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Human Capital Management Dipartimento di Economia e Management

Course Study Guide

Final Version: the document includes all the parts of the course.
The guide indicates the chapters and paragraphs of the book “Human Resource management, Global Edition”, 16th Edition, by Gary Dessler, that
have to be studied to prepare for the course’s exam.

The indication “No” or “no” in correspondence with paragraphs or sub-paragraphs indicates that the parts have not to be studied.

The indication “All” indicates that the paragraph has to be studied in all its parts.

The chapters of the book not included in the chapters’ list are not part of the exam program.

Chapter Paragraphs Sub-paragraphs detail

1 Introduction to Human What is Human Resources management Why is HRM important to all managers (only the paragraph “Improving pro t
Resource and performance)

Line and sta aspects of HRM

Line managers HRM responsibilities

The HR Department

Paragraphs from “The trends shaping human No

resources management” on

3 HRM Strategy and The strategic management process No


Strategic HRM What is SHRM?

Sustainability and SHRM - no

SHRM Tools - no

HR Metrics, benchmarking and data Benchmarking

analytics Strategy based metrics

What are HR audits? - no

Trends shaping HR: Digital and social media - no

Trends shaping HR: Science in talent management - no

High performance Work systems All

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Human Capital Management Dipartimento di Economia e Management

Chapter Paragraphs Sub-paragraphs detail

Employee engagement guide for managers: No

Employee engagement and performance

4 Job Analysis and Talent Talent management process No

Management Process

The basics of job analysis All

Conducting a Job analysis Step 1: Identify the use

Step 2: review relevant background information

Work ow Analysis

Boosting Productivity Through Work redesign - no

Business process Reengineering - no

Job Redesign - no

Step 3: Select Representative Positions

Step 4: Actually Analyse the Job

Step 5: Verify the Job Analysis Information

Step 6: Develop a Job Description and Job Speci cation

Methods for collecting job analysis The interview

Information Questionnaires

From Observations on - no

Writing job descriptions Diversity counts - no

Job identi cation

Job summary

Responsibilities and duties

Know your employment law - no

Standards of performance and working conditions - no

Improving performance: HR tools for line managers and small businesses

Writing job speci cations Speci cation for Trained and experienced vs. Untrained unexperienced

Speci cation based on employer judgement

Speci cation based on statistical analysis - no

The Job Requirement Matrix

Employee engagement as a JS speci cation. - no

Using competency models No

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Chapter Paragraphs Sub-paragraphs detail

5. Personal planning and Introduction All


Workforce planning and forecasting Strategy and workforce planning

Forecasting personnel needs (From Trend Analysis on - no)

Forecasting the supply of internal candidates (Markov Analysis - no)

Forecasting the supply of outside candidates - no

From “Predictive Workforce monitoring on - no

Why e ective recruiting is important Improving recruitment e ectiveness

The recruiting held pyramid

Know your employment law - no

Internal sources of candidates All

Employee engagement guide for managers All

Outside sources of candidates Informal recruiting and the hidden job market - no

Recruiting via the internet

Using recruiting software and arti cial intelligence - no

LinkedIn and beyond

Advertising - no

Employment agencies (only privater agencies)

Recruitment Process Outsourcers - no

On-demand recruiting services - no

HR and the GIG economy: temporary workers and alternative sta ng - no

Know your employment law - no

O shoring and Outsourcing Jobs - no

Executive recruiters

From Improving performance: HR tools for line managers and small business
on - no

Recruiting a more diverse workforce No

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Chapter Paragraphs Sub-paragraphs detail

Developing and using application forms Purpose

Application guidelines - no

Know your employment law - no

Using application form to predict job performance

Mandatory arbitration - no

Building your management skills: the human side of recruiting

6. Emplyee testing and Why employee selection is important All


The basics of testing and selecting Reliability

employees Validity (In general: no Criterion, Content and Construct validity)

From Evidence based HR: how to validate a test on - no

Types of tests Tests of cognitive abilities

Tests of motor and physical abilities

Measuring personality and interests

From “Improving performance through HRIS …” on - no

Work samples and simulations Using work sampling for employee selection

Situational judgment tests

Management Assessment Centers

Situational testing and video based situational testing - no

The miniature job training and evaluation approach - no

Realistic job preview

From Choosing a a selection method on - no

Background investigations and other No

selection methods

7. Interviewing candidates Basic types of interviews Structured vs. Unstructured

Interview content (What Types of Questions to ask)

