're buying would be covered and you'd be given the extra, Yes, Source 412& share xBMxBanginBUX - 6 yr. ago When heists first came out it was me and a buddy and fleeca back to back all day. It was work but it was worth the grind, found more competent players with mics who use armored kurumas and heavy utility vests as much as you can in every heist and setup possible, some setups you can't use vests so be cautious, if you want that 10,000,000$ bonus that is. (GRIND PACIFIC STANDARD IF POSSIBLE) all heavy utility vest and kuruma will do most of the work, make sure you buy snacks and body armor. That vest makes you slow but you can cook hand grenades with it and survive or get hit with an RPG saves the day alot and it just makes for less deaths and excuses, I can walk through a crowd of npcs on Convoy with the heavy MG hitting me and kill them all using Aim Assist Full it sounds pathetic but it gets the job done so much faster and makes for more quicker grinding. 1 have not completed Elite Challenge BUT I made my hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 20162 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... ‘Work myselt | played on launch night on P53 when it didn't even work properly and waited the two days tll I could connect, I was out of the hospital from cancer so T overindulge in this game alot specially when first person came out, before heists I grinded rooftop rumble and once they patched that I grinded every mission on hard as fast as possible, I was broke when heists came out cause I spent all my money so I worked my ass off, I own a yacht and I'm ceo with 10m, never spend all your money when a new update comes out, because there will most likely be crazier shit in the next one because rockstar is a genius at making people buy shark cards. always wonder how new players feel coming to gta online in next gen and PC, with so much content it can be overwhelming and I imagine people dont know where to start but we wish you luck and hope you enjoy all the free update content they have to offer and by free I mean not paying for your DLC but I really wish they would drop something. Grinding may be a pain in the ass but the feeling is great when you can get the things you want and show off. Also don't buy a yacht until your shit rich and ceo and have the Pegasus and vehicles of your choice it's basically a status symbol and a waist of money now that CEO is the big thing. PS4 tag is the same as Reddit if anyone's interested in giving it a go, though I have rarely anyone online anymore, will play for the action though and take 5% if you need a 4th. 42D share Report save L431 oP - 6yr. ago Firstly, just to be sure, the cancer's gone? If so, congratulations and I hope you live a long happy life! Ifit's not gone then kick cancer's arse and live to tell, the tale! ‘Anyway, thanks for your advice and for sharing your story. One of the main reasons I made this guide is to help new players from start to "finish" (the only way you ever finish an online game is when the servers go down), so maybe now they'll be able to find a reference to help them. This may not be the best guide but as long as a considerable amount of people who read it find it hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 262 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweoniine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @ retaontine @ toceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... Continue this thread > Unforgettable - 6 yr. ago Td hate to be that guy... but I'm assuming this still works? lol I play on and off and I'm only level 85 right now... have about 2.49 million right now. Will probably do this if I can get into GTA again. Thanks again for this, lol 4) 2 share Report save jellsprout - 6 yr. ago It might be an idea to add a small section for Old Gen players. Nearly everything you've posted here is Next Gen only. It is not difficult either. If you have three reliable players to play with, Heists are best. If you are playing with randoms, Contact Missions with as many randoms as possible is best, Heists appear to be less popular on Old Gen, so you'll probably spend most of your time waiting for lobbies to fill up and then starting everything over again once one player inevitably disconnects, Contact Missions are a lot more reliable. There are two ways to play them: solo or with randoms. If you play solo, you need to time your missions and try to go for 4 minutes to maximize your pay-out per time. Just be careful you don't get a time of 3:59, this will cost you several thousand per job. Some good missions for this are early Simeon and Gerald missions, especially the ones that don't involve combat such as Blow-Up. If you have the Kuruma you can also do missions that involve killing a target or collecting an object in a heavily guarded area, such as Death From Above. If you have a Buzzard or Savage, missions that involve blowing up several vehicles also become easy, such as Denial of Service or Trash Talk. Instead of solo you can also do Contact Missions with groups of randoms. The advantage here is that only one of you needs to complete the mission; if three of you die hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 2262 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a milonae as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © es QB raweontine @ Search Reddit ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® etaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... fone nigh level player that can solo the mission. Another advantage is that you get a higher pay-out if you have more players in the group. 4 players will give you an additional 30% pay-out. The specific job doesn’t matter as much for this. With other randoms it is more difficult to optimally complete each mission, so itis better to simply select your missions from the Next Job screen and reduce the loading and lobby times. But if you have the option, play the Los Santos Connection. It is too slow to grind solo, but with a team it can be completed fairly fast, especially if one of the players has a Savage. The big bonus to this mission is that there are several crates strewn about the locations that contain three $500 packets each. There's about $7500 to be collected by the players this way. From my experience when I still played Old Gen, Grinding solo earns a bit more money, while grinding with randoms is less tedious. They difference in pay-out isn't that much, though, so it mostly comes down to what you prefer. ‘Another difference is that there are no modded Sentinels in Old Gen. Instead you should farm the gang Tornados and Peyotes. There is a 10 car garage in South Shambles Street and the gang cars spawn behind the fence opposite form this garage. Start a solo session, drive here in a Peyote or hard-top Tornado and check the spawn location, If there is a car there, store it in the garage. If there is none, enter and exit the garage. You can fill up your garage in minutes and each of these cars sell for about $12,000. As for vehicles you need to buy, the Kuruma is a must- buy. Ittrivializes most missions. Itis also recommended to get either the Buzzard or Savage once you have the money. The Savage is better for Killing large crowds of enemies, like in The Los Santos Connection, the Buzzard is better for killing individual targets at different locations, like in Trash Talk. They are expensive, but will allow you to clear missions much faster and save you a lot in ammo, so eventually they pay off themselves. Note that you need to complete the Fleeca Job heist to unlock the Kuruma and the Pacific Standard - Convoy set-up mission to unlock the Savage. Neither are hitpshwuuredst.