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``Department of Education, University of the People


University of the People

Dr. Christine McLaughlin

November 12, 2022


“Diversity is everything that makes people different from each other. This includes many

different factors: race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, ability, age,

religious belief, or political conviction. All these factors work together to inform how students

and teachers, and everyone else encounter the world.” (Kampen, 2020). The aim of this paper is

to address the diversity that exists in an observed elementary environment located in the United

Arab Emirates and identify ways in which teaching and learning can be influenced through


Profile of School

The school that I observed is an American Curriculum School located in the United Arab

Emirates that was established in 2005. It has almost 1,800+ students, 143 teachers, and 30

teaching assistants. “The school offers a wide range of courses but the major emphasis is on

Reading, Language, Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Arabic (for native and non-

native speakers) and Islamic Education (for Muslim students only).” (, 2022). It hosts

over 25 different nationalities and cultural backgrounds from grades K-12. It “provides a

Western education within a context that respects local traditions, to encourage academic

excellence, to implement an inclusive learning environment that accepts students of all ability

levels and provides for their needs, and to build personalities that embrace 21st-century learning

skills and show interest in the important issues of the global community.” (,


The main language of instruction is English but students are also taught in Arabic. The

community embraces and nurtures cultural diversity and has a diversified learning community

where all members of staff work in harmony, collaboration, and respect to achieve their common

goals as well as to support each other’s needs. (, 2022). Students and teachers come

from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds such as the Middle East, New Zealand, Germany,

China, the USA, South Africa, Italy, Ireland, Canada, Jamaica, Brazil, India, Trinidad & Tobago.

Students speak different languages such as Arabic, English, Spanish, Hindi, German, and

Mandarin. There are also a variety of religious groups such as Christianity, Hinduism,

Buddhism, and Muslim. Students are also of different genders and have different learning styles

and ability levels.

Aspect of Diversity
In the classrooms, students are from different racial, ethnic, religious, and linguistic

backgrounds. They also have different learning styles, different levels of motivation, and

different opinions about the world around them. (Flanigan, 2018). When we think about

diversity in the classroom, racial and ethnic diversity is the first thing that comes to our minds.

Race is the physical characteristics, such as the color of a person's skin, and ethnicity is the

cultural and linguistic identity of a family's nation of origin. Students may face issues such as

segregation, and racial discrimination, which may influence how they perceive themselves and

those who are different from them. Teachers can provide support for culturally and racially

diverse students by selecting materials and experiences that represent a wide variety of central

figures with assorted points of view. Other elements of diversity include gender and

socioeconomic differences. For example, some educators believe that boys should be

encouraged to study math and science, while girls are encouraged to study literature and art.

Teachers should, therefore, be cautious of any biases that might influence student success.

The learning environment may also be affected in a variety of ways by students’ socioeconomic

differences. For example, students who are from poor backgrounds may have less access to

education. Social class also affects prior experiences. For example, a child with limited resources

may become creative and use available resources to create toys and tools, while a child who

belongs to an affluent family may have more access to travel, museums, and other experiences. It

also affects the way in which students dress, school supplies, and after-school activities.

Teachers should build a sense of community in the classroom in order to close the achievement

gap. (Gray, 2021). Children also come from different religious backgrounds so teachers should

honor each student’s religious beliefs and practices. Teachers have to understand that sometimes

students’ behavior is directly affected by their religious beliefs (e.g., dietary restrictions, staying

home for a religious holiday). and that sometimes they may have trouble understanding that the

religious beliefs they were raised to believe may not fit in with the beliefs and lifestyles of their

peers. (Flanigan, 2018)

How Teaching and Learning in Diverse Classrooms Can be Influenced Through Stem

“Culturally responsive and inclusive education has benefits for all students. In addition to

creating greater multicultural awareness and inclusion that helps students with different

backgrounds and needs succeed, it also encourages acceptance and helps prepare the students for

the exponentially diverse world we live in. Diversity in and outside of the school will continue

to grow, so it’s vital we prepare students to thrive in an evolving world and embrace those with

different ideas and backgrounds. As our society becomes more diverse and multicultural, it is

critical that teachers incorporate culturally responsive instruction in their schools — whether

they are teaching elementary school, middle school, or high school students.” (Ginny’s Planet,


According to Ginny’s Planet (2022), diverse education exposes students to different social

groups and prepares them to become better citizens. They become more empathetic, open-

minded, confident, and safe and are better prepared for a diverse workplace and work culture.

Teachers have the responsibility of teaching their students a variety of skills, which will make

them understand the importance of diversity at a younger age as well as make them members of

an inclusive society.

International schools can influence the teaching and learning of students from different

diversities in many ways as students will learn to accept other cultures and not discriminate

against people who are different from them. In STEM classrooms, teachers can differentiate

lessons and deliver content using a variety of strategies. In order to promote inclusion as well as

accommodate the different learning styles of students teachers should eliminate any

preconceptions and treat all students with equity. Teachers can promote STEM in a diverse

classroom by using the strategies outlined by Smalls (2022):

● Students should be surrounded by images of successful STEM professionals so that

they’ll grow up knowing they too can become successful.

● Classrooms should provide opportunities for students to learn other perspectives in an

inclusive environment. Students’ ideas should be valued and respected, and not

dismissed as being naive or idealistic.

● Students should be provided with experiences that demonstrate topics that are being

discussed and then leverage those experiences to make learning come alive.

● Recognize unconscious biases and understand how their own educational experiences

have impacted the way you teach STEM subjects. Acknowledge the lack of diversity in

science. and highlight the opportunities and possibilities that exist. Ensure that girls are

able to see potential in working in STEM fields.

Teachers can also use differentiated instruction to engage different types of learners. This means

presenting knowledge and instructions differently either to different groups or in a variety of

ways. Teachers might have to explain the activity to the whole class and then provide a practical

demonstration or distributing written instructions which is then briefly explained. Teachers can

also use ‘Scaffolding’ to help students through a task. This is when students are provided with

instruction that supports their learning needs and encourages them to become independent

learners. This can be done through visual aids, guided notes, discussing difficult vocabulary

before presenting a new text, or offering a pre-planned study guide to assist with revision.

(Engage, 2020).

In accommodating the diverse learners, teachers can also use the strategies as outlined by

Teemant (2014):

● Change the organization of classrooms.

● Improve the quality of learning activities

● Create a culture of recognition that respects all learners.


In International schools, teachers encounter a diverse group of students who are from different

racial, ethnic, religious, and linguistic backgrounds. They also have different learning styles,

different levels of motivation, and different opinions about the world around them. Teachers

should promote diversity through STEM so that students will be able to learn about other

cultures and accept other people’s perspectives regardless of their differences. STEM should not

be based on gender but should be accessible to all students.


7, (2022). Sharjah American International School, Dubai

Engage, (2020). Teaching Different Learners In The Same Class. https://engage-
Flanigan, E. (2018). Types of Diversity in the Classroom.

Ginny’s Planet, (2022). How To Promote Diversity In Schools

GoGuardian Team, (2019). Diversity in K-12 Classrooms

Kampden, M. (2020). 7 Ways to Support Diversity in the Classroom [With


Smalls, J. (2022). 4 Ways to Make STEM Classrooms More Inclusive, (2020). Sharjah American International School, Sharjah Campus United Arab

Teemant, A. (2014). Tailoring STEM instruction for diverse learners: What matters most?

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