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1. a. Define the following terms

i. Stimulus _________________________________________________________________


ii. Response _________________________________________________________


b. i. The diagram below represents the stem of a young growing plant which has
been exposed to light from different directions.

What is the most likely sequence of these directions ___________, ___________,


ii. How does the response illustrate in i) aid the survival of the plant?


iii) What is the general term used to describe the response illustrated in i)?

iv) Chris decided to study the germination of a pea seed. The appearance of the
seedling after 8 days is shown in A below. He then turned the seedling through
900 and its appearance after a further 4 days is shown in B.

What stimulus are the roots responding to? ___________________________________

v. In what ways does the response of the roots to the stimulus named in iii) aid in
the survival of the plant?



2. i. Define the following terms.

‘receptor’ _____________________________________________________________________________


‘effector’ _____________________________________________________________________________


ii. Complete the following Sentence.

The human nervous system is divided into the central nervous system, which consists

of _______________________________ and the _______________________

_______________________________, and the peripheral nervous system which consist of

________________________ _______________________ and __________________________

_____________________ _____________________________.

iv. The diagram below shows one type of neurone, or nerve cell, found in the human

nervous system. Label the parts R to V.

What type of neuron is shown in i) __________________________________________

v. Name two types of neurons that make up the nervous system.

1. ____________________________________________ 2. _____________________________

vi. Explain the relationship between the three types of neurons named in ii) and iii).



vii. Give TWO functions of structure T.

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. i. What is a reflex action?



ii. The numbers in the reflex arc shown below represent the different events that occur when

john pricks his finger on a pin and withdraws his hand.

Outline the events that occur at EACH number in the diagram above.

The pain receptor on the finger recognizes a threat

1. _____________________________________________________________________________

The sensory neurone conducts nervous impulses from receptor to CNS

2. _____________________________________________________________________________

Impulses travel through a relay neurone in the spinal cord

3. _____________________________________________________________________________
4. Impulses travel out of the spinal cord through a motor neurone.
Impulses cause the biceps muscle, or effector, in the arm to contract,
5. withdrawing his hand




iii. Label the THREE main regions of the brain, E, F and G.

iv. Using letters P and Q, label the diagram in i) to show:

P – the region of the brain concerned with conscious thought

Q – the region of the brain concerned with sight.

V. What is a drug?
Any chemical substance that alters the functioning of living tissues

Vi. Complete the following table to give THREE short-term effects and THREE

long -term effects on the body of abusing alcohol?


loss of memory stomach ulcers

slurred speech Liver problems

slowed muscular skills Nervous system disorders

vii. Label the following diagram of the eye.

stomach ulcers sclera

iris choroid

cornea retina

lens optic nerve

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