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rputifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... 4p 2. share Report save PassionateFlatulence - 6 yr. ago Should be noted, alotta of this shit is useless if ure on ps3 42 share Report save L131 oP - 6yr. ago To be honest, yeah, this guide entirely for current gen players, sorry. 43D share boomer98 - 6 yr.ago Xbox 360, too. Damn... Q1G share Continue this thread -> Gamiae - 6yr.ago Since you're always open to Headhunter and Sightseer, getting this money will actually be pretty easy Have you actually tried this in a game? People just camp the last guy and gangrape you. 4)2L share Report save L131 oP - 6yr. ago can personally attest that when people try that, I just kill them before killing the target. I've only failed Headhunter once, and it was my own fault Q3G shaw thobbs - 6 yr. ago I may have had a different experience to other new players, but I found getting through heists and some of hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 2062 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweoniine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @ retaontine @ toceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... running speea/neaitn points ang no Kuruma, 1 was pretty clumsy, didn’t know what I was doing most of the time and definitely frustrated other players in public missions. Instead, I found grinding the mission ‘Blow Up’ was a great way to make cash and level up early on, without pissing off other players, spending a lot of money on weapons or armor, or dying a lot. The important thing with this method is you have start from a private session, so that load times between finishing and starting the mission again is as short as possible {it takes longer to load into a public server). I's also pretty boring, It’s only a viable way to progress and make money if you don't mind doing the same mindless task over and over again for hours on end. If you can handle this, then once in a private session, launch mission on hard (you get the most cash and RP this way). Drive to rival dealership, get in a few of the cars and drive them into the space between the cars opposite them (so that all cars are touching). Launch a grenade at the centre of the cars. 99% of the time this, causes a chain-reaction that blows up all vehicles. Drive back to Simeon's garage and collect reward, The mission is easy, and can be completed in around 4 minutes which gives the best time/profit ratio (about $7k pay-out). Loading screens takes about 1 minute, so $7k every 5 minutes or so. The grenade needed to blow up the cars costs $250. I did this for about a week. I still go back to this occasionally if Ihave time and need a lot of cash. [have a Hydra these days, which brings the cost, down to $200/mission, and I can get from start to finish in 2 minutes (but wait at Simeon’s garage until it hits the 4-minute mark before ending). If Im doing something else at the time, this is an easy way to make money without having to concentrate too hard, 4) 2D share Report save Schaibli - 6 yr ago what do you do when you get the sell special cargo. mission where buzzards/helis are hunting you and shooting your cargo out? I just sold 42 crates and they shot 3 crates out of my Titan so i couldnt finish the mission WTF hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 25162 ‘nisin, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a quide to make you a millonaite 9 fast as possible (no shark cards needed) :giaoaline © ® QB rigweoniine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® etaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... L431 oP - 6yr. ago ‘Were they players or NPCs? QD share Continue this thread > Springstot - 6 yr. ago Isn't the Elegy free? Would be a better option if you are looking for a cheap fast car. 42D share Report save Kubencjuszaninek - 6 yr. ago What if i'm on old gen (PS3)? 4) 2 share Report save 1231 oP - 6yrago To be honest. This guide only applies to current gen, sorry. 2G shaw Continue this thread > Comment deleted by user - 6 yr. ago therasaak 6yr. ago Thanks! 4) 1G share Report save [deleted] - 6 yr. ago You know after reading this, the best method is actually to run the heists all in order, then continue running pac till you get a t20 then racing it 4)1.Q share Report save L431 oP - 6yr. ago hitpsshwouredet.comlgtaonlinelcamments/¢rpuBiforrewpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to.make_you 26162 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a milonae as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... 1G share Continue this thread > XproX_Gaming - 6 yr. a90 Iwas once like you i stuggled hella so heres the guide to survivales waves 1-3 use a normal pistol usually they fone shot enemy rounds 4-5 use sub machine guns some times a heli will spawn pull out a Img rounds 6-10 use assault rifles my biggest tip eat snacks alot if youre health is low and shot a heli down with a automatic sniper if you can Goodluck getting cash happy killing 1G share report save SlapshatTommy (5 - 6yr. 290 TornmyWizara Maybe a general tip, doing the crate mission with the Boat out at sea. When using a Buzzard, blow up the two support boats first and then the Yacht. Makes sure you don't accidentally blow up the crates! 4)1.Q Share Report save L131 oP - 6yr. ago actually had to learn that one the hard way XD_ 2D share nallgabe - 6 yr. ago ‘Also, If you are looking for easy and quick money, be sure to visit GTALEH (to remember just remember that it's short for Grand Theft Auto Looking For Heist) you can find a crew which is looking for a decent team to do heists, if you are on Pac standard, you can also do the glitch (ez money). 4p1Q share Report save deleted] «6 yr. ago - edited 6 yr ago ‘Thanks very much for the guide mate, it's really helped a lot and kinda peaked my interest in the online part hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 2762 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a milonae as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s Home @® Poputar ® retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television & Bx Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... RazePerfect (6 yr. ago - edited 6 7: 360 so my problem is a little different. took advantage of the sale on the Megalodon card, so have $8,000,000 and I'm rank 3 What should I do with this money? I don't want to blow it on a bunch of stupid shit. I bought an Apartment with a 10 car garage, a helicopter and all the weapons I could buy and went ahead and upgraded all the weapons. I have a shitty car so I play on my next purchase being a decent vehicle. Thave a little over $6,000,000 left. ‘Where should I go from there? 4)1D share Report save L431 oP - 6 yr. ago The people who blow their money the fastest are ‘those who suddenly get millions and have no aim of what to do with it, those are the ones who end up from riches-to-rags. The first thing you should do with your money is make use of it; invest into something like CEO work so you can use that money to make more money. in terms of vehicles, I say get the Armoured Karuma for missions, the Buzzard for all-around convienece, a personal insurgent for protection (in case someone starts chasing you in an air vehicle, for example), and a super car for fun (honestly the X80 Proto is more of a money sink thank anything, Isay get any super car except for that one). If you need advice one what. super car to get just ask and I'l be happy to give you alist 41% share Continue this thread > iamphook + 6 yr. ago What do you think you'd like to do in this game? hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 2062 ‘nisin, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millonate 9s fast as possible (no shark cards needed) :giaoaline © & QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @® retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... analysis and reviews of cars. An apartment with a 10 car garage is good start. I hope the Helicopter you bought was the Buzzard, Quite honestly, I think a good investment now, would be the Maze Bank West office - $1,000,000 and a large warehouse. This investment will give you the ability to make some money back especially if you have the Buzzard, Buying the office will allow you to register as a CEO so you can complete CEO/VIP work, which is pretty decent money playing in freeroam. 