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Department of Education, University of the People


University of the People

Dr. Christine McLaughlin

December 6, 2022.

STEM Activity for Grade 3 Students


According to the Department of Western Australia, (n.d.), STEM is an approach to the learning

and development of students that incorporates the areas of science, technology, engineering and

mathematics. It enables students to develop important skills such as:

● Digital Literacy
● Teamwork
● Problem solving
● Communication
● Creativity
● Critical Analysis
● Initiative
● Independent Thinking

2D Shapes Marshmallow Geometry

Justification: This Math project will help students gain a thorough understanding of 2D Shapes

and their attributes as well as to develop skills in communication, collaboration problem-

solving, research, creativity, and critical thinking. In STEM students are taught more than

science and mathematics concepts. They also focus on hands-on learning with real-world

applications that assist in developing different skill sets such as creativity and 21st-century skills.

(National Investors Hall of Fame, 2022).

Subject Mathematics

Grade 3

Topic Marshmallow Geometry Activity

Duration 45 minutes

Learning Objectives Students should be able to:

● Describe the attributes of two-dimensional shapes.

● Identify common 2D shapes by their properties.

● Give examples of 2D shapes.

● Create 2D shapes using marshmallows and toothpicks.

Materials/Resources Toothpicks, Marshmallows, Construction Paper, Marker

Use of Technology Students will use technology and conduct online research in order to

identify the attributes of 2D shapes.

Prior Learning Students should be able to identify basic shapes and their names.

Procedure Students will:

● Work in pairs and Use the Turn and Talk strategy to say

what they know about 2D shapes.

● Share with the rest of the class.

● In groups, use technology to conduct research about 2D


● Choose a shape and create a model using toothpicks and


● Present the shape to the rest of the class by giving an

explanation and the different attributes.

Assessment Students will be evaluated using a rubric that acknowledges

research, creativity, teamwork, use of resources, and timeliness.

Differentiation Students with challenges will research on the internet and draw

diagrams of the shapes.

Extension Conduct research on 3D Shapes

Connections to other Mathematics and Technology


Rubric for Grading 2D Shapes Marshmallow Geometry Activity

Criteria for Grading Proficient Developing Beginning
15 points 10 points 5 points

There is evidence of There is some There is little

research and students evidence of research evidence of research
are able to gather and students are able and students did not
Research information from a to gather information gather information
variety of sources. from more than one from any source.
different source.

All team members Most of the team Only some of the

contribute to the members contribute team members
planning and to the planning and contribute to the
Teamwork implementation of the implementation of the planning and
project project. implementation of the

Creativity There is evidence of There is little There is no evidence

creativity. evidence of creativity. of creativity

The model is The model is The model is

Accuracy accurately created accurately created accurately created
and all the attributes and only some of the and no attributes are
are outlined. attributes are outlined.

Timeliness Students used all of Students used most of Students did not use
their time wisely and their time wisely and time wisely and the
the project is the project is project is incomplete.
completed. completed.


In conclusion, it is important that students are provided with STEM activities in Math so that

they can develop the necessary skills they need to function in the 21st century. Students need to

collaborate with others, create models and communicate information. A rubric can be used to

ensure that students understand how they will be graded.


Department of Western Australia, (n.d.), What is STEM?

National Investors Hall of Fame, (2022). What is the Value of STEM Education?

Playdough to Plato, (n.d.). Marshmallow Geometry Activity.

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