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Parameters and Circuit Definition

To design the schematic of Ring Switch, pick up your desired components

and draw the following circuit diagram.
After designing the schematic diagram, it's time to define all the parameters
needed to analyze the circuit.

To define the parameters, go to Analysis > Setup.

In Setup window, go to Parameters and define all the variables as shown

below :
Also in Setup window, click on Main and enter the following Spice
".option usemkl = 0" as shown below :

and then click OK button.

Similarly, click on Transient and define the parameters as shown below :

Now it's time to define all the values of individual components, double click on DC
voltage source Vdd and set the voltage value, 5V. Similarly, set the value of Vi = 2V.

OptGain1 parameters :
Ring-Filter parameters :

Ring-Modulator parameters :
Voltage Source 'VfilterIn' parameters :

Bit Generator parameters :

Set the resistors value to 50 Ohm.

Now, finally we are going to modify the model files. Double click on ring_
modulator and modify the model file according to the following diagrams :
Follow the same procedure for photo diode :

After defining all the parameters, it's time to analyze the circuit, go to
Analysis and then click Run. It will take some time.

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