1G share oo Animusisol » 6 yr. ago as far as daily objectives i honestly thought people did the same thing i always do when they give me something i don't care for.. quit and log back online lol but yeah future tip. 421 share Report save furrynoy96 ) lol jk but seriously 'm still buying a yacht. 421 share Report save GreenbightKillags - 6 yr. ago Saying it's useless is pretty much a personal opinion considering most things are useless I's more of aI got $$ symbol of success. 1G share oo Comment deleted by user - 6 yr. ago lamphook » 6 yr. ago Not a new player, but definitely a poor player haha Is it really worth it to upgrade from small warehouse to hitpssiwwuredet.comlgtaonlinelcamments/érpuBifornewpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to._make_you 2062 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweoniine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @ retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television & Bx Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... of the same to just Keep selling 16 crates in a small warehouse to save for a large warehouse? Or is it cause we'd be saving a bit of time on the sell missions? 4)1.G share Report save L431 oP - 6yr. ago - edited 6 yr ago Since selling a full small warehouse only gets you about $240,000, it would take you 9 sales to get the $2.14 million dollar large if you're doing VIP work between crate pick ups, even if you trade in the $360,000 small warehouse I named in the guide (otherwise, the crate cost will reduce your profit to $148,000 per sale, so you'll have to do about 14 sales). If you save up for the $902,000 warehouse, you'll only need to do 4 sales from your small warehouse with VIP work between sales to afford the medium one, The payout from your medium warehouse would be $735,000, so it would only take you 3 sales from there to afford the large warehouse with VIP work between crates (otherwise it would take you 4 sales without VIP work). Though now that I'm thinking about it, Idon't think most people could afford the crates without VIP work. The 4 small warehouse sales plus the 3 medium warehouse sales means you'll only have to do 7 sales as apposed to 9 in total to afford the large warehouse. But wait, there's more! When you trade in your medium warehouse for your large one, you get $451,000 back, so you'l still have money to afford crates, and a bit more to fall back on for ammo and such. Trading in your small warehouse would be negligible. 2G shaw DocHolliday13 - 6 yr. 290 The more crates you can sell at once, the more you get per crate, So medium is better than small, and hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 0182 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @® retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television & Bx Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... oft Just doing VIF work and rorget about crates al! together. Q1G share oo Nkechinyerembi - 6 yr ago has anyone managed to actually do any ceo work? I have gotten to the "buy crates" part and never had a single bit of success due to lack of empty rooms, griefers, and general stupidity 1G share report save TheHarvinger -6 yr. ago Also played since the first release... 'm terrible with my money in this game. Lvi 143 and have 16,000 to my name. Gonna try and work with this guide. 1G share Report save wallandd - 6 yr. ag0 Wouldn't it be better to buy the armored Schafter V12, instead of the kuruma, since itis cheaper and faster? 42 share Report save L131 oP - 6yr. ago That depends. I personally use the Schafter (armoured) when my main concern is players, since the bullet won't penetrate the windows as I've driving away and it can take a direct explosive hit without being destroyed. However, the bullets will eventually destroy the windows, and shooting out of them will immediately destroy them, so it's not good against NPCs who will fire at you relentlessly. Plus, against NPCs, you won't really need explosive resistance. The Kuruma will always be 99% bullet proof (getting shot at from particular angles will allow the bullets to hit ‘you, but it generally will never result in your death), and even though an explosive will take it out, you Won't have to worry about it against NPCs hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 31162 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @® retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television & Bx Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... TIP: If your windows do get destroyed or your car get hit be an explosive, meaning it won't stand against another one, take it to the nearest garage for immediate repair for full protection. Q2& share wild2x17 - 6 yr. ago Any lower levels wanted to be part of a Organization? Currently doing missions alone on PS4 4) 1& share Report save brdzgt 6 yr. ago Since the Stunts update, I can't seem for the love of all that's holy make decent money. Neigh no one plays missions, very few play heists, and I'm stuck with about $200k right now. ‘Assuming that I can really make a quick buck with these tactics, it would make sense to sell my T20, right? love the car, but I have a Jester RC, Elegy, Massacro etc. as well, so it's not like I'll be left without a fast one, just without my favorite, Itshould amount to circa 1,3 mill, so after the sale, 1 should be able to buy both the Office and the Warehouse, then farm my way from there to rebuying it, and later buying all the new fancy cars I like thdr: should I sell my T20 to get my business going? 4>1G share Report save L131 0 - 6yr. ago Well, maybe you could sell your Sports cars and keep your Super car. Would you rather lose, say 3 or 4 sports cars, or your one favorite Super car? The 120 is faster than the others and you know you're probably going to be driving it rather often, hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you sate ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s Home ® Poputar ® retaontine ©@ tioceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television & Bx Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... save up for a small warehouse (and use the sales from that warehouse to get a medium one), or use VIP work save up to get the medium warehouse, Either way, you'll be starting off with VIP work. Good thing is that it can be done in an Invite Only session, so no one will bother you. Go between Headhunter and Sightseer, they're the highest paying work and will get you an average of $22,000 upon completion of each one, and can be done back-to-back. Anything else I can help you with? 2G share Continue this thread -> brotherlymoses - 6 yr. ago T have $25mil from duping cars, should I invest that in being a CEO? 4)1D share Report save L431 oP - 6 yr. ago Wow that's a lot of money. By duping cars, do you mean Sandking/Sentinel farming? Q1G