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Different types of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research are of four types such as

 Descriptive Research Design

 Correlational Research Design

 Experimental Research Design

 Quasi-Experimental Research Design

Descriptive Research Design

The current status of variables at a given period of time and space .It is designed to s


Children spend their Summer vacations in playing with their friends ,with kites,with alot

of practical activities but In this century Children’s preferred Mobiles Phone,Video Games , Tik

tok etc..

Correlational Research Design

It measures relation between two or more variables.


Intelligence directly related to self esteem

Experimental Research Design

A scientific and systematic method of research, researcher has a strong control over

variables,He/she manipulates independent variables to see it’s effect on dependent variables.


Corona is spread all over the world. all the scientists of the world, inside the laboratory are

using different medicines on Corona samples to see the effect of different medicines of the

removal of disease.

Here medicines is Independent variable which manipulates the effect on Corona the dependent


Quasi-Experimental Research Design

It is used to observe and analyse systematically the effect of a particular treatment on a

particular population. It is quite resemble to true experimental design.


If we are watching emotional scene and getting sad or something tears come out.

So as we know that action is not real but your reaction is real so it’s is quasi experimental design

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