Human Resource Management Assignment

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Human Resource Management Assignment

Q1. What are the objectives of HRM?

Ans. The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of
competent and willing workforce to the organization as well as to
meet the needs, aspirations, values and dignity of
individuals/employees and having due concern for the socio-
economic problems of the community and the country.

The human resource management’s objectives may be influenced by

organizational, individual and social goals/objectives.

The organizational objectives consists of, to earn profit, growth and

expansion, to survive in the competition, stability and diversification
etc. These objectives can be achieved by human resources of the

Therefore human resources are managed and utilize in such a way

that, organizational objectives can be achieved.
The Human resource Managements, objectives may be influenced by
organizational, individual and social goals/objectives. The
organizational objectives consists of, to earn profit, growth and
expansion, to survive in the competition, stability and diversification
etc. These objectives can be achieved by human resources of the

Therefore human resources are managed and utilize in such a way

that, organizational objectives can be achieved. The primary objective
of HRM is to ensure the availability of competent and willing
workforce to the organization as well as to meet the needs,
aspirations, values and dignity of individuals/employees and having
due concern for the socio-economic problems of the community and
the country. HRM objectives are broadly classified into four
Societal Objectives: HRM is socially responsible for the needs,
demands and challenges of the society. All the resources must be
utilized for the benefit and in the interest of the society. HRM should
follow the rules and laws or legal restrictions imposed by the society.
It has to develop and maintain healthy relations between union and
Organizational Objectives: It consist of recognize the role and
importance of HRM to bring organizational effectiveness. HRM has
to prepare human resource planning, to recruit, select, place, induct,
train and develop the human resources, to arrange for performance
appraisal and to achieve the organizational objectives like to earn
profit, growth and expansion, survival, diversification etc.
Functional Objectives: It consists of to maintain the department’s
contribution at a level appropriate to the organization needs.
Departmental functions are carried out by the human resources. To
see the functions are performed in time or not.

Personal Objectives: It consist of to assist employees in achieving

their personal goals, such as, higher wages and salaries, job
satisfaction, better working conditions, standard working hours,
promotion, motivation, welfare facilities, social security and so on.
These objectives of employees must be met if workers are to be
maintained, retained and motivated. Otherwise employees may leave
the organization and join some other organization.

In general the objectives of HRM are as follows:

(1) To achieve the organizational goals by proper utilization of human
(2) To develop and maintain healthy working relationships among all
the employees and to adopt sound, desirable organization structure.
(3) To integrate individual and group goals within an organization.
(4) To create opportunities and facilities for individual or group
developments according to the growth and development of the
(5) To identify and satisfy individual and group needs, such as fair
wages and salaries, incentives, welfare facilities, social security,
prestige, recognition, security, status etc.
(6) To motivate the employees and keep their morale high.
(7) To develop and maintain healthy relations between management
and employees.
(8) To develop the human assets continuously through the training
and development programmes.
(9) To contribute in minimization of socio-economic evils such as
unemployment problems, in equal distribution of income and wealth.
More employment opportunities for women etc.
(10) To provide an opportunity to employees to participate in
(11) To provide desirable leadership and lead the working groups.
(12) To provide healthy hygienic working conditions to the
(13) To retain the workforce by maintaining stability of employment.

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