share Continue this thread -> Zip2kx - 6 yr. ago - edited 6 yr ago Tve never done crates, i dont have friends on the ps4 so doing regular heists isnt really an option.. how hard is crate work? edit: Tried it, happened to be a in a lonley lobby... the biggest issue seems to be that i can only cary one crate ata time. How do you guys cope with that? 421 share Report save L431 oP - 6 yr. ago - edited 6 yr. ago Yeah, the missions that make you carry individual crates is probably the most challenging for solo hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you saree ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s Bi Home ® Poputar @® retaontine @ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... immaculately, Try to go to a nearby helipad (the most prominent being the Vespucci Helipad and LSIA and steal a helicopter. The Maverick is very likely to spawn there if you're a level 7 of higher, and if you're a level 43 or higher, you might get a Buzzard. The Maverick is a bit of an underdog, but it gets the job done; it has considerable speed, even when compared to the fastest of helicopters, like the Buzzard. The main advice for crates is to buy a Buzzard, since it's very fast and nimble, but often times people can afford one until they've done a few sales (it costs $1.75 million in GTAO), so I recommend trying what I had to do at first; steal one. EDIT: Helicopter spawning at helipads is level- dictated; what level you are determines whether or not you have a chance of a particular helicopter spawning for you. For example, you have a chance of a Buzzard spawning for you upon your approach to a helipad as a level 43 or higher (though it's not guaranteed), but it will never spawn for you if you're a level 42 or below. 2B share Continue this thread -> dos - 6 yr.ag0 ‘Add me m_oorschot if you want to work together. Will not be online for 8 more days, just so you know why i wont accept u immediately. Q1G share Poklane - 6 yr. ago mitchbett996 Just a FYI to all solo players about the whole crate buying and selling thing: currently there's a type of delivery mission in the game which is simply impossible to complete solo because you get attacked by Buzzards while flying a normal, extremely vulnerable plane. If you fail this mission your cargo and thus your investment into that cargo is gone. From what I know you can't avoid this type of mission, so know the risks. hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you aise ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s Bi Home ® Poputar @® retaontine ©@ soceaming Tories ® Gaming v © sports v Business, Economics, a... 30 Crypto v Television v Celebrity v +++ More Topics v Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. L431 oP - 6yr. ago I didn't know this was a thing, I've never run into it. Should I put this in the guide? 42D snare Continue this thread > seek the light - 6yr. ago You can call merryweather in to support you though. 41D share ++ Continue this thread > Comment deleted by user - 6 yr. ago Voitokas «6 yr.ag0 800 hrs in the game and I am poor as heck, and I sadly don't have the time to grind for 6 hrs per day for a week to get a decent pile of dosh just to buy 1 new car. The prices are too high and you must grind hella lot if you want even 1 car. 421 share Report save YohAquine - 6 yr. ago Say, currently I have a smalll warehouse, I managed to, save up for a medium one. When buying the medium one, should we trade in the small warehouse or use the free slot? Do we really need more than 1 warehouse? 41 share Report save L431 oP - Gyr. ago - edited 6 yr. ago Let's say that between every crate pick up, you doa VIP mission to make up for the buying cost, and let's say each mission, whether it be a VIP mission or crate pick up (which is a mission within itself), takes the same average amount of time. So for every crate pick up, you do a VIP mission. Since ‘these always go together, you can bundle the time it hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 6i82 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s Home ® Poputar ® retaontine ©@ toceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television & Bx Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... pay you, as it the payouts trom tne VIF missions are the exact same as the cost of buying the crate. You have two options in this case, either exclusively use and fill he medium warehouse, or use a medium and small warehouse. The amount of money you get over time with either method is basically the amount of money you get for each black of time invested. For example, if you receive a $1 million payout (p) after spending 100 blocks of time (t) into the missions leading up to the payout, that means you were paid $1,000,000p / 100t, or $10,000 per block of time (pit = 10,000), We'll use P to represent p/t. Also keep in mind that the medium warehouse has a capacity of 42 crates and has a payout of $735,000, and the small warehouse has a capacity of 16 crates with a payout of $240,000. * Your profit over time for only using the medium warehouse (scenario 1) can be shown with Pm 735,000 / 42. * With both the medium and smalll warehouse (scenario 2), it's P's = (735,000 + 240,000) / (42, +16). Solving these gives us P = 17,500 for scenario 1, and P = 16,810 for scenario 2. This means that you get more money over time for filling up just a medium warehouse than taking the time to fill up your medium and small warehouse. The reason this is, important is because now you know that investing your time into just the medium warehouse will be more rewarding to you. Let's say your goal is to reach $5 million. Using only sales from the medium warehouse will get you there after investing 286 blocks of time into the missions, but using both the medium and small warehouse will take you 297 blocks of time to reach the same amount of money. The difference is slight, but shows there is no benefit to using both warehouses (but there is a reason not to use both warehouses). I recommend only using the medium one. TL:DR: Trade in your small warehouse for the medium one. hitpshwouredet.comilgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 26i62 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s Home ® Poputar ® etaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television & Bx Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... 6D share + Continue this thread > ‘Commander-S Chabowy - 6 yr.ag0 Ineed some help with bodyguards and how much they earn. Iam trying to play with some of my friends but I have hard time convinceing them that heists are not as. fast way to earn cash as ceo/bodyguard. Also how does being CEO works? I know I can start some challanges, but are those for me and my friends or for whole sesion? ‘And do they earn anything after doing those challenges if yes then how much? 4) 1G share Report save castellator «6 yr. ago I bought an appropriate apartment and am the required level, but haven't received a text from lester. Help! 421 share Report save nix78 - 6 yr. ago 1 like your guide. Saw it after i was already a CEO, but, found some tips on that as well. Things are just so expensive in this game. I've been grinding, while blocking ports, crates for the last 8 hours or so and barely made 3 million. Can only imagine how long that would take with these morons trying to steal your stuff or just killing you for fun in public servers while doing these crate jobs. 41D share Report save L431 oP « 6 yr. ago edited 6 yr. ago Yeah, that's the one problem with this game. Things are getting more expensive, but we've been given a way to make some serious money, even if it means grinding for hours