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Footprints 2

Name: Surname:

Exercise 1

Choose the correct present simple forms of ‘to be’ for the gaps below. (10 points)

1 A:   you a teacher? B: Yes, I  .

2 A:   your name Marcus? B: Yes, it  .

3 A:   your children here? B: No, they  .

4 A:   this your book? B: No, it  .

5 A: Where   we? B: I think this   Oxford street.

6 A:   it Saturday today? B: No, It   Sunday.

7 A:   your friends from the UK? B: No,   from the US.

8 A: Hello, Maria. How   you? B:   fine, thanks.

9 A: How old   Peter? B: I think   30 years old.

10 A:   David and Molly here? B: Yes,   next to the door.

Exercise 2

Read the sentence. Circle the correct answer (can/can’t). (10 points)

a. I can ________. to swim / swim / swimming

b. She _________ride a bike. can / cans / know

c. Can you ___________tennis? plays / to play / play

d. He ____________speak Spanish. isn’t / can’ts / can’t

e. __________run fast? They can / Can they / Are they

f. He can’t _____________five pizzas! eat / ate / to eat

g. We _____________dinner. can to cook / can cook / can cooking

h. What sports ___________play? you can / are you / can you

Exercise 3

Rewrite these sentences using the negative and interrogative forms of ‘to be’. USE contractions when
possible. (10 points)

EXAMPLE: They are friends ⇒ They aren’t friends. ⇒ Are they friends?

1 She is a teacher. ⇒   a teacher. ⇒   a teacher?

2 They're in Berlin. ⇒   in Berlin. ⇒   in Berlin?

3 It's a nice day. ⇒   a nice day. ⇒   a nice day?

4 I am very tired. ⇒   very tired. ⇒   very tired?

5 We are students. ⇒   students. ⇒   students?

6 You are right. ⇒   right. ⇒   right?

7 It's sunny. ⇒   sunny. ⇒   sunny?

8 The table is blue. ⇒   blue. ⇒   blue?

9 He is my friend. ⇒   my friend. ⇒   my friend?

10 They are sisters. ⇒   sisters. ⇒   sisters?

Exercise 4

Answer the questions (Yes, I do/ No, I don’t) or (Yes, please/ No, thank you). (10 points)

1. Do you eat in the dining room? ______________

2. Do you watch TV in the bedroom? _____________

3. Do you do your homework in the kitchen? _______________

4. Do you want to help at home? ________________

5. Do you want to go to the swimming pool? _______________

6. Would you like a pear? ______________

7. Would you like some strawberries? _____________

8. Would you like a peach? ___________

9. Would you like some cherries? ___________

10. Would you like a kiwi? ______________

Exercise 5

Complete the text below with the words given. (10 points)

(eat exercise work love sleep gym canteen library plants teeth)

1. I and play every day.

2. I food and drink water every day.

3. I rest and every night.

4. I and care for my family and friends.

5. I every day.

6. We eat in the .

7. We exercise in the .

8. We look at books in the .

9. Turn the tap off when you brush your .

10. Use spare water for .

Exercise 6

Transform singular sentences into plural sentences and plural sentences into singular sentences
using this, that, these, those and other missing words. (10 points)

EXAMPLE: These are my books ⇒  This is  my book.

1 This is a flower ⇒   flowers.

2 That is a box. ⇒   boxes.

3 That is my father. ⇒   my parents.

4 Are those your friends? ⇒   your friend?

5 What are those things? ⇒ What   thing?

6 These books are important. ⇒   important.

7 Are these your shoes? ⇒   your shoe?

8 That's a good car. ⇒   good cars.

9 This is John. ⇒   John and Carla.

10 These are red cherries. ⇒   a red cherry.

Exercise 7

Choose a/an for the following words. (10 points)

1 It's   animal.

2 I need   new bed.

3 It's   car.

4 I'm   child.

5 Do you have   umbrella?

6 I'm   English teacher.

7 I need   hat.

8 Is she   student?

9 We have   iguana.

10 I need   book.
Exercise 8

Translate the sentences in Albanian. (10 points)

1 Alex can use a computer but he can’t play the piano.

2 Exercise is fun and makes us strong.

3 Can you touch your toes?

4 Sorry, I can’t help. It’s “The silver arrow” competition today.

5 We’re looking for our treasure.

6 What’s the weather like? What are you wearing?

7 Do you do your homework in the dining room?

8 Are there any books in your classroom?

9 They are raspberries. Would you like some?

10 Where is the pen? Hmm…it’s next to the table or on the table or behind the door or between the
books, or maybe in front of the TV. I don’t really know.

Exercise 9

Write in words ten numbers from 10 to 100. (10 points)

Exercise 10

Describe your favorite friend, fruit or animal. (10 points)

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