Other Types o questions - no

How should we conduct an interview - no

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Chapter Paragraphs Sub-paragraphs detail

Avoiding errors that can undermine an First Impressions

interview’s usefulness Not clarifying What the Job Requires

Candidate Order

Non Verbal Behaviour

Impression Management

E ect of personal characteristics - no

Diversity counts - no

How to design and conduct an e ective No


Employee engagement guide for managers No

Developing and extending the job o er No

8. Training and Development Orienting and onboarding new employees All

Employee engagement guide for managers: All

onboarding at Toyota

Overview of the training process

Know your employment law - no

Aligning strategy and training

Note: Study the topic about Competency The ADDIE ve steps training process

Models in the document Analysing the training needs

“1.2_Competencies_Slides_Notes” Competency pro les and models - no insert reference to the Slides on
competencies to study in place of book’s paragraph

Designing the training program

Developing the program

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Human Capital Management Dipartimento di Economia e Management

Chapter Paragraphs Sub-paragraphs detail

Implementing the training program On the job training

Apprenticeship training - no

Informal learning - no

Job Instruction training - no

Programmed learning

Behaviour modelling

Audio-visual based training - no

Vestibul training - no

EPSS - no

Videoconferencing - no

Computer based Training - no

Online/Internet based training

Mobile and micro learning - no

Diversity counts - no

Lifelong and literacy training techniques - no

Team training - no

Implementing management development Strategy’s role in management development

programs Candidate assessment and the 9 box grid - no

Managerial on the job training and rotation

O the job training and development techniques (except Role playing,

Executive coaches, The SHRM Learning system)

Leadership development at Cigna

Characteristics of e ective leadership development programs - no

Managing organisational change No

Evaluating the training e ort Designing the study - no

Training e ects to measure

9 Performance Management Basics of performance appraisal All

and Appraisal

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Chapter Paragraphs Sub-paragraphs detail

Traditional tools for appraising the Graphic rating scale method

performance Alternation ranking method - no

Paired comparison method - no

Forced distribution method - no

Critical incident method

Narrative forms

Behavioural anchored rating scales

Management by objectives

Appraisal in practice: using forms, installed software, or cloud based systems -


Electronic performance monitoring - no

Conversation days

Using multiple methods

Trends shaping HR: customised talent management - no

HR and the gig economy: rating Uber drivers - no

Dealing with rater error appraisal problems No

Managing the appraisal interview All the paragraphs except “How to handle a written warning”

Employee engagement guide for managers No

Performance management Total quality management and performance appraisal - no

What is performance management?

From Performance management in action on - no

10 Managing Career and Career management Career today - no

Retention The psychological contract - no

The employee’s role in career management

The employer’s role in career management

Employer career management methods

Career management integration with succession planning - no

Diversity counts

The manager as a mentor and coach

Employee engagement guide for mangers All

Managing employee turn over and retention All paragraphs except “Job withdrawal”

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Chapter Paragraphs Sub-paragraphs detail

Employee life-cycle career management Making promotion decisions

Diversity counts: the gender gap

Managing transfers

Managing retirements

Managing dismissals No

11 Establishing Strategic Pay Basic factors in determining pay rates Aligning total rewards with strategy

Plans Equity and its impact on pay rates

Legal considerations in compensation and following paragraphs - no

Job Evaluation Methods Job Ranking

Job Classi cation - no

Job Points (see also Fig. 11-5 Illustrative Point Values and Degree De nitions
for the factor Job Complexity pg. 401)

How to create a market competitive pay plan No

Pricing managerial and professional jobs No

Contemporary topics in compensation No

Employee Engagement guide for managers All

12 - Pay for performance and Money’s role in motivation Incentive pay terminology

nancial incentives Linking strategy, performance and incentive pay

Motivation and Incentives

Individual employee incentive and Piecework - no

recognition programs Merit pay as an incentive

Incentives for professional employees - no

Non nancial and recognition based awards

Improving performance: HR tools for line managers and small business

Job design - no

Incentives for sales people Commission Plan

Combination plan

Maximizing sales results - no

Sales Incentive in action - no

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Chapter Paragraphs Sub-paragraphs detail

Incentives for managers and executives No

Team and organisation-wide incentives plans All except Scanlon plans

Employee Engagement guide for managers No

13 Bene ts and Services Introduction All

Pay for time not worked No

Insurance Bene ts Only the paragraph “Wellness Programs” pag. 468

Retirement bene ts No

Personal services and family-friendly bene ts All

Flexible bene ts programs No

Employee Engagement guide for managers No

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