at a time. The downside? R* made it almost insultingly easy for griefers to ruin it for you hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you amie ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweoniine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @® retaontine ©@ soceaming Tories ® Gaming v © sports v Business, Economics, a... 30 Crypto v Television v Celebrity v +++ More Topics v Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. a couple weeks of straight grinding. Then again, this is considering that my setup costs (warehouse, office and add-ons, and Buzzard) were just under $6 million, so in total I got about $7 million in about 2 weeks. I'm not the fastest of players and I limit how much I do in a day to keep from burning myself out, so you should be able to get money a lot faster than that 2G share Continue this thread > Akitsukuni - 6 yr. ago ‘Well I've been playing GTA Online since the very first hour it was out and I've gotta say I was very misinformed about the CEO shipments (due to the CEOs ‘wanting me to stick with them so they earn more profit) and I'm happy to see this, thanks a lot. CEO work here we come. I'm as veteran as it can get and even I learned something. Good guide. 10/10, ‘Also, PM me if you want a game on Steam ;) 421 share Report save Comment deleted by user - 6 yr. ago lexalone + 6 yr. ago thank you. 44D share Report save L432 oP - 6 yr. ago Internet hug 3G share Vault_tech_2077 - 6 yr. ago Dumb question but after I have bought a crate how do I go retrieve it hitpshwuuredst.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you saree ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s Home ® Poputar ® retaontine ©@ toceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television & Bx Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... L131 oP - 6yr. ago Exit the office, go to the marked location, and either, pick up he crates of the vehicle the crate are stored in. Q1G sha motel08 - 6 yr. ago Talready have a million dollars. After you have a milion dollars. Will CEO or Heist work get me money faster? 4)1D share Report. save DarthSpamius » 6yr.ago For the CEO spawning vehicles, can you use a savage Instead2(or is the buzzard that much better) ‘Also, how many crates should you buy each time? 4)1.Q share Report save L131 oP - 6yr. ago 1: Buzzard can be spawned with Securosev so you don't have to go pick it up, also means you can spawn two at a time (one through Securoserv one through Pegasus, you can have one for yourself and another for your associate). You can't do that with a Savage. Plus, the Buzzard is far faster and more agile, makes it much more useful for pick ups. 2: Depends on what you're comfortable with and what size warehouse you own, Try to not buy shipments that are smaller than your warehouse, so if you have a medium warehouse, don't buy small shipments, or one crate, get a medium or large one. Ifyou have a large warehouse, you should really only buy large shipments, or 3 crates. This is also why I don't recommend for people to start with a large warehouse; you want to make sure you can handle the higher sized shipments before you upgrade your hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 9182 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a milonae as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @® retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... 41.& share BansheeBacklash -6 yr. ago Can confirm, does work quite well. Although I'd already been playing for awhile, and had a backlog of Benny's, cars I sold to get myself into the cheapest office, and buy one small warehouse, Now after grinding I have 3 smalls, a medium and a large. Now I can just grind at my own pace to get pretty much whatever I want, within reason. 421 share Report save binshuffla - 6 yr. ago, Hey w/L131, this is an excellent guide! I have started following it and am already well into stocking my medium warehouse. I have a question which doesn't seem to have cropped up yet -ifI sell a full warehouse, is it possible to lose the full warehouse worth of goods if you fail / die / plane gets destroyed during the sell mission? These are my worries! 421 share Report save L431 oP - 6 yr. ago Unfortunately, yes. If one of your vehicles is destroyed during transit, you lose the number of, crates proportional to the number of crates that, vehicle carried, However, in a few cases, you'll lose all of your crates. For example, if you delivered all but one of your vehicles, or if you only have one vehicle full of crates to deliver left, and in either case that vehicle is destroyed, you will lose all of your crates. Whether this is a glitch or if it was put in place by R*, Tm not sure. On top of that, there's the infamous Titan delivery mission. In this case, you're only given a Titan to deliver all of your crates, which is no big deal, but some point along the way, you will also come into contact with an NPC buzzard that can take you out in seconds, destroying all of your crates. If you're hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 40162 ‘nisin, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millonate 9s fast as possible (no shark cards needed) :giaoaline © & QB rigweoniine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @ retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... reload the game ana try again. Q1.Q share o Continue this thread > [deleted] - 6 yr. ag0 Isis possible to change office later on ? 1G share Report save L431 oP - 6yr. ago Yes. You can buy an office with no add-ons, and later, ‘on, go back to the Dynasty8 Executive site to renovate your office. 420 share oo Continue this thread > VERYGOODCARVING - 6 yr. ag0 You can get all gold medals first try in Flight School and get about $370,000, 41D share Report save Sir-Velociraptor «6 yr. ago ‘Thank you for this guide, you helped me so much! 4p1.G share Report save L431 oP - 6yr ago No problem mate, I'm glad it was helpful :3 43.O share Continue this thread > lmd1979 - 6 yr. ago Saved. 41D share Report save hitpsshwwuredet.comilgtaonlinelcamments/¢rpuBifor_rewpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 4162 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a milonae as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s Home ® Poputar ® retaontine ©@ tioceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television & Bx Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... Thave $1,000,000 now. Had been planning on just saving for a RE-7B but this CEO stuff sounds like a better long term investment and more fun than grinding heists. 1G share report save dumbass_hedgehog - 6 yr. ag0 God damned genius. Thank you. 2>1G share Report save infectedpatato - 6 yr. ag0 Or you will eventually meet a modder who will give you a money drop 2>1G share Report save ruthlesseellk - 6 yr. ag0 I don't know how to start VIP missions in the invite only session, when I try to access the securoserv network it says join a public session. What am I doing wrong? 421 share Report save L131 oP - 6yr. ago You can join securaserv (register as CEO) from your interaction menu. From there, you'll be able to start VIP work from the interaction menu as well 2G share Continue this thread > Comment deleted by user - 6 yr. ago Shnigt - 6yr. ago + edited 6 yr ago Is it still worth ordering the large shipments of boxes if im playing by myself? A lot of the time the little event that happens has me moving the boxes one by one, sometimes 4 or 5 miles away from the warehouse. Or hitpsiwuuredst.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 4262 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © es QB raweontine @ Search Reddit ree0s B Home ® Poputar @® retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... get more money per nour by moving tne boxes one by ‘one when there are three than I would getting the cheaper boxes and moving them? 4p1.G share Report save L431 oP - 6yr. ago - edited 6 yr ago It depends on the size warehouse you have. If you have a small warehouse, you could do small shipments rather easily, since it only holds 16 crates. This is good for getting a feel for picking up crates and such, If you have a medium warehouse, you kinda need to do medium shipments at the bare minimum. This means that sometimes you'll have to pick up two crates at a time, but if you have a relatively fast car, you'll be fine. I highly recommend that you get used to medium shipments before you even think about getting large ones, and when you do move up to large ones, do it with your medium warehouse. If you have a large warehouse, you'll have to get large shipments lest you burn yourself out. Tve found that to guarantee successful pick ups of large shipments when you have to pick up the individual crates, you'll need a helicopter. If you don't ‘own one, you can steal a Maverick from the nearest helipad, though if you're a level 43, there's a chance a Buzzard will spawn there. Speaking of The Buzzard, you'll want to buy one ASAP, you'll need it if you want to be successful. EDIT: Keep in mind that from the moment the crates show up on the radar, you'll have 15 minutes to get your crates to the warehouse, or else they'll be counted as lost. Try getting your helicopter (of you don't own a Buzzard) before getting your crates so it doesn't eat up what time you have. 2G shaw Continue this thread > Shawkabrah -6 yr. ago Nice hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 2 a aai62 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweoniine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @ retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... Dsan_Dk - 6 yr. ago Small correction, it's every 15 minuttes that bodyguards are paid salary, not every 10minuttes. 41D share Report save cobra4 » 6 yr. ago For the buzzer and if your a baller on le budget. When you land your buzzer or any other helicopter. DO NOT HIT RIGHT D PAD WHEN YOU LAND AT YOUR OFFICE. It may be quicker than manually landing but it will help you save cash because when you go into your office, your helicopter doesn't despawn. So you don't haft to pay $1,000 every time you want to use a helicopter. 41 share Report save Exigent, - 6 yr. a90 PSN: Bonomo__ Okay, so... to start this question - I am level 46. I own a high-end apartment, a Buzzard, and an Armored Karuma along with a couple motorcycles (all choppers). ‘To my name I have $140k. Can I do helsts with the $140k? Do you need money for them? Also, should I wait Until the MC DLC comes out before doing anything with the CEO aspect? 4)1D share Report save L431 oP - 6 yr. ago All heists after the first one have a setup cost. For example, the setup cost for the second heist (Prison Break) is $40,000, meaning you have to pay $40,000 to open the heist. Since the first heist (Fleeca Job) doesn't have a setup cost, you can use the money from it to pay for the setup of the second heist, then use the money from the second heist to pay for the setup cost of the third heist, etc. hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you a2 snit5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @® retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... (the 3 heist crew memebers do), which is why the heist leader takes a larger cut, I'd say they should take 40% minimum. Q2G shaw SerALONNEZ - 6 yr. ago Tim at Level 56, have both Maze Bank and an apartment and some cars. Should I buy those pricey race cars? In, my 50 level ups, I only have done being a filler at Pac standard multiple times (it gets horribly stale repeating it) and I'm thinking of switching to CEO work, What do you mean by the associates don't get paid? 4)1.Q share Report save L431 oP - 6yr. ago Tim at Level 56, have both Maze Bank and an. apartment and some cars. Should I buy those pricey race cars? Only if you're going to use them, IMO. The way I see it, the first cars you get should be the ones that are worth it, ones that can pay for themselves within a reasonable amount of time, For example, the Kuruma should pretty much be the go-to mission car. When you use it to put a barrier between you an NPC bullets, it pays for itself with all the missions that become easier to complete. Thave an ETR1, and I can tell you it's my vehicle of choice in Super class stunt races, and it was a good purchase in my eyes, Sure, the money I get from stunt races will probably never compare to the $2.4 million that I put into the ETR1, but it's usefullness in stunt races makes it worth it to me. Point is, put your money into cars that are worth it first. Now I would be hypocrite if I told you that you should only buy cars that you'll use and never get ones that are just for show, because I have my share of vehicles that are just for show. But before you get, show-off cars, get functional cars first, they should be priority, know what I mean? hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 4562 snit5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt &v ree0s Bi Home ® Poputar @ retaontine @ soceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... When you pick up crates, no one gets paid from that. You put money into crates so you can sell them all, right? Well, not only do associates not get paid (much) from picking up and storing crates for you, they also don't get paid from the sale of the crates, only they CEO does. They get a periodic pay for '$5,000 - $10,000 for being your associate, but they'd get more from doing about anything else because ‘the payments are pretty spread out. ‘What pays the associates (and you) are VIP work, so it's ideal to do one between every crate pickup. Plus, ‘the VIP work (if you're doing Headhunter and Sightseer) should pay you enough to pay off the buying cost of your crates, so the sale payout becomes all profit, so you should do VIP work between crate pickups anyway. 2G share jatfa9@7 - 6 yr. ago. Great guide! I've been out of the game for a while, last time was around the lowrider update just to check that ut. Since i'm the only one in my group of friends not picking up BF1 i'll probably jump back into GTA. This looks like a great way to expand my collection of cars instead of spamming missions in my armored kuruma. 421 share Report save Domoveti - 6 yr. ago CEO missions are also really good for leveling up fast. If you don't have a CEO office, try and see if you can be an associate for one. They get paid up to 10,000 every fifteen minutes and get tons of RP boosts from doing missions and being near their CEO. 4)1& share Report save DeMacks : 6yr. ago Osmanovice comment for reference hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 4662 snit5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweoniine ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @ retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... joomedic - 6. ago Im glad I found this. I've been playing since one came out and about as bad with money in the game as I am, IRL. I pretty much only play when my daughter naps and a bit at night. But I usually get griefed by someone mom-stop and have a hard time trying to make money getting killed every 2 minutes. But that's the game right? But yeah. I do like the input on the CEO stuff as I still haven't gotten to getting that kinda money to get an office, Anyone wanting to kill me non-stop. Send me an invite to play some missions and get paid 42D share Report save voyaging -6 yr. ago ‘Amazing guide. New to the game and I've been having a blast following it. Just bought my first office and a few quick questions, Should I be hiring associates to work for me or just work by myself? Is there any preference of which job(s) is/are the best or just do whatever? ‘Any suggestions on vehicles/weapons to use? Thanks so much, 421 share Report save L431 oP - 6 yr. ago - edited 6 yr ago Should I be hiring associates to work for me or just work by myself? Is there any preference of which job(s) is/are the best or just do whatever? The answers depend on how you fill your warehouse(s). Read over the 27 September Update in the guide real quick before continuing, hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 47162 snit5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar @® retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... {his alone or with associates. associates don't get paid from filling your warehouse, they only get paid from doing VIP work, and a 10-minute re-occurring payment for $10,000 or less (depending on how often the CEO gets killed) Thus, along with the other benefits of doing VIF work between crate pick ups, it means that associates will make a considerable amount of money for working with you, and therefore they're more motivated to do so. * However, if you go with Option 8, filling up two warehouses at the same time, you should only really do this alone, since you're not doing any VIP work to pay potential associates. Though, this option offers the most profit per hour. ‘As for which missions to do, keep in mind that time is money; the more time you spend picking up crates or doing VIP work, the more your profit-per-hour decreases. This means that if you're picking up crates alone, get a Buzzard. Well, you should get a Buzzard anyway, but still, Ifyou do VIP missions, you should stick with the ones that pay the most within the least amount of time. Headhunter and Sightseer can be done within 5 minutes and pay about $21,000 each, making them the best options. Asset Recovery or Hostile Takeover would be bad options because they pay very litle, especially compared to the amount of work you put into them. Piracy Prevention doesn't take much work and it pays the most ($30,000), but it takes 10 minutes to complete, making it a bad option as well. If you're not filling warehouses and only doing VIP missions, then mix up which ones you do if you're playing for fun, and do Headhunter/Sightseer if you're trying to get money as quickly as possible ‘Any suggestions on vehicles/weapons to use? Guns + Heavy Sniper for extreme range * Marksman Rifle for extra-long range * Combat MG for long range * Either Carbine Rifle for mid range hitpshwouredet.comilgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 4062 snit5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © & QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s B Home ® Poputar ® retaontine @ soceaming rortes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... shooting Projectile Explosives * RPG for hard-to-reach enemies and stationary land vehicles * Grenade Launcher for hard-to-reach enemies and stationary/slow land vehicles * Homing Launcher for air vehicles and fast- moving land vehicles Throwable Explosives * Sticky Bombs, Grenades, and Pipe Bombs for various situations Other + Machete or one of the Axes for motorcycle melee * Flashlight because it can actually be used as a flashlight * Flare Gun and Minigun... because reasons Put everything else in your gunlacker (or don't buy other weapons in the first place). appreciate your kindness and I'm glad to help :0 I wish you luck in your future GTAO experiences. 4 3.Q share + Continue this thread > TheBrownWelsh -6 yr. ag0 this wasn't for players who have been playing this game for a long time, this is for inexperienced and poor players I've been playing since release over two different, consoles, but I am super grateful for this post. I've never been able to “git gud" at any iteration of GTA; Iget to a competent level and then plateau. So even though I've been playing for years, I still consider myself “inexperienced! - and definitely poor. hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 4962 snit5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt &v ree0s Bi Home ® Poputar @ rietaontine ©@ soceaming ropes Gaming © 8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... enough money for a warehouse. Recently got a warehouse, and this guide has really helped me to fine- tune how to make money effectively. So thanks for that. Suggestion; maybe update the guide for MC money- making? I'm not doing anything in that regard yet but I've got a few friends who are making money hand over fist purely on MC drug stuff. 4>2G share Report save L431 oP - 6 yr. ago Tve been playing since release over two different consoles, but am super grateful for this post. I've never been able to “git gud” at any iteration of GTA; I get to a competent level and then plateau. So even though I've been playing for years, I still consider myself “inexperienced” - and definitely poor. know exactly how it feels to be in this position. February 2017 will mark my official 3rd year of Online, but I only got to the point of having disposable income, so to speak, shortly before making that guide. I wrote it all based on experience ‘to make sure it worked, but made sure each step was repeatable for others to follow, and I'm glad it's worked so well for others. That disclaimer was meant to weed out people who would try to shut down the post because it had obvious" information to them. Almost no one did, but I can't be sure if it was the disclaimer or if people genuinely had no intention to do that. It’s the precaution that can't have it’s effectiveness tested without removing it. this wasn't for veteran players who have-been playing this gameforatongttinre are very well- versed in this game, this is for inexperienced and poor players The above is what it should've been, and what I'm gonna change it to, as it better represents the idea I was trying to get across with it. hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you sols snit5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s Home ® Poputar @B retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... poor. Don't worry, this guide was for you too, and I'm very glad it helped. Suggestion; maybe update the guide for MC money-making? Maybe that's already in the works: 42D share Continue this thread -> rexOr 6 yr. ago Thank you for taking the time to produce this guide. It's exactly what I need to progress from my vi34 400k 2>2G sare Report save L431 oP - 6yr. ago Tm glad I can help :D If you have any questions, ask away. 1G share mattb10 - 6 yr. ago How long (in real time) would it take to actually reach baller status? 421 share Report save L131 oP - Gyr. ago - edited 6 yr ago Itultimately depends on the person, but for me it, took about a month. Before I published the guide, I put all of my money on-hand on my main character then made a second character from scratch (since my cash was on-hand for my main character, my new second character couldn't access it). I went through all of the steps; stealing a Felon for my first vehicle and saving up for, the cheapest garage, getting only the guns I needed, getting all the basics together... By the end of my first day, [had made around $100,000 (but of course, hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you 51162 ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s Home ® Poputar @ retaontine @ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... have missions trom contact, | did treemoae challenges and took whatever missions players invited me to (except races and certain PvP events) A few days later, I bought a Voltic and Del Perro Heights apartment 20. Getting through all of the heists took me about 2 weeks. By 3 weeks, [had gotten my office, my first warehouse, and did enough sales to get the cheapest large warehouse. By the end of a month, I owned a Buzzard, customized my office a bit, and had about $2 million to spare. HOWEVER, Ihave 2 years of expereince and spent all day, everyday for a month to follow the guide. I imagine it would be difficult for a newer player to the guide, especially if they have a job or school. So I'd say for a new player with plenty of free time, 2 months tops, if they're dedicated, Q1G share + Webohonn «6 yr. ago Thanks 4)1G share Report save L431 oP - 6yr. ago No problem. Q1G share os Antisceptic 6 yr. ago - edited 6 yr ago I'm someone who came back to the game this week, after a long break. I just did the Criminal Mastermind challenge and I have 12 million, which is much more money than I have ever seen. I already have the Del Perro Heights apartment. My question is, where on this guide should I start? Should I become a CEO and buy a small, medium, then large warehouse? Or should I start with a large warehouse? hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you sate ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonline ® Search Redalt av ree0s Home ® Poputar @ retaontine ©@ soceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... EDIT: Another question, Someone in game said wait until the CEO offices go on sale before buying. I heard they were on sale last month, are they likely to go on sale again? 4)1& share Report save L431 oP - Gyr. ago - edited 6 yr. ago My question is, where on this guide should I start? Should I become a CEO and buy a small, medium, then large warehouse? Or should I start with a large warehouse? The CEO step is the logical step for you, really. You've already completed the Heist Leader step (technically) and you have more than enough money to skip the VIP step. Get the $1 million dollar warehouse, maybe customize it to your liking and get a gun locker (it just makes life so much easier). I don't recommend going all-out just because you have the money, picking up crates does take a bit of work, so a small (or medium) warehouse is where you should start. If you don't own a Buzzard, start with getting 1 crate (only with a small warehouse) or 2 crates at a time. Get the hang of it. If you do own a Buzzard or you're willing to buy one, go ahead and get 3 at a time. Once you feel like you can handle it, get a large warehouse, and do VIP work between pickups to pay off the crates. Someone in game said wait until the CEO offices go on sale before buying. I heard they were on sale last month, are they likely to go on sale again? Iwouldn’t bet on it. There's not really a way to tell what Rockstar is going to discount next, or even if what you want will be included in the sale, Personally, I don't think the discount will be worth ‘much anyway in this case. You can make a far larger profit than what you put into buying assets with warehouses, so shaving a few hundred grand or so from the intial cost won't mean much down the line, especially when you have more than enough money to start with hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you sais ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigweonine ® Search Redalt av ree0s Home ® Poputar @ retaontine @ toceaming rortes Gaming ©8 Sports Crypto Television ep x Celebrity More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... If you're big on messing about with friends, sure, If you're starting one to make money, compared to CEO work, no. There's a number of reasons for this, but let's focus on the big money makers; businesses and warehouses. Let's say you have a large warehouse, and an MC cocaine lab-- ut not just any cocaine lab, a fully upgraded one. Warehouse ‘A dedicated person could fill the large warehouse in 7 and a half hours, but let's be generous and give them 8 hours (cumulatively; they don't have to do it all at once). If they do it properly and do VIP work between crate pickups, then overall their total profit should be about $2.2 million. This puts their profit per hour at $2.2 million/8 hours, or $275,000/hour. On top of that, the cheapest large warehouse is $1.9 million, so the very first sale would pay it off and then some. Cocaine Business (the best paying business) The cocaine lab give you 1 stack of every 30 minutes, and it holds 10 stacks, so it takes 5 hours to fill on its ‘own. For the most money, you could sell it in Los Santos for $420,000. Your profit per hour for this business is $420,000/5 hours, or $84,000/hour, which is about 30% of the PPH from the large warehouse. On top of that, the cheapest cocaine lock up is $975,000, and the upgrades are $390,000 for the staff upgrade, $570,000 for the security upgrade, and $935,000 for the equipment upgrade, totaling to a $2.87 million start up cost. This means that you won't make a lick of profit from the business until 34 hours after you start production, compared to paying off the large warehouse in only 8 hours, and every hour after that is all profit. ‘Moar Businesses Now, to be fair, you could own more than one business, just like you can own more than one warehouse. However, if you buy every other type of business and upgrade them all, only then do you get a hitpshwouredet.comilgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpeor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you sais ‘nin5i22, 1-44 PME For newipoor players, Ive made a guide to make you a millon as fast as possible (no shark cards needed): gtaonine © ® QB rigreonine ® Search Redalt &v ree0s Bi Home ® Poputar @ rietaontine ©@ soceaming ropes Gaming Sports Crypto Television &SMeROD Celebrity s+ More Topics Create an account to follow your favorite communities land start taking part in conversations. Business, Economics, a... ‘then, the initial cost of those business combined (including their upgrades) means you likely won't pay them off until weeks after you buy them Even then, you could just buy a second large warehouse. If you supplement doing the second warehouse in place of VIP work, and subtract the crate costs (since they're no longer being paid of by ‘the VIP work), you could make about $3 million in about 10 hours (again, being generous), or '$300,000/hour, which is more than every MC business combined. well what if I don't upgrade the businesses? Would they be worth it then?" No. Not upgrading them makes them worth even less compared to a large warehouse. Conclusion: go with a warehouse or two. 3G share Continue this thread > stevehamner » 6 yr. ago Spirtealler This was amazingly helpful for myself and a number of friends, Thanks so much for the advice, I got my high end apartment yesterday and we're looking forward to getting into Heists soon. 42] share Report save SavageStarlighter «6 yr. ag0 Thank you so much, Fucking life saver. 4)1D share Report save NinjaYT - 6 yr. ag0 Itmight be over already, but recently, I was able to buy CEO offices for half the price due to a GTA promotion allowing you to buy CEO properties for half the regular price. I already had $1,000,000 but I wanted to save so I could also buy a storage area immediately. My best advice is to start buying the properties at around hitpshwuuredet.comlgtaonlinelcomments/¢rpuBifor newpoor_players_ive_made_a_guide_to_make_